Using yahoo weather Api - android

I am using yahoo weather api and getting result using this link:*%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20woeid%20in%20(select%20woeid%20from%20geo.places(1)%20where%20text%3D%22london%22)&format=json
Now I want to using this url with retrofit. So please tell me how to change the city by passing query.
Thank you

It would end up being something like this:
public interface WeatherService {
Call<String> getWeather(#Query("q") String query);
Then create the object like this:
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
WeatherService wService = retrofit.create(WeatherService.class);
And run it like this:
String query = "select * from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1) where text=\"Leeds\")&format=json";
Call<String> weather = wService.getWeather(query);
try {
Response<String> resp = weather.execute();
You should change the ConverterFactory to json and properly parse the weather output.
I have not tested this, just giving you an idea of how to use the Retrofit query.

If I understand well, you are looking for a way to include a given city to the url. Here is a sample code on how to do so. In the example the variable city could take any given city name.
var city = "london";
var query = "select%20*%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20woeid%20in%20(select%20woeid%20from%20geo.places(1)%20where%20text%3D%22"+ city +"%22)&format=json"
then you could concatenate the query to the base url like this :
var baseurl = "" + query;


How to request a query JSON in retrofit

I just want to ask on how to or possible to request a GET in retrofit using the JSON as Query?
for example:["1"]["1","2"]
So far, this is what I did, and maybe I think this is wrong?
fun getLocationData(#Query("data") data: String) // data value = "["1", "2"]"
any help is appreciated! Thanks.
This is an example of what I have:
In this example, with #Path you can add the variable in the url
#GET(Constante.HERO_DETAIL + "/{hero_id}")
Call<DataMaster> getHeroDetail(
#Path("hero_id") Integer hero_id
Other example:
Call<DataMaster> getHeroList(
#Query("token") String token,
#Query("gameLevel") String gameLevel,
#Query("section") String section
I think you are in a good way.
Try below
fun getLocationData(#Query("x") myarrdata: String)

Retrofit - Send request body as array or number

I'm using Retrofit 2 and I need to send request body. The problem is somehow the value is converted to string. On the example below, you can see that items and totalPrice which should be array and number respectively are converted to string.
{ cashierId: 'fff7079c-3fc2-453e-99eb-287521feee63',
items: '[{"amount":3,"id":"602a79e3-b4c1-4161-a082-92202f92d1d6","name":"Play Station Portable","price":1500000.0}]',
paymentMethod: 'Debt',
totalPrice: '4500000.0' }
The desired request body is
{ cashierId: 'fff7079c-3fc2-453e-99eb-287521feee63',
items: [{"amount":3,"id":"602a79e3-b4c1-4161-a082-92202f92d1d6","name":"Play Station Portable","price":1500000.0}],
paymentMethod: 'Debt',
totalPrice: 4500000.0 }
Here's the service
Call<Sale> createSale(
#FieldMap Map<String, Object> fields
And this is how I call createSale
Map<String, Object> fields = new HashMap<>();
fields.put("cashierId", UUID.fromString("fff7079c-3fc2-453e-99eb-287521feeaaa"));
fields.put("totalPrice", totalPrice);
fields.put("paymentMethod", paymentMethod);
fields.put("items", jsonArray);
Call<Sale> call = retailService.createSale(fields);
Is it possible to send those values as number and array, not as string?
The conversion most certainly happens because you are using #FormUrlEncoded.
According to the documentation:
Field names and values will be UTF-8 encoded before being URI-encoded in accordance to RFC-3986.
A solution would be to use a model class instead of a Map. I see you already have a Sale class. If it looks like something like this:
public class Sale {
String cashierId;
int totalPrice;
String paymentMethod;
ArrayList<SomeObject> items;
you can simply do like this:
// in service
Call<Sale> createSale(#Body Sale sale);
// when doing the call
Sale sale = new Sale();
// set everything in your object
// then
Call<Sale> call = retailService.createSale(sale);

Custom parameter with Retrofit2

I want to customizer my endPoint using Retrofit2 on Android but I have a doubt.
If I do that:
#GET("Search") //i.e
Call<Products> getProducts(#Query("one") String one, #Query("two") String two,
#Query("key") String key)
My endPoint could be like this:
I'm working with this endPoint:
// ->
If I use the same ideia as I explained above the result can be is:
Observable<List<Category>> getCategoryDetail(#Query(".json") String category_id);
The result could be:
// ->
But I want that result
// ->
How can I setting my #query for get that result?
Observable<List<Category>> getCategoryDetail(#Path("category_id") String category_id);
If you set a request with query it sets as query param '?'.
If the result you want is that you simply use it as in path:
Call<Products> getProducts(#Path("fileUri") String fileUri);
You get the value it as "1.json".

