Upgrade DATABASE in Android App - android

I want to upgrade the DATABASE of my Android App, without losing data that users saved in a specific table (say "favourites" table, where I store the _id of "food" entries).
I'm simplyfing the structure of my DB to keep the code in this question shorter, anyway I'm using SQLiteAssetHelper and a ContentProvider
When I tried to upgrade the DataBase I received the error:
Caused by: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: Can't upgrade read-only database from version 1 to 2
Here my DB Helper class
public class CookingDBHelper extends SQLiteAssetHelper {
private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "cookingDB.db";
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 2;
public CookingDBHelper(Context context) {
super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
super.onUpgrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion);
Let's say I have two tables in my DB: "food" table I want to upgrade, and "favourites" table I want to preserve it as the user saved.
Here the structure:
`description` TEXT,
`category_id` INTEGER,)
CREATE TABLE "favourites" (
`id_favourite` INTEGER NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY(`id_favourite`) REFERENCES food ( _id )
Could you please tell me how I can upgrade the food table without losing the favourites saved by the user?

Uninstall Your Apps In the Emulator or Phone And Re-install Your Apps. I In This way Think Your Problem Will be solved.


upgrade sqlite database in my app

So, I already have my app on playstore....
Now, I want to add a column to the database in my app. For this, I must upgrade my databse which can be done by changing the database version.
The users will already have some stuff in the database and when I will upload the updated version of my app (with changed version of the databse), it will create a new databse and user will loose all the stuff he/she has in his/her database.
What is the solution for this issue? And how to backup / restore contents of the old databse to new database? (I know how to backup the database by simply copy pasting the database to external storage programatically).
You can use onUpgrade() method for handling this.
Something like this:
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
if (oldVersion == 1 && newVersion == 2) {
db.execSQL("create temporary table people_tmp ("
+ "id integer, name text, position text, posid integer);");
db.execSQL("insert into people_tmp select id, name, position, posid from people;");
db.execSQL("drop table people;");
db.execSQL("create table people ("
+ "id integer primary key autoincrement,"
+ "name text, posid integer);");
db.execSQL("insert into people select id, name, posid from people_tmp;");
db.execSQL("drop table people_tmp;");
So. You are creating temporary table and saving all needed info inside that table. Next you dropping your table, creating new one and inserting values to it from your temporary table. You can add additional fields and feel free to put there all what you want.
After a little googling i found an easier solution:
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
// If you need to add a column
if (newVersion == 2) {
Alter table method will change your database structure without loosing data.
If you are only adding a new column, you can alter existing table instead of create new table. An example:
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE "+this.getTableName()+" ADD COLUMN "+COLUMNS.NAME+ " integer default 0;", null);
db.execSQL("UPDATE "+this.getTableName()+ " SET "+COLUMNS.NAME+ "="+COLUMNS.NAMEVALUE+";", null);
Here is Android documentation on ALTER TABLE use case in onUpgrade(). So in this case, if you are not rename or remove existing table, you don't need to backup old table.
If you add new columns you can use ALTER TABLE to insert them into a
live table.
Also see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8291718/2777098

android initialize database install once

Im developing an app for Android and Im looking for a way to create a database table and initialize it but to do it only once when the app is installed or when its first time started. After the table is created and initialized for the first time I do not want this code to rune any more because it inserts a lot of data in to the table.
Haw can I do that?
Extend SQLiteOpenHelper
public class MyDB extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
Context c;
public MyDB(Context c) {
super(c, DB_NAME, null, DB_VERSION);
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
db.execSQL("create table "+DB_TABLE+" ( _id integer primary key autoincrement, "+COL_1+" text, "+COL_2+" text, "+COL_3+" text, "+COL_4+" integer, "+COL_5+" integer, "+COL_6+" text );");
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int from, int to) {
Log.i("onUpgrade", "From Version "+from+" to version "+to);
switch(from) {
case 0:
db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wine;");
db.execSQL("create table "+DB_TABLE+" ( _id integer primary key autoincrement, "+COL_1+" text, "+COL_2+" text, "+COL_3+" text, "+COL_4+" integer, "+COL_5+" integer, "+COL_6+" text );");
case 1:
db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE "+DB_TABLE+" ADD COLUMN "+COL_6+" text;"); //comment was not in the original database
You need to create a class that is extends SQLLiteHelper and overwrite the onCreate() method to create your table and insert any rows. After this time, the database queries will not be executed unless you get a writable instance of it and pass in your own queries.
If you wanted to make changes to your app in the future, you would need to override the onUpgrade() method to make changes to your database.
Check if database is empty on every start of your app, if so insert your data, otherwise ignore.

Manage DB before uploading to playstore in android

I have uploaded an application to play store couple of weeks back. This application involves sqlite database that stores information on username, password, other details that given are by user while using the application locally.
Now I have couple of more tables and fields added to database and wanna upload the application to playstore as an update?
My worry is if the user updates the application from playstore - After update - all the data stored in database will be saved or will the user has to recreate everything from scratch?
Let me know!
You have to override the onUpgade method of SQLiteOpenHelper. In the OnUpgrade method you can either erase the data(drop sqlite command) or maintain the data with the additional columns(alter sqlite command) or create new table (create sqlite command).
Refer the following snippet.
I assume your version would be 1.(Plz check the constructor of your SqliteOpenHelper class)
Increment the version by 1.
class DatabaseHelper extends SqliteOplenHelper{
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 2; //new version of the database
private static final int Database_name = "MyDatabase";
private static final String alterUserName = "alter table users add name text";
private static final String table_users = "create table if not exists "
+ users + "(" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement,"
+ "email text" + ")";
public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
super(context, Database_name, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
cntxt = context;
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
Now everytime when you roll the next update with database changes be sure to increment the database version by 1 else let it remain the same.
This isn't done for you automatically. In your SQLiteOpenHelper, you need to increment the Schema integer. This will trigger the on upgrade method for your existing users.
Adding a table is not a problem, just do this in onUpgrade, nothing breaks.
However to add fields, you should use the 'ALTER TABLE' SQL command
If you add new columns you can use ALTER TABLE to insert them into a live table. If you rename or remove columns you can use ALTER TABLE to rename the old table, then create the new table and then populate the new table with the contents of the old tab
See the official reference here

