I am new to Android development and I have originally set my graphics for the user to drag using SetImageResource. However later in development it does not have methods I required so I ended up using SetImageDrawable later on for dragging images and placing them in new spots.
What are the core differences between these two? I have been looking online and am still uncertain on these key differences and how they will affect my program.
Example of how I set the images originally on the view using setImageResource:
case 'J':
if (tempFlip[9]) {
} else {
temp[9] = symbolTilesID[k];
tempFlip[9] = true;
Then how I have it set in OnDragListener using setImageDrawable:
target = GameBoardImages[ImageNumber]; //Spot getting dragged to
dragged = (ImageView) myDragEvent.getLocalState(); //Dragging item
target_draw = target.getDrawable();
dragged_draw = dragged.getDrawable();
The method setImageResource() takes in a drawable resource ID (which is an int).
PRO: You are passing in an integer, which is very small in terms of memory. If there are several method calls before your call to setImageResource(), they can easily pass around this int with no memory issues.
CON: Because you are passing in an integer, the setImageResource() method must perform Bitmap reading and decoding in order to display the image. The method performs this on the UI thread, which could cause a 'latency hiccup' depending on the size of the image and the processing power of the device. This would result in your user seeing a lag or funny behavior on the screen as the image is processed.
The method setImageDrawable() takes in the actual Drawable object.
PRO: You already have the actual Drawable, so there is no need to process this data in order to display it. For this method you won't see the latency issues on screen.
CON: The drawback here is that you might end up passing a drawable around between other methods in order to have access to it to make the setImageDrawable() method call. Passing around Drawable objects a lot isn't a great idea, as they can be large.
I am designing an Android application targeting >= API 17. I have created a class, DownloadImageTask which extends AsyncTask, and receives a string (URL) and an ImageView as arguments. In it, I am opening an HTTP connection, downloading an image from a URL, and using BitmapFactory to create a Bitmap object from the data, then setting the bitmap to the ImageView. The end result is a populated list of data which is available to the user to scroll through, with images populating as they can.
This appears to be a good design on the surface - but I am concerned that I am putting my app at risk for an OOM condition, or other violation of the user experience rules. I'd like to know if the way I've designed this is correct, or if not, how I should approach this.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Two considerations to your own approach:
You shouldn't pass the ImageView to the async task because in that way you are coupling your view and your service layer. So send to the async task the URL, and onPostExecute method call to Activity which implement an updateView (or the like) method.
About your OOM, you are right. The problem might arise if you use the original bitmaps which could have larger resolution than required. Therefore you should scale down the images you keep in memory.
The last issue might not be difficult if you use a few images otherwise could be problematic. So if you will be working with a lot of images and you are not forced to implement your own version, you should have a look to the existing libraries. Some are already mentioned:
I have an object that overwrites the Application object. In it, I have a member variable which is a LongSparseArray where the key is some identifier of type long and the value is an object with 2 member variables: a Bitmap and a long which is used as a timestamp.
This is my global image cache. Occasionally, a function is ran that looks at the timestamps and ages things that are over an hour old.
By "age" I mean that it removes that entire entry from the LongSparseArray.
Here is my question:
Suppose I have an Activity with a ListView. Each row in the ListView has an ImageView that is populated with an image from the cache.
Bitmap image = ((MyApp)getApplicationContext()).getImage(id);
Now, suppose the user clicks some button which takes them to a new Activity. While on this new Activity, the image previously assigned to a row in the ListView in the previous Activity ages.
So, to recap, that Bitmap key/value entry now no longer exists in the global LongSparseArray.
Is that Bitmap really able to be reclaimed by Java? Isn't it still being referred to by the ImageView in the ListView of the previous Activity? Assuming, of course, that Android hasn't reclaimed the memory used by that Activity.
The reason I'm asking about this is my previous aging function would also call .Recycle() on the Bitmap. In this scenario, when the user hit the back button and returned to the previous Activity which was using that Bitmap, the application would crash, presumably because that Bitmap was not only missing from the cache, but also from memory. So I just removed the .Recycle() call.
By the way, once the Bitmap is removed from the cache, and an object with that id shows up on screen again, the application will download the Bitmap again and place it in the cache. If the previous one stayed in memory, you could see how this would present a problem.
Also, does anyone have any ideas for a more effective solution?
What would happen if I set myImageView.setDrawingCacheEnabled(false);?
