convert gregorian Date to hijri date is back wrong days - android

I want to convert from Gregorian to Hijri(Islamic) date and I use this class
the problem is islamic month's days is <29 , 30 , 29 , 30 else
but this class month's days is < 30, 29, 30, 29 else
any body can help fix this?
import java.util.Calendar;
* Gregorian-Hijri Dates Converter
* This Code is used to convert Gregorian dates to Hijri Dates
public class DateHigri {
static double gmod(double n,double m) {
return ((n % m) + m) % m;
static double[] kuwaiticalendar(boolean adjust) {
Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
int adj=0;
if (adjust) {
int adjustmili = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * adj;
long todaymili = today.getTimeInMillis() + adjustmili;
double day = today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
double month = today.get(Calendar.MONTH);
double year = today.get(Calendar.YEAR);
double m = month + 1;
double y = year;
if (m < 3) {
y -= 1;
m += 12;
double a = Math.floor(y / 100.);
double b = 2 - a + Math.floor(a / 4.);
if (y < 1583)
b = 0;
if (y == 1582) {
if (m > 10)
b = -10;
if (m == 10) {
b = 0;
if (day > 4)
b = -10;
double jd = Math.floor(365.25 * (y + 4716)) + Math.floor(30.6001 * (m + 1)) + day
+ b - 1524;
b = 0;
if (jd > 2299160) {
a = Math.floor((jd - 1867216.25) / 36524.25);
b = 1 + a - Math.floor(a / 4.);
double bb = jd + b + 1524;
double cc = Math.floor((bb - 122.1) / 365.25);
double dd = Math.floor(365.25 * cc);
double ee = Math.floor((bb - dd) / 30.6001);
day = (bb - dd) - Math.floor(30.6001 * ee);
month = ee - 1;
if (ee > 13) {
cc += 1;
month = ee - 13;
year = cc - 4716;
double wd = gmod(jd + 1, 7) + 1;
double iyear = 10631. / 30.;
double epochastro = 1948084;
double epochcivil = 1948085;
double shift1 = 8.01 / 60.;
double z = jd - epochastro;
double cyc = Math.floor(z / 10631.);
z = z - 10631 * cyc;
double j = Math.floor((z - shift1) / iyear);
double iy = 30 * cyc + j;
z = z - Math.floor(j * iyear + shift1);
double im = Math.floor((z + 28.5001) / 29.5);
if (im == 13)
im = 12;
double id = z - Math.floor(29.5001 * im - 29);
double[] myRes = new double[8];
myRes[0] = day; // calculated day (CE)
myRes[1] = month - 1; // calculated month (CE)
myRes[2] = year; // calculated year (CE)
myRes[3] = jd - 1; // julian day number
myRes[4] = wd - 1; // weekday number
myRes[5] = id; // islamic date
myRes[6] = im - 1; // islamic month
myRes[7] = iy; // islamic year
return myRes;
static String writeIslamicDate() {
String[] wdNames = {"Ahad", "Ithnin", "Thulatha", "Arbaa", "Khams",
"Jumuah", "Sabt"};
String[] iMonthNames = {"Muharram", "Safar", "Rabi'ul Awwal",
"Rabi'ul Akhir", "Jumadal Ula", "Jumadal Akhira", "Rajab",
"Sha'ban", "Ramadan", "Shawwal", "Dhul Qa'ada", "Dhul Hijja"};
// This Value is used to give the correct day +- 1 day
boolean dayTest=true;
double[] iDate = kuwaiticalendar(dayTest);
String outputIslamicDate = wdNames[(int) iDate[4]] + ", " + iDate[5] + " "
+ iMonthNames[(int) iDate[6]] + " " + iDate[7] + " AH";
return outputIslamicDate;


interpolate a given array to be in new lenght

in order to interpolate 2 values, I can use
lerp(int a, int b) {
return (a + b) / 2;
Now imagine I've an array(1, 30, 100, 300) and I want to interpolate it to array in size N (N=10 for example).
