I recently integrated Google's Smart Lock for Passwords feature into my app and almost everything is running smoothly as expected.
There is just one small issue I was not able to fix yet: In ResultCallback#onResult, if status.getStatusCode() == CommonStatusCodes.RESOLUTION_REQUIRED the following command leads to the presentation of a Google resolution dialog that is asking whether to save the credentials via Smart Lock (see attached image) or which credentials to use, if there are already multiple credentials saved in Smart Lock:
status.startResolutionForResult(getActivity(), REQUEST_CODE_READ);
When the resolution dialog is presented, and the user does some orientation changes, then the resolution dialog multiplies, each of them overlapping the others. As a user, you first don’t see that there are multiple copies of the dialog, but if you close the first (by tapping on „Never“ or „Save Password“) then the uppermost dialog disappears, revealing another identical dialog below.
You can handle this by maintaining some state between the activity starting and stopping.
See use of the mIsResolving variable in this sample code. Simply save whether there is a pending dialog already when onSaveInstanceState() is called and restore in onCreate(), and guard against calling the API again if so, clearing the state once onActivityResult() is received for the intent.
private void resolveResult(Status status, int requestCode) {
// We don't want to fire multiple resolutions at once since that can result
// in stacked dialogs after rotation or another similar event.
if (mIsResolving) {
Log.w(TAG, "resolveResult: already resolving.");
if (status.hasResolution()) {
try {
status.startResolutionForResult(MainActivity.this, requestCode);
mIsResolving = true;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
mIsResolving = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_IS_RESOLVING);
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putBoolean(KEY_IS_RESOLVING, mIsResolving);
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
switch (requestCode) {
mIsResolving = false;
This is a common pitfall for many apps, so we'll look into whether we can support this state in Play Services layer, but for now, using the boolean for the activity is the current and general recommendation for maintaining resolution state.
I know, that it's an old question, but recently i have to fight with this issue, in my case I was using status.startResolutionForResult() in custom class and i didn't have any access to onSaveInstanceState() (I could make some custom callback with interface, but i didn't want to), but in my custom class i had an instance of an activity, so always before calling startResolutionForResult() I'm checking mActivity.hasWindowFocus() to see if activity lose focus, becouse of dialog that show, if it's true, then I call startResolutionForResult(), otherwise i do nothing
public void onResult(#NonNull LocationSettingsResult result) {
final Status status = result.getStatus();
switch (status.getStatusCode()){
case LocationSettingsStatusCodes.SUCCESS:
case LocationSettingsStatusCodes.RESOLUTION_REQUIRED:
if (mActivity.hasWindowFocus()) {
try {
status.startResolutionForResult(mActivity, SETTINGS_CHECK);
} catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) {
case LocationSettingsStatusCodes.SETTINGS_CHANGE_UNAVAILABLE:
I am writing class that provides me current localization only once if its able to, and returns default coordinats if can not do it for any reason. Class will be used in many places so I wanted to make it as simple to implement for others as it can be. So code would look like
LocationFinder locationFinder = new LocationFinder(this);
locationFinder.setLocationResolvedCallback(new LocationFinder.LocationResolvedCallback() {
public void onLocationFound(double latitude, double longitude) {
Log.e("Activity", latitude + " " + longitude);
but there is a case when locations settings are turned off, and I have to request user to turn them on.
task.addOnFailureListener(activity, new OnFailureListener() {
public void onFailure(#NonNull Exception e) {
int statusCode = ((ApiException) e).getStatusCode();
switch (statusCode) {
case CommonStatusCodes.RESOLUTION_REQUIRED:
try {
// Show the dialog and check result
ResolvableApiException resolvable = (ResolvableApiException) e;
resolvable.startResolutionForResult(activity, REQUEST_LOCATION_SETTINGS);
} catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException sendEx) {}
case LocationSettingsStatusCodes.SETTINGS_CHANGE_UNAVAILABLE:
So now I have to go into activity and #Override onActivityResult(), handle it from activity level which makes my class less independent.
I wrote method that handle result code within my LocationFinder
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode) {
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
} else {
locationResolvedCallback.onLocationFound(DEFAULT_LAT, DEFAULT_LONG);
but I still have to #Override any activity that uses this class and call this method from it.
So my question is.
Why does android architects did not provide onActivityResult(...) callback as they did in case of permissions? So i could handle any request from within a class by just having reference to activity like
There must be a reason but I may be missing something very obvious.
