Android aar publish to Artifacotry through TeamCity - android

Currently we are using TeamCity for continuous integration and I have configured my Android library to build with TeamCity. I can upload my aar to Artifactory manualy by executing gradle assembleRelease artifactoryPublish command.
Is it possible to publish my library aar file to Artifactory repository from the TeamCity?

Assuming you already have builds running on TeamCity:
On TeamCity go to your Project Settings then Build Configurations, Select the build configuration that runs when ever TeamCity runs.
Inside that Build Configuration select Build Step: Gradle, then click the Add Build Step Button.
Select Gradle from the drop down menu.
Give it sensible name e.g. "Publish artifact"
Add your task names in:
Click Save
Then run your TeamCity build like you usually would.

TeamCity runs Gradle tasks. Just use the assembleRelease artifactoryPublish tasks in TeamCity.


re-sync Gradle using Command line

Im building script that will change some info in gradle flavors dynamic and then build apk Using gradlew assemble' + $UsableProjectName + 'Release
Now my problem is the new flavor i have added is not seen by gradle yet or in the project index files, so i need to click on gradle sync to be able to recognise it and run successful build.
I have tried :
gradlew --recompile-scripts
gradlew assemble
But after running both of them i still cant see the new flavor until i do manual sync from the android studio.
Is there away to sync the gradle using command line ?
It shall work without doing gradle sync.
do run command 'gradlew tasks' to see list of 'Build Tasks'; new flavor shall be listed as 'assembleflavor1' or 'assembleflavor2'.

Configure Bamboo for Android Gradle based Project

I am trying to setup Bamboo for my Gradle build system based Android Project.
I have done the following setup on Bamboo.I'm done with rest of all setup upto project repository path.
I want to run the following tasks using gradlew for android
clean assembleDebug LintDebug
For that I have created new task called Gradle Wrapper.
Below is the Gradle Wrapper Configuration
When I am executing gradle wrapper task, I am getting the following error.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot find executable 'D:\AndroidDemo\gradle-2.10\bin\gradlew.bat'
Note :- Standalone Gradle is working fine on local machine with all the tasks(clean assembleDebug LintDebug)
Gradle_Home = D:\AndroidDemo\gradle-2.10\bin(Local machine)
Can anyone suggest a solution for the same?
I also had some initial difficulties to set up Bamboo to build an Android project using Gradle.
First of all, make sure that you have the Gradle wrapper (gradlew) in your repo. (Seemingly that's the situation in your case). It seems to me, however the Gradle wrapper ignores the system default Gradle distribution (set by the GRADLE_HOME env var), and always downloads a Gradle version mandated by the Android Build tools.
Also make sure, that the Android SDK root environment variable (ANDROID_HOME or ANDROID_SDK_ROOT) is pointing to the SDK's root directory (e.g. $ export ANDROID_HOME="/opt/android-sdk/")[1].
Restart Bamboo after applying the environment variable changes.
In Bamboo, in the build tasks lists, add a new Script task. The interpreter should be '/bin/sh or cmd.exe', the script location should be 'inline', and the script body should contain the call for the parametrized Gradle wrapper, e.g.
gradlew clean build
Point the working subdirectory to the Gradle wrapper's relative location (to the repo root), if necessary.
[Sample Bamboo Android Gradle build script]
After these steps, Bamboo should execute the Gradle wrapper, which in fact should perform the actual build steps.

android studio use sync project with gradle files action

I want to use sync project with gradle file in command line but I dont know how to do
like this :
It besides do ./gradlew build also do other things
For example, in a file is written to a local library name android-test
than in settings.gradle read this file and call include ":${android-test}" .if I use AS sync project with gradle files button,AS can load
module to project , but when I run ./gradlew build, it doesn't work.
But I have developed a plugins, and I want to use this action, so how to call this function ?
Building and syncing from the command line is really simple. In the root of your project you can invoke the gradle wrapper's build command with
./gradlew build
To get a list of all available build tasks for your project:
./gradlew tasks
"./gradlew build" and "./gradlew tasks" in the path of your project.
more commands and steps here:
The action id is Android.SyncProject, so you can call it in your plugin:
You can find it in android-plugin.xml, maybe line 161.
Also in, line 36 you can find its text.

Android Studio how to run gradle sync manually?