If N == 7, then:
I've no idea how to interpolate 4 values to be 10. I need a method that looks like:
interpolate(fina int[] input, final int newSize) {
int[] res = new int[newSize];
return res;
that works even on my example above with newSize of 7, 10 or whatever.
Any idea how to implement it?
public static double[] interpolate(double[] x, int newLength) {
double[] y = null;
if (newLength > 0) {
int N = x.length;
if (N == 1) {
y = new double[1];
y[0] = x[0];
return y;
} else if (newLength == 1) {
y = new double[1];
int ind = (int) Math.floor(N * 0.5 + 0.5);
ind = Math.max(1, ind);
ind = Math.min(ind, N);
y[0] = x[ind - 1];
return y;
} else {
y = new double[newLength];
double Beta = ((double) newLength) / N;
double newBeta = 1.0;
if (newLength > 2)
newBeta = (N - 2.0) / (newLength - 2.0);
y[0] = x[0];
y[1] = x[1];
y[newLength - 1] = x[N - 1];
double tmp, alpha;
int i, j;
for (i = 2; i <= newLength - 2; i++) {
tmp = 1.0 + (i - 1) * newBeta;
j = (int) Math.floor(tmp);
alpha = tmp - j;
y[i] = (1.0 - alpha) * x[Math.max(0, j)] + alpha * x[Math.min(N - 1, j + 1)];
return y;
* Find the maximum of all elements in the array, ignoring elements that are NaN.
* #param data
* #return
public static double max(double[] data) {
double max = Double.NaN;
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (Double.isNaN(data[i]))
if (Double.isNaN(max) || data[i] > max)
max = data[i];
return max;
public static int max(int[] data) {
int max = data[0];
for (int i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i] > max)
max = data[i];
return max;

Google Map blink in Android TV when open for long time

I have android TV app which will run for long time .And I have google map inside that but after 20-24 hours google map starts blinking. Following link contains video of issue.
I can't share the whole source code, but I am using two fragments. One fragment contains map and another contains a listview of images. I call a webservice every 10 seconds and update listview images and bound map with locations I get in response of web service.
if ( map!=null) {
if (activity.ambDetailList.size() > 0) {
int i;
double dist, currentLat = 0.0, currentLng = 0.0;
String ETA, SPEED;
Marker marker;
for (i = 0; i < activity.ambDetailList.size(); i++) {
ambulanceDetail = activity.ambDetailList.get(i);
dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ambulanceDetail.getCurrentLat() - ambulanceDetail.getDestLat(), 2) + Math.pow(ambulanceDetail.getCurrentLng() - ambulanceDetail.getDestLng(), 2));
double minute = ((dist * 100) / (ambulanceDetail.getSpeed() * 60 / 1000));
double speed = ambulanceDetail.getSpeed() * 60 * 60 / 1000;
Log.i("Minute", "----->>>>" + minute);
if (speed >= 0.00 && speed <= 1.00) {
ETA = activity.getResources().getString(R.string.text_infinity);
SPEED = activity.getResources().getString(R.string.text_infinity);
} else if (minute > 60) {
double hour = minute / 60;
int roundHour = (int) (minute / 60);
int min = (int) ((hour - roundHour) * 60);
ETA = roundHour + " hour " + min + " min";
SPEED = (int) (ambulanceDetail.getSpeed() * 60 * 60 / 1000) + " km/h ";
} else {
ETA = (int) (minute) + " min ";
