I have been following the guide here to add TurnBased Multiplayer to an android game. https://developers.google.com/games/services/android/turnbasedMultiplayer#before_you_begin. I have coded everything up and am able to have users login to google play services. Then using the BaseGameUtils I attempt to create a match using the following function below but I never receive a callback other than timeouts.
void CreateMatch(MatchConfig matchConfig) {
int minAutoMatchPlayers = 2;
int maxAutoMatchPlayers = 2;
Bundle autoMatchCriteria = TurnBasedMatchConfig.createAutoMatchCriteria(minAutoMatchPlayers, maxAutoMatchPlayers, 0);
TurnBasedMatchConfig curMatch = TurnBasedMatchConfig.builder()
if (!googleApiClient.isConnected()) {
Log.d(TAG, "Not connected to google api so unable to create a match");
// Attempt creating a match and set this as the callback
Games.TurnBasedMultiplayer.createMatch(googleApiClient, curMatch).setResultCallback(this, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
I implemented the ResultCallback<TurnBasedMultiplayer.InitiateMatchResult> in the same class, but as mentioned never get any callbacks.
public void onResult(TurnBasedMultiplayer.InitiateMatchResult initiateMatchResult) {
Status status = initiateMatchResult.getStatus();
Log.d(TAG, "Match creation status " + status);
Im not sure how to debug this further or why im not getting any callbacks. I have:
Setup my developer account and added/enable turnbased games. The App is in Alpha there.
Setup the OAuth key and AppId in the manifest.
Tested with signed APKs. Tested with two different google accounts on
two different phones.
Tried using Games.TurnBasedMultiplayer.loadMatchesByStatus(googleApiClient,
TurnBasedMatch.MATCH_TURN_STATUS_ALL).setResultCallback(this); but
it always returns 0 matches.
Any information on how to debug this
further would be greatly appreciated.
Did you try adding
Implement OnInvitationReceivedListener and OnTurnBasedMatchUpdateReceivedListener
to your activity?
In onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) Games.Invitations.registerInvitationListener(mGoogleApiClient, this) and Games.TurnBasedMultiplayer.registerMatchUpdateListener(mGoogleApiClient, this)
I have a couple questions of how to implement google game services in my app.
First of all, after I checked that the user is signed in and the client is connected, I launch
Intent intent = Games.TurnBasedMultiplayer.getSelectOpponentsIntent(mGoogleApiClient, 1, 1, true);
startActivityForResult(intent, RC_SELECT_PLAYERS);
To show the user a dialog where they can select the opponent.
After I get the result from the activity I execute this code
if (request == RC_SELECT_PLAYERS) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Got RC_SELECT_PLAYERS result intent");
if (response != Activity.RESULT_OK) {
// user canceled
// Get the invitee list.
final ArrayList<String> invitees = data.getStringArrayListExtra(Games.EXTRA_PLAYER_IDS);
// Get auto-match criteria.
Bundle autoMatchCriteria;
int minAutoMatchPlayers = data.getIntExtra(Multiplayer.EXTRA_MIN_AUTOMATCH_PLAYERS, 0);
int maxAutoMatchPlayers = data.getIntExtra(Multiplayer.EXTRA_MAX_AUTOMATCH_PLAYERS, 0);
if (minAutoMatchPlayers > 0) {
autoMatchCriteria = RoomConfig.createAutoMatchCriteria(minAutoMatchPlayers, maxAutoMatchPlayers, 0);
} else {
autoMatchCriteria = null;
TurnBasedMatchConfig turnBasedMatchConfig = TurnBasedMatchConfig.builder()
// Create and start the match.
.createMatch(mGoogleApiClient, turnBasedMatchConfig)
.setResultCallback(new MatchInitiatedCallback());
To initiate the match. The problem is, the opponent I challenged doesn't get any notification where he is asked to join the game. So when the user gets a notification to join a game, how can I catch this notification and show the user the appropriate content? Which intent result should I look for?
In my MatchInitiatedCallback I check which turn it is now:
public class MatchInitiatedCallback implements ResultCallback<TurnBasedMultiplayer.InitiateMatchResult> {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "MatchInitiatedCallback";
public void onResult(TurnBasedMultiplayer.InitiateMatchResult result) {
// Check if the status code is not success.
Status status = result.getStatus();
if (!status.isSuccess()) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "showError() " + status.toString());
TurnBasedMatch match = result.getMatch();
// If this player is not the first player in this match, continue.
if (match.getData() != null) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Not my turn");
// Otherwise, this is the first player. Initialize the game state.
