Chromecast: Manage stop event (not pause) in receiver from sender Android - android

I have an important question: I manage stream flow on my receiver but I want to use stop message from my sender for stop the stream. Currently I'm using this sender ( and this receiver ( but the problem is that the sender sends me a command to pause and not a stop during the live.
In the documentation, side sender Android, I'm reading that the behavior is correct and the receiver must send a media status update message back to the sender and should report the state as MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_IDLE with reason MediaStatus.IDLE_REASON_CANCELLED.
Arrived at this point I want to modify the sample receiver and manage the pause like a stop and not like a pause. I want to manage the stop because when the sender click the stop button the receiver must stop the video and the sender must destroy "every player" (player, miniplayer, etc).
So My idea is this:
sampleplayer.CastPlayer.prototype.onPause_ = function() {
this.cancelDeferredPlay_('media is paused');
var isIdle = this.state_ === sampleplayer.State.IDLE;
var isDone = this.mediaElement_.currentTime === this.mediaElement_.duration;
var isUnderflow = this.player_ && this.player_.getState()['underflow'];
if (isUnderflow) {
this.setState_(sampleplayer.State.BUFFERING, false);
this.mediaManager_.broadcastStatus(/* includeMedia */ false);
} else if (!isIdle && !isDone) {
this.setState_(sampleplayer.State.PAUSED, false);
} else if(this.isLiveStream) {
this.cancelDeferredPlay_('media is stopped');
var self = this;
sampleplayer.transition_(self.element_, sampleplayer.TRANSITION_DURATION_,
function() {
self.setState_(sampleplayer.State.IDLE, false);
return ;
As you can see in the third branc, I control a variable that I saved during the load of the video and after I set the state of player to IDLE, reset the mediaElement and finally I send to broadcast the State = IDLE and Reason = CANCELLED. In this way the sender see the message because I look the log but doesn't interpret this.
Now I don't know how to continue and manage this behaviour. Advice are welcome. Thank you.

Just to make sure my answer is covering your question, let me simplify your questions as the following: when playing a live stream, you want to still see the "stop" button on the sender side but if the user taps on that button, you want to stop the playback and unload the media.
If this is correct, you can achieve that from the sender side as well: CastVideos-android uses CastCompanionLibrary. There are two places that you need to update in that library: in VideoCastManager#togglePlayback() and VideoCastControllerFragment#togglePlayback(). In the former place, you need to update the conditional there to read like the following:
if (isPlaying && isRemoteStreamLive()) {
} else if (isPlaying) {
} else {
... //leave as is
In the latter case, you need to update one of the switch statements:
if (mSelectedMedia.getStreamType() == MediaInfo.STREAM_TYPE_LIVE) {
mPlaybackState = MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_IDLE;
} else {
mPlaybackState = MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_BUFFERING;
Basically, you are adding a logic that if the content is playing remotely, "toggling playback" should call stop() rather than pause() when dealing with a live stream.
Note that calling stop() means you are completely unloading your media and you may need to do some additional work to play another media but I haven't tested that since I don't call stop() in the CastVideos app. Also note that I have not tested/tried the above suggestion since I don't have a live stream to play with but I am hoping it would work.


how to access the phone call state in flutter?

