How to access other apps data for a backup application? - android

I'm very new to android developing, and I'm making a project in my university for an app that backs up every other application's data to cloud. So in order to do this, I have to access it. Is it possible? And is there a way to do this without rooting the device?

The app that you want to create as backup use content provider in that app for insert,add, create, delete the data.That app work like a database for you.
For second app fetch the data from the first app.
use this link.


Using Room Database, How to I update new data after the app is launched?

I am using Room database. After I launch my pre-populated app to play store how do I update the data for all devices without them having to update the app? The users will not be the ones adding the data...that will be me.
The only way would be to have the source in a central location, perhaps on a server which is checked by the App (perhaps whenever the App is run, perhaps whenever navigating to the Activity or Fragment, perhaps on demand). The central source data could then be refreshed/re-loaded from the centralised location
Perhaps consider Firebase as the source.

Android-How can i attach SQLite database in python app

So i am writing a python3 app with kivy and i want to have some data stored in a database using sqlite.
The user needs to have access to that data from the first time he opens the app
Is there a way to possibly make it so that when i launch the app, the user that downloads it, will already have the data i stored, like distribute the database along with the app? so that i don't have to create it for every user.
I have searched here and there but haven't found an answer yet
Thank you in advance
Just include the database file in the apk, as you would any other file.

Import DataBase from another app

I am learning content provider. Now I can get the data base values from one app to another app using of Content provider. Now I want to get entire database from one app to another app.
Now my try is get the value form A app and store that in B app. But the problem is A app having more than 100 tables. So that I decided to get the entire database from A app to B app. Is it possible to get the database from A app and import to B app?
Thanks in Advance.
On an un-rooted device? No (sandbox). From the application level? No (sandbox again). From adb on an rooted device? Yes.
Any usecase that might need to utilize such functionality? I highly doubt it. Well, maybe if one lost his signing key and tries to rescue the live data from the old app within the new one. Or just trying to be evil by stealing data for blackmailing purposes.
But even if you manage the database, sometimes ContentProviders are more then just a layer around the database (see ContactProvider for example). So even if you have the tables they might be useless unless you also have the provider logic.

Android Importing exporting sqlite data

So my idea is that i want to make it easy for people to convert over to my android app from someone else's. It seems as though i can import data into my database, correct me if i'm wrong, from a file. However, how can i (or another app available on the market) retreive the data from an app so that they (the user) can move it?
As far as I understand, you want to extract data from an app and use it with you app, isn't it?
That depends os how the app has the data stored, and almost all apps have the data stored in a way that you can't access it if you app don't have permissions to access it, and if that app don't offers a way of getting the data, you will need root permissions to access it, and for that the device must be rooted.
All that assuming that the data is on the device. Right now there are apps that save the data on internet, so you have to connect to the server the app connects and, using the same credentials to log in that the original app does, log and retrieve the data, and for retrieving the data you will need to use the same calls that the original app does. This is not good because at anytime the server calls needed to login or retrieve data can change and your app will be broken.
In other words, is impossible to access other app data in a normal way if that app don't have an API for your app to retrieve data.
Also if the app have an option to export data, then the user can export the data to a file in a common format so your app can open it.

Is android SQ LITE file will be accessible to another user

I am a new bee in android platform and creating an application.I Need to save few data in to database and shared between two application.The data I am using for licensing, so my question is Is it possible to others to copy my data base from 'data/data/pack_name/database_name' and put it into a new device?. Any suggestion will be appreciated.
I don't think it is possible for application B to copy application A data without explicit permission of application B. We have content providers specifically for the purpose of sharing data between application. But you can always try this out by creating and application and trying to access it's data from another application.
If the device is rooted then I believe it is possible for another application to copy your data.

