How to get Total RAM memory of the Device? - android

When i run my app on LG G4 or Note 3 which has 3GB of RAM, it shows that the device has 2GB of ram. Can someone explain where is the problem?
ActivityManager.MemoryInfo mi = new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo();
ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
long freeMemory = mi.availMem / 1048576L;
long totalMemory = mi.totalMem / 1048576L;
long usedMemory = totalMemory - freeMemory;
SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences(Util.MyPREFERENCES, 0);
String status = sharedPreferences.getString(Util.KEY_STATUS, null);
if (status.equals("clean")) {
tvFree.setText(freeMemory + " MB");
tvTotal.setText(totalMemory + " MB");
tvUsed.setText(usedMemory + " MB");

It does not seem to be a clear API for that but I used a simple hack:
Setup a lookup table with some of the power of 2s (like first 15-20) and find the nearest value to the "OS memory" retrieved from the API.
Had a similar problem to yours:
Get android device's all RAM memory programmatically and not only what is only allocated to user processes


How to check data usage of mobile for specific sim slot in android?

I am trying to find data usage by specific SIM slot. For this I am using TrafficStats.getMobileRxBytes() method but it gives total usage of both the SIM in dual SIM device.
Below is my code that return me total usage:
long rxBytes = (TrafficStats.getTotalRxBytes()- mStartRX)/ 1048576;
long txBytes = (TrafficStats.getTotalTxBytes()- mStartTX)/ 1048576;
Log.d("totalWifiRe", (TrafficStats.getTotalRxBytes() - TrafficStats.getMobileRxBytes())/ 1048576+" MB");
Log.d("totalWifiTx", (TrafficStats.getTotalTxBytes()- TrafficStats.getMobileTxBytes())/ 1048576+" MB");
Log.d("totalDataRe", (TrafficStats.getMobileRxBytes()/ 1048576)+" MB");
Log.d("totalDataTx", (TrafficStats.getMobileTxBytes()/ 1048576)+" MB");
Log.d("SIM_STATUS", TrafficStats.getThreadStatsTag()+"");
Log.d("DailyNetUsage", "");
Log.d("CurrentTx", txBytes+" MB");
Log.d("CurrentRx", rxBytes+" MB");
I want particular data usage of individual SIM. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Some Application are doing that like smartapp.

Obtain Memory details as shown in DDMS perspective

I have the following memory details from the DDMS perspective of Eclipse.
However in spite of implementing the following code, I'm unable to obtain the values shown in the above image.
private void logHeap() {
long maxMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()/ (1024*1024);
long totalMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() / (1024*1024);
long heapSize = Debug.getNativeHeapSize()/(1024*1024);
long allocatedHeapSize = Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize() / (1024*1024);
long freeHeapSize = Debug.getNativeHeapFreeSize() / (1024*1024);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
Log.d(TAG, "debug. =================================");
Log.d(TAG,"Max memory: "+df.format(maxMemory)+" MB");
Log.d(TAG,"Total memory: "+df.format(totalMemory)+" MB");
Log.d(TAG,"Heap Size: "+df.format(heapSize)+" MB");
Log.d(TAG,"Allocated Heapsize: "+df.format(allocatedHeapSize)+" MB");
Log.d(TAG,"Free Heapsize: "+df.format(freeHeapSize)+" MB");
I'm getting the following values:
Max Memory : 36.00MB
Total Memory : 7.00 MB
Heap Size : 3.00 MB
allocated heapsize : 3.00 MB
free heapsize : 0.00 MB
Are there any other APIs to obtain the details?

Get running Apps(Internal and External) with icons

Currently, I'm working on to get a list of all running applications. I've been able to do this in the following way,
ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
ActivityManager.MemoryInfo mInfo = new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo();
List<RunningAppProcessInfo> listOfRunningProcess = activityManager
Log.d(TAG, "XXSize: " + listOfRunningProcess.size());
l1 = findViewById(;
for (RunningAppProcessInfo runningAppProcessInfo : listOfRunningProcess) {
if (runningAppProcessInfo.uid > 1026) {
uID = runningAppProcessInfo.uid;
Log.d(TAG, "ANS " + runningAppProcessInfo.processName + " Id :"
+ + " UID: " + uID);
It gives a list of all running applications. Now I want to differentiate these applications on the basis of whether they are Internal or External apps. Is there any way to separate out internal and external apps.
Here is the thread which checks the whether the app is system app or not.
so that if you get the list of apps then you can check the apps whether the apps are system apps or not using the above thread. so that you can separate the apps.

Android memoryInfo values

I am using this block of code for determing, actual allocated memory.
ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
MemoryInfo memoryInfo = new MemoryInfo();
long one=memoryInfo.availMem;
Log.i("memory free1", "" + memoryInfo.availMem);
While creating and asigning String[100] field, I get value 61440. Is it in bytes or kB? Documentation says nothing about it.
availMem, totalMem, threshold are all in bytes.

Tracking long-term CPU usage of apps in android

Is there any way that I can, over a period of say a week, see how much CPU each app uses? The only way that I can think of is to repeatedly parse top output but that doesn't seem like the most efficient way to do it. Is there a better way?
To add some context, basically the traceview functionality of the SDK on the phone itself:
We did it parsing top output, couldn't think of a better way. We needed to monitor all applications, and trace is only good if you need information about your own as you have to add trace code to your application in order to use it.
The app consumes 5% of CPU when running once a sec, aggregating values, writing values to log file, and displaying results on screen.
Unfortunately code is not opened (yet).
One of the problems you'd face monitoring processes over that period of time is that they'll almost certainly be destroyed and created MANY times in that period - this makes it hard to gain useful figures.
If you're not a "reinventing the wheel" type - the free version of the popular SystemPanel App shows how much CPU time each process has used (and over what period) - the full version apparently offers a detailed history of both CPU and memory usage.
You can use the Debug class to monitor the processes
or use this function to calculate CPU usage
Use /proc/stat/ for the total CPU usage (for all CPU's) . For per process usage
private float readCpuUsage(int pid) {
try {
RandomAccessFile reader = new RandomAccessFile("/proc/" + pid + "/stat", "r");
String load = reader.readLine();
String[] toks = load.split(" ");
long idle1 = Long.parseLong(toks[5]);
long cpu1 = Long.parseLong(toks[2]) + Long.parseLong(toks[3]) + Long.parseLong(toks[4])
+ Long.parseLong(toks[6]) + Long.parseLong(toks[7]) + Long.parseLong(toks[8]);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {};
load = reader.readLine();
toks = load.split(" ");
long idle2 = Long.parseLong(toks[5]);
long cpu2 = Long.parseLong(toks[2]) + Long.parseLong(toks[3]) + Long.parseLong(toks[4])
+ Long.parseLong(toks[6]) + Long.parseLong(toks[7]) + Long.parseLong(toks[8]);
return (float)(cpu2 - cpu1) / ((cpu2 + idle2) - (cpu1 + idle1));
} catch (IOException ex) {
return 0;
To get the list of running processes
ActivityManager mgr = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List<ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> allTasks = mgr.getRunningTasks(showLimit);
/* Loop through all tasks returned. */
for (ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo aTask : allTasks)
Log.i("MyApp", "Task: " + aTask.baseActivity.getClassName());

