Android MediaCodec Encode and Decode In Asynchronous Mode - android

I am trying to decode a video from a file and encode it into a different format with MediaCodec in the new Asynchronous Mode supported in API Level 21 and up (Android OS 5.0 Lollipop).
There are many examples for doing this in Synchronous Mode on sites such as Big Flake, Google's Grafika, and dozens of answers on StackOverflow, but none of them support Asynchronous mode.
I do not need to display the video during the process.
I believe that the general procedure is to read the file with a MediaExtractor as the input to a MediaCodec(decoder), allow the output of the Decoder to render into a Surface that is also the shared input into a MediaCodec(encoder), and then finally to write the Encoder output file via a MediaMuxer. The Surface is created during setup of the Encoder and shared with the Decoder.
I can Decode the video into a TextureView, but sharing the Surface with the Encoder instead of the screen has not been successful.
I setup MediaCodec.Callback()s for both of my codecs. I believe that an issues is that I do not know what to do in the Encoder's callback's onInputBufferAvailable() function. I do not what to (or know how to) copy data from the Surface into the Encoder - that should happen automatically (as is done on the Decoder output with codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferId, true);). Yet, I believe that onInputBufferAvailable requires a call to codec.queueInputBuffer in order to function. I just don't know how to set the parameters without getting data from something like a MediaExtractor as used on the Decode side.
If you have an Example that opens up a video file, decodes it, encodes it to a different resolution or format using the asynchronous MediaCodec callbacks, and then saves it as a file, please share your sample code.
=== EDIT ===
Here is a working example in synchronous mode of what I am trying to do in asynchronous mode: This example is working in my application

I believe you shouldn't need to do anything in the encoder's onInputBufferAvailable() callback - you should not call encoder.queueInputBuffer(). Just as you never call encoder.dequeueInputBuffer() and encoder.queueInputBuffer() manually when doing Surface input encoding in synchronous mode, you shouldn't do it in asynchronous mode either.
When you call decoder.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferId, true); (in both synchronous and asynchronous mode), this internally (using the Surface you provided) dequeues an input buffer from the surface, renders the output into it, and enqueues it back to the surface (to the encoder). The only difference between synchronous and asynchronous mode is in how the buffer events are exposed in the public API, but when using Surface input, it uses a different (internal) API to access the same, so synchronous vs asynchronous mode shouldn't matter for this at all.
So as far as I know (although I haven't tried it myself), you should just leave the onInputBufferAvailable() callback empty for the encoder.
So, I tried doing this myself, and it's (almost) as simple as described above.
If the encoder input surface is configured directly as output to the decoder (with no SurfaceTexture inbetween), things just work, with a synchronous decode-encode loop converted into an asynchronous one.
If you use SurfaceTexture, however, you may run into a small gotcha. There is an issue with how one waits for frames to arrive to the SurfaceTexture in relation to the calling thread, see and and for references to this.
The issue, as far as I see it, is in awaitNewImage as in If the onFrameAvailable callback is supposed to be called on the main thread, we have an issue if the awaitNewImage call also is run on the main thread. If the onOutputBufferAvailable callbacks also are called on the main thread and you call awaitNewImage from there, we have an issue, since you'll end up waiting for a callback (with a wait() that blocks the whole thread) that can't be run until the current method returns.
So we need to make sure that the onFrameAvailable callbacks come on a different thread than the one that calls awaitNewImage. One pretty simple way of doing this is to create a new separate thread, that does nothing but service the onFrameAvailable callbacks. To do that, you can do e.g. this:
private HandlerThread mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("CallbackThread");
private Handler mHandler;
mHandler = new Handler(mHandlerThread.getLooper());
mSurfaceTexture.setOnFrameAvailableListener(this, mHandler);
I hope this is enough for you to be able to solve your issue, let me know if you need me to edit one of the public examples to implement asynchronous callbacks there.
Also, since the GL rendering might be done from within the onOutputBufferAvailable callback, this might be a different thread than the one that set up the EGL context. So in that case, one needs to release the EGL context in the thread that set it up, like this:
And reattach it in the other thread before rendering:
mEGL.eglMakeCurrent(mEGLDisplay, mEGLSurface, mEGLSurface, mEGLContext);
Additionally, if the encoder and decoder callbacks are received on the same thread, the decoder onOutputBufferAvailable that does rendering can block the encoder callbacks from being delivered. If they aren't delivered, the rendering can be blocked infinitely since the encoder don't get the output buffers returned. This can be fixed by making sure the video decoder callbacks are received on a different thread instead, and this avoids the issue with the onFrameAvailable callback instead.
I tried implementing all this on top of ExtractDecodeEditEncodeMuxTest, and got it working seemingly fine, have a look at I initially imported the unchanged test, and did the conversion to asynchronous mode and fixes for the tricky details separately, to make it easy to look at the individual fixes in the commit log.