SPEED = (int) (ambulanceDetail.getSpeed() * 60 * 60 / 1000) + " km/h ";
if (markerList.get(ambulanceDetail.getAmbulanceId()) == null) {
MarkerOptions markerOptions = createMarker(ambulanceDetail);
marker = map.addMarker(markerOptions);
markerList.put(ambulanceDetail.getAmbulanceId(), marker);
detailMap.put(marker, ambulanceDetail);
} else {
marker = markerList.get(ambulanceDetail.getAmbulanceId());
if (marker.isVisible()) {
Location location = new Location("");
marker.setPosition(new LatLng(ambulanceDetail.getCurrentLat(), ambulanceDetail.getCurrentLng()));
ArrayList<Integer> listId = new ArrayList<>();
for (int m = 0; m < activity.ambDetailList.size(); m++) {
for (int k = 0; k < markerArrayList.size(); k++) {
Marker m = markerArrayList.get(k);
if (!listId.contains(detailMap.get(m).getAmbulanceId())) {
if (markerList.size() == 1 && activity.ambDetailList.size() == 1) {
map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(markerList.get(activity.ambDetailList.get(0).getAmbulanceId()).getPosition(), 16));
} else {
if (isFirstCall) {
isFirstCall = false;
} else {
if (markerArrayList.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < markerArrayList.size(); i++) {
Marker marker = markerArrayList.get(i);
if (detailMap.size() > 0)
Anyway, you can restart application (or if that didn't helps - reboot device) before map starts blinking, for example after 15 hours of work (or e.g. 500 calls of web service):
Intent restartIntent = getBaseContext().getPackageManager()
.getLaunchIntentForPackage( getBaseContext().getPackageName() );

How can i repeat for-loop after a fixed limit over?

I have a for-loop code:
outputStream = new FileOutputStream("/sdcard/output1.txt");
Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream);
Point point;
for (int i = 48; i <= 66; i++)
point = landmarks.get(i);
int pointX = (int) (point.x * resizeRatio);
int pointY = (int) (point.y * resizeRatio);
Log.d(TAG, "My points:(" + pointX + "," + pointY + ")");
point = landmarks.get(i + 1);
int pointXX = (int) (point.x * resizeRatio);
int pointYY = (int) (point.y * resizeRatio);
canvas.drawLine(pointX, pointY, pointXX, pointYY,mFaceLandmardkPaint);
String h = ",";
String j = ",";
In this i need to start from 48 limit after the first 66 limit gets over.How can i again starts from 48th limit???
use recursion.
create a method to execute your forloop and at the end of loop call the method again.
and to break the loop store a temp variable to do the count ex.
if(i==65&& temp<2){
Try following code :
for(int j=0; j<2; j++){
for (int i = 48; i <= 66; i++)
if(j == 0){
point = landmarks.get(i);
int pointX = (int) (point.x * resizeRatio);
int pointY = (int) (point.y * resizeRatio);
Log.d(TAG, "My points:(" + pointX + "," + pointY + ")");
point = landmarks.get(i + 1);
int pointXX = (int) (point.x * resizeRatio);
int pointYY = (int) (point.y * resizeRatio);
canvas.drawLine(pointX, pointY, pointXX, pointYY,mFaceLandmardkPaint);
String h = ",";
String j = ",";
// do your stuff

Gregorian to Hijri (Islamic) date

Is there any way or library in Android to convert Gregorian date to Hijri(Islamic) one? I found some Java libraries such as Joda Time but I need something which works in Android.