I want to know whether the call is disconnected or continued, and based on that I want to perform an action in the application.
Can anyone tell me how to check if the phone call is disconnected or not?
along with that I also want to know if it is received by the end-user or not
any kind of help will be appreciated.
thank you
I think you should take the steps I list below:
One line of code can make a phone call
Wait for any in-flight phone
Calls Watch everything that happens on the phone during a single Call or all
Keep track of the length of calls, errors, and
call drops.
Now let’s start
Install the plugin
Flutter_phone_state: ^0.5.8
Initiate a call
It is best to make calls from your app whenever you can. This is the best way to find where the call came from.
final phoneCall = FlutterPhoneState.makePhoneCall("480-555-1234");
The truth about a call comes from a PhoneCall object.
showCallInfo(PhoneCall phoneCall) {
} can be read as a stream, and when the call is over, the plugin will gracefully close the stream. The plugin keeps an eye on all calls in progress and will eventually force any call to time out.
watchEvents(PhoneCall phoneCall) {
phoneCall.eventStream.forEach((PhoneCallEvent event) {
print("Event $event");
print("Call is complete");
You could also just wait until the call is over.
waitForCompletion(PhoneCall phoneCall) async {
await phoneCall.done;
print("Call is completed");
Accessing in-flight calls
In-flight calls can be accessed like this:
final `activeCalls = FutterPhoneState.activeCalls;`
Note that activeCalls is a copy of the calls at the time you called it. This copy cannot be changed. It won't be updated on its own.
Watching all events
You can watch all the events instead of just focusing on one call. We recommend using “FlutterPhoneState.phoneCallEventStream” because it includes our own tracking logic, call timeouts, failures, etc.
watchAllPhoneCallEvents() {
FlutterPhoneState.phoneCallEvents.forEach((PhoneCallEvent event) {
final phoneCall =;
print("Got an event $event");
print("That loop ^^ won't end");
You can sign up to get the raw events if you want to. Keep in mind that there are only so many of these events.
watchAllRawEvents() {
FlutterPhoneState.rawPhoneEvent.forEach((RawPhoneEvent event) {
final phoneCall =;
print("Got an event $event");
print("That loop ^^ won't end");

AudioFocus request DENIED to OpenTok(Tokbox) when in same added Call, android 9 and 10

Android Telecom Manager no incoming audio/sound on an Added VOIP call
I am trying to add a VOIP video calls in my app. I have registered the phone account and added the call to TelecomManager. Call is accepted successfully. I have already implemented Connection and ConnectionService.
I am using the below code to add a call.
var uri = Android.Net.Uri.FromParts(PhoneAccount.SchemeSip, voipCallInfo.Payload?.CallerName, null);
extras.PutParcelable(TelecomManager.ExtraIncomingCallAddress, uri);
extras.PutParcelable(TelecomManager.ExtraPhoneAccountHandle, phoneAccountHandle);
telecomManager.AddNewIncomingCall(phoneAccountHandle, extras);
and I am using the below code to accept the ringing call.
var telecomManager = GetTelecomManager();
if (telecomManager == null)
logger.Error("Telecom Manager is null, May be permissions not granted");
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error("RequestSystemToAnswerCall Exception : " + ex.Message);
I have tried to request the audio focus, but when I add a call in the telecom manager my app loses the focus because the phone starts ringing. After I accept the call app doesn't get the focus back I believe Telecom/Call has the focus but I can't hear anything. Another person on the call can hear me without a problem. When I end the call apps get the focus back.
I can see below in the logs.
2020-06-22,14:09:34.831 WebRTCManager Trace IsAudioSubscriptionEnabled True
