bypass android usb host permission confirmation dialog for android 5.1 - android

I want to use android in industry,
I can connect to Profilic and Ftdi USB to Serial chips with library without any problem.
The application has a service and it starts on boot,connect to the usb serial port and do the other things.
my problem is that the host device does not have any interaction with user,
so when the android asks
Allow the app "MyAPP" to access the USB device ?
[checkmark]Use by default for this USB device
Cancel OK
there is no person to click on ok.
even when I check the use by default... checkbox,If I reinsert the USB ,or reboot the host device, it asks again on next boot.
and the answer is mentioned in this link :
bypass android usb host permission confirmation dialog
but the codes are for :
"Note that interfaces of these classes may change depending on the version of Android. In my case the version is 4.0.3. So if you have another version of Android and this code doesn't work you will have to check the source code for your particular version of OS."
so i need the same codes for android 5.1 please

It's been a while since you asked this... but in case it can help someone here is my answer.
The accepted answer in the initial question states:
So if you have another version of Android and this code doesn't work you will have to check the source code for your particular version of OS.
So you should get the files you need directly from the android source code. You can download the source code relative to your version or browse directly from the repo.
The IUsbManager interface you are searching for is normally under:
/frameworks/base/android-branch-name/core/java/android/hardware/usb. As for the Service Manager it can be found under:
I didn't post the code since I suppose you're not searching for it anymore after 2 years+ :)
=== EDIT ===
As asked, here is the code. I made it work for version 6.0.0, but I think functions calls are the same as 5.1. To be verified.
First, here is the android project structure you will get:
Create the interface in android.harware.usb:
package android.hardware.usb;
public interface IUsbManager extends android.os.IInterface
/** Local-side IPC implementation stub class. */
public static abstract class Stub extends android.os.Binder implements android.hardware.usb.IUsbManager
/** Construct the stub at attach it to the interface. */
public Stub()
throw new RuntimeException( "Stub!" );
* Cast an IBinder object into an android.hardware.usb.IUsbManager interface,
* generating a proxy if needed.
public static android.hardware.usb.IUsbManager asInterface( android.os.IBinder obj )
throw new RuntimeException( "Stub!" );
public android.os.IBinder asBinder()
throw new RuntimeException( "Stub!" );
public boolean onTransact( int code, android.os.Parcel data, android.os.Parcel reply, int flags ) throws android.os.RemoteException
throw new RuntimeException( "Stub!" );
static final int TRANSACTION_getDeviceList = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 0);
static final int TRANSACTION_openDevice = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 1);
static final int TRANSACTION_getCurrentAccessory = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 2);
static final int TRANSACTION_openAccessory = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 3);
static final int TRANSACTION_setDevicePackage = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 4);
static final int TRANSACTION_setAccessoryPackage = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 5);
static final int TRANSACTION_hasDevicePermission = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 6);
static final int TRANSACTION_hasAccessoryPermission = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 7);
static final int TRANSACTION_requestDevicePermission = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 8);
static final int TRANSACTION_requestAccessoryPermission = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 9);
static final int TRANSACTION_grantDevicePermission = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 10);
static final int TRANSACTION_grantAccessoryPermission = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 11);
static final int TRANSACTION_hasDefaults = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 12);
static final int TRANSACTION_clearDefaults = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 13);
static final int TRANSACTION_setCurrentFunction = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 14);
static final int TRANSACTION_setMassStorageBackingFile = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 15);
/* Returns a list of all currently attached USB devices */
public void getDeviceList( android.os.Bundle devices ) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Returns a file descriptor for communicating with the USB device.
* The native fd can be passed to usb_device_new() in libusbhost.
public android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor openDevice( java.lang.String deviceName ) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Returns the currently attached USB accessory */
public android.hardware.usb.UsbAccessory getCurrentAccessory() throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Returns a file descriptor for communicating with the USB accessory.
* This file descriptor can be used with standard Java file operations.
public android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor openAccessory( android.hardware.usb.UsbAccessory accessory ) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Sets the default package for a USB device
* (or clears it if the package name is null)
public void setDevicePackage(android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice device, java.lang.String packageName, int userId) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Sets the default package for a USB accessory
* (or clears it if the package name is null)
public void setAccessoryPackage( android.hardware.usb.UsbAccessory accessory, java.lang.String packageName ) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Returns true if the caller has permission to access the device. */
public boolean hasDevicePermission(android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice device) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Returns true if the caller has permission to access the accessory. */
public boolean hasAccessoryPermission( android.hardware.usb.UsbAccessory accessory ) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Requests permission for the given package to access the device.