There are 2 Activities which use this image caching. One is a search screen that displays a list of items (and their images) after the user performs a search. The other is a list of those items the user has then selected to keep.
Issue: Once recycle() method is called on a bitmap, the bitmap should never be used again. If an attempt is made to draw the bitmap, then an exception will be thrown. From docs:
You should use recycle() only when you are sure that the bitmap is no
longer being used. If you call recycle() and later attempt to draw the
bitmap, you will get the error: "Canvas: trying to use a recycled
In this specific case, you have recycled the bitmap, but the ListView item's ImageView has a strong reference to the bitmap. When you return to the Activity, the ListView item attempts to draw the bitmap, hence the exception is thrown.
Bitmap memory management: Prior to Android 2.3.3, the backing pixel data of a bitmap was stored in native memory and bitmap itself in Dalvik memory. Hence to release the native memory, recycle method has to be called.
Here is Bitmap.recycle function definition:
public void recycle() {
if (!mRecycled) {
if (nativeRecycle(mNativeBitmap)) {
// return value indicates whether native pixel object was actually recycled.
// false indicates that it is still in use at the native level and these
// objects should not be collected now. They will be collected later when the
// Bitmap itself is collected.
mBuffer = null;
mNinePatchChunk = null;
mRecycled = true;
Post Android 3.0, the backing pixel data is also stored in Dalvik memory. When the bitmap is no longer required, we need to ensure we don't hold any strong reference to the bitmap, so that it is garbage collected.
Solution: If you are still supporting Android 2.3.3 and lower version, you still need to use recycle to release the bitmap.
You can use reference counting to track whether the bitmap is currently being referenced by the ListView item, so that even it is aged, you don't call recycle on the bitmap.
ListView adapater's getView method is the place where the bitmap is assigned to the ImageView. Here you increment the reference count. You can attach setRecyclerListener to the ListView to know whenever the listview item is put into recycle bin. This is the place you would decrement the reference count of the bitmap. The aging function need to recycle the bitmap only if the reference count is zero.
You can also consider using LruCache for caching, as mentioned in docs.
setDrawingCacheEnabled: By calling this method with true param, the next call to getDrawingCache will draw the view to a bitmap. The bitmap version of view can be rendered on to the screen. Since it is just a bitmap, we cannot interact with it as done with an actual view. Couple of use cases are:
When ListView is being scrolled, the bitmap of the displayed items view is captured and rendered. So that the views being scrolled don't undergo measure and layout pass.
View hierarchy feature in DDMS.
Is that Bitmap really able to be reclaimed by Java? Isn't it still
being referred to by the ImageView in the ListView of the previous
Activity? Assuming, of course, that Android hasn't reclaimed the
memory used by that Activity.
The Bitmap is stilled used in the ListView (a strong reference) so dalvik can't reclaim its memory.
Apparently you can't call recycle on the Bitmap or bad things will happen(app crash, e.g.).
What would happen if I set myImageView.setDrawingCacheEnabled(false);?
If you disable drawing cache, every time your view needs to be redrawn, the onDraw method will be called.I'm not very familiar with ImageView , you can go and read its source for a deep understanding.
(Note: the usage of drawing cache is different when hardware accerleration is enabled/disabled, here I just assume you're using software rendering).
For the solution, you can try the following:
when the Bitmap cache become stale, you remove it from the cache array(and then you app will try to get a new one, I think).
In ListView.getView, you can check whether currently used Bitmap ages. It should be easy because you know the timestamp when you call setImageBitmap the first time and the latest timestamp. If they are not same, you call setImageBitmap again using the new Bitmap and the old one will be reclaimed.
Wish this helps.
Regarding, "Also, does anyone have any ideas for a more effective solution?"
The Picasso library would help solve the problems you are facing http://square.github.io/picasso/
Picasso is "A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android"
"Many common pitfalls of image loading on Android are handled automatically by Picasso:
Handling ImageView recycling and download cancelation in an adapter.
Automatic memory and disk caching."
First I create a new bitmap
Bitmap image = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(Game.panel.context.getResources(),R.drawable.dinofront)
Then I stretch the image, after this I check if the bitmap is null, it is not
image = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(image, Game.tileWidth, Game.tileHeight, false);
Later in the draw() method, before I do anything with the bitmap, I check again and it is now null. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Is there anything special I have to do that I am missing?