Add an array as request parameter with Retrofit 2

I'm looking for way to add an int array (e.g [0,1,3,5]) as parameter in a GET request with retrofit 2. Then, the generated url should be like this : http://server/service?array=[0,1,3,5]
How to do this ?
Just add it as a query param
Observable<Void> getSomething(#Query("array") List<Integer> array);
You can also use int[], or Integer... as a last param;
You need to name your query param with an array syntax like so:
Observable<Void> getSomething(#Query("array[]") List<Integer> array);
The syntax itself will vary by the backend technology being used, however not including the brackets "[]" will normally be interpreted as a single value.
For example, using array=1&array=2 will generally be interpreted by backends as only array=1 or array=2 instead of array=[1,2].
I have finally founded a solution by using Arrays.toString(int []) method and by removing spaces in this result because Arrays.toString return "[0, 1, 3, 5]". And my request method looks like this
Observable<Void> getSomething(#Query("array") String array);
I faced a similar problem and had to do a couple of things to reach the acceptable form (as asked in the question).
Converted an ArrayList to String
arrayList.toString().replace(" ", "")
In RetroFit method, I changed the Query param which accepts the ArrayList above to as follows:
#Query(value = "cities", encoded = true)
This ensures that the brackets and commas are not URL encoded.
Using toString didn't work for me.
Instead, TextUtils.join(",", ids) does the trick.
Don't forget to mark the Query with encoded = true.
Well this did the trick for me
Step 1 :
In StateServce.kt
fun getStatesByCoordinates(#Query("coordinates", encoded = true) coordinates: String) : Call<ApiResponse<List<State>>>
Step 2
While calling from repository
val mCoordinate : List<Double> = [22.333, 22.22]
mStateService?.getStatesByCoordinates(mCoordinate.toString().replace(" ", ""))!!
Use Iterable to encapsulate the integer list, or use a two-dimensional integer array.
How to define:
public interface ServerService {
Call<Result> method1(#Query("array") Iterable<List<Integer>> array);
Call<Result> method2(#Query("array") Integer[][] array);
How to use:
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
ServerService service = retrofit.create(ServerService.class);
// Use the first method.
List<Integer> data1 = Arrays.asList(0,1,3,5);
Iterable array1 = Arrays.asList(data1);
Call<Result> method1Call = service.method1(array1);
// Use the second method.
Integer[] data2 = new Integer[]{0,1,3,5};
Integer[][] array2 = new Integer[][]{data2};
Call<Result> method2Call = service.method2(array2);
// Execute enqueue() or execute() of method1Call or method2Call.
Please refer to the code of Retrofit2 for the reason why the way can solve the problem.
You can pass the value as below
In Repository
getApiResponse(arrayOf(0,1,3,5).contentToString())` In Kotlin.
suspend fun getApiResponse(#Query("array") array: String): Response
It will work.

How to send Arrays / Lists with Retrofit

I need to send a list / an array of Integer values with Retrofit to the server (via POST)
I do it this way:
Call<ResponseBody> postSearchProfile(
#Field("age") List<Integer> age
and send it like this:
ArrayList<Integer> ages = new ArrayList<>();
ISearchProfilePost iSearchProfile = gsonServerAPIRetrofit.create(ISearchProfilePost.class);
Call<ResponseBody> call = iSearchProfile.postSearchProfile(
The problem is, the values reach the server not comma separated. So the values there are like age: 2030 instead of age: 20, 30.
I was reading (e.g. here that some had success by writing the parameter with [] like an array but that leads only to parameters called age[] : 2030.
I also tried using Arrays as well as Lists with Strings. Same problem. Everything comes directly in one entry.
So what can I do?
To send as an Object
This is your ISearchProfilePost.class
Call<ResponseBody> postSearchProfile(#Body ArrayListAge ages);
Here you will enter the post data in pojo class
public class ArrayListAge{
private ArrayList<String> ages;
public ArrayListAge(ArrayList<String> ages) {
Your retrofit call class
ArrayList<Integer> ages = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayListAge arrayListAge = new ArrayListAge(ages);
ISearchProfilePost iSearchProfile = gsonServerAPIRetrofit.create(ISearchProfilePost.class);
Call<ResponseBody> call = iSearchProfile.postSearchProfile(arrayListAge);
To send as an Array List check this link
You forget to add age[]
Call<ResponseBody> postSearchProfile(
#Field("age[]") List<Integer> age
Retrofit can do this now at least I tested with this -> implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.1.0'
For example
Call<Reply> updateStartManyItem(#Header("Authorization") String auth_token, #Field("items[]") List<Integer> items, #Field("method") String method);
This is the piece we are looking at.
#Field("items[]") List<Integer> items