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "initGame()");
// Let the player take the first turn
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "showTurnGui()");
But this code gets executed even before my opponent selects to join.
Shouldn't he first be able to accept or decline the game?
Can someone please tell me if I'm doing this properly or if this is supposed to be like this? If not, how should it be implemented correctly?
EDIT: I took all this code from the documentation. It does show some code samples of how to implement things, but not of how the code all comes together and the order in which things should be executed, or how to handle notifications and such.
Yes, it is supposed to work like this. You must take a turn before the opponent actually receives the invitation. In fact, if you invite several opponents, each of them will have to accept the invitation and take a turn before the next opponent is invited, meaning it can take quite a while before you know whether you actually got a match going.
To avoid asking the users to take turns during the invitation phase, your program can take a dummy turn for each user to pass the invitation to the next user. When all users have joined you can start to take real turns.
I'm currently attempting to use AppSync to sync a piece of data between an android app and a pebble app. However, I seem to not be able to get the pebble to realize that any data is being transferred - that is, no logs are being produced where they should be. What is really bothering me is that this is essentially the code found in the pebble weather example. I've pasted the relevant bits of code below - could someone possibly look it over and suggest where any issues may be? I've made sure that the UUIDs in both programs (pebble app and android app) are the same, and that they are on the same network, and that the pebble is actually connected to the phone, and that the android function is actually being called and all.
Snippet of pebble app code:
static void sync_error_callback(DictionaryResult dict_error, AppMessageResult app_message_error, void *context) {
APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "App Message Sync Error: %d", app_message_error);
static void sync_tuple_changed_callback(const uint32_t key, const Tuple* new_tuple, const Tuple* old_tuple, void* context) {
APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, new_tuple->value->cstring);
void home_screen_load() {
// set up each one of the SimpleMenuItems
Tuplet initial_values[] = {
TupletCString(0x0, "Initial 1")
app_sync_init(&sync, sync_buffer, sizeof(sync_buffer), initial_values, ARRAY_LENGTH(initial_values), sync_tuple_changed_callback, sync_error_callback, NULL);
Snippet of android app:
final UUID PEBBLE_APP_UUID = UUID.fromString("10549fd4-1fe4-4d30-8a18-6f2f8149f8fd");
public void sendDataToWatch(String toSend) {
// Build up a Pebble dictionary containing the weather icon and the current temperature in degrees celsius
PebbleDictionary data = new PebbleDictionary();
data.addString(0x0, toSend);
PebbleKit.sendDataToPebble(getApplicationContext(), PEBBLE_APP_UUID, data);
To debug this type of problem, you should set a inbox_dropped handler and see if you get anything there.
After initializing AppMessage and AppSync, call:
And add this function:
static void appmsg_in_dropped(AppMessageResult reason, void *context) {
APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "In dropped: %s", translate_error(reason));
Take a look at this question for the source of the translate_error function.
Signing out or disconnecting the GamesClient is straightforward when it is from your own UI, such as a button on the main menu.
However, users can also sign out from the game from the Google Play UI in the acheivements and leaderboard views displayed by the intents such as getAllLeaderboardsIntent(). (It's a bit hidden, but if you tap the menu in the upper right, it lets you sign out.)
There are a few promising listener interfaces like OnSignOutCompleteListener but they don't seem to work with a sign out via the google UI, only from your own UI calling GamesClient.signOut().
How can I detect that the user has signed out from the leaderboards or achievement intents? Is it possible to have a callback for this?
I want to be able to update my in-game UI to reflect the logged-in status.
Unfortunately GameHelper doesn't detect when you logout from Google play games.
What you need to do is to put this in your onActivityResult() method in your activity.
I encounter a crash error when I tried using aHelper.signOut() when res == RESULT_RECONNECT_REQUIRED is true.
Instead I created a resetAllValues() method which resets back all values to its default in GameHelper.
In my MainActivity.java
protected void onActivityResult(int req, int res, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(req, res, data);
if (res == GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_RECONNECT_REQUIRED) {
} else {
aHelper.onActivityResult(req, res, data);
My method in GameHelper.java
public void resetAllValues()
mProgressDialog = null;
mAutoSignIn = true;
mUserInitiatedSignIn = false;
mConnectionResult = null;
mSignInError = false;
mExpectingActivityResult = false;
mSignedIn = false;
mDebugLog = false;
Duplicate from:
How can i check if user sign's out from games services default view?