I'm debugging Gradle issues in Android Studio and see references to "Run gradle sync", but I'm not sure how to run this command.
How do I run "Gradle sync" from Android studio or Mac terminal?
Android studio should have this button in the toolbar marked "Sync project with Gradle Files"
EDIT: I don't know when it was changed but it now looks like this:
EDIT: This is what it looks like on 3.3.1
OR by going to File -> Sync Project with Gradle Files from the menubar.
WARNING: --recompile-scripts command has been deprecated since gradle's version 5.0.
To check your gradle version, run gradle -v.
./gradlew --recompile-scripts
it will do a sync without building anything.
Alternatively, with command line in your root project
./gradlew build
It will sync and build your app, and take longer than just a Gradle sync
To see all available gradle task, use ./gradlew tasks
In Android Studio 3.3 it is here:
According to the answer in Android Studio 3.1 it is here:
This command is moved to File > Sync Project with Gradle Files.
Keyboard shortcut lovers can add a shortcut for running gradle sync manually by going to File -> Settings -> Keymap -> Plugins -> Android Support -> Sync Project with gradle files (Right click on it to add keyboard shortcut) -> Apply -> OK and you are done. Choose any convenient key as your gradle sync shortcut which doesnot conflict with any other shortcut key, (I have choosen Shift + 5 as my gradle sync key), so next when you want to run gradle sync manually just press this keyboard shortcut key.
I presume it is referring to Tools > Android > "Sync Project with Gradle Files" from the Android Studio main menu.
gradle --recompile-scripts
seems to do a sync without building anything.
you can enable automatic building by
gradle --recompile-scripts --continuous
Please refer the docs for more info:
Shortcut (Ubuntu, Windows):
Ctrl + F5
Will sync the project with Gradle files.
I think ./gradlew tasks is same with Android studio sync. Why? I will explain it.
I meet a problem when I test jacoco coverage report. When I run ./gradlew clean :Test:testDebugUnitTest in command line directly , error appear.
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : build/tmp/expandedArchives/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.2.jar_5bdiis3s7lm1rcnv0gawjjfxc/jacocoagent.jar
However, if I click android studio sync firstly , it runs OK. Because the build/../jacocoagent.jar appear naturally.
I dont know why, maybe there is bug in jacoco plugin. Unit I find running .gradlew tasks makes the jar appear as well. So I can get the same result in gralde script.
Besides, gradle --recompile-scripts does not work for the problem.
I have a trouble may proof gradlew clean is not equal to ADT build clean. And Now I am struggling to get it fixed.
Here is what I got:
I set a configProductID=11111 from my, from my build.gradle, I add
resValue "string", "ProductID", configProductID
If I do a build clean from ADT, the resource R.string.ProductID can be generated. Then I can do bellow command successfully.
gradlew assembleDebug
But, as I am trying to setup build server, I don't want help from ADT IDE, so I need to avoid using ADT build clean. Here comes my problem.
Now I change my resource name from "ProductID" to "myProductID", I do:
gradlew clean
I get error
PS D:\work\wctposdemo> .\gradlew.bat clean
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file 'D:\work\wctposdemo\app\build.gradle'
* What went wrong:
Could not compile build file 'D:\work\wctposdemo\app\build.gradle'.
> startup failed:
General error during semantic analysis: Unsupported class file major version 57
If I try with:
.\gradlew.bat --recompile-scripts
I just get error of
Unknown command-line option '--recompile-scripts'.
Anyone wants to use command line to sync projects with gradle files, please note:
Since Gradle 5.0,
The --recompile-scripts command-line option has been removed.
From terminal:
gradle prepareKotlinBuildScriptModel
NOTE: you can see what android studio is doing by inspecting the "Build" tab. There will be difference windows inside there. One should be "Sync"

Android build variants on

I currently have an Android project using gradle and integrated with which has different productFlavors and buildTypes. When the "connectedCheck" task is then executed on, it tries to package all build variants (all combinations of flavors and types). Some of them fail as the release builds need password input which I can't automate at the moment. Is there a way to tell to build and test only a certain build variant of an Android project?
Say you only want to run the product flavor Trial and the build type Debug.
Instead of running ./gradlew assemble connectedCheck, which is similar to what you're doing, run this instead:
./gradlew assembleTrialDebug connectedCheckTrialDebug
So here's how I made it work:
Run a connectedAndroidTest<productFlavor><buildType> task instead of connectedCheck.
Also set the assemble task in the install section of the .travis.yml:
install: - TERM=dumb ./gradlew -s assemble<productFlavor><buildType>