I found this but I didn't test it yet
public class DateHijri {
static double gmod(double n, double m) {
return ((n % m) + m) % m;
static double[] kuwaiticalendar(boolean adjust) {
Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
int adj = 0;
if (adjust) {
adj = 0;
} else {
adj = 1;
if (adjust) {
int adjustmili = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * adj;
long todaymili = today.getTimeInMillis() + adjustmili;
double day = today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
double month = today.get(Calendar.MONTH);
double year = today.get(Calendar.YEAR);
double m = month + 1;
double y = year;
if (m < 3) {
y -= 1;
m += 12;
double a = Math.floor(y / 100.);
double b = 2 - a + Math.floor(a / 4.);
if (y < 1583)
b = 0;
if (y == 1582) {
if (m > 10)
b = -10;
if (m == 10) {
b = 0;
if (day > 4)
b = -10;
double jd = Math.floor(365.25 * (y + 4716))
+ Math.floor(30.6001 * (m + 1)) + day + b - 1524;
b = 0;
if (jd > 2299160) {
a = Math.floor((jd - 1867216.25) / 36524.25);
b = 1 + a - Math.floor(a / 4.);
double bb = jd + b + 1524;
double cc = Math.floor((bb - 122.1) / 365.25);
double dd = Math.floor(365.25 * cc);
double ee = Math.floor((bb - dd) / 30.6001);
day = (bb - dd) - Math.floor(30.6001 * ee);
month = ee - 1;
if (ee > 13) {
cc += 1;
month = ee - 13;
year = cc - 4716;
double wd = gmod(jd + 1, 7) + 1;
double iyear = 10631. / 30.;
double epochastro = 1948084;
double epochcivil = 1948085;
double shift1 = 8.01 / 60.;
double z = jd - epochastro;
double cyc = Math.floor(z / 10631.);
z = z - 10631 * cyc;
double j = Math.floor((z - shift1) / iyear);
double iy = 30 * cyc + j;
z = z - Math.floor(j * iyear + shift1);
double im = Math.floor((z + 28.5001) / 29.5);
if (im == 13)
im = 12;
double id = z - Math.floor(29.5001 * im - 29);
double[] myRes = new double[8];
myRes[0] = day; // calculated day (CE)
myRes[1] = month - 1; // calculated month (CE)
myRes[2] = year; // calculated year (CE)
myRes[3] = jd - 1; // julian day number
myRes[4] = wd - 1; // weekday number
myRes[5] = id; // islamic date
myRes[6] = im - 1; // islamic month
myRes[7] = iy; // islamic year
return myRes;
static String writeIslamicDate() {
String[] wdNames = { "Ahad", "Ithnin", "Thulatha", "Arbaa", "Khams",
"Jumuah", "Sabt" };
String[] iMonthNames = { "Muharram", "Safar", "Rabi'ul Awwal",
"Rabi'ul Akhir", "Jumadal Ula", "Jumadal Akhira", "Rajab",
"Sha'ban", "Ramadan", "Shawwal", "Dhul Qa'ada", "Dhul Hijja" };
// This Value is used to give the correct day +- 1 day
boolean dayTest = true;
double[] iDate = kuwaiticalendar(dayTest);
String outputIslamicDate = wdNames[(int) iDate[4]] + ", " + iDate[5]
+ " " + iMonthNames[(int) iDate[6]] + " " + iDate[7] + " AH";
return outputIslamicDate;
You can use this Class in your Project (Hope it helps) :
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
public class PersianDate {
public String todayShamsi()
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
String curentDateandTime = sdf.format(new Date());
String year = curentDateandTime.substring(0, 4);
String month = curentDateandTime.substring(4, 6);
String day = curentDateandTime.substring(6, 8);
int Y = Integer.valueOf(year);
int M = Integer.valueOf(month);
int D = Integer.valueOf(day);
return Shamsi(Y, M, D);
public static String Shamsi(int Y, int M, int D)
if (Y == 0)
Y = 2000;
if (Y < 100)