* Will display a system dialog to query the user if permission
* had not already been given.
public void requestDevicePermission( android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice device, java.lang.String packageName, pi ) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Requests permission for the given package to access the accessory.
* Will display a system dialog to query the user if permission
* had not already been given. Result is returned via pi.
public void requestAccessoryPermission( android.hardware.usb.UsbAccessory accessory, java.lang.String packageName, pi ) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Grants permission for the given UID to access the device */
public void grantDevicePermission( android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice device, int uid ) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Grants permission for the given UID to access the accessory */
public void grantAccessoryPermission( android.hardware.usb.UsbAccessory accessory, int uid ) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Returns true if the USB manager has default preferences or permissions for the package */
public boolean hasDefaults( java.lang.String packageName ) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Clears default preferences and permissions for the package */
public void clearDefaults( java.lang.String packageName ) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Sets the current USB function. */
public void setCurrentFunction( java.lang.String function, boolean makeDefault ) throws android.os.RemoteException;
/* Sets the file path for USB mass storage backing file. */
public void setMassStorageBackingFile( java.lang.String path ) throws android.os.RemoteException;
Then create the java class in android.os:
package android.os;
import java.util.Map;
public final class ServiceManager
public static IBinder getService( String name )
throw new RuntimeException( "Stub!" );
* Place a new #a service called #a name into the service
* manager.
* #param name the name of the new service
* #param service the service object
public static void addService( String name, IBinder service )
throw new RuntimeException( "Stub!" );
* Retrieve an existing service called #a name from the
* service manager. Non-blocking.
public static IBinder checkService( String name )
throw new RuntimeException( "Stub!" );
public static String[] listServices() throws RemoteException
throw new RuntimeException( "Stub!" );
* This is only intended to be called when the process is first being brought
* up and bound by the activity manager. There is only one thread in the process
* at that time, so no locking is done.
* #param cache the cache of service references
* #hide
public static void initServiceCache( Map<String, IBinder> cache )
throw new RuntimeException( "Stub!" );
Once this is done, don't forget to add the android.permission.MANAGE_USB in you AndroidManifest.
Then you can use those function calls:
* Verify if the application is a system app and has MANAGE_USB permission
* before granting the USB permission for you specific USB devices
private void manageUSBPermissions() {
if ((this.getApplicationInfo().flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0) {
Log.i(TAG,"This is a system application");
if (getApplicationContext().checkCallingOrSelfPermission("android.permission.MANAGE_USB") == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
Log.i(TAG,"I have android.permission.MANAGE_USB");
} else {
Log.i(TAG,"I do not have android.permission.MANAGE_USB");
} else {
Log.i(TAG,"This is not a system application");
* This is to avoid the android usb host permission confirmation dialog
* The application need to be a system app and have MANAGE_USB permission for it to work
private void grantUsbPermissions() {
try {
PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
ApplicationInfo ai = pm.getApplicationInfo( "com.your.package", 0 );
if( ai != null ) {
UsbManager manager = (UsbManager) getSystemService( Context.USB_SERVICE );
IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService( Context.USB_SERVICE );
IUsbManager service = IUsbManager.Stub.asInterface( b );
HashMap<String, UsbDevice> deviceList = manager.getDeviceList();
Iterator<UsbDevice> deviceIterator = deviceList.values().iterator();
while( deviceIterator.hasNext() ) {
UsbDevice device =;
if ( device.getVendorId() == 0x1234 ) {
service.grantDevicePermission( device, ai.uid );
service.setDevicePackage( device, "com.your.package", ai.uid );
catch ( Exception e ) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error granting USB permissions: " + e);
There's a check on whether your application is a system application and if it has the correct permission, otherwise it would not work.
Also be aware that your vendor id is not in hexadecimal but in decimal.

Have you tried using an intent-filter in the Manifest as described here:
I had a similar issue - it seems like if you programmatically request a USB permission, it will ignore the ticked checkbox and ask you every time again.
If you are having issues because of the service, you might want to read this too:


Android - ExoPlayer 2 play DRM (widevine) offline

I'm trying to implement offline DRM support for ExoPlayer 2 but I have some problems.
