BroadcastReceiver - Can't get button to change background - android

I have an Activity and a Service.
In my Activity, a button interacts with the Service to start/stop GPS logging.
My Service has 3 state indicators: One for being connected to Google Play Services, one for actively logging GPS, and one for processing what was logged.
When connected to Google Play Services the Service flow is this:
Ready -> Logging -> Processing -> Ready
The Service will broadcast these states as follows:
private void UpdateStatusBroadcast() {
//Save status variables to intent
Intent intent = new Intent(this.getString(R.string.BroadcastStatusIntent));
intent.putExtra(getString(R.string.BroadcastIsConnected), mIsConnected);
intent.putExtra(getString(R.string.BroadcastIsTripActive), mIsTripActive);
intent.putExtra(getString(R.string.BroadcastIsProcessing), mIsProcessing);
//Send the broadcast
My Activity receives the states as follows:
private class StatusReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
mIsConnected = intent.getBooleanExtra(getString(R.string.BroadcastIsConnected), false);
mIsTripActive = intent.getBooleanExtra(getString(R.string.BroadcastIsTripActive), false);
mIsProcessing = intent.getBooleanExtra(getString(R.string.BroadcastIsProcessing), false);
Then comes my problem. In HandleTripStatus(), posted below, i change the text and background of a button to reflect what the Service is currently doing. This works fine for the first and the third case. I never see the second background drawn however, in spite of receiving the correct boolean values.
private void HandleTripStatus() {
Button tripButton = (Button) findViewById(;
Button liveMapButton = (Button) findViewById(;
if (mIsTripActive) {
tripButton.setBackground(ContextCompat.getDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.trip_button_stop_shape));
} else if (mIsProcessing) {
tripButton.setBackground(ContextCompat.getDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.trip_button_stopping_shape));
} else {
tripButton.setBackground(ContextCompat.getDrawable(mContext, R.drawable.trip_button_start_shape));
To debug the issue i verified the following:
Text and background resource is correctly defined (i.e. trying to use
it instead of the first and third case works)
The if-else conditions runs when expected (i.e. the "else if" condition actually runs when I expect it to. Verified by breakpoint.)
No other if-else condition is used in the process. (i.e, only the correct condition is run.)
Some other code that could possibly be relevant:
This is how the Activity requests that the GPS logging should stop (Leading to the processing step before finishing)
private void EndTrip() {
//Create message to TripService with intent to run case for END_TRIP
Message message = Message.obtain(null, TripService.END_TRIP, 0, 0);
//Send the Message to the Service
try {
Toast.makeText(mContext, R.string.TripStopToast, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e("Debug", "Failed to contact TripService");
This is the structure of what happens in the Service after receiving the message from the Activity.
private void EndTrip() {
//Stop retrieving location updates
//Broadcast the updated status and begin processing the trip
mIsTripActive = false;
mIsProcessing = true;
//Processing the collected data
//Finish up
mIsProcessing = false;
I am all out of ideas. What can the cause be? Why does the button background not change in the else-if?

After too many hours of trial and error, I found the cause to be thread-related.
What I learned:
My service doing its work (Processing) would hang up the UI thread until done
This was quite simply because the service was running on the UI thread
Android does not automatically run services in a thread seperate from the rest of your application.
It is possible to run your service on a different thread. To do this, add the following to your AndroidManifest, inside your service:
Note that this of course broke the broadcasts i relied on. This was however easy to fix; The consequence is that I can no longer use LocalBroadcastManager
By example - Instead of
i now use
instead. This does however mean that the broadcasts are less private.


Android stop specified IntentService

I've have develop an android application with an IntentService.
This IntentService does nothing more like a fileupload.
I just want to implement the functionality to upload multiple "file-upload-threads".
The problem is to stop one specified "file-upload-thread".
For example:
User choose ten files from the device and upload these.
A notification is created to gives the user "transfer-feedback".
While the thread is working the user can choose other files to upload.
Another notification is created but does not start until the first thread is done.
Is it possible to implement a "cancel-functionality" for the user to cancel the first thread and the second thread start automatically?!
Maybe is it better to user an Service instead of an IntentService?
IntentServices are designed to run-one-at-a-time. Of course you could cancel your IntentService since in inherits from Service.
class MyService extends IntentService {
public static volatile boolean shouldStop = false;
public MyService() {
super("My Service");
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
private void doStuff() {
// do something
// continue doing something
// put those checks wherever you need
// check the condition
if (shouldStop) {
And from your activity code you can change the state of the boolean flag to true if you want to stop the service. Hope this will help you.
An IntentService is designed to stop itself only when all the requests present in the work queue have been handled.As per docs,IntentService class "Stops the service after all of the start requests are handled, so you never have to call stopSelf()
In case you want to cancel requests,you can probably use volley and cancel previous requests