Full classes: http://pastebin.com/t95MVvv0
I can think of two possible reasons:
It may simply be that the image variable may be changed by other part of your code
Thread synchronization - remember that codes may not be executed in the order specified in the Java source code, but can be reorder as the JVM deemed fit, which includes assigning the instance variable before the constructor is run. This is especially likely when you are doing extremely time consuming Bitmap op within the constructor, and I assume your object creation code is on a different thread than your drawing code. To check for this possibility you can declare a volatile boolean variable that is only set to true when the constructor is finished, and check its value within your draw() method
Wow I feel stupid. Because there is the image for the class and the image that is brought in with the constructor when I call image = Bitmap.create... it is only setting the constructor's image not this.image so if I change it to this.image =... it all works fine
When I use ListView the getView() method is called many times. Every time when the getView() is called i load the image with Asyc task. I mean every time i reset the image which is annoying.
How to understand when to load the image?
You should cache loaded images, by storing i.e. on SD card, so once you got a copy there, no need to download it again. There's lot of ready-to-use classes that can do the job for you, like:
you must must have two flags.
One which says if you've already loaded the image, if true you do nothing.
One which says if you're currently loading the image, if true you do nothing.
The members will also help you on maintaining the state of the image.
Your code should look something like this:
private boolean isLoading = false;
private boolean hasLoaded = false;
isLoading = true;
//do async load
//on positive completition callback set hasLoaded to true
//on negative completition callback set isLoading to false
One of the best solution is to create image cache using the WeakReference. This way you can keep images in memory and only need load from server when they are not in memory. In this method the image would be removed from the memory when system encounter low memory situation. So your current activity would always keep the hard reference to the bitmap's required and the image cache would keep the weak reference to the bitmap's.
below reference links will help you
the Volley library (made by google) has a very intuitive class for an imageView that can have a url , called "NetworkImageView" .
you should check it out and watch the video, since they show that it's quite annoying to do it using asyncTask (plus the asyncTask is known to have a limit of tasks, about 255 or so) .
for setting the url, just use setImageUrl .
it has some useful methods for the phases of loading too: setDefaultImageResId , setErrorImageResId.
it's also supposed to have built in caching mechanism of some sort, but i haven't read much about it, so you might want to check out their samples.
this will remove the need to use asyncTasks for the listView's items.
one of my questions regarding the volley includes a sample code , here .
You can add a caching layer and optionally preloading the images. A good strategy for caching Images (Bitmap objects to be exact) is to use a strategy called LRU or least recently used.
Android support library has a class called LruCache that implements this strategy. So for example, when you download/load the image for the first time, you stick it into the cache. later, you can first check if it's already in cache and load it from there.
For preloading, A good rule of thumb is to preload the previous ten and the next ten items.
I have an application that uses a flip-book style animation with thousands of images. APK size isn't an issue due to it being an internal only application that will never be put on any app store.
The issue I am having is my animator is a sub-classed ImageView that switches out images at 15 frames per second and each time I call setImageURI Garbage Collection then runs. So is there an alternative method to setImageURI that wont cause Garbage Collection to be run?
Edit: A little more background information.
My app has ~12 sequences and 6 of them contain 1609 Images and different events need to be called at certain frames. Another need is for the user to be able to stop on any frame to survey the situation and either preform an action or continue down the sequence. A 3D engine would have been the ideal solution but this method was brought up as the user doesn't need complete freedom and is on a "rail" the entire time.
This is the meat of the application and where the problem occurs
try {
((BitmapDrawable) getDrawable()).getBitmap().recycle();
} catch (Exception e) {
The Garbage Collector is running because you're exchanging one image for another which dumps the previous. It's going to happen every time you lose references to the images.
Here are a couple possible methods to consider.
Since you mentioned it's a flipbook, build and assign an AnimationDrawable to the ImageView which will act as a frame-by-frame animation (exactly what a flipbook is). This loads all the images at once and will keep them around until you lose a reference to the AnimationDrawable.
Store all the images as SoftReferences to cache the images. A SoftReference will keep the object in memory until memory is needed to be collected. This will slow the frequency of the garbage collector (assuming this is the cause). Use BitmapFractory to build the image and setImageBitmap to assign it to the ImageView. The other advantage of this is it allows you to build images on threads before you assign it to the ImageView.
Maybe it's because your Image need to much memory, and the android need call the GB to free more mem trying to avoid crashing your program