I found this conversation. There is some implementation for ExoPlayer 1.x and some steps how to work that implementation with ExoPlayer 2.x.
I have I problem with OfflineDRMSessionManager whitch implements DrmSessionManager. In that example is DrmSessionManager imported from ExoPlayer 1.x. If I import it from ExoPlayer 2 then I have a problems to compile it. I have a problem with #Override methods (open(), close(), ..) which are NOT in that new DrmSessionManager and there are some new methods: acquireSession(), ... .
With the latest release of ExoPlayer 2.2.0 , it provides this facility inbuilt in ExoPlayer. ExoPlayer has a helper class to download and refresh offline license keys. It should be the preferred way to do this.
* Helper class to download, renew and release offline licenses. It utilizes {#link
* DefaultDrmSessionManager}.
public final class OfflineLicenseHelper<T extends ExoMediaCrypto> {
You can access the latest code from the ExoPlayer repo
I created a sample application for Offline playback of DRM content.You can access it from here
As #TheJango explained, with the latest release of ExoPlayer 2.2.0 , it provides this facility inbuilt in ExoPlayer.
However, the OfflineLicenseHelper class was designed with some VOD use case in mind. Buy a movie, save the license (download method), download the movie, load the license in a DefaultDrmSessionManager and then setMode for playback.
Another use case could be that you want to make an online streaming system where different content is using the same license (e.g. Television) for quite some time (e.g. 24hours) more intelligent. So that it never downloads a license which it already has (Suppose your DRM system charges you per license request and there will be a lot of requests for the same license otherwise), the following approach can be used with ExoPlayer 2.2.0. It took me some time to get a working solution without modifying anything to the ExoPlayer source. I don't quite like the approach they've taken with the setMode() method which can only be called once. Previously DrmSessionManagers would work for multiple sessions (audio, video) and now they no longer work if licenses differ or come from different methods (DOWNLOAD, PLAYBACK, ...). Anyway, I introduced a new class CachingDefaultDrmSessionManager to replace the DefaultDrmSessionManager you are probably using. Internally it delegates to a DefaultDrmSessionManager.
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.util.Base64;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.UUID;
import static;
import static;
public class CachingDefaultDrmSessionManager<T extends ExoMediaCrypto> implements DrmSessionManager<T> {
private final SharedPreferences drmkeys;
public static final String TAG="CachingDRM";
private final DefaultDrmSessionManager<T> delegateDefaultDrmSessionManager;
private final UUID uuid;
private final AtomicBoolean pending = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private byte[] schemeInitD;
public interface EventListener {
void onDrmKeysLoaded();
void onDrmSessionManagerError(Exception e);
void onDrmKeysRestored();
void onDrmKeysRemoved();
public CachingDefaultDrmSessionManager(Context context, UUID uuid, ExoMediaDrm<T> mediaDrm, MediaDrmCallback callback, HashMap<String, String> optionalKeyRequestParameters, final Handler eventHandler, final EventListener eventListener) {
this.uuid = uuid;
DefaultDrmSessionManager.EventListener eventListenerInternal = new DefaultDrmSessionManager.EventListener() {
public void onDrmKeysLoaded() {
if (eventListener!=null) eventListener.onDrmKeysLoaded();
public void onDrmSessionManagerError(Exception e) {
if (eventListener!=null) eventListener.onDrmSessionManagerError(e);
public void onDrmKeysRestored() {
if (eventListener!=null) eventListener.onDrmKeysRestored();
public void onDrmKeysRemoved() {
if (eventListener!=null) eventListener.onDrmKeysRemoved();
delegateDefaultDrmSessionManager = new DefaultDrmSessionManager<T>(uuid, mediaDrm, callback, optionalKeyRequestParameters, eventHandler, eventListenerInternal);
drmkeys = context.getSharedPreferences("drmkeys", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
final protected static char[] hexArray = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray();
public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) {
char[] hexChars = new char[bytes.length * 2];
for ( int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++ ) {
int v = bytes[j] & 0xFF;
hexChars[j * 2] = hexArray[v >>> 4];
hexChars[j * 2 + 1] = hexArray[v & 0x0F];
return new String(hexChars);
public void saveDrmKeys() {
byte[] offlineLicenseKeySetId = delegateDefaultDrmSessionManager.getOfflineLicenseKeySetId();
if (offlineLicenseKeySetId==null) {
Log.i(TAG,"Failed to download offline license key");
} else {
Log.i(TAG,"Storing downloaded offline license key for "+bytesToHex(schemeInitD)+": "+bytesToHex(offlineLicenseKeySetId));
storeKeySetId(schemeInitD, offlineLicenseKeySetId);
public DrmSession<T> acquireSession(Looper playbackLooper, DrmInitData drmInitData) {
if (pending.getAndSet(true)) {
return delegateDefaultDrmSessionManager.acquireSession(playbackLooper, drmInitData);
// First check if we already have this license in local storage and if it's still valid.
