Adding mid roll in VideoView With IMA Sdk - android

I am trying to put mid roll ads in my android Project. At the current moment, i have set pre rolls. But i cant figure out how to put mid roll. I am referring to IMA Advanced sample project. I have gone through tons of website and other answers too. An example would be really helpful.

For easier and smoother integrations of IMA ads, you can use the framework which was built upon Google's ExoPlayer, you can find details here:


Rewarded Video in LibGDX

I planned to add the rewarded video in my Android app which I am building in LibGdx framework. I have checked the Google mobile Ads SDK document in the below Link. Though the link explainations are clear, there is a bug in it. Please refer the attched reply from Google groupsReply from Google link description here
I just need a reliable network with mediation support. Hence I tried Mopub. They told that they are not with the LibGdx framework, and is therefore not able to offer support for it.
What is the better way to add the Rewarded Video Ad in LibGdx + Android App ?
Anybody tried it so far ? Could you please help to setup that in my Android App ?

Using AdMob with Unity

How can I integrate AdMob with unity ? I want to call Ad's from code, for example when player dead. I searched for tuts but I can't find anything for newest android sdk. Can I write it in c# ?
You can use prime31 plugin, it makes the process dead simple. With two lines of code you can get a banner up and running.
Download the Google official AdMob Plugin from here -
And documentation here -

Does the swfjunkie Tweetr library actually still works?

I need to add twitter integration into an AIR for Android application and I've found the library.
But, none of the examples given on the site seems to work...
Is this library still compatible with today's twitter API ?
Why are the examples not displaying any tweet ?
What would you recommend for adding timeline display and send tweet functionnality to an AIR for Android application ?
The Twittter API has changed in recent months, and I actually had to refactor some code in my apps to deal with it. Unless this library is updated, it won't work. Here's more information:

How to implement admob ads with Phonegap?

I want to implement admob ads with phonegap for Android... Is there any guide on how to do this? I've looked around and could only find guides for IOS. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There are instructions specific to using AdMod/Android with Phonegap here:
Just check the link given below.
You can also find more details about the generic AdMod SDK/Android setup here:
Which will help you understand the SDK and what exactly you're setting up.
Make sure you click on the Android tab.

How to implement Google's DoubleClick Ads in an android application?

How do we implement google's double click for displaying ads in our android application?
Can someone provide me steps that needs to be followed to implement the same.
Thanks in advance
Check this link - it explains it all (well most of it to get started!)
I went on a similar path looking for a ad serving support in my android app - eventually I settled for Mobclix - I am happy :-) Check the question I had posed at Serving Ads in Android App -