Y = Y + 1900;
if (Y == 2000)
if (M > 2)
SimpleDateFormat temp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
String curentDateandTime = temp.format(new Date());
String year = curentDateandTime.substring(0, 4);
String month = curentDateandTime.substring(4, 6);
String day = curentDateandTime.substring(6, 8);
Y = Integer.valueOf(year);
M = Integer.valueOf(month);
D = Integer.valueOf(day);
if (M < 3 || (M == 3 && D < 21))
Y -= 622;
else Y -= 621;
switch (M)
case 1: if (D < 21)
M = 10;
D = D + 10;
M = 11;
D -= 20;
case 2: if (D < 20)
M = 11;
D = D + 11;
M = 12;
D -= 19;
case 3:
if (D < 21)
M = 12;
D = D + 9;
M = 1;
D -= 20;
case 4:
if (D < 21)
M = 1;
D = D + 11;
M = 2; D = D - 20;
case 5:
if (D < 22)
M = M - 3;
D = D + 10;
M = M - 2;
D = D - 21;
case 6:
if (D < 22)
M = M - 3;
D = D + 10;
M = M - 2;
D = D - 21;
case 7:
if (D < 23)
M = M - 3;
D = D + 9;
M = M - 2;
D = D - 22;
case 8:
if (D < 23)
M = M - 3;
D = D + 9;
M = M - 2;
D = D - 22;
case 9:
if (D < 23)
M = M - 3;
D = D + 9;
M = M - 2;
D = D - 22;
case 10:
if (D < 23)
M = 7;
D = D + 8;
M = 8;
D = D - 22;
case 11:
if (D < 22)
M = M - 3;
D = D + 9;
M = M - 2;
D = D - 21;
case 12:
if (D < 22)
M = M - 3;
D = D + 9;
M = M - 2;
D = D - 21;
String month = "00";
String day = "00";
//D = Integer.valueOf(D)+1;
if (M < 10)
month = "0" + M;
month = String.valueOf(M);
if (D < 10)
day = "0" + D;
day = String.valueOf(D);
return String.valueOf(Y) + "/" + month + "/" + day;

Android: How to shift pitch of output sound (realtime)

I'm new in Android development. I'm looking for any method that applies pitch shifting to output sound (in real-time). But I couldn't find any point to start.
I've found this topic but I still don't know how can I apply this.
Any suggestions?
In general, the algorithm is called a phase vocoder -- searching for that on the Internets should get you started.
There are a few open source phase vocoders out there, you should be able to use those for reference too.
You can do phase vocoder in real-time -- the main component used is the FFT, so you'll need a fast FFT. The Android libraries can do this for you, see this documentation:
As it happens, I'm about to release an open source FFT for ARM that is faster than Apple's vDSP library (which was hitherto the fastest). I'll post back in a few days when I've uploaded it to
Good luck.
There is no built-in pitch shifting algorithm in the Android SDK. You have to code your own. Pitch shifting is a real hardcore DSP algorithm; good sounding algorithms are results of many months or rather years of development...
I personally do not know any Java implementation so I suggest you to adopt some of the free C++ PS algorithms, the best one - which I use in my audio applications, is SoundTouch:
I played with its code a little and it seems it would not be too much complicated to rewrite it in Java.
public class AudioPitch{
//region Private Static Memebers
private static int MAX_FRAME_LENGTH = 8192;
private static double M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
private static float[] gInFIFO = new float[MAX_FRAME_LENGTH];
private static float[] gOutFIFO = new float[MAX_FRAME_LENGTH];
private static float[] gFFTworksp = new float[2 * MAX_FRAME_LENGTH];
private static float[] gLastPhase = new float[MAX_FRAME_LENGTH / 2 + 1];
private static float[] gSumPhase = new float[MAX_FRAME_LENGTH / 2 + 1];
