i'm making a program on android : the user has to push on an animated button to make the button invisible and increase score. But, while testing, the animated button is disabled during animation : the animation is perfectly done but we can't use animated button during animation. I've searched answers but i haven't found.
MainActivity :
Public int score = 0;
Public Button button1 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button1);
Public Animation anim1 = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.translate_up);
button1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Translate_up, XML animation :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"android:shareInterpolator="false">
Sorry for my bad English, i hope you understand me.
Thanks !
The button itself is actually working on it's original position. So although it looks like your button is sliding to the top, you can still click on the empty space in it's original position and trigger the onClick event.
I am afraid an animation won't work here. If it is a game then you should create a gameloop and update the position of your views (e.g. your button) in the gameloop method.
<rotate xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
final Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context , R.anim.rotation);
imageButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Hi, I have this code with an onclick set up that would start rotating the button on click and stop if the button is clicked again.. however, only first click that starts the animation is working here. Animation just resets on clicking the button when animation is running.
Tried it in combination with animation.reset().
You create a new Animation object every time you click on the button. Try initializing it outside of the onClick function and just handle the checking if it is currently running inside the onClick.
I am developing android application and i am trying to apply some roll effect from top of screen for popup window but don't know how to achieve but currently i am adding some other animation effect
this is my popup window function code
private void loadingPopup() {
LayoutInflater inflater = getActivity().getLayoutInflater();
final View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.profile_popup, null);
final PopupWindow windows = new PopupWindow(layout , 450,650,true);
layout.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
windows.showAtLocation(layout, Gravity.TOP, 0, 0);
name = (TextView)layout.findViewById(R.id.name);
profilepicture =(ImageView)layout.findViewById(R.id.profileimage);
String sname = profilelistdb.get(0).get("pname");
String imagename = profilelistdb.get(0).get("pimage");
String totalurl = imageurl+imagename;
imageLoader1.DisplayImage(totalurl, profilepicture);
btnClosePopup = (Button) layout.findViewById(R.id.btn_close_popup);
btnClosePopup.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
This is Style.xml
<style name="AnimationPopup">
<item name="#android:windowEnterAnimation">#anim/appear</item>
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:shareInterpolator="false" >
<translate xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:fromYDelta="50%p" android:toYDelta="0%p"
My Requirement:-
My Popup window should come from top with roll kind of thing and whenever user click close button it should hide popup with reverse roll effect could you please help me how to achieve this.
If you don't understand about what i am trying to say about roll
just check this link and see 30 seconds
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSHVSswMUng this is what exactly i need.
You could use this library. It's for View Animations in android, and works very well. And then use this:
Or experiment with it yourself, to see what looks the best.
Edit: Not sure how to achieve that particular roll-effect that you have in mind now that I see a video of it, but if you can't find it, I'm sure you'll find something in this library that will look good. Good luck.
I have two images which I want to fade between causing a glowing on and off effect. This should run all the time like an animation, not just when the button is pressed.
Here are the two images:
This was working well before but after some hardware/android OS updates my animation is really jumpy. Here is the Animation XML I was using:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<animation-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >
<item android:drawable="#drawable/bottom_bar_add_dark"/>
<item android:drawable="#drawable/bottom_bar_add" android:duration="500" />
I have looked high and low and cannot find an answer to this.
Here is the code that creates the image view and sets all its resources:
public ImageView findDevicesButton(){
bottomButton = new ImageView(this);
int id = bottomButton.generateViewId();
if(currentapiVersion >= 11){
//Background image
saveButtonAnimation = (AnimationDrawable)bottomButton.getDrawable();
bottomButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v) {
bottomButton.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
bottomButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v) {
return bottomButton;
This is the back background image:
All together it should look like this with the center button glowing:
I have a button which basically changes the TextView every time it is clicked. Is it possible to associate an animation with this? I have looked at things such as a 3D flip but they seem a little too advanced for me. Any simpler suggestions?
final Button button1 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button1);
final TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.text_random_text);
button1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
I suggest you to take a look at the Android webPage. http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/animation/AnimationUtils.html
the class AnimationUtils helps you to load and Animation Pattern from your xml folder, you can for example make a "fadein" animation, you should dafür create an xml datei, name it for example "fadein.xml" it should be like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:toAlpha="1.0" >
with this you are just telling your android device, that this animation should variates the alpha value (also the transparence) of your view, from 0 to 1, making your view visible, the "duration" parameter is just how any milliseconds will take to execute this animation.
How can I trigger animations on individual views when switching activities?
I.e. if the user clicks a button to go to the next page, I'd like some of my views to fly off screen, and have the background crossfade into the next screen, instead of having the whole screen be animated as one piece.
Is this possible? And if so, how should it be done? (I'm using the most recent API, 4.1, and it doesn't have to be backwards compatible)
EDIT: Currently, doing the transition-in animation is working fine by calling it in onResume(), but when I press back, the activity switches faster than any animations started in onPause() so that makes me think there's a better way/place to do this.
Overriding onResume() works fine, but onPause/onStop don't wait for
the animation to complete before moving to the next screen.
What ever starts the event ex. button click would need to start the animations before start activity is called.
button.setOnClickListener(new ViewOnClickListener() {
void onClick(... {
// start animations
// wait till they are finished
// start activity
Since every event that starts a new activity is going to have animation code I would also recommend moving it into some sort of helper class to avoid having duplicate code all over the place. ex.
button1.setOnClickListener(new ViewOnClickListener() {
void onClick(... {
helper.AnimateViews(/* probably pass activity or context */);
// start activity
button2.setOnClickListener(new ViewOnClickListener() {
void onClick(... {
helper.animateViews(/* probably pass activity or context */);
// start activity
public class ViewAnimiationHelper {
public void animateViews(Activity activity) {
// find all views if not found then don't animate them
View view1 = activity.findViewById(R.id.view1);
if(view1 != null) {
// animate view
View view2 = activity.findViewById(R.id.view1);
if(view2 != null) {
// animate view
This is all sudo java code but hopefully enough for you to get the idea. Good luck!
You can set up animations (like slide) when you switch between activities like this :
In the res folder, create an anim folder
For example, put two xml files for slide.
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<translate android:fromXDelta="100%" android:toXDelta="0%"
android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="0%"
<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:fromXDelta="100%" android:toXDelta="0%"
android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="0%"
android:duration="200" />
Then on your java code just write this :
Intent i = new Intent(YourActivity.this, OtherActivity.class);
overridePendingTransition(R.anim.slide_in, R.anim.slide_out);
If you are testing that on a real device, don't forget to allow it to play animations (Settings -> Display -> Animations -> All Animation)
Hope it helps !:)