Can't move Android SeekBar with Appium - android

I have a customized Android seekbar like this, and the positions where it can move to. And it starts from the middle:
I want to move the slider first and then check if it's saved. I have a method which I use TouchAction:
public void moveSeekBar(){
WebElement seekBar = appiumDriver.findElementById("com.feverapp:id/SymptomTrackingActivity_var");
//Get start point of seekbar.
int startX = seekBar.getLocation().getX();
//Get end point of seekbar.
int endX = seekBar.getSize().getWidth();
//Get vertical location of seekbar.
int yAxis = seekBar.getLocation().getY();
//Set slidebar move to position.
// this number is calculated based on (offset + 3/4width)
int moveToXDirectionAt = 786;
System.out.println("Moving seek bar at " + moveToXDirectionAt+" In X direction.");
//Moving seekbar using TouchAction class.
TouchAction act=new TouchAction(appiumDriver);,yAxis).moveTo(moveToXDirectionAt,yAxis).release().perform();
Something I notice that:
seekbar doesn't move at all
getX and getY are always the same values even I tried to set slider back to very left before I call this method
I tried with sendkeys like this:
and it worked: it moved the slider to the very left, and it only worked with 0.5, when I entered a number within the range from 0 to 1, it didn't work
Any help much appreciated. Thanks

public void testSeekBar()throws Exception
//Locating seekbar using resource id
WebElement seek_bar=driver.findElement("seek_bar"));
// get start co-ordinate of seekbar
int start=seek_bar.getLocation().getX();
//Get width of seekbar
int end=seek_bar.getSize().getWidth();
//get location of seekbar vertically
int y=seek_bar.getLocation().getY();
// Select till which position you want to move the seekbar
TouchAction action=new TouchAction(driver);
//Move it will the end,y).moveTo(end,y).release().perform();
//Move it 40%
int moveTo=(int)(end*0.4);,y).moveTo(moveTo,y).release().perform();
This worked for me very well

I just solved my problem: instead of using press(), I try longpress() and it works like a charm! I can move seekbar where I want.

I tried like this seekbar.sendKeys("50");
and its working for me.(0(min) - 100(max))

public void seekBar() throws Exception {
WebElement seek_bar=driver.findElement("seek_bar"));
int start=element.getLocation().getX();
int end1=element.getSize().getWidth();
int end=(int)(end1*0.4);
int y=element.getLocation().getY();
PointOption point = PointOption.point(start, y);
PointOption point2 = PointOption.point(end, y);
TouchAction action=new TouchAction(driver);;


Android GDX game detect the right shape?

I am developing a Gdx game but I have got stuck on some part and I will explain briefly about it:
I have 9 balls organized on 3*3 and I need to detect the ball that I'm touching as shown in the image below:
enter image description here
and I typed this code:
for (int i : listBalls) {
touchPoint = new Vector3(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0);
rectangle = new Rectangle(sprite[i].getX(), sprite[i].getY(), spriteSize, spriteSize);
if (rectangle.contains(touchPoint.x, touchPoint.y)) {"Test", "Touched dragged " + String.valueOf(i));
pointer = i;
In case of touching any ball of the above row, it detects the opposite ball in the bottom row. For example in the above image, if I touch ball no 2 on the top it will point to ball no 8, and same if touching any of the bottom balls.
In case of touching any ball of the middle ball, it gives the right on.
I hope I could explain clearly my issue. Please help.
As explained here: LibGDX input y-axis flipped the coordinate system of the input is inverted on the y-axis, try substracting the screen height of your device or camera
int y = screenHeight - Gdx.input.getY();
Keep in mind that using a Camera and unprojecting the input coordinates is the most recommended way to go about detecting input in LibGDX. Example:
public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
Vector3 unprojected = camera.unproject(new Vector3(screenX, screenY,0));
You don't even have to invert the y-coordinate, unproject() does this automatically for you. To use the correct x and y coordinates you then could use:
float x = unprojected.x;
float y = unprojected.y;

Line Drawing on stage

There are few actors on stage, lines are drawn connecting centers of them, like a graph, Nodes and edges. Nodes are gradable. On Drag I am using the following code
public void touchDragged(InputEvent event, float eventOffsetX, float
eventOffsetY, int pointer)
float deltaX = eventOffsetX - self.grabOffsetX;
float deltaY = eventOffsetY - self.grabOffsetY;
self.moveBy(deltaX, deltaY);
the Method moveCoordinatesBy is updating the coordinate of the center of the node. which is used to draw lines (Edges) connecting the. This is working Fine.
My problem is - When I am using moveTo action for Nodes, I need to update edges at the same time. For this I need to update coordinates of there center. To do this I am using the following code in the act method of the Node -
public void act(float dt)
Vector2 loc = new Vector2();
loc.x = self.getX()+ self.getWidth()/2;
loc.y = self.getY() + self.getHeight()/2;
Vector2 v = new Vector2();
v = self.localToStageCoordinates(loc);
setCoordinates((int)v.x, (int)v.y);
The coordinates I am getting are not center of the node, they are almost multiplied by 2. Am I doing something wrong?
And also getWidth() and self.getHeight() returning double the size. When actor (node) is scaled getWidth() and self.getHeight() are returning arbitery values depending on how for it is located on stage. Further from (0,0) larger the returned value.
v = self.localToStageCoordinates(loc);
above line of code not needed, beacuse all the actors were directly added to the stage. By removing localToStageCoordinates(loc) its working fine now.