private static float[] gOutputAccum = new float[2 * MAX_FRAME_LENGTH];
private static float[] gAnaFreq = new float[MAX_FRAME_LENGTH];
private static float[] gAnaMagn = new float[MAX_FRAME_LENGTH];
private static float[] gSynFreq = new float[MAX_FRAME_LENGTH];
private static float[] gSynMagn = new float[MAX_FRAME_LENGTH];
private static long gRover;
public static void PitchShift(float pitchShift, long numSampsToProcess, long fftFrameSize/*(long)2048*/, long osamp/*(long)10*/, float sampleRate, float[] indata)
double magn, phase, tmp, window, real, imag;
double freqPerBin, expct;
long i, k, qpd, index, inFifoLatency, stepSize, fftFrameSize2;
float[] outdata = indata;
/* set up some handy variables */
fftFrameSize2 = fftFrameSize / 2;
stepSize = fftFrameSize / osamp;
freqPerBin = sampleRate / (double)fftFrameSize;
expct = 2.0 * M_PI * (double)stepSize / (double)fftFrameSize;
inFifoLatency = fftFrameSize - stepSize;
if (gRover == 0) gRover = inFifoLatency;
/* main processing loop */
for (i = 0; i < numSampsToProcess; i++)
/* As long as we have not yet collected enough data just read in */
gInFIFO[(int) gRover] = indata[(int) i];
outdata[(int) i] = gOutFIFO[(int) (gRover - inFifoLatency)];
/* now we have enough data for processing */
if (gRover >= fftFrameSize)
gRover = inFifoLatency;
/* do windowing and re,im interleave */
for (k = 0; k < fftFrameSize; k++)
window = -.5 * Math.cos(2.0 * M_PI * (double)k / (double)fftFrameSize) + .5;
gFFTworksp[(int) (2 * k)] = (float)(gInFIFO[(int) k] * window);
gFFTworksp[(int) (2 * k + 1)] = 0.0F;
/* ***************** ANALYSIS ******************* */
/* do transform */
ShortTimeFourierTransform(gFFTworksp, fftFrameSize, -1);
/* this is the analysis step */
for (k = 0; k <= fftFrameSize2; k++)
/* de-interlace FFT buffer */
real = gFFTworksp[(int) (2 * k)];
imag = gFFTworksp[(int) (2 * k + 1)];
/* compute magnitude and phase */
magn = 2.0 * Math.sqrt(real * real + imag * imag);
phase = smbAtan2(imag, real);
/* compute phase difference */
tmp = phase - gLastPhase[(int) k];
gLastPhase[(int) k] = (float)phase;
/* subtract expected phase difference */
tmp -= (double)k * expct;
/* map delta phase into +/- Pi interval */
qpd = (long)(tmp / M_PI);
if (qpd >= 0) qpd += qpd & 1;
else qpd -= qpd & 1;
tmp -= M_PI * (double)qpd;
/* get deviation from bin frequency from the +/- Pi interval */
tmp = osamp * tmp / (2.0 * M_PI);
/* compute the k-th partials' true frequency */
tmp = (double)k * freqPerBin + tmp * freqPerBin;
/* store magnitude and true frequency in analysis arrays */
gAnaMagn[(int) k] = (float)magn;
gAnaFreq[(int) k] = (float)tmp;
/* ***************** PROCESSING ******************* */
/* this does the actual pitch shifting */
for (int zero = 0; zero < fftFrameSize; zero++)
gSynMagn[zero] = 0;
gSynFreq[zero] = 0;
for (k = 0; k <= fftFrameSize2; k++)
index = (long)(k * pitchShift);
if (index <= fftFrameSize2)
gSynMagn[(int) index] += gAnaMagn[(int) k];
gSynFreq[(int) index] = gAnaFreq[(int) k] * pitchShift;
/* ***************** SYNTHESIS ******************* */
/* this is the synthesis step */
for (k = 0; k <= fftFrameSize2; k++)
/* get magnitude and true frequency from synthesis arrays */
magn = gSynMagn[(int) k];
tmp = gSynFreq[(int) k];
/* subtract bin mid frequency */
tmp -= (double)k * freqPerBin;