[AudioManager] Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
[AudioManager] See the documentation of requestAudioFocus() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case
[AUDIO_FOCUS] Audio Focus request DENIED !
Below is the code I am using for requesting Audio.
public bool RequestAudioFocus()
var amanager = (AudioManager)GetSystemService(AudioService);
AudioFocusRequest audioFocusRequest;
if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt > BuildVersionCodes.O)
audioFocusRequest = amanager.RequestAudioFocus(new AudioFocusRequestClass.Builder(AudioFocus.Gain)
.SetAudioAttributes(new AudioAttributes.Builder().SetLegacyStreamType(Stream.VoiceCall).Build())
audioFocusRequest = amanager.RequestAudioFocus(this, Stream.VoiceCall, AudioFocus.Gain);
Debug.WriteLine("MainActivity RequestAudioFocus audioFocusRequest : " + audioFocusRequest);
if (audioFocusRequest == AudioFocusRequest.Granted)
return true;
return false;
When I establish a VOIP connection without using TelecomManager. Everythings work fine. So I believe something goes wrong when I add and accept the call.
Thanks for any idea or fix.
The reason why you can't hear anything is because OpenTok obeys the result of the RequestAudioFocus. Since the audio focus request fails OpenTok will not play audio. You can either find out why RequestAudioFocus fails or download to Xamarin.OpenTok.Android 2.14.2 in order to play audio even if RequestAudioFocus fails.
You should use AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN or AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT to request the audio focus. Here you are going to request for an undefined amount of time when call is received, so using the AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT is highly recommended for audio focus request. Here is the code snippet.
AudioManager mAudioManager = (AudioManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
AudioAttributes mAudioAttributes =
new AudioAttributes.Builder()
AudioFocusRequest mAudioFocusRequest =
new AudioFocusRequest.Builder(AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN)
.setOnAudioFocusChangeListener(...) // Need to implement listener
int focusRequest = mAudioManager.requestAudioFocus(mAudioFocusRequest);
switch (focusRequest) {
// don’t start playback
// actually start playback
By setting the listener callback function in setOnAudioFocusChangeListener you can listen to the audio focus change.
On Android N and earlier you can declare this intention without using the AudioFocusRequest object as shown below snippet. You still have to implement AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener to react to the status change. Here’s the equivalent code to the snippet above.
AudioManager mAudioManager = (AudioManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
int focusRequest = mAudioManager.requestAudioFocus(
..., // Need to implement listener
switch (focusRequest) {
// don't start
// start
As a final word, When your app has completed playing it’s audio, then it should abandon audio focus by calling AudioManager.abandonAudioFocus(…).
For your given code, if the OpenTok doesn't handle audio focus, You have to request the audio focus before AcceptRingingCall() method call. You can follow the official android docs.
I have the same problem. Here's a fix that probably isn't the 'right' way to do it, but works for me. In my VOIP call activity, once VOIP connection established, I kill my Connection object with:
And OpenTok gains the audio focus back. Incoming audio works. I don't yet know the potential consequences of killing the Connection object early (can't perform other call functions like hold, interact with other incoming calls, etc.). But until I find another way for Connection to abandon its audio focus, I'll have to do this.

