How to render ui from xml - android

I wanted to create my own tool for android where i will change xml and that should reflect android ui side by side likewise what android studio and eclipse does.
Can someone tell me what android studio and eclipse uses to render ui from xml as shown in screenshot.

First off: it is not really clear what you want to achieve so I think I should ask some questions first.
- Do you want to create an add-on for an existing IDE?
- Do you want to create an Android Application?
- Do you want to create an IDE similar to Android Studio/ Eclipse?
Answer: If you want to create your own IDE then you need to implement the parsers and preview using 2D drawing. The tools AndroidStudio or Eclipse use to display the XML Views are part of the IDE. As far as I know there is no tool that will display your XML preview as they do. Follow the next instructions in order to implement that part.
But regardless of the answer to any of the questions above, here are some directions.
Since you need to know what kind of content you're using, you should start with an xml parser. How to do that can be found here.
Next step would be to actually draw the Views hierarchy somewhere. For that you need a basic 2D drawing knowledge, and you can start here
Access the resources for different platform and draw them to your window, using processed xml information and Android specific images. You can access the Android specific resources (images) for different platform, through the AOSP here
I hope i managed to point out some directions.

This is a complex thing to do:
One and only solution , Making the compiler for XML, If there are openSource XML parser for java Use them.
If there are not any I am afraid you have to make your own.

unity can do it for you its funny but you can do it with unity you can make android native views like button and ... in as objects in unity and load xml for adding views in right place,its so hard but possible and intresting


Communicate project structure with android using XML?

What I'm Trying to Do
I'm trying to create something that will allow customers to customize how our android application will be set up. This should be a UI editor that sits on our web server and, upon save, will communicate with our android project so that it can set itself up.
What I've Done So Far
I've been looking into something like a Business Project Management tool that can export itself as an XML (or equivalent). For example : ... The file that even a simple diagram produces (BPMN) seems far more complicated than what we need, though.
What I Need
We can create something on our own or customize an open source project like this to better fit our needs, but I'm not sure if BPMN is the best approach and I've been having trouble finding sources to learn more about it. Is there a better approach I can take?
My project is still in its very early stages and I would like to make sure I'm at least starting off on a good path.

How can I achieve an infinite scrolling animation effect in Xamarin Android?

I'm making an app in Xamarin Android and I want to achieve something like this:
Basically, it's an infinite scrolling image animation. I'm really new to android development let alone Xamarin so I'm at a loss here. I dont think the Translate animation in XML would work here. I'm thinking of translating 2 ImageViews but I dont know how to do that outside XML.
Is there a library similar to that one for Xamarin? Thanks in advance!
The cool thing about Xamarin.Android is that you can easily reuse existing Java libraries. If you are fine with using the AndroidScrollingImageView library instead of rolling out your own implemenetation, here's what you should do:
Clone or download the project to your own computer and build the library.
As a result, you'll get a JAR file that contains the AndroidScrollingImageView control.
Create a new binding project and import the JAR file.
Xamarin.Android wraps the library with C# wrappers so you can invoke Java code from C#.
Now you can use the control in your AXML layouts and call the methods in code.
It's worth reading the binding article to understand how this works. There's also a good binding library example here, where James Montemagno does exactly what you want to do. You might want to study it to see how the binding works in real life.

Is there any other method to creating UI for android application rather than XML?

It seems to difficult to creating UI for android application using XML layout (:at least for me).is there any plug-ins or any other method by which I can create UI for Android application ??
It is difficult at first but once you're used to it it is second nature. If you intend to take up Android development seriously, XML UIs is an essential skill and you should learn it well.
That said, the Eclipse setup for Android has a GUI layout maker as well, and there is DroidDraw as well.
You can also recreate about 95% of XML layouts using Java code if it suits you better.
Check out which has GUI design tools. It's pretty easy, you can just drag and drop the widgets you like.

include class from another android project

i'm following the suggestion in this post: Drawing a gameboard like checkers in Android
basically, the suggestion in the other thread is that the snake demo in the android SDK has a custom view that display a grid of images suitable for a tile based game, such as snake or checkers, and to base the done on that.
if i just wanted to use this code, how would i do so? i'm using the eclipse IDE with the android toolkit installed.
If you really wanted to you could link the source code to be used in your project via symlinks. This is probably the quickest way to include code, though you may bring in other stuff that you may not want.
Another way would be to copy the view (+source dependencies) into your src directory on the filesystem then fix any package issues you may have.

Is there a GUI tool help to create gui xml

I am new to android.
As I know, an android app used xml to construct the gui.
Is there a tool to create the gui xml from a visual drag & drop editor?
Have a go with Google App Inventor.
App Inventor only output .apk file. Is there a way to output the XML layout?
DroidDraw you give some help. But not quite easy to use. It can only produce some basic structure.
Well, there's the gui builder in eclipse, which is useful in a few cases. Although, your better of just making the XML yourself, and doing the fine tweaking in the gui editor.
There is droid draw, but from my experience with relative layouts it fails to properly build the xml.
There is also app inventor, but I haven't tried it though so I don't know how well it works.
If your looking for something that is as nice as the iPhone's gui builder, from my experience anyway, your out of luck. Roll up your sleeves and start hacking out xml. (Or java code if you want to write 10x as much). Sorry to have to tell you that.