/* get bin deviation from freq deviation */
tmp /= freqPerBin;
/* take osamp into account */
tmp = 2.0 * M_PI * tmp / osamp;
/* add the overlap phase advance back in */
tmp += (double)k * expct;
/* accumulate delta phase to get bin phase */
gSumPhase[(int) k] += (float)tmp;
phase = gSumPhase[(int) k];
/* get real and imag part and re-interleave */
gFFTworksp[(int) (2 * k)] = (float)(magn * Math.cos(phase));
gFFTworksp[(int) (2 * k + 1)] = (float)(magn * Math.sin(phase));
/* zero negative frequencies */
for (k = fftFrameSize + 2; k < 2 * fftFrameSize; k++) gFFTworksp[(int) k] = 0.0F;
/* do inverse transform */
ShortTimeFourierTransform(gFFTworksp, fftFrameSize, 1);
/* do windowing and add to output accumulator */
for (k = 0; k < fftFrameSize; k++)
window = -.5 * Math.cos(2.0 * M_PI * (double)k / (double)fftFrameSize) + .5;
gOutputAccum[(int) k] += (float)(2.0 * window * gFFTworksp[(int) (2 * k)] / (fftFrameSize2 * osamp));
for (k = 0; k < stepSize; k++) gOutFIFO[(int) k] = gOutputAccum[(int) k];
/* shift accumulator */
//memmove(gOutputAccum, gOutputAccum + stepSize, fftFrameSize * sizeof(float));
for (k = 0; k < fftFrameSize; k++)
gOutputAccum[(int) k] = gOutputAccum[(int) (k + stepSize)];
/* move input FIFO */
for (k = 0; k < inFifoLatency; k++) gInFIFO[(int) k] = gInFIFO[(int) (k + stepSize)];
//region Private Static Methods
public static void ShortTimeFourierTransform(float[] fftBuffer, long fftFrameSize, long sign)
float wr, wi, arg, temp;
float tr, ti, ur, ui;
long i, bitm, j, le, le2, k;
for (i = 2; i < 2 * fftFrameSize - 2; i += 2)
for (bitm = 2, j = 0; bitm < 2 * fftFrameSize; bitm <<= 1)
if ((i & bitm) != 0) j++;
j <<= 1;
if (i < j)
temp = fftBuffer[(int) i];
fftBuffer[(int) i] = fftBuffer[(int) j];
fftBuffer[(int) j] = temp;
temp = fftBuffer[(int) (i + 1)];
fftBuffer[(int) (i + 1)] = fftBuffer[(int) (j + 1)];
fftBuffer[(int) (j + 1)] = temp;
long max = (long)(Math.log(fftFrameSize) / Math.log(2.0) + .5);
for (k = 0, le = 2; k < max; k++)
le <<= 1;
le2 = le >> 1;
ur = 1.0F;
ui = 0.0F;
arg = (float)M_PI / (le2 >> 1);
wr = (float)Math.cos(arg);
wi = (float)(sign * Math.sin(arg));
for (j = 0; j < le2; j += 2)
for (i = j; i < 2 * fftFrameSize; i += le)
tr = fftBuffer[(int) (i + le2)] * ur - fftBuffer[(int) (i + le2 + 1)] * ui;
ti = fftBuffer[(int) (i + le2)] * ui + fftBuffer[(int) (i + le2 + 1)] * ur;
fftBuffer[(int) (i + le2)] = fftBuffer[(int) i] - tr;
fftBuffer[(int) (i + le2 + 1)] = fftBuffer[(int) (i + 1)] - ti;
fftBuffer[(int) i] += tr;
fftBuffer[(int) (i + 1)] += ti;
tr = ur * wr - ui * wi;
ui = ur * wi + ui * wr;
ur = tr;
private static double smbAtan2(double x, double y)
double signx;
if (x > 0.) signx = 1.;
else signx = -1.;
if (x == 0.) return 0.;
if (y == 0.) return signx * M_PI / 2.;
return Math.atan2(x, y);
this code working too but very consumption cpu usage.
pitchShift between 0.5 -2.0
call this class as below:
int maxValueOFShort = 32768;
short [] buffer = new short[800];
float[] inData = new float[buffer.length];
while (audiorackIsRun)
int m =, 0, buffer.length);
for(int n=0; n<buffer.length;n++)
inData[n] = buffer[n]/(float)maxValueOFShort;
AudioPitch.PitchShift(1, buffer.length, 4096, 4, 44100, inData);
for(int n=0; n<buffer.length;n++)
buffer[n] = (short)(inData[n]*maxValueOFShort);
player.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length);