As I see it, there is no elegant solution to that. You can check the response_code in onActivityResult for INCONSISTENT_STATE and cut off the GamesClient, but I'm not sure, if you can potetially get to an inconsistent state in any other manner...
Hi I am running ADMMessenger sample application provided with SDK.
in which I am not able to get Registration ID in register() method of MainActivity.
Method is like this.
private void register()
final ADM adm = new ADM(this);
if (adm.isSupported())
if(adm.getRegistrationId() == null)
} else {
// final MyServerMsgHandler srv = new MyServerMsgHandler();
// srv.registerAppInstance(getApplicationContext(), adm.getRegistrationId());
Log.v("log_tag","Reg_id:: "+adm.getRegistrationId());
in Log cat I am always getting Reg_id:: null
and onRegistrationError() method of SampleADMMessageHandler is calling.
and error at there is ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE
I can not understand what is problem, please help me.
For the service to work correctly you need to be using the Kindle image (not a generic Android one) and also make sure you have logged into your account on the device (pull down the status bar at the top and ensure you have selected an account)
I'm developing an Android app using Gigya to allow people to register using Facebook and Twitter; in parallel another developer is doing the same thing in iOS. We want to implement custom login UI.
The standard method uses Gigya's own UI and is documented here:
Beneath, it simply suggests:
If you wish to implement the graphic design by yourself, use the login method instead.
The standard login method calls a dedicated post-login callback with an onLogin(...) method and all subsequent flows are described as stemming from this event. The other login method calls a standard onGSResponse(...) callback; it's not clear how the response can be used to construct a user so I've set up my implementation to call socialize.getUserInfo. Attempts to call either method have resulted in lots of unusual errors.
As per the Gigya instructions I'm starting up with
in onCreate(...) (where GIGYA_APP_KEY is a value copied from our console). I'm calling setAPIDomain because we were getting an invalid data center error (albeit with a 500001 code, not a 301001 code!), which this has fixed.
Facebook login goes through the login flow as I'd expect and then comes back with error 400093 (which the docs tell me is an invalid API parameter, and has the message " Missing parameter: client_id").
Twitter login comes back with 206002, " Account Pending Verification", which seems to make sense; I then call
null, //parameters
true, //use HTTPS
this, //the callback
null //a context object
and this gives me the error:
Missing required parameter: No secret or signature were provided. Request could not be verified.
The documentation for socialize.getUserInfo suggest a UID is required for web apps, but not for native ones. It mentions no other mandatory fields. I am a bit stuck ... shouldn't the GSAPI object be handling verification, as it's initialized with the API key?
I can give you some direction at a very high level for integrating GIGYA. (Code below is not verbatim) Hopefully it is somewhat helpful.
For a private Android app I had created a Manager object (GigyaManager) that maintained a singleton instance of the GSAPI object.
This singleton GigyaManager was initialized in my application object:
public static GigyaManager getInstance(String apiKey, Context context) {
mGSAPI = new GSAPI(apiKey, context);
My GigyaManager class also had a wrapper method for handling the login w/social services:
public void loginWithSocialService(GigyaSocialProvider provider, GSResponseListener listener) throws Exception {
// did the user attempt a social login, and bail out on the registration
// phase?
if (GigyaManager.getInstance().getGSAPI().getSession() != null) {
GSObject providerArgs = new GSObject();
providerArgs.put(GigyaManager.GIGYA_ARG_PROVIDER, provider.name().toLowerCase());
mGSAPI.login(providerArgs, listener, null);
This was fired from an onClick listener in a fragment that contained a "login" button:
GigyaManager.getInstance("appKey", getActivity()).loginWithSocialService(GigyaSocialProvider.FACEBOOK, this);
That fragment had to implement GSResponseListener that has the callbacks to deal with whether the login was successful or not:
public void onGSResponse(String method, GSResponse response, Object context) {
if (!method.equalsIgnoreCase("login") || response.getErrorCode() != 0) {
GIGYAResponseWrapper resp = new GIGYAResponseWrapper(response.getResponseText());
// user is attached to login provider?
if (resp.isIsAttached()) {
// start some sort of loader or asynctask to get information about user account
// connected to GIGYA social login
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putString(ARG_UID, resp.getUid());
args.putString(ARG_UID_SIGNATURE, resp.getUidSignature());
args.putString(ARG_SIGNATURE_TIMESTAMP, resp.getSignatureTimestamp());
args.putString(ARG_SOCIAL_NICKNAME, resp.getNickname());
} else {
// login success, but this social account is not associated with anything in GIGYA