Get the real X/Y position of an onTouch Event

I know there are some similar topics that have been posted, but I couldn’t find a good solution for my problem.
I have a GridView which is filed with a custom ImageAdapter. Everything works fine, but whenever I click on an image contained in the GridView, I would like to move another Imageview at the click's position.
However, the coordinates of the Event, that I take with event.getX() and event.getY(), don’t correspond to the click’s position.
I first thought of a problem of dp/px conversion, and I tried several solutions in this way but none of them worked.
Then I tried to use the getXPrecision(), but I couldn’t make a working solution…
Maybe there is another way?
I would like to make the correct position programmatically, without adding constants int, so my project will work on various phone and tablet, with different dp and resolutions.
EDIT : Here is a screenshot, where i clicked the 3rd cell of the first line, and setted the position of the pencil with getRawX() - getRawY(). As we can see, this is not the correct position, I want the red dot (imageview's center) to be positionned where i clicked.
The code used :
//getting the position of the onTouch event :
GridView centre = (GridView) findViewById(;
adapter = new ImageAdapter(this, (dim * dim), tailleCell);
centre.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) {
int X = (int)event.getRawX();
int Y = (int)event.getRawY();
animation(X, Y, etat);
return false;
//launching the animation (and setting position of the pencil) :
private void animation(int posX, int posY, int etat)
final ImageView img;
if(etat == 0)
img = (ImageView) findViewById(;
img = (ImageView) findViewById(;
EDIT 2 : ~Solution :
Jesus Molina Rodríguez De Vera's solution wasn't working as expected, but i managed to make a workable solution. I just changed my code in the Event Handler to adjust the image's position :
int[] offset = new int[2];
int Xoffset=offset[0];
int Yoffset = offset[1];
int X = (int)event.getRawX();
int Y = (int)event.getRawY();
animation(X-((int)Math.round(Xoffset/1.15)), Y-((int)Math.round(Yoffset/1.5)), etat);
Sorry for my bad English :)
Thanks for your help!
Try using getRawX() and getRawY() instead of getX and getY.
I think that i have found the problem.
You are obtaining X and Y relative to the GridView top-left corner, not to the absolute screen coordinetes.
What you can do is the following:
int[] offset = new int[2];
int Xoffset=offset[0];
int Yoffset = offset[1];
private void animation(int posX, int posY, int etat){
This is supposed to set the the top-left corner of the ImageView in the selected point. In order to set the center in that point:
int ivWidth = img.getWidth();
int ivHeight = img.getHeight();
private void animation(int posX, int posY, int etat){
int[] finalPosition=new int[2];
finalPosition[0] = posX+Xoffset-(ivWidth/2);
finalPosition[1] = posY+Yoffset-(ivHeight/2);
I haven't try it but it should work.
Edit 2
Xoffset and Yoffset are only needed if you use getX()/getY() instead of getRawX()/getRawY()

Tween class help for ActionScript 3

I'm trying to make my code where my avatar (thing you move with your finger) move by a tween because when you put your finger on it works but when you take it off and put it back on the avatar will instantly teleport to my finger and I want him to move to it. Please inform me what I've done wrong and what I can improve to make this work.(this is in a class which is why I use public )
public var lastPosX:Number; public var lastPosY:Number;
public function onTouchBegin (e:TouchEvent):void {
var newPosX:Number = avatar.x; //the point of x your finger is
var newPosY:Number = avatar.y; //the point of y your finger is
//checks for first time putting finger down
if ( isNaN(lastPosX)) {
avatar.x = e.stageX;
avatar.y = e.stageY;
//x and y values = to your finger
else {
var myTweenX:Tween = new Tween(avatar, "x", Strong.easeOut, lastPosX, newPosX, 5, true);
var myTweenY:Tween = new Tween(avatar, "y", Strong.easeOut, lastPosY, newPosY, 5, true);
//makes the avatar move to your finger when u lift your finger off and on
public function onTouchMove (e:TouchEvent):void {
avatar.x = e.stageX;
avatar.y = e.stageY;
//x and y values = to your finger
public function onTouchFinish (e:TouchEvent):void {
avatar.x = e.stageX;
avatar.y = e.stageY;
lastPosX = avatar.x;
lastPosY = avatar.y;
//x and y values = to your finger
//Defines x and y value of finger
If you develope game, Tween isn't good choice for updating position for avatar. Create main gaming loop, and update position for the avatar in onTouchBeginand correct position in onTouchMove. This tutorial should help you. In another way, you are forced to spawn new Tweens in onTouchMove.
switch for action up and down we have no default bocoz write now dont want to do only these 2 things
first 2 line gives touch coordinate
playable area is set such that only in that area touch works
roughly lower fourth area is occupid by character so takinh /4

How to animate text over another View in Android?

I'm trying to animate some text 'zooming out' on top of another view. My code looks something like:
class BoardView extends View {
private TextView animText;
private void animText(String text, int color, int xBlocks, int yBlocks) {
final int x = BOARD_X_OFFSET + xBlocks * xBlockSize;
final int y = BOARD_Y_OFFSET + yBlocks * yBlockSize;
final float SCALE_FROM = (float) 0.25;
final float SCALE_TO = (float) 5.0;
ScaleAnimation anim = new ScaleAnimation(SCALE_FROM, SCALE_TO, SCALE_FROM, SCALE_TO, x, y);
with animText being invoked in the onDraw() routine of the BoardView. What I'm seeing, however, is the board zooming out, not the text, despite the above calls to setAnimation().
I've looked in the main android docs and at one other example. Even pointers in the right direction would be helpful.
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one who had a difficult time finding the very subtle bug in the above. The bug is:
which isn't too obvious until you expand it into:
at which point it's clear why the outer view (ie. 'this') is animating as well as the text.