Can also set the Handler in the MediaEncoder.
---> AudioEncoderCallback(aacSamplePreFrameSize),mHandler);
MyAudioCodecWrapper myMediaCodecWrapper;
public MyAudioEncoder(long startRecordWhenNs){
super.startRecordWhenNs = startRecordWhenNs;
#RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.M)
public MyAudioCodecWrapper prepareAudioEncoder(AudioRecord _audioRecord , int aacSamplePreFrameSize) throws Exception{
if(_audioRecord==null || aacSamplePreFrameSize<=0)
throw new Exception();
audioRecord = _audioRecord;
Log.d(TAG, "audioRecord:" + audioRecord.getAudioFormat() + ",aacSamplePreFrameSize:" + aacSamplePreFrameSize);
mHandler = new Handler(mHandlerThread.getLooper());
MediaFormat audioFormat = new MediaFormat();
audioFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC);
//audioFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, BIT_RATE );
audioFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_AAC_PROFILE, MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel.AACObjectLC);
audioFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE, audioRecord.getSampleRate());//44100
audioFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT, audioRecord.getChannelCount());//1(單身道)
audioFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, 128000);
audioFormat.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE, 16384);
MediaCodec codec = MediaCodec.createEncoderByType(MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC);
codec.configure(audioFormat, null, null, MediaCodec.CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE);
codec.setCallback(new AudioEncoderCallback(aacSamplePreFrameSize),mHandler);
MyAudioCodecWrapper myMediaCodecWrapper = new MyAudioCodecWrapper();
myMediaCodecWrapper.mediaCodec = codec;
super.mediaCodec = codec;
return myMediaCodecWrapper;


Is it correct to call `MediaCodec.queueInputBuffer()` from a separate thread?

With the MediaCodec synchronous API, it was not possible to wait for dequeueing both input and output buffers.
To avoid the problem, they added the asynchronous API.
void onInputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec mc, int inputBufferId) {
ByteBuffer inputBuffer = codec.getInputBuffer(inputBufferId);
// fill inputBuffer with valid data
codec.queueInputBuffer(inputBufferId, …);
void onOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec mc, int outputBufferId, …) {
ByteBuffer outputBuffer = codec.getOutputBuffer(outputBufferId);
MediaFormat bufferFormat = codec.getOutputFormat(outputBufferId); // option A
// bufferFormat is equivalent to mOutputFormat
// outputBuffer is ready to be processed or rendered.
codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferId, …);
But the callbacks are still serialized: they are called from the same thread. This means that their implementation must not block (otherwise they will block the other callbacks for no good reason).
So if we don't have any data to provide in onInputBufferAvailable(), in order not to block, we could not call codec.queueInputBuffer() immediately (contrary to the example in the documentation).
But the thread-safety properties of MediaCodec are not clear: can we call queueInputBuffer() from a separate thread, concurrently to the media codec callbacks?
If it's not possible (i.e. if queueInputBuffer() must be called from the same thread), standard usage is quite complicated:
we get MediaCodec callbacks on a thread (associated to the provided Handler);
we must fill the buffer on another thread (not to block the other callbacks);
we must submit the buffer on the initial Handler.
If it's possible, we could just run the input handling and the output handling on two separate threads using the synchronous API.
The problem is more or less the same for releaseOutputBuffer() (except that we can still copy the buffer in onOutputBufferAvailable() and release it immediately, but it makes one additional copy).
What is the correct way to avoid unnecessary blocking with MediaCodec?

