Android Studio Debugging does not demand for permission? - android

A small question: I am trying to debug my App, developing in Android Studio, with my Smartphone. I have listed several uses-permission in my manifest. But when I debug the app, the smartphone does not ask me for the permission to use the permissions... will I nevertheless have access to my "uses-permission" permissions? If not, how can I debug it :D

Runtime permissions are a new thing on Android. They only work if your both Target API and the device you are using are level 23 or higher. If any of those is lower, then Runtime permissions do not work and old permission model is used. In old model, permissions are granted at install time and when you install your app via USB, you automatically accept all permissions. Still, in new permission model, you need to write code in async style, meaning that first you have to ask user for permission and supply a callback, in which you will know whether the user granted or denied specific permission. You can read more about that at officials docs.


Give all the permission to application in Android build

I am working on custom Android 11 project.
I want to grant all the permission to an specific application from Android source that it hasn't been to ask user to grant permission.
Like setting application has all the permission.
Is it possible to do that?
Since Android 6, all permission must accepted by user.
IF you are owner device you can root your device, or add your app in to flash ROM. Or you can sign your app with the same key of your device. All method to auto grant perms is hard, cause we need protect users permission
Fyi about perms

How are permissions given to an app during development?

I am developing an app and the manifest has included permissions INTERNET and SEND_SMS. There was no asking of permissions when the apk was installed by Android Studio to either an emulator or a real phone.
When I ran the app, which sends an SMS, there was a permission exception. I had to go to Settings, Apps and under Permissions, there is an option to enable SMS. After I enabled it, the app could send SMS'es.
When the app made a network call using HttpUrlConnection, it completed successfully! Under Settings Apps, there is no option for network or Internet or the like.
Why is it that making a network communication does not require any permission by the user?
Under Settings, Apps, why is there only one permission, SMS, listed for my app?
It's the developer responsibility to request the permission at the runtime.
Before accessing any danger permission. (Runtime Permission are supported from Android M(6.0))
Not all the permission need to be requested from the user. Only Danger Permission needs an approval from the user. Normal and Danger Permsission
Please follow this guide Runtime Permission
The permissions model was changed in Android 6.0. If the app targets API 23 or above than you need to request the user for the permissions in runtime. If the app targets below API 23 than the app gets the permissions during intall.
There are some permissions like "INTERNET" that will always be during intall.
You're running your app in Android SDK>=23.
Internet permission is under Normal permission so it does not show any permission prompt but Camera permission is under Dangerous Permission so it shows permission prompt.
If an app declares that it needs a normal permission, the system automatically grants that respective permission to the app.
Reference -
Android Permissions
Permission Requests

Android App not asking for permissions when installing

I work in the IT department of my university and we work on an app that installs the correct setup for the eduroam WiFi (maybe you have heard of it).
However I have a problem running it on my own LG G4 with Android 6.0. When installing the compiled *.apk it doesn't ask for any permissions although they are set in the AndroidManifest.xml. It was working on all previous Android versions.
Is it mandatory now to ask for permissions at run time?
If your target SDK version is 23 then you need to ask for "dangerous" permissions at run time.
If this is the case then you should be able to see that no permissions have been granted if you go to Settings > Apps > "Your app" > Permissions.
If you don't want to do implement the new system yet then you can reduce your target sdk version to 22 to get the old permission system. You can still compile with sdk version 23 though.
See the documentation for more information.
if you want to request permissions at runtime you should write a special request in your app. Something like this:
public void createPermissions(){
String permission = Manifest.permission.READ_SMS;
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(getContext(), permission) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED){
if(!ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(getActivity(), permission)){
requestPermissions(new String[]{permission}),
If the user is running Android 6.0 (API level 23) or later, the user has to grant your app its permissions while they are running the app. If you confront the user with a lot of requests for permissions at once, you may overwhelm the user and cause them to quit your app. Instead, you should ask for permissions as you need them.
In some cases, one or more permissions might be absolutely essential to your app. It might make sense to ask for all of those permissions as soon as the app launches. For example, if you make a photography app, the app would need access to the device camera. When the user launches the app for the first time, they won't be surprised to be asked for permission to use the camera. But if the same app also had a feature to share photos with the user's contacts, you probably should not ask for the READ_CONTACTS permission at first launch. Instead, wait until the user tries to use the "sharing" feature and ask for the permission then.
If your app provides a tutorial, it may make sense to request the app's essential permissions at the end of the tutorial sequence.

Asking permission for Application update

I am going to update an application to Android 6.0. For users who already have the application installed when an update is made, are all the permissions still active or is the user going to be asked for permissions that are in the dangerous category?
It will still ask them to allow those permissions if they are in the dangerous category, regardless if they are specified in the manifest. (i.e Writing to SD, Using the camera) See Permission Groups
If you have users who are on Android 6.0 Marshmallow and your application only specifies permissions in the manifest and not at run time then those actions will fail. For example, if you have code that writes to the external storage, it will fail and give a Permission Denied error.

How can I start my app with all permissions allowed on Android 6

I check if user has permission, but just wanna do that when he deny on Android Options. When he install my app, how can I set all permissions on. I saw that happens on Google I/O 2015 app.(You can turn off permission, but when you install, this permissions are already on).
The 2015 Google IO app targets API version 22, which means that it will not use the runtime permissions model, even if running on a device running Android 6.0 (API 23) and up. In this case, permissions are still granted at install time, but users can still go in and manually disable permissions.
If you are targeting API 23+, you must use the new runtime permissions model. No permissions will be granted to your application at install time.
I hope you speak Spanish, otherwise, use a translate tool. Android 6.0 changed the way permission works, dangerous permissions are disabled by default even if you define them in the manifest.
Check my post here,
Best regards

