Thumbnail path from video in Android - android

I have this path of video in android - file:///storage/emulated/0/Images/nature.mp4 and I want to get the path of the bitmap of the thumbnail extracted from the video and not the bitmap object itself so that I can load the thumbnail using picasso library like for the images url
I've looked at the similar question on the site but it wasn't clear enough for my case.


How to just download a image by picasso library?

I'm using picasso library to download images from URL.What I need is just download the stream not a bitmap, but there is no such method in it.Is it true?
There is :
Picasso.with(this).load(URL_LONG).get(); // return bitmap
Sometimes there are some large images from URL.I need to handle them before displaying for avoiding out of memory.So I cannot load them into bitmap immediately.This is the reason i need the stream.
There is already a feature to provide what you need in Picasso Library. You can actually scale the image when you stream it. Check out this SOF Question.

Load the images from the Gallery into gridview

This LazyLoading library helps me to load the images from the internet. Can i use this library to load the images from the gallery.
imageLoader.DisplayImage(url, image);
What should i send the argurment to display the image from the gallery
Note I'm having the path of the images in the ArrayList
Imp Note : I'm also having the ArrayList of byteArray (one byte array resembles to one image). So then how can i use the library
Edit I encrypted some images from the gallery and stored in SDCard and i need to display the encrypted images in my app(I know the path of the encrypted images) Encryption is done in Byte[] level.
Please suggest me. ThankYou
Can i use this library to load the images from the gallery?
Gallery itself a application which is showing images from your local folder. So if you have a local image you can show it by its path in your App.
You just need to add file in your image path to make path as URI.
String URL = "file:///mnt/sdcard/image.png"; // from SD card

How to load image from SD card using Picasso library

i need to load images from the Sd card into gridview.
For efficiency i'm using Picasso Library
.resize(96, 96).centerCrop().into(viewHolder.image);
I used the following code in the adapter. unfortunately m unable to see any images
so please can any one help.
And also can anyone suggest any efficient image loading library to load the images from the sd card.
I dont to load the image every time when scrolling. If it is already loaded dont load the image on scrolling
To load the file you need to convert it to a uri first
Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(new File(images.get(position).getDataPath()));
.resize(96, 96).centerCrop().into(viewHolder.image);
Requirement I dont to load the image every time when scrolling. If it
is already loaded dont load the image on scrolling
Picasso is excellent for this
In Picasso version 2.5.2, you need to pass a File as argument to load method, so the image can be loaded as:
Picasso.with(context).load(new File(images.get(position).getDataPath()))
.resize(96, 96).centerCrop().into(viewHolder.image);
I didn't want to create a new File because if the path was already obtained from an existing file, there is no need for a new object (want to see the already existing picture in the device).
According to Picasso docs you have to do something like this:
So I used to have:
Prepending: file:// did the trick

Set wallpaper from external storage

So I've got my image gallery project all set up with images saved online and not within the application. It works great. But what I want to do is get the facility to set the image as a wallpaper.
I've got the image to download and save in the external storage as packagename.jpg
Everywhere I've searched for examples on how to set the wallpaper all seem to be based on the image being within the application.
Anyone have any pointers on how to use wallpapermanger to set an image from external storage as the wallpaper?
You need to first retrieve the file from the SDCard and decode the image into a Bitmap using BitmapFactory then you can set the bitmap using WallpaperManager's setBitmap() method.
File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "/directory/yourimage.jpg");
WallpaperManager wallpaperManager = WallpaperManager.getInstance(getBaseContext());
Bitmap myBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath());

Android : How to get images from webserver(mysql) with relative-path?

I already know how to use PHP+MySQL to get the URL path of image and turn it to a bitmap in android. But now I want to get the images from another way. If the image is stored by relative-path in MySQL, how can I turn it to a bitmap?
Are there any tutorials or demos?

