Am creating a document scanning application in android, am using OpenCV and Scan library in my project for cropping,I have created a rectangle using drawrect in camera view, now I need to capture the images inside that rectangle portion only and display it in another activity.
The image in question:
For me , I will take whole image, then crop.
Your question : "how do I know which part of the image is inside the rectangular portion, then only I can pass it nah, hope u understood". My answer is you can using relativity scaling of whole image dimension and camera display screen dimension. Then you will know which part of rectangular to be cropped.
This is the code example.
Note that you need to fill some codes to make it can save file into jpg, and save it after cropped.
// 1. Save your bitmap to file
public class MyPictureCallback implements Camera.PictureCallback {
public void onPictureTaken(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
try {
//mPictureFile is a file to save the captured image
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(mPictureFile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "File not found: " + e.getMessage());
// Somewhere in your code
// 2.1 Load bitmap from your .jpg file
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path+"/mPictureFile_name.jpg");
// 2.2 Rotate the bitmap to be the same as display, if need.
... Add some bitmap rotate code
// 2.3 Size of rotated bitmap
int bitWidth = bitmap.getWidth();
int bitHeight = bitmap.getHeight();
// 3. Size of camera preview on screen
int preWidth = preview.getWidth();
int preHeight = preview.getHeight();
// 4. Scale it.
// Assume you draw Rect as "canvas.drawRect(60, 50, 210, 297, paint);" command
int startx = 60 * bitWidth / preWidth;
int starty = 50 * bitHeight / preHeight;
int endx = 210 * bitWidth / preWidth;
int endy = 297 * bitHeight / preHeight;
// 5. Crop image
Bitmap blueArea = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, startx, starty, endx, endy);
// 6. Save Crop bitmap to file
This will work for you: How to programmatically take a screenshot in Android?
Make sure that the view (v1 in the code sample's case) passed in Bitmap.createBitmap(v1.getDrawingCache()) is a viewgroup that contains the image you want ot send to the second activity
I don't think your intended flow is feasible. As far as I know, camera intents don't take arguments allowing to draw such a rectangle (I could be wrong though).
Instead, I suggest you take a picture, and then edit it with a library such as this one ( or programatically as suggested above.
Works on Emulator with Android Oreo (8.X). I have the possibility to do changes right to the android sources, so it would also help if someone knews what in the android sources I have to change or update to get this working (so I don't really need an Android 7 workaround for this. An update to Android 8 though is not possible.)
I'm having a SurfaceView inside a FrameLayout. The SurfaceView usually displays a video, for example purposes I'm actually drawing an image.
The problem is, if I'm setting the size of the FrameLayout (or the SurfaceView) above 10.000 pixels in width, it gets cropped on the left side.
Tested on Android 7.1.1 (on a device and Emulator: Android TV (1080p) API 25
public class TestActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//add surfaceview
TestSurfaceView testSurfaceView = new TestSurfaceView(this);
FrameLayout.LayoutParams bgParams = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) testSurfaceView.getLayoutParams();
//testcase full hd - working
bgParams.width = 1920;
//testcase 2 - working - each segment is 330px as 9900 / 1920 * 64 (default segment width) == 330
//bgParams.width = 9900;
//testcase 3 - working
//bgParams.width = 10000;
//testcase 4 - not working - each segment is 335px which is correct but first cell gets cropped by exactly 50px to the left
//bgParams.width = 10050;
bgParams.height = (int)Math.floor(bgParams.width * (9d/16d)); //16:9
testSurfaceView.setX(0); //doesnt help
Also the position counts into the 10000px limitation as you can see on following testcases
bgParams.width = 9900;
bgParams.height = (int)Math.floor(bgParams.width * (9d/16d)); //16:9
//works - as 9900 + 90 < 10000
//doesnt work, crops 50px to the left - 9900 + 150 -> 10050
public class TestSurfaceView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback
public TestSurfaceView(TestActivity context) {
SurfaceHolder holder = this.getHolder();
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder)
//load bitmap from file
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS).getAbsolutePath() + "/testimg.png", options);
Canvas c = surfaceHolder.lockCanvas();
Rect rect = new Rect();
rect.set(0,0, 1920, 1080); //image size
Rect destRect = new Rect();
destRect.set(0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
//draw the image on the surface
c.drawBitmap(bitmap, rect, destRect, null);
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {
public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
styles.xml - for the theme
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Material.Light.NoActionBar.Fullscreen">
<!-- Customize your theme here. -->
The code above produces following output, which is correct.
If I change the bgParams.width to 9600 - it scales up correctly and still displays starting from the left edge of the image:
But if I change the code to e.g. 10050, the image gets cropped by 50 pixels to the left.
If I set:
destRect.set(50, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
It gets displayed correctly, but as I can't do that for the MediaPlayer and it's super weird, I'm trying to find a good solution.
