Geocoder not returning Address of some loction - android

I have the issue with some location that donot return me the address while other returns me the address i have issue with the following address
List addresses = geocoder.getFromLocationName(
"568 S. Coy St., Kansas City, Kansas, 66105", 1);
List addresses = geocoder.getFromLocationName(
"10075 Bauer Rd., St. Louis, Missouri, 63128", 1);
I just try to get the Address with the hardcode string but i got failure to get the address , While if i remove the initial address it return me the address of location while if i put this on the web page of google map it shows me the marker on the actual location where the place is.


How can I get values from address of Place Picker?

I want to get values from address of Place Picker in android and separate it into different EditText like I want to set pincode on PineCodeEditText, set country on CountryEditText, set State on StateEditText and so on. I have got address as
10, Mothorowala Rd, Jagdamba Colony, Dharmpur, Ajabpur Kalan,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001, India
Where I used
Place place = PlacePicker.getPlace(data,this);
String address = String.format(String.valueOf(place.getAddress()));
Before this I used Split function but it gives indexOutOfBoundException.
Any suggestion please welcome, Thank You.
You can get the latitude and longitude coordinates from the Place object, then get the address object using the GeoCoder, which you can use to get the required data separately.
LatLng coordinates = place.getLatLng(); // Get the coordinates from your place
Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(this, Locale.getDefault());
List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(
1); // Only retrieve 1 address
Address address = addresses.get(0);
String countryCode = address.getCountryCode();
String countryName = address.getCountryName();

Geocoder APIs returning range of addresses

I am attempting to use latitude and longitude coordinates to resolve a specific address. Currently, the Geocoder APIs will occasionally return a range of addresses, even if the selected location is an individual house rather than something like an apartment building.
The below method accepts a latitude, longitude, and Activity and returns the Address object returned from the Geocoder API:
public static Address resolveAddress(double latitude, double longitude, Activity activity) {
Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(activity);
List<Address> addresses;
try {
addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(latitude, longitude, 1);
if (addresses != null && addresses.size() > 0 ) {
Log.d(TAG, "resolveAddress: " + addresses.get(0).toString());
return addresses.get(0);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
The getFromLocation() method provided by the Geocoder API accepts a maxResults parameter as it's last argument, which you can see in the above code is set to 1. Even so, while only a single result is returned, a range of street numbers is returned in the single result.
I would assume that GPS and the Android Location service is accurate enough to resolve to a single house. How can I use latitude and longitude coordinates to best determine a single address?

Search In Google Maps By Category

I want to make google maps api to provide result of search by category as the nearest hotels available in certain range and i want also to control range , here is the code i started with , this code search when the use apply an address . i want this this to done when the user enter a certain category not by entering an address
protected void search(List<Address> addresses) {
Address address = (Address) addresses.get(0);
home_long = address.getLongitude();
home_lat = address.getLatitude();
latLng = new LatLng(address.getLatitude(), address.getLongitude());
addressText = String.format(
"%s, %s",
address.getMaxAddressLineIndex() > 0 ? address
.getAddressLine(0) : "", address.getCountryName());
markerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
locationTv.setText("Latitude:" + address.getLatitude() + ", Longitude:"
+ address.getLongitude());
what the modification needed to be done in this code ?
You have two options here:
1st option- You build your own DB with all the hotels and their locations, then reflect that on the map.
2nd option- you use Google's Places API. Here is a nice discussion about it.
Hope this helps :)

