Is spanning of texts inside EditText possible? - android

I have looked high and possibly low to find this solution but it still doesn't seem to work. I keep looking for a solution but all i can find on google is " how to span TextViews"
Additional notes I have tried the following
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView?
Android: Coloring part of a string using TextView.setText()?
Android: Coloring part of a string using TextView.setText()?


Justifying database texts on android

I'm working on story application pjoject for android. The story text is in the database/db file. I used textView and the text is working good on the application but it's not justified. Is there a way to justify the text from database file, or link to that tutorial?
Setting text in db won't have any styling impact on text itself. You can use third-party lib to justify your text in android.
In order to use it, you'll need to use their com.bluejamesbond.text.DocumentView in XML instead of traditional TextView. See the first example of the following link to get an idea about code.

Android resource vs hardcoding

I know using a resource is good for redundant uses like any label that is generic across a platforms application but are there any other benefits to using a resource instead of hard coding?
for instance I have a button that is only in one view, is there a benefit to using a string resource for the buttons text even if it is one button that is only in one place in the entire app?
Otherwise I feel like its easier to go in to the one specific view to find the button and change the text if i need to rather then scrolling through an entire resource file to find one string resource.
There is more than one reason for using strings.xml than hardcode it. Please read the localization documentation. It allows you to easily translate text into many languages as you provide.

How to show multiple TextView 'inline' layout in Android?

For e.g. I want to show tags to some article (just like we have tags attached with each question on StackOverflow), I would like to show them like this:
Where the tags can be of variable length and they should span across multiple lines if they can't fit in the given width. I tried out LinearLayout and RelativeLayout but they don't seem to be able handle such 'auto' arrangement scenario. What layout or methodology should I use to achieve this effect?
This requirement is known as FlowLayout and I found couple of solutions as open source libraries to achieve this effect:

Create a nice "About" XML Layout using rich text?

I intend to make a good "About" section in my application that gives the user some basic information about the developer and the app itself.
I didn't find a rich EditText among the Widgets.
I have searched for other questions similar to mine here and I found something like using a WebView or a TextView and giving them HTML attributes in the code.
Is there any nice and professional way to do my About XML Layout?
use multiple TextViews and position them accordingly.
If you need high control and rich text, use a WebView and load a static HTML file. You can achieve a lot with Spans (bold, itallick, links, etc.) in a simple TextView as well but it is generally more work.

can the layout of text in android views be controlled?

I am looking to format text line by line in a text view or similar. I want to be able to have line by line justifcation and formatting, almost like a word document (though nothing like as extensive)
I basically need to be able to have a continuous document with some parts right justified, some parts centered. Some bold, some not and some with a coloured background and some white. Also alowing the user to choose font.
Can someone recommend an decent approach to this please.
TextView/EditText operates on fairly rich text described by the various style span objects here:
For example you can use this to build text containing those various style spans:
SpannableStringBuilder is-a CharSequence, so it can be set as the text in a TextView. Though more often you probably just want to use TextView.getEditableText() to return the Editable interface to the text inside of the text view which allows you to modify its contents including style spans.
TextView supports most of what you are asking for through style spans, though justification is applied per-paragraph and not per-line. (Per-line is weird... I don't think even Word does such a thing?)
I would recommend using multiple TextViews. Possibly, one for each line if you really need the text that different. You can customize each one however you want fairly easily. If you haven't already, take a look at the documentation:
Then, you could use a RelativeLayout or a LinearLayout to position them however you need. Just ask if you have any other questions.