Android SQLite Upgrade without losing data

I have created a SQLite database successfully and it works fine. However when the onUpgrade method is called, I'd like to do so without losing data. The app I'm developing is a quiz app. Simply, when the onCreate method is called I create and prepopulate a database with questions, answers etc. The last column is whether they have set the question as a favourite or not. What I would like to do is that when the onUpgrade method is called, I'd like to temporarily save that one column, drop the whole database, recreate it with any edits I've made to old questions and add any new questions then re-add back the questions that they set as favourites.
So one option I tried was the following:
db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE quiz RENAME TO temp_quiz");
db.execSQL("INSERT INTO quiz (favouries) SELECT favourites FROM temp_quiz");
db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_quiz");
However this doesn't work owing to the fact INSERT INTO just adds new rows rather than replacing the existing rows. I have also tried REPLACE INTO, INSERT OR REPLACE INTO and
db.execSQL("INSERT INTO quiz (_id, favouries) SELECT _id, favourites FROM temp_quiz");
of which none work.
Currently I do have it set up to work by altering the name of the table, calling the onCreate(db) method and then setting up a cursor which reads each row and uses the db.update() method as shown below:
int place = 1;
while (place < TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_ROWS) {
String[] columns = new String[] { "_id", ..........., "FAVOURITES" };
// not included all the middle columns
Cursor c = db.query("temp_quiz", columns, "_id=" + place, null, null, null, null);
String s = c.getString(10);
// gets the value from the FAVOURITES column
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(KEY_FLAG, s);
String where = KEY_ROWID + "=" + place;
db.update(DATABASE_TABLE, values, where, null);
However whilst this works it is extremely slow and will only get worse as my number of questions increases. Is there a quick way to do all this?
Thank you! P.S. Ideally it should only update the row if the row is present. So if in an upgrade I decide to remove a question, it should take this into account and not add a new row if the row doesn't contain any other data. It might be easier to get it to remove rows that don't have question data rather than prevent them being added.
changed it to:
db.execSQL("UPDATE new_quiz SET favourites = ( SELECT old_quiz.favourites
FROM old_quiz WHERE new_quiz._id = old_quiz._id) WHERE EXISTS
( SELECT old_quiz.favourites FROM old_quiz WHERE new_quiz._id = old_quiz._id)");
Which works :D
public class DataHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
private static final String dbName="dbName";
private Context context;
private SQLiteDatabase db;
private final static int version = 1;
public static final String SurveyTbl = "CREATE TABLE SurveyTbl (SurveyId TEXT PRIMARY KEY, Idref TEXT, SurveyDate TEXT)";
public DataHelper(Context context) {
super(context, dbName, null, version);
this.db = getWritableDatabase();
this.context = context;
Log.i("", "********************DatabaseHelper(Context context)");
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.i("", "*******************onCreate");
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
try {
db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE HandpumpSurveyTbl ADD COLUMN NalYozna TEXT");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.i("", ""+e);
I didn't get to see your Quiz table schema, but I assume it has fields like "question", "answer", "favorites", and some kind of a unique primary key to identify each question, which I will just call rowId for now.
// after renaming the old table and adding the new table
db.execSQL("UPDATE new_quiz SET new_quiz.favorites = old_quiz.favorites where new_quiz.rowId = old_quiz.rowId");
That will update only the rows of the new quiz table that match the old quiz table, and set the favorites value from the old quiz table.
I assume you have some kind of a unique identifier to identify each question, so instead of the rowId above, you'll use that (question number or something).
For who don't know yet how to upgrade the version of the SQLite when upgrading the database schema for example, use the method needUpgrade(int newVersion)!
My code:
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion){
In your onUpgrade method, it would look something like this:
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
String upgradeQuery = "ALTER TABLE mytable ADD COLUMN mycolumn TEXT";
if (newVersion>oldVersion)
Example, how to drop a table and create a new table without losing data by using a temporary table:
db.execSQL("INSERT INTO temp_table SELECT _id, col_1, col_2 FROM old_table");
db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE new_table (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, col_1 TEXT, col_2 TEXT, col_3 TEXT);");
db.execSQL("INSERT INTO new_table SELECT _id, col_1, col_2, null FROM temp_table");
db.execSQL("DROP TABLE old_table");
db.execSQL("DROP TABLE temp_table");

I am getting error while Version creating my database

I am getting following error while Version Creating My Database.
01-18 12:08:01.157: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3079): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Version must be >= 1, was 0
Please Help me regarding this.
Each database you create has a version number. That way you can keep track of them if you upgrade the application (perform necessary database changes for the upgrade on existing data). The version number must start from 1.
If you look at the following code:
private static class OpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
OpenHelper(Context context) {
super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
Log.w("Example", "Upgrading database, this will drop tables and recreate.");
onUpgrade will handle all necessary database upgrades. Sometimes you'll opt to just destroy (drop) the current database and create a new one.
it seems you have set previous version as 0, remove your app from phone, reinstall it, make sure new version is greater then previous one.