Controlling Frame Rate of VirtualDisplay

I'm writing an Android application, and in it, I have a VirtualDisplay to mirror what is on the screen and I then send the frames from the screen to an instance of a MediaCodec. It works, but, I want to add a way of specifying the FPS of the encoded video, but I'm unsure how to do so.
From what I've read and experimented with, dropping encoded frames (based on the presentation times) doesn't work well as it ends up with blocky/artifact ridden video as opposed to a smooth video at a lower framerate. Other reading suggests that the only way to do what I want (limit the FPS) would be to limit the incoming FPS to the MediaCodec, but the VirtualDisplay just receives a Surface which is constructed from the MediaCodec as below
mSurface = <instance of MediaCodec>.createInputSurface();
mVirtualDisplay = mMediaProjection.createVirtualDisplay(
I've also tried subclassing Surface and limit the frames that are fed to the MediaCodec via the unlockCanvasAndPost(Canvas canvas) but the function never seems to be called on my instance, so, there may be some weirdness in how I extended Surface and the interaction with the Parcel as writeToParcel function is called on my instance, but that is the only function that is called in my instance (that I can tell).
Other reading suggests that I can go from encoder -> decoder -> encoder and limit the rate in which the second encoder is fed frames, but that's a lot of extra computation that I'd rather not do if I can avoid it.
Has anyone successfully limited the rate at which a VirtualDisplay feeds its Surface? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Starting off with what you can't do...
You can't drop content from the encoded stream. Most of the frames in the encoded stream are essentially "diffs" from other frames. Without knowing how the frames interact, you can't safely drop content, and will end up with that corrupted macroblock look.
You can't specify the frame rate to the MediaCodec encoder. It might stuff that into metadata somewhere, but the only thing that really matters to the codec is the frames you're feeding into it, and the presentation time stamps associated with each frame. The encoder will not drop frames.
You can't do anything useful by subclassing Surface. The Canvas operations are only used for software rendering, which is unrelated to feeding in frames from a camera or virtual display.
What you can do is send the frames to an intermediate Surface, and then choose whether or not to forward them to the MediaCodec's input Surface. One approach would be to create a SurfaceTexture, construct a Surface from it, and pass that to the virtual display. When the SurfaceTexture's frame-available callback fires, you either ignore it, or render the texture onto the MediaCodec input Surface with GLES.
Various examples can be found in Grafika and on bigflake, none of which are an exact fit, but all of the necessary EGL and GLES classes are there.
You can reference the code sample from saki4510t's ScreenRecordingSample or RyanRQ's ScreenRecoder, they are all use the additional EGL Texture between the virtual display and media encoder, and the first one can keep at least 15 fps for the output video. You can search the keyword createVirtualDisplay from their code base for more details.

MediaCodec decoding to buffer does not work while decoding to surface works

The video decoding code of an app is typical, just like the example code in the MediaCodec document. Nothing special. The configuration statement is like the following:
myMediaCodec.configure(myMediaFormat, mySurface, null, 0);
Everything works fine. However, if I change the above code to the following to decode the video to a buffer instead of a surface:
myMediaCodec.configure(myMediaFormat, null, null, 0);
then the following code:
int iOutputBufferIndex = myMediaCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer(myBufferInfo, 100000);
will always return MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER. Even more strangly, any subsequent call of myMediaCodec.stop() or myMediaCodec.release() will hang (i.e. the call never returns or generates an exception).
This happens on a generic (AGPTek) tablet (Allwinner A31S, 1.5GHz Cortex A7 Quad Core). On a simulator and another tablet (Asus Memo Pad), everything works fine.
I am asking for any tip to help get around this problem.
Do you provide one single input buffer worth of data before trying this, or do you pass as many packets as you can before dequeueInputBuffer also blocks or returns INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER? A decoder might not output data after only one packet of input (if the decoder has got some delay), but if it works with Suface output it should probably behave in the same way there.
If that (queueing as many input buffers as possible) doesn't work, I would say that this sounds like a decoder bug.