Reverse Geocoding issue

I implemented the reverse geocoding in my app and it is working, but sometimes it happens a very strange issue.
The code is that
List<Address> addresses = geo.getFromLocation(
obj.getLatitude(), obj.getLongitude(), 1);
List<Address> address = geo.getFromLocationName( addresses.get(0).getLocality().getBytes() , 1 );
Address location = address.get(0);
In the first part I get the address object of the place in which I'm. Than I want recover the generic coordinates of the city in where I'm because I don't want store the coordinates of my exact position.
This is working but I encounter a very strange issue! Trying the app with the fakegps app I set my position in "Ñuñoa", and the first address was found correctly, but when I try to get the generic coordinates, I get "Nunoa" that isn't in Chile, but in Peru!!
That makes no sense! why this?
Thanks for helping me
Sure Swathi.
List<Address> addresses = geo.getFromLocation(msg_r.getLatitude(),
msg_r.getLongitude(), 1);
String geoL = addresses.get(0).getLocality() + ", " + addresses.get(0).getAdminArea() + ", " + addresses.get(0).getCountryCode();
// reverse-reverseGeocoding
List<Address> address = geo.getFromLocationName(geoL, 1);
System.out.println("Where I am? " + geoL);
Address location = address.get(0);
// generic coordinate for the locality/city/town

Android getFromLocationName return results outside the bounding box

I am doing a location search from my android app. User enter an address and I do a lookup with the following code,
private void doSearch(String query){
//create a geocoder
Geocoder gc = new Geocoder(this,Locale.getDefault());
//lookup locations which match the query input by the user
List<Address> addresses = gc.getFromLocationName(query, 5, -44.00, 111.00, -12.0, 155.0);
//if there are any results save them in an ivar for re-use
catch (Exception e){
The bounding box above is for australia but if I search for "Los Angelos" it returns results in the US. Is there something I have missed? As I see it, it should only return addresses within the bounding box as per the reference document
From the Question I tried this and the results I got are shown below.
18.55, 72.54 = Mumbai
22.18, 70.56 = Rajkot
When I pass lower latitude vaue as left lower and search for the string I got this
Geocoder gc = new Geocoder(this, Locale.getDefault());
try {
List<Address> addresses = gc.getFromLocationName("akshardham", 5,
18.55, 72.54, 22.18, 70.56);
Log.i("Address", "=========0----------------------"
+ addresses.get(0).getAddressLine(0)
+ addresses.get(0).getAddressLine(1));
Log.i("Address", "=========0----------------------"
+ addresses.get(1).getAddressLine(0)
+ addresses.get(1).getAddressLine(1));
Log.i("Address", "=========0----------------------"
+ addresses.get(2).getAddressLine(0));
Log.i("Address", "=========0----------------------"
+ addresses.get(3).getAddressLine(0));
Log.i("Address", "=========0----------------------"
+ addresses.get(4).getAddressLine(0));
} catch (Exception e) {
Logcat of this
11-17 12:42:32.419: INFO/Address(802): =========0----------------------AkshardhamNH 8C, Sector 20
11-17 12:42:32.429: INFO/Address(802): =========0----------------------AkshardhamRajkot, Gujarat 360005
11-17 12:42:32.429: INFO/Address(802): =========0----------------------Akshardham
When I pass higher latitude vaue as left lower and search for the string I got this
List<Address> addresses = gc.getFromLocationName("akshardham",5, 22.18, 70.56,18.55, 72.54 );
Logcat of this
11-17 12:43:53.170: INFO/Address(837): =========0----------------------HardhamPulborough, West Sussex RH20 1
The doc here itself says "The addresses matching inside the bounding box is given higher rank." , I think they mean to say, Its not necessary that If search string is address between this box only will be return,if they found the address they will return even if its out of bounding box.
I Suppose;Bounding Box is just for setting the priority of result while getting means result from the box wil be first and and then other like in get(0),get(1) of the list. but the result will be given even if they are not in bounding box.
In the here they are just calling the method to get addresses with passing double values as argument any checking for the result is used there else to check the lowest and highest value
=> So final answer to you problem you just call the function as you are calling and you can check the second address line that does they matches to yours means the state or country is same. to find the country,state name of your bounding box value use getFromLocation(latitude, longitude, maxResults), I still Didn't Find A Perfect Solution For this,So me too Searching
=> More on this can be explained by an expert (That's I am not) or Developer from Google itself.