I also tried setting the sizes directly on the SurfaceView and instead of changing the LayoutParams, I tried setting scaleX and scaleY of the Framelayout but ended up with the same results.
(btw. opengl max texture size is about 16000px - setting it above the ~16000px results in a black screen and an exception, so that is not the cause of the problem)
Posted all sources. Anyway here is the complete android studio project:
WeTransfer project download link
I am want to display Barcode on android. As input I get SVG string. As a SVG library I use AndroidSVG. I used sample code from library website and everything seem to be fine. But when I zoom on image, I get distorted edges (Anti-alias?). I tried to disable all the flags. But the image still has fuzzy edges. What can be wrong with my code?
Try to zoom to max, you will see the fuzzy edges.
private void loadQRCode(String svgString) {
SVG svg = null;
try {
svg = SVG.getFromString(svgString);
} catch (SVGParseException e) {
if (svg.getDocumentWidth() != -1) {
int widthPx = Utils.pxFromDp(400);
int heightDp = Utils.pxFromDp(300);
int width = (int) Math.ceil(svg.getDocumentWidth());
int height = (int) Math.ceil(svg.getDocumentHeight());
Bitmap newBM = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas bmcanvas = new Canvas(newBM);
final DrawFilter filter = new PaintFlagsDrawFilter(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG| Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG | Paint.DITHER_FLAG, 0);
bmcanvas.drawRGB(255, 255, 255);
If the edges of the bars do not lie exactly on pixel boundaries, you will get anti-aliasing. On a high resolution screen, this should not normally be visible.
However, in your code, you are rendering the SVG to a bitmap and setting the bitmap to an ImageView. If that ImageView has a size larger than the bitmap - ie. greater than 400 x 300, then the anti-aliased pixels in that bitmap will likely be rendered larger and thus more visible.
One solution is to avoid using a bitmap. Use a Picture/PictureDrawable instead. That way the barcode will be rendered at highest quality no matter what size it is. As vector graphics are supposed to be.
Follow the example on this page:
So your code should probably look something like the following:
private void loadQRCode(String svgString) {
try {
SVG svg = SVG.getFromString(svgString);
Drawable drawable = new PictureDrawable(svg.renderToPicture());
} catch (SVGParseException e) {
If for some reason you need to use bitmaps - maybe you are caching them or something - then you should watch for changes in the size of the ImageView and then recreate the bitmap at the new size. So the bitmap is always the same size as the ImageView to which it is assigned.
In my app I have scanner view, which must scan two barcodes with zxing library. Top barcode is in PDF417 format, bottom - in DATAMATRIX. I used as a base, but with main difference: I have to use image coordinates as scan area. Main algorithm:
Depends of current step, scan activity passes current scan area to scanner view in screen coordinates. These coordinates calculated as follows:
public static Rect getScanRectangle(View view) {
int[] l = new int[2];
view.measure(0, 0);
return new Rect(l[0], l[1], l[0] + view.getMeasuredWidth(), l[1] + view.getMeasuredHeight());
2.In the scanner view, in onPreviewFrame method, camera preview size is received from camera parameters. When I translated byte data from camera to bitmap image in memory, I saw, that it rotated 90 degrees cw, and camera resolution not equals screen resolution. So, I have to map screen coordinates into camera (or surface view) coordinates:
private Rect normalizeScreenCoordinates(Rect input, int cameraWidth, int cameraHeight) {
if(screenSize == null) {
screenSize = new Point();
Display display = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
int height = screenSize.x;
int width = screenSize.y;
float widthCoef = (float)cameraWidth/width;
float heightCoef = (float)cameraHeight/height;
Rect result = new Rect((int)( * widthCoef), (int)(input.left * heightCoef), (int)(input.bottom * widthCoef), (int)(input.right * heightCoef));
return result;
After that, translated coordinates passes into axing and on most test devices all works fine. But not on Nexus 5X. First, there are serious gap between display size and activity.getWindow().getDecorView() sizes. Maybe this is related to status bar size, which is translucent and for some reason it's height maybe not calculated. But, even after I added vertical offset, there are something wrong with scan area. What's may be reason for that error?