Activities have a lifecycle, and are therefore instantiated in a different way from an ordinary class.
However the functionality you are looking for can be provided by startActivityForResult(Intent). After the started activity is finished or removed from the stack, an intent is passed hack to the calling activity with a bundle you can use to pass back information
onActivityResult() called when you start activity for the result from the current Activity.
if you set the onActivityResult callback somewhere else following will happen.
Your fragments which are hosted in the activity can't get onActivityResult callback.
If you call multiple activities for the result you can't get a result properly (in one place).
For your reference see the below code. This will be never executed if you not called super.onActivityResult().
FragmentActivity onActivityResult:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
int requestIndex = requestCode>>16;
if (requestIndex != 0) {
String who = mPendingFragmentActivityResults.get(requestIndex);
if (who == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Activity result delivered for unknown Fragment.");
Fragment targetFragment = mFragments.findFragmentByWho(who);
if (targetFragment == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Activity result no fragment exists for who: " + who);
} else {
targetFragment.onActivityResult(requestCode & 0xffff, resultCode, data);
Due to this factors android not provided anonymous callback of onActivityResult()
Suggestion: In my case, I have used BroadcastReceiver to get onActivityResult on my class.
Hope it helps:)
I am trying to display the Drop-in UI in my app upon clicking a specific button. I have used the guide from Braintree site but for some reason nothing is happening.
Code below:
OnClick function:
public void onClick(View v){
switch (v.getId()){
case R.id.showUI_button:
Drop-in functions:
public void onBraintreeSubmit(View v) {
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest()
.primaryDescription("Awesome payment")
.secondaryDescription("Using the Client SDK")
startActivityForResult(paymentRequest.getIntent(this), REQUEST_CODE);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE) {
if (resultCode == BraintreePaymentActivity.RESULT_OK) {
PaymentMethodNonce paymentMethodNonce = data.getParcelableExtra(
String nonce = paymentMethodNonce.getNonce();
// Send the nonce to your server.
I have checked that the token is returned from the server.
I have also tried by setting the onClick via the xml code of the button and removing the onClick from the java file but the result is the same, no UI shown.
The log has only two lines
performCreate Call Injection Manager
Timeline: Activity_idle id:android.os.BinderProxy#etc
Any ideas? If more info is needed to understand better let me know
Actually I found this there is a "BraintreeFragment" set up part. Braintree documentation needs to be more clear on this I think.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
try {
mBraintreeFragment = BraintreeFragment.newInstance(this, mAuthorization);
// mBraintreeFragment is ready to use!
} catch (InvalidArgumentException e) {
// There was an issue with your authorization string.
The above code should work along with the previous code posted. mAuthorization is the token and needs to be valid to show the payment screen (so the variable "token" in the previous code posted which in my code I just have as private but visible from the whole activity).
Try with the test token that they have on their page and if this works then the main setup is ok.
For setting up tokens on your server, they have further documentation so that those test tokens work on the sandbox.
Because the Android SDK 23 gives users the possibility to deny apps access to certain functionalities I wanted to update one of my apps to request permissions as it is described in here: https://developer.android.com/preview/features/runtime-permissions.html.
In one of the activities I embed a SupportMapFragment. To make it work you need to have the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission, so I request it when I start the activity which results in a creation of a permission request dialog.
Now the problem is that when the dialog is still open and I rotate the device the activity will be restarted and open a new permission request dialog while the old one is still there. The result is two of those dialogs on top of each other and only one of it being useful.
Is there a way to get rid of the dialog that was started first?
As CommonsWare said in his comment the best solution is to put a boolean into the savedInstanceState-Bundle to know if the dialog is still open.
// true if dialog already open
private boolean alreadyAskedForStoragePermission = false;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if(savedInstanceState != null) {
alreadyAskedForStoragePermission = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(STORAGE_PERMISSION_DIALOG_OPEN_KEY, false);
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putBoolean(KEY, alreadyAskedForStoragePermission);
private void checkStoragePermission(){
// don't check again because the dialog is still open
if(ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, STORAGE_PERMISSIONS[0]) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED){
// the dialog will be opened so we have to keep that in memory
alreadyAskedForStoragePermission = true;
} else {
public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, #NonNull String[] permissions, #NonNull int[] grantResults) {
switch (requestCode){
// the request returned a result so the dialog is closed
alreadyAskedForStoragePermission = false;
if(grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED){
As #user1991776 mentioned there is actually an undocumented extra that contains whether or not there is a permission dialog open at the moment, in Activity:
private static final String HAS_CURENT_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_KEY =
However there is a better way. When you request a permission dialog the second time (due to a rotation), Activity automatically cancels the old dialog by calling your onRequestPermissionResult() with empty arrays:
public final void requestPermissions(#NonNull String[] permissions, int requestCode) {
if (mHasCurrentPermissionsRequest) {
Log.w(TAG, "Can reqeust only one set of permissions at a time");
// Dispatch the callback with empty arrays which means a cancellation.
onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, new String[0], new int[0]);
Intent intent = getPackageManager().buildRequestPermissionsIntent(permissions);
startActivityForResult(REQUEST_PERMISSIONS_WHO_PREFIX, intent, requestCode, null);
mHasCurrentPermissionsRequest = true;
Or course this behaviour isn't documented because this is Android, and who wants to document complex behaviour?
Anyway you can just always request permissions in onCreate() and then ignore calls to onRequestPermissionsResult() with zero-length permissions arrays.
I guess as this is a system dialog you cannot control it. You could instead prevent that your activity gets reloaded if you turn your device.
Signing out or disconnecting the GamesClient is straightforward when it is from your own UI, such as a button on the main menu.
However, users can also sign out from the game from the Google Play UI in the acheivements and leaderboard views displayed by the intents such as getAllLeaderboardsIntent(). (It's a bit hidden, but if you tap the menu in the upper right, it lets you sign out.)
There are a few promising listener interfaces like OnSignOutCompleteListener but they don't seem to work with a sign out via the google UI, only from your own UI calling GamesClient.signOut().
How can I detect that the user has signed out from the leaderboards or achievement intents? Is it possible to have a callback for this?
I want to be able to update my in-game UI to reflect the logged-in status.
Unfortunately GameHelper doesn't detect when you logout from Google play games.
What you need to do is to put this in your onActivityResult() method in your activity.
I encounter a crash error when I tried using aHelper.signOut() when res == RESULT_RECONNECT_REQUIRED is true.
Instead I created a resetAllValues() method which resets back all values to its default in GameHelper.
In my MainActivity.java
protected void onActivityResult(int req, int res, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(req, res, data);
if (res == GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_RECONNECT_REQUIRED) {
} else {
aHelper.onActivityResult(req, res, data);
My method in GameHelper.java
public void resetAllValues()
mProgressDialog = null;
mAutoSignIn = true;
mUserInitiatedSignIn = false;
mConnectionResult = null;
mSignInError = false;
mExpectingActivityResult = false;
mSignedIn = false;
mDebugLog = false;
Duplicate from:
How can i check if user sign's out from games services default view?
As I see it, there is no elegant solution to that. You can check the response_code in onActivityResult for INCONSISTENT_STATE and cut off the GamesClient, but I'm not sure, if you can potetially get to an inconsistent state in any other manner...
I want to extend a common security check to nearly every view of my application. To do this, I have made this class
public class ProtectedActivity extends ActivityBase {
boolean isAuthenticated = false;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Thread validationThread = new Thread()
public void run()
isAuthenticated = UserService.validateToken();
catch (FTNIServiceException e)
//eat it
if (!isAuthenticated)
startActivity(new Intent(ProtectedActivity.this, SignInActivity.class));
The logic is simple. Validate the user against my restful api to make sure they are signed in. If they aren't, show them to the signin page.
This works great, because to add the security check, all I need to do is inherit from my ProtectedActivity.
public class MainMenuActivity extends ProtectedActivity{
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
The problem is, however, that I periodically receive View not attached to window manager errors. I understand why this is happening. I am starting a new intent in the parent class, and the child lives on. to attempt to alter it's view even though a new intent has started. What is a better way to handle this so that if a user is not authenticated (such as their session expires serverside), it won't error when sending the user to the sign in screen?
Don't you Thread. Use AsyncTask instead which should handle your references to windows correctly.
On a different note, I would change this to a different implementation. Why don't use the Preferences storage on the phone to store some kind token. If the token is not valid then request a new token and all the stuff you are doing currently. This way is better because you don't want to request a REST call every time.
I imagine something like this (pseudo code)
Check if credentials exist in Preference
if(valid) then do nothing
else use AsyncTask and pop up a loader screen "Waiting..."