Using Publishing api in android to publish apk from android device - android

i want to create an android app which will allow to publish apk from my android device. i searched regarding Publishing API and referred publishing-api but it states that it is possible through Java app. I want to implement it in my android app. Is it possible to do that? Can i use publishing-api in android application?
Thank you.

An example on how to use the publishing api can be found here:
This code can easily ported to android, just add the
compile '' dependency to your app and it should download all the required depenencies.
As Android apps also use Java you can basicaly just copy/paste the sample code and modifly it to your needs.


I want to build google assistant on my android application

i want to build ai speaker to use google assistant on android app not android things.
may be i think i will use grcp because python not execute on android app.
Is there any way I can use Google Assistant already installed in my mobile phone ?
my cellphone already has a google assistant !!
Commit b790b0b puts everything into a single class, making it easier to integrate into other Android devices.
Kindly check the below link.

Libgdx robovm ios bindings for IAP

I want to implement ios In app purchase in my libgdx game. Im using Android studio
I'm searching for robovm ios bindings, but only that I found is , but this bindings are deprecated. On suggested link there isn't any binding for ios IAP.
Is there any other working binding for this purpose?
Can I use (and how) this deprecated BlueRiverInteractive binding in my Android Studio project?
I don't want to use gdx-pay because I don't want to change my android part of my game (I already have implemented android in app purchase for google play store)
Any help would be appreciated
RoboVM has now a new RoboPod called Robo.Billing which allows you to implement cross-platform in app purchases in your app:
There is no documentation yet, but you can take a look at the sample app:
Take a look at the the core project of the sample. You can do all in app purchasing in the core project, you do not need to change any code in your iOS project.
If you also want to let Robo.Billing handle Android IAPs you will have to implement some code in onActivityResult or your launch activity (just check the android project of the sample).
Also don't forget to add the necessary dependencies to your build.gradle:
core: compile "org.robovm:robopods-billing-core:1.13.1-SNAPSHOT"
ios: compile "org.robovm:robopods-billing-ios:1.13.1-SNAPSHOT"
android: compile "org.robovm:robopods-billing-android:1.13.1-SNAPSHOT"

how to include client libraries in 2nd android application generated by GAE Backend for the 1st android app

I have successfully developed an android application with Google App Engine as the Backend. Now I want to develop 2nd android application and want to connect it to the same App Engine of the 1st App. In short. 2 android applications with same App Engine at the backend hence common datastore.
Could not find the detailed and satisfactory answer, please provide the answer in detail. Thanks
I am assuming that the first Android application connects to the App Engine backend using a REST APIo r in general a Web Service. That is the recommended route and you should be able to use the same API in your second Android Application too !
Do give more details if this is not what you were looking for.
Surprisingly, the Eclipse plug-in doesn't really support this - it will only automatically copy the generated client files into a single project.
Fortunately, there are some (manual) solutions that are discussed here:
How to move Cloud Endpoints generated sources.jar library into Android project

Is there a programmatic way to update an android app on the android market?

Are there any web service APIs available that allow the developer to upload a new build of their android app without having to manually use the android market developer GUI? I would like to configure my one click build system to also deploy to the market if possible.
You could automate this e.g. with a recorded and parameterized selenium script.
This capability doesn't exist currently.

Change apk made with app inventor using Eclipse (SDK)

I made an application using App Inventor and now I want to add Admob advertising to it. I need to change manifest and some "activity".
How I could open apk in Eclipse to cahnge it? If someone added admob advertising to application made in app inventor?
Please, help
I think that this isn't possible, because an apk doesn't contain source files but compiled bytecode files. So if you would want to edit such a project in eclipse, you would have to obtain the sourcecode of your app, which isn't possible in App Inventor AFAIK.
If you want to have full control over your source code, you should consider learning to program natively on android.
If you are really interested in android development, check out the official Android Developer's Guide at .
A good tutorial can also be found at .