I am developing an app which is have loading large bitmap into ImageView. here i am using Bi linear algorithm for re-sizing image and it is working fine but it is taking too much time to resize(Bi-linear algorithm). i am adding some code below.
here is the code :
mutableBitmap = biLinear(mutableBitmap, outWidth,outHeight);// Bi-Linear code
mutableBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(mutableBitmap, 0, 0, mutableBitmap.getWidth(),
mutableBitmap.getHeight(), m, true);
Bi-Linear algorithm method :
public static Bitmap biLinear(final Bitmap input,int outWidth,int outHeight)
final int oldHeight=input.getHeight(),oldWidth=input.getWidth();
final int newHeight=outHeight,newWidth=outWidth;
Bitmap output =Bitmap.createBitmap(newWidth, newHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
// position of the top left pixel of the 4 pixels to use interpolation on
int xTopLeft,yTopLeft;
int x,y,lastTopLefty;
final float xRatio=(float)newWidth/(float)oldWidth,yratio=(float)newHeight/(float)oldHeight;
// Y color ratio to use on left and right pixels for interpolation
float ycRatio2=0,ycRatio1=0;
// pixel target in the src
float xt,yt;
// X color ratio to use on left and right pixels for interpolation
float xcRatio2=0,xcratio1=0;
int rgbTopLeft=0,rgbTopRight=0,rgbBottomLeft=0,rgbBottomRight=0,rgbTopMiddle=0,rgbBottomMiddle=0;
// do the resizing:
// when meeting the most right edge, move left a little
// we are between the left and right pixel
// color ratio in favor of the right pixel color
// when meeting the most bottom edge, move up a little
// we went down only one rectangle
else if(lastTopLefty!=yTopLeft)
// we went to a totally different rectangle (happens in every loop start,and might happen more when making the picture smaller)
// color ratio in favor of the bottom pixel color
// prepared all pixels to look at, so finally set the new pixel data
return output;
this algorithm taking nearly 15-20 secs to load the image
is there any possibility to reduce the loading time
if anyone have idea please help me
Thanks in Advance.
Calling getPixel/setPixel methods per pixel may require to much time.
I suggest you to use copyPixelsToBuffer/copyPixelsFromBuffer methods instead.
public static Bitmap biLinear(final Bitmap input,int outWidth,int outHeight) {
if(input.getConfig() != Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) {
// this example assumes that input bitmap configuration is Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888
throw new RuntimeException();
final int oldHeight=input.getHeight(),oldWidth=input.getWidth();
final int newHeight=outHeight,newWidth=outWidth;
IntBuffer inputBuffer = IntBuffer.allocate(oldWidth * oldHeight);
IntBuffer outputBuffer = IntBuffer.allocate(newWidth * newHeight);
Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(newWidth, newHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
// position of the top left pixel of the 4 pixels to use interpolation on
int xTopLeft,yTopLeft;
int x,y,lastTopLefty;
final float xRatio=(float)newWidth/(float)oldWidth,yratio=(float)newHeight/(float)oldHeight;
// Y color ratio to use on left and right pixels for interpolation
float ycRatio2=0,ycRatio1=0;
// pixel target in the src
float xt,yt;
// X color ratio to use on left and right pixels for interpolation
float xcRatio2=0,xcratio1=0;
int rgbTopLeft=0,rgbTopRight=0,rgbBottomLeft=0,rgbBottomRight=0,rgbTopMiddle=0,rgbBottomMiddle=0;
// do the resizing:
// when meeting the most right edge, move left a little
// we are between the left and right pixel
// color ratio in favor of the right pixel color
// when meeting the most bottom edge, move up a little
// we went down only one rectangle
rgbBottomLeft=inputBuffer.get(xTopLeft + (oldWidth * (yTopLeft+1)));
rgbBottomRight=inputBuffer.get(xTopLeft+1 + (oldWidth * (yTopLeft+1)));
else if(lastTopLefty!=yTopLeft)
// we went to a totally different rectangle (happens in every loop start,and might happen more when making the picture smaller)
rgbTopLeft=inputBuffer.get(xTopLeft + (oldWidth * yTopLeft));
rgbTopRight=inputBuffer.get(xTopLeft+1 + (oldWidth * yTopLeft));
rgbBottomLeft=inputBuffer.get(xTopLeft + (oldWidth * (yTopLeft+1)));
rgbBottomRight=inputBuffer.get(xTopLeft+1+(oldWidth * (yTopLeft+1)));
// color ratio in favor of the bottom pixel color
// prepared all pixels to look at, so finally set the new pixel data
outputBuffer.put(x + outWidth * y,Color.argb(//
return output;
Here's what I need:
I have a Surface view that has a square (image view) on top of it. I need to capture an image, and crop out the area that was visible only within the square.
This code gives me decent results but specific only to some devices:
int width=(int)(bitmap.getWidth()*60/100);
int height=(bitmap.getHeight()*100/100); //dont change
bitmap=Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap,150,0, width-55, height);
Is there any way I could generalize this code? Is there any other way to get what I need?
EDIT: This is how I got it to work-
Save the image from the surface view as a bitmap (This is very simple. There are many examples available on the internet that show how to do that)
Use this code in a function, and call it after the image is clicked
//bitmap is the object where the image is stored
int width = bitmap.getWidth();
int height = bitmap.getHeight();
int left;
if(width > height){
left = (width - height)/2;
else {
left = (height - width)/2;
bitmap=Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap,left,0, height, height);