SurfaceTexture's onFrameAvailable() method always called too late

I'm trying to get the following MediaExtractor example to work: - (requires 4.1, API 16)
The problem I have is that outputSurface.awaitNewImage(); seems to always throw RuntimeException("frame wait timed out"), which is thrown whenever the mFrameSyncObject.wait(TIMEOUT_MS) call times out. No matter what I set TIMEOUT_MS to be, onFrameAvailable() always gets called right after the timeout occurs. I tried with 50ms and with 30000ms and it's the same.
It seems like the onFrameAvailable() call can't be done while the thread is busy, and once the timeout happens which ends the thread code execution, it can parse the onFrameAvailable() call.
Has anyone managed to get this example to work, or knows how MediaExtractor is supposed to work with GL textures?
Edit: tried this on devices with API 4.4 and 4.1.1 and the same happens on both.
Edit 2:
Got it working on 4.4 thanks to fadden. The issue was that the ExtractMpegFramesWrapper.runTest() method called th.join(); which blocked the main thread and prevented the onFrameAvailable() call from being processed. Once I commented th.join(); it works on 4.4. I guess maybe the ExtractMpegFramesWrapper.runTest() itself was supposed to run on yet another thread so the main thread didn't get blocked.
There was also a small issue on 4.1.2 when calling codec.configure(), it gave the error:
A/ACodec(2566): frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/ACodec.cpp:1041 CHECK(def.nBufferSize >= size) failed.
A/libc(2566): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 2625 (CodecLooper)
Which I solved by adding the following before the call:
format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE, 0);
However the problem I have now on both 4.1.1 (Galaxy S2 GT-I9100) and 4.1.2 (Samsung Galaxy Tab GT-P3110) is that they both always set info.size to 0 for all frames. Here is the log output:
input buffer not available
no output from decoder available
input buffer not available
no output from decoder available
input buffer not available
no output from decoder available
input buffer not available
no output from decoder available
submitted frame 0 to dec, size=20562
no output from decoder available
submitted frame 1 to dec, size=7193
no output from decoder available
[... skipped 18 lines ...]
submitted frame 8 to dec, size=6531
no output from decoder available
submitted frame 9 to dec, size=5639
decoder output format changed: {height=240, what=1869968451, color-format=19, slice-height=240, crop-left=0, width=320, crop-bottom=239, crop-top=0, mime=video/raw, stride=320, crop-right=319}
submitted frame 10 to dec, size=6272
surface decoder given buffer 0 (size=0)
[... skipped 1211 lines ...]
submitted frame 409 to dec, size=456
surface decoder given buffer 1 (size=0)
sent input EOS
surface decoder given buffer 0 (size=0)
surface decoder given buffer 1 (size=0)
surface decoder given buffer 0 (size=0)
surface decoder given buffer 1 (size=0)
[... skipped 27 lines all with size=0 ...]
surface decoder given buffer 1 (size=0)
surface decoder given buffer 0 (size=0)
output EOS
Saving 0 frames took ? us per frame // edited to avoid division-by-zero error
So no images get saved. However the same code and video works on 4.3. The video I am using is an .mp4 file with "H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (avc1)" video codec and "MPEG AAAC Audio (mp4a)" audio codec.
I also tried other video formats, but they seem to die even sooner on 4.1.x, while both work on 4.3.
Edit 3:
I did as you suggested, and it seems to save the frame images correctly. Thank you.
Regarding KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE, I tried not setting, or setting it to 0, 20, 200, ... 200000000, all with the same result of info.size=0.
I am now unable to set the render to a SurfaceView or TextureView on my layout. I tried replacing this line:
mSurfaceTexture = new SurfaceTexture(mTextureRender.getTextureId());
with this, where surfaceTexture is a SurfaceTexture defined in my xml-layout:
mSurfaceTexture = textureView.getSurfaceTexture();
but it throws a weird error with getMessage()==null on the second line. I couldn't find any other way to get it to draw on a View of some kind. How can I change the decoder to display the frames on a Surface/SurfaceView/TextureView instead of saving them?
The way SurfaceTexture works makes this a bit tricky to get right.
The docs say the frame-available callback "is called on an arbitrary thread". The SurfaceTexture class has a bit of code that does the following when initializing (line 318):
if (this thread has a looper) {
handle events on this thread
} else if (there's a "main" looper) {
handle events on the main UI thread
} else {
no events for you
The frame-available events are delivered to your app through the usual Looper / Handler mechanism. That mechanism is just a message queue, which means the thread needs to be sitting in the Looper event loop waiting for them to arrive. The trouble is, if you're sleeping in awaitNewImage(), you're not watching the Looper queue. So the event arrives, but nobody sees it. Eventually awaitNewImage() times out, and the thread returns to watching the event queue, where it immediately discovers the pending "new frame" message.
So the trick is to make sure that frame-available events arrive on a different thread from the one sitting in awaitNewImage(). In the ExtractMpegFramesTest example, this is done by running the test in a newly-created thread (see the ExtractMpegFramesWrapper class), which does not have a Looper. (For some reason the thread that executes CTS tests has a looper.) The frame-available events arrive on the main UI thread.
Update (for "edit 3"): I'm a bit sad that ignoring the "size" field helped, but pre-4.3 it's hard to predict how devices will behave.
If you just want to display the frame, pass the Surface you get from the SurfaceView or TextureView into the MediaCodec decoder configure() call. Then you don't have to mess with SurfaceTexture at all -- the frames will be displayed as you decode them. See the two "Play video" activities in Grafika for examples.
If you really want to go through a SurfaceTexture, you need to change CodecOutputSurface to render to a window surface rather than a pbuffer. (The off-screen rendering is done so we can use glReadPixels() in a headless test.)

