Is possible Move Up Layout? - android

I would like to do it. This is iOS app
The entire screen went up and the keyboard was below the buttons
before displaying the keyboard:
after displaying the keyboard
The option "adjustPan" in adroid manifes not work like it, the buttons below of Edittext hide under keyboard

adjustResize should work for when you want to move the screen up.


Show soft keyboard without changing views positions

We are doing an app like Whatsapp, so we show an emoji panel or the soft keyboard. We are using adjustResize as we need to get the soft keyboard's height (in order to ensure that emoji panel has the same height as soft keyboard), everything works fine but, when changing from emoji panel to keyboard we see how the edittext goes to bottom and then goes up with the soft keyboard.
How could we do in order to fix the edittext while the soft keyboard is shown? I've thought about changing from adjustResize to adjustPan on the moment before the keyboard is shown, but then we are getting problems with measuring the keyboard's height (through the ViewTreeObserver).
Any idea about how could we solve that issue?
Thanks in advance
Put your layout with view into ScrollView and use adjustPan, in this way you can scroll content when the keyboard show's.
Or you can try:

Hide view when showing keyboard

I have two EditText views and one ImageView. My goal is to hide the ImageView when i am showing the keyboard (When the user have clicked on one of the EditText fields)
Then show the imageView again when the user have unfocused the EditText field or the keyboard is not visible anymore.
I have tried tons of different ways to do this. But nothing really works as intended. Do you guys have any idea how i could achieve this
Have you tried to detect if the keyboard is opened ? How do I Detect if Software Keyboard is Visible on Android Device?
Make debug and when is opened try to hide image . imageview.setvisibility (GONE)
if it does not work you can try to change layout
Make 2 layouts and switch visibility if the keyboard is open /closed
You can add a OnFocusChangeListener to the EditText,when you click the EditText,it will get focus,and then you can hide the ImageView.
<activity android:name="SearchResultsActivity"
The activity’s main window is not resized to make room for the soft keyboard. Rather, the contents of the window are automatically panned so that the current focus is never obscured by the keyboard and users can always see what they are typing. This is generally less desirable than resizing, because the user may need to close the soft keyboard to get at and interact with obscured parts of the window.
regards! :)
You can do one thing, place UIView-> UIImageView -> UITextfield1-> UITextField2.Handle the UIImageView hiding state in textfield delegates which are Begin and End editing delegate methods

Soft keyboard changes the view layout when it opens in landscape

Why does the soft keyboard change the layout so dramatically when I swap this screen to landscape? It works perfectly fine in portrait. I am assuming that it has to do with the limited space, but the keyboard could still open without covering the EditText that spawned it. It even inserts a Search button. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
This is default Android behavior, users should be used to it. But if you really don't want this to happen, you can put android:imeOptions="flagNoExtractUi" in the EditText layout.
Also, the "Search" button is what you've specified in the android:imeOptions for the action.

android keyboard is hiding the layout

I have a relative layout that is supposed to move up when the soft keyboard opens. It worked all fine until I had to make the application full screen. After I set
the layout doesn't move up. It stays where it is and the keyboard is on top of it.
I tried with android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan|adjustResize" but it doesn't work.
I found my answer. The answer to this question can be found here:
Android How to adjust layout in Full Screen Mode when softkeyboard is visible

Android hide keyboard but a cursor stays on screen

Good morning!
On an app that I'm working on, I hide the soft keyboard and have a dark overlay appear on screen. The issue I'm having is that after the keyboard is hidden, there is still a little indicator/cursor on the EditText.
How can I hide this?
Many thanks!
You can use either the xml attribute android:cursorVisible or the java function setCursorVisible(boolean).