Make a POST call every 10 seconds for an infinite time?

How can I make a certain function execute after every 10 seconds for an infinite time?
What I have done till now: I am getting the location values of the user from the App and storing them on the server. I am using a service, so that, the code keeps running for an infinite time, I am using a Broadcast receiver, so that, if the phone is booted, the service should start again and starts sending me the location.
The issue Everything works perfectly fine for about first 10-15 minutes, but, after this, the service gets stopped by itself. Also, when the user signs up for the App, authorized tokens are generated. These tokens are also sent in the POST call as one of the parameters, for security purposes. Even these tokens are lost, despite working perfectly fine for the initial 10 minutes. I am storing these tokens in SharedPreferences. Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.
Code for SharedPreferences
Log.i("onCreate", "onCreate");
Log.i("atoken value", ConfirmToken.avalue);
Log.i("utoken value", ConfirmToken.uvalue);
atoken = ConfirmToken.avalue;
utoken = ConfirmToken.uvalue;
Log.i("atoken value", atoken);
Log.i("utoken value", utoken);
Log.i("Starting SharedPref", "Starting SharedPref");
SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, 0);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit();
editor.putString("atoken", atoken);
editor.putString("utoken", utoken);
if (settings.contains("atoken")) {
atoken = settings.getString("atoken", "nulll");
Log.i("Inside SharedPref", atoken);
if(settings.contains("utoken")) {
utoken = settings.getString("utoken", "nulll");
Log.i("Inside Sharedprefs", utoken);
//Calling UpdateData here so that values of lat, lng get updated, before they are used by
startService(new Intent(this, MyService.class));
Now, the update data function simple makes a POST call, using these tokens and Location values as parameters.
This is how I run a task every few seconds. Note that it runs in another thread, so accessing UI elements needs runOnUiThread call, but since you are in a service, you will not have any issues with that.
private ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor taskExecutor;
private void stopTimerTask() {
if (taskExecutor != null)
// keep one task at any given time
taskExecutor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);
private void startTimerTask() {
taskExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(Timer_Tick, TIMER_INITIAL_DELAY, TIMER_PERIOD, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Log.d("Pool", "Timer Task Running");
private Runnable Timer_Tick = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Do something
You should however be aware that Android OS may terminate your service at any time when running low on resources or it feels like the service is doing too much work. You should start focusing on how to restore it's state, just like every one else does.
I think the following is the easiest way.
Also remember if you are making a network call, make an asynchronous request so that your app doesn't stop working while your app waits for the response.
for(long startTime = new Date().getTime();new Date().getTime() - startTime ==10000; startTime++)
{ /*your code goes here*/ };
No matter what you do, if the system is low on resources, it will terminate your app.Please let me know weather this works for you or not :)

What happens to Threads started in Android Service when Android restarts the Service?

I have a Service like this (this is not the actual Service, it's just for describing my problem).
public class UploadService {
private BlockingQueue<UploadData> queue = null;
private UploadInfoReceiver receiver = null;
public void onStart(...) {
queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<UploadData>();
(new Processor()).start();
// creating and reigtering receiver
public void onDestroy() {
queue.add(new ServiceDestroyedData());
// unregistering the receiver
private class Processor extends Thread() {
public void run() {
while (true) {
UploadData data = queue.take();
if (data instanceof ServiceDestroyedData) {
// processing data
private class UploadInfoReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
queue.add(new UploadData(/* getting data from intent */));
And my problem is that if I do something like this in my App:
if (!isUploadServiceRunning()) {
// start the Service
Then it starts the Service, but when I move my App to the background and open task manager (android 4.2.2), and kill the app, Android restart my Service, and I can see that it creates a whole new instance of it, and I can see that onDestroy never gets called for the previous Service instance. And I also can see that the instance of the previous Processor Thread is no longer running. How can this be? If onDestroy never gets called how does Android know that it should stop my Thread?
Thanks for your answers.
Android will kill off anything that it finds that is attached to your apps classloader when you select force stop from the menu. Think kill -9 on Linux. There will be no nice callbacks to any onDestroy methods, the system will just end everything.
Now for your service:
while(true) should really NEVER be used. It will instantly kill the battery and will not do any work 99% of the time anyway.
You area already using a receiver, you can just put your while logic into there and once the upload is done call the next upload and so on. There is absolutely no need for the loop.