MediaCodec encoding ignores my BUFFER_FLAG_SYNC_FRAME flag

In my Android application, I am encoding some media in webm (vp8) format using MediaCodec. The encoding is working as expected. However, I need to ensure that I create a sync frame once in a while. Here is what I do:
encoder.queueInputBuffer(..., MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_SYNC_FRAME);
Later in the code, I check for sync frame:
encoder.dequeueOutputBuffer(bufferInfo, 0);
boolean isSyncFrame = (bufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_SYNC_FRAME);
The problem is that isSyncFrame never gets a true value.
I am wondering if I am making a mistake in my encoding configuration. May be there is a better way to tell the encoder to create a sync frame once in a while.
I hope it is not a bug in MediaCodec. Thank you in advance for your help.
There is no (current as of Android 4.3) way to request an on-demand sync frame using MediaCodec encoders. This is partly due to OMX, the underlying codec implementation in Android, that does not provide a way to specify which input frame should be encoded as a sync frame; although it has a way to trigger a sync frame "in the near future".
feisal's answer is the only currently supported way to control sync frames, but you have to do it at configuration time.
==edit re: jesup
You can trigger a sync frame in the near future using MediaCodec.setParameter:
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt(MediaCodec.PARAMETER_KEY_REQUEST_SYNC_FRAME, 0);
Unfortunately, there is no (reliable) way to tell in MediaCodec if an encoded buffer is a sync frame other than doing it on your own by inspecting the byte-codes.
you can set the rate of I-frames in the MediaFormat object of your encoder by setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, int secs_between_iframes );