Unity Google Play Games IsConnectedToRoom Check

I'm having trouble to check if a participant is still connected to a room.
I wrote this:
bool status=GooglePlayGames.Native.PInvoke.MultiplayerParticipant.AutomatchingSentinel().IsConnectedToRoom();
if (status = true)
this.gameObject.GetComponent<Text> ().text = "participant is connected";
if (status = false)
this.gameObject.GetComponent<Text> ().text = "participant left";
When players are connected, "participant is connected" is displayed.
But when a player press the home button, and go back to the screen, the participant had OnPeersDisconnected called and leave the room. But for the actual player, "participant is connected" is still displayed.
How can i know when the IsConnectedToRoom() is false?
This may still depend on how implementation is going to be. According to the document:
Make sure to construct your game logic carefully to take each participant's status and connectedness into account. For example, to determine if all racers have crossed the finish line, your game should only consider the participants who are connected; some may have left the room or never have accepted the invitation.
Detecting when a player is disconnected
Your player might be disconnected from the room due to network connectivity or server issues. To be notified when a player is disconnected from the room, implement the OnConnectedSetChanged method.
virtual void OnConnectedSetChanged(RealTimeRoom const &room) {
// Check the room's participants to see who connected/disconnected.
Hope this helps.

Cordova media plugin - stop streaming not working - release() freezes the device

I am using cordova 6.4.0 with cordova-plugin-media for streaming radio-stations in an Android Application. Unfortunately there is a case, where the application is not responding properly anymore.
Let's say the user wants to stream a radiostation, but while the stream is loading, he wants to abort it (for example because the stream is down, or taking very long to load).
In this case I am not able to cancel the process!
media = new Media("", mediaPlayerSuccess, mediaPlayerFail, mediaPlayerStatus);;
Now I want to cancel the process of buffering the stream, but I'm not able to. The functions:
are throwing error messages in the ADB-log and are calling the mediaPlayer-onError callback.
D/AudioPlayer( 3362): AudioPlayer Error: pausePlaying() called during invalid state: 1
D/AudioPlayer( 3362): AudioPlayer Error: stopPlaying() called during invalid state: 1
The media.release() command stops the loading of the stream! However just releasing the stream without stopping it, causes other, rather big problems:
Most of the times the system reacts just very slow and hangs a few seconds, if you call media.release() on a media-object. But if you do this often, the system completly freezes. Meaning it does not accetp remote-control commands anymore.
The Adb-log is still working, but does not show any errors in this case. Only the POWER-Button is still working (it locks and unlocks the screen). The only way to recover from this screwed-up state, is to reboot the device.
How am I supposed to cancel a Media-stream if it is not playing, yet? Is this a bug in the plugin?
Attached is the code-snippet, that I use to handle the media-streaming-logic. Like described above... it basically works, but it slows down or even freezes device, if you call it multiple times.
function radioControl(action, media_src){
//media_src is a webradio-streamurl.
if(action == 'play') {
// Initial Play
if(media === null){
// If we get PLAY but on antoher station
else if(media.src != media_src){
//interrupt_timer = false;
if(media === null){
else if (action === 'pause') {
//If we get "pause", but it didn't even start yet
if(media._duration == -1){
function mediaCreateObject(media_src){
media = new Media(media_src, mediaPlayerSuccess, mediaPlayerFail, mediaPlayerStatus);
function mediaReleaseRessources(){
I found out, that this is not a cordova issue, but an 8 year-old (!) android-bug, that was never fixed. See here:
MediaPlayer "crash" (deadlocks the calling thread) when resetting or releasing an unused MediaPlayer
Basically the problem is: If you try to "release" a media-object that is not playing (yet), it will deadlock the calling thread, which causes the freezing that I have mentioned in the question. Unfortunately they never fixed this bug, but just marked it as "obsolete". In Android 5.1.1. the bug apparently is still there. Maybe they fixed it in later versions.
I have made a rather ugly workaround for this problem, but it is working. Basically what I did is:
We save every media-object in a javaScript-object. If the user stops it, while it plays, we can just stop and delete the object. But if it is not playing, we leave this media-object in this javaScript-object media_objects = {};
Also we save the currently active_media stream in a variable.
If cordova calls the mediaPlayerStatusChange-callback we loop through the media_objects and check if the status of one of the "pending"-objects has now changed to "running". - Cordova justs calls the media-status-change-callback without any indictation what media-object exactly just changed the state. That is unfortunate, so we have to check if one of the pending-"obsolete" objects now started playing. If so, we can stop and release it. (If the object is actually playing, stop and release works like intended - only if it's not playing, it causes the crash)
function mediaPlayerStatusChange(status){
// handle status change....
// ......
function mediaReleaseRessources(){
for(var key in media_objects) {
// We can only stop-and release an object, if it is playing
// If an object started playing, the "_duration"-value is != -1
if(key !== active_media && media_objects[key]._duration != -1) {
delete media_objects[key];
This solution works for me, however I am still interested in a better and cleaner way to handle multiple media-streams in cordova.

Need a simple demo for only check whether background Music running or not? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to detect that music play in background
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I need a simple demo, In which I want to check whether the music is running in the background or not? And also does not effected on the music which is running in Background
I read from here study Link
and made a demo code
Demo code is here but this is not giving me the O/P:
AudioManager am = (AudioManager)getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
int result = am.requestAudioFocus(new OnAudioFocusChangeListener() {
public void onAudioFocusChange(int focusChange) {
if(//background Music is running )
//background Music is not running
What is need to be add for what I want. Please help to make it east this thing.
The current code you've posted appears to be that you are actually requesting to use the STREAM_MUSIC stream rather than detecting it. I believe you may have two options for this.
I haven't tried is this method, but it sounds like AudioManager.isMusicActive() may work for you.
From this page, it says
Checks whether any music is active.
Returns true if any music tracks are active.
Your other option is to use AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener. You must first create this listener and then register it to detect changes. This means your app would need to be running in the background before another app started using the stream.
Create a listener (examples from
OnAudioFocusChangeListener afChangeListener = new OnAudioFocusChangeListener() {
public void onAudioFocusChange(int focusChange) {
// another app took the stream temporarily
} else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN) {
// another app let go of the stream
} else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS) {
// another app took full control of the stream
Now you can register the listener and detect changes
int result = am.requestAudioFocus(afChangeListener,
// Use the music stream.
// Request permanent focus.
if (result == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED) {
// You successfully took control of the stream and can detect any future changes
This isn't a terribly elegant solution since you will most likely take away the music stream from other apps. It depends on your use case, but it may be a starting point.