app needs notifications of all inserts, deletes of contacts

(working code extract added below)
My app needs to be notified of all inserts and deletes (and maybe updates, but less important) of contacts. This means when the app is started it will need a list of changes. While it is running it should be notified immediately (is it even possible to make changes to contacts outside the app while it is running?).
Should I be using a ContentObserver? Do I need a Service? Is there a way at app startup to get a list of changes that occurred since the last time the app ran?
ContentObserver does indeed work. However, for contacts, it does much less than I hoped for. You only get a notification that something has changed (in fact, you may get several notifications). You wont know what changed. Better than no notification though, I guess.
When you receive the notificaton, you'll have to run queries to find out if any of the contacts you are interested in have changed. If you need to check all of them, I think you'll be better off using a SyncAdapter.
Here's the code I ended up using. First a ContentObserver subclass; this receives notifications from whatever provider you register with (see next block of code):
class MainContentObserver extends ContentObserver
public MainContentObserver (Handler handler)
super (handler);
public void onChange (boolean selfChange)
Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();
msg.what = CONTACTS_CHANGED; // const int declared elsewhere
msg.obj = null;
handler.sendMessage (msg);
Here's the sceond block - this is the onCreate from your activity (or it could be in onResume). There are two important parts. One, I implement and instantiate a handler. This will receive "messages" from the observer, which runs in a separate thread, and relay them to my activity. The second piece is the creation of the observer, which happens through the register call.
public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)
// receive notices from our background threads.
handler = new Handler()
public void handleMessage (Message msg)
if (msg.what == CONTACTS_CHANGED) // const int declared elsewhere
System.out.println ("handler: contacts changed");
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("unrecognized handler message source: " + msg.what);
// register content observer for contact changes
contactsObserver = new MainContentObserver (handler);
getContentResolver().registerContentObserver (ContactsContract.AUTHORITY_URI, true,
... other initialization ...
Finally, one more block of code - you need to unregister the observer or (I've read) you'll have a memory leak. (If you regsiter in onResume, be sure to unregister in onPause.)
public void onDestroy ()
getContentResolver().unregisterContentObserver (contactsObserver);
I know there is no broadcast for what you want to do. ContentObserver is what you have to go with. Also check:
Native contact change notification
I think ContentObserver is better option, you can refer following ContentOberver
dealing with contacts.
i think you will have to look into the Broadcast Receiver for your question..

update UI from and event

I have a service which sends continously values to an activity through some custom event listeners.
Here everything works fine. Certain values are displayed in my activity as expected, but some others make the application to crash. This is because some of the incoming data is calculated inside a normal thread (that I cannot have access for changing it), and I know I have to use a handler here, but as far as I tried the app still crashing.
more graphically I would like to do the following
onValuesChanged(float val) {
myTextView.setText( Float.toString(val) )
where val is calculated in a normal thread, but of course it makes crash the app when doing the setText.
Any suggestions?
Use AsyncTask instead of Thread and in the onPostExecute() you can update the UI.
or use Activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
void run() {
// do something interesting.
hey u can send a custom broadcast from your service like this
Intent mintent = new Intent();
mintent.putExtra("name", "value");
and register a receiver in your activity which will get the value from incoming intent and then call the handler like this to update the UI ..plese parse the int to string at receiving Runnable() {
public void run() {
myTextView.setText( Float.toString(val) )
Every time you send a broadcast to your activity and it will update the ui ..
However the above mentioned way is also right but if you have to stay with service then go for this way else above......

