I'm about to create a different version of my existing app. I need hi-res icon, featured graphic, and screenshots of previous application. How can I download them from Google Play developer console?
You can use Google Chrome developer tools to find out the link to your apps graphic in the google play developer console.
The link to this graphic is like that: https://lh3.ggpht.com/tl0FC9sBdKWSI37JejuhKrMjlrZkZNbAJmDhaYvs6WahtRvNZC6XEiTIcyQiJ7a2QQ=h300-rw
As you can see there is "h300-rw" at the end of this link. It is the dimension of your image. If you change that for example to "h1024-rw" then you'll get a hi-res image:
Follow these simple steps:
1) goto your App Page in Google Play
2) copy the Image Address of the image you needed https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/GFLeShFxtwkDtDWMFVeieXc3nXlNwggWmh99TfwgrMANc4L3ZD2T-EEWaBbeQmjQWw=s180-rw
3) paste it on the browser and remove =s180-rw
4) download thats it.
You can download Google Play Console images in .png by following these steps :
Right click on the image and click on "Open image" (on Chrome) or "Display image "(on Firefox)
Add =h1204 at the end of the url if you want to get the image with 1204 height (you can set any value you want)
Add =w1204 at the end of the url if you want to get the image with 1204 width (you can set any value you want)
Now, you can now download the image by saving it (you will see that the format will be .PNG)
Visit the app page on your computer, tap on the screenshot you wish to download.
Right click on the image and click Open Image in new Tab.
Switch to new tab and again right click on the image and choose Save Image As....
Jquery selector is best option to extract images from play store and app store as both stores allow web crawl.
U can find a unique class to identify image section and then crawl it.
Currently it won't show the '=s180-rw' anymore. However you can just append anything like '=s1024-rw' after the URL and it will show the 1024 image.
I uploaded some pictures manually in firebase storage in the specific folder I want to get the URL of all images that are stored in that specific folder.
Is there any way I can get the URL of all images?
Note: There are many folders in my firebase storage I just wanted to get images from Driver1 as the screenshot is attached you can clearly see the images I uploaded.
You can simply click on the image you want to download and on the right-hand side of the page, a new section will appear, which contains the name of the image. If you click on the name, a new tab in your browser will be opened containing that particular image. You can copy the URL right from there or, at the bottom of this new section, you'll see the "File location". If you click on it, you'll see the "Access token" and if you click again on it, the download URL and the corresponding token will be copied. Then you can paste that into your web browser and you'll see the image.
To be able to read or download an image from a Cloud Storage URL, please check the official documentation:
Since you're using Android, I also recommend you a library called Glide for Android.
I'm using multi_image_picker to allow picking images in my Flutter app.
I've noticed odd behavior when I download an image and store in the Download folder of the device, and the following things happen:
After I download an image, I trigger the image picker (by running MultiImagePicker.pickImages).
Image Picker doesn't show the image, which is odd since I've downloaded the image.
I'm navigating to the Android Files app and I do find the image.
Restarting my app and navigating again to the Image Picker, but still - image not exists.
Opening Google Photos app and after a second the image appears.
Navigating back to my app -> Image Picker, and then I see the image.
I know it sounds odd. I have no idea how or why it happens. I'm using Flutter 1.10.3 and a fresh Android API 28 emulator. I ran the app in an Android Q too and the results are the same.
Looks like your download directory and your GooglePhotos sync directory are in two different places and MultiImage.pickImages is looking at the GooglePhotosSync directory (which might also be the devices CameraRoll directory).
So you are dependent on GooglePhotos uploading the photo from one place and downloading it to another.
Most of my work is ios so sorry I cant be more specific.
I observed similar behavior in terms of some photos not showing when picking image from gallery.
I just found the cause 5 minutes ago before asking "Have you found out the solution?"
It turns out, the flutter image pickter starts from "Recent" folder, the photos I have recently downloaded have much older timestamp. So these photos are futher down in the list.
I will look into a solution.
I've been searching but all I can find is a reference to download another browser called yandex and install the chrome extensions I have on that.
I want to create an app that uses a chrome extension in android to allow the user to download images and store them in a folder.
E.g. My app: the user will search google images and each image that the user views, an icon will appear top right on the image which provides the user with a menu to download to a specific folder.
But the only extensions I've been able to download are for desktop.
Can I achieve what I want with my app?
In my app, I would like to take the photo, and then upload it to the search engine API and receive JSON/XML with the search result, so the user can choose the most matching option.
Is it possible to use image search by uploading the image file (like you would do that in regular google image search), instead of providing the image URL?
I'm trying to create an Android application to recognize an image by Google images search. I want that a user provides an image to Google (by uploading it from the gallery) and Google returns the web page with the best guess for the loaded image.
I would open the google images search page (https://www.google.it/imghp?hl=it&tab=wi&ei=ZzCGWIW9EcyuswHu7KroDA&ved=0EKouCBYoAQ) inside of my activity.
But, in this page, in order to see the camera icon next to the search bar that lets you upload images, you must set your browser with the "pc view".
So how can I open in my activity this page directly in "view PC" mode? In addition there is a way to directly execute the image search using Google image search without opening the associated page but through an http request?
I am also interested in different approaches to the problem.
Thanks in advance.
To open the page in PC mode, you could set the user agent to that of a desktop browser
An alternative would be to send the image to Chrome and allow the user to perform the reverse image search using the built-in menu, but that is no longer a native solution.