DrmInitData.SchemeData schemeData = drmInitData.get(uuid);
schemeInitD =;
Log.i(TAG,"Request for key for init data "+bytesToHex(schemeInitD));
if (Util.SDK_INT < 21) {
// Prior to L the Widevine CDM required data to be extracted from the PSSH atom.
byte[] psshData = PsshAtomUtil.parseSchemeSpecificData(schemeInitD, C.WIDEVINE_UUID);
if (psshData == null) {
// Extraction failed. schemeData isn't a Widevine PSSH atom, so leave it unchanged.
} else {
schemeInitD = psshData;
byte[] cachedKeySetId=loadKeySetId(schemeInitD);
if (cachedKeySetId!=null) {
//Load successful.
Log.i(TAG,"Cached key set found "+bytesToHex(cachedKeySetId));
if (!Arrays.equals(delegateDefaultDrmSessionManager.getOfflineLicenseKeySetId(), cachedKeySetId))
delegateDefaultDrmSessionManager.setMode(MODE_QUERY, cachedKeySetId);
} else {
Log.i(TAG,"No cached key set found ");
DrmSession<T> tDrmSession = delegateDefaultDrmSessionManager.acquireSession(playbackLooper, drmInitData);
return tDrmSession;
public void releaseSession(DrmSession<T> drmSession) {
public void storeKeySetId(byte[] initData, byte[] keySetId) {
String encodedInitData = Base64.encodeToString(initData, Base64.NO_WRAP);
String encodedKeySetId = Base64.encodeToString(keySetId, Base64.NO_WRAP);
.putString(encodedInitData, encodedKeySetId)
public byte[] loadKeySetId(byte[] initData) {
String encodedInitData = Base64.encodeToString(initData, Base64.NO_WRAP);
String encodedKeySetId = drmkeys.getString(encodedInitData, null);
if (encodedKeySetId == null) return null;
return Base64.decode(encodedKeySetId, 0);
Here keys are persisted as Base64 encoded strings in local storage. Because for a typical DASH stream both audio and video renderers will request a license from the DrmSessionManager, possibly at the same time, the AtomicBoolean is used. If audio and or video would use different keys, I think this approach would fail.
Also I am not yet checking for expired keys here. Have a look at OfflineLicenseHelper to see how to deal with those.
#Pepa Zapletal, proceed with below changes to play in offline.
You can also see the updated answer here.
Changes are as follows :
Changed signature of the method private void onKeyResponse(Object response) to private void onKeyResponse(Object response, boolean offline)
Rather than sending the file manifest URI send stored file path to
Change MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_STREAMING to MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_OFFLINE in getKeyRequest().
In postKeyRequest() first check whether the key is stored or not, if key found then directly call onKeyResponse(key, true).
In onKeyResponse(), call restoreKeys() rather than calling provideKeyResponse().
The rest everything is same, now your file will be playing.
Major role : Here provideKeyResponse() and restoreKeys() are native methods which acts major role in getting the key and restoring the key.
provideKeyResponse() method which will return us the main License key in byte array if and only if the keyType is MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_OFFLINE else this method will return us the empty byte array with which we can do nothing with that array.
restoreKeys() method will expect the key which is to be restored for the current session, so feed the key which we have already stored in local to this method and it will take care of it.
Note : First you have to somehow download the license key and store it somewhere in local device securely.
In my case first im playing the file online, so exoplayer will fetch the key that key i have stored in local. From second time onwards first it will check whether the key is stored or not, if key found it will skip the License key request and will the play the file.
Replace the methods and inner classes of with these things.
private void postKeyRequest() {
KeyRequest keyRequest;
try {
// check is key exist in local or not, if exist no need to
// make a request License server for the key.
byte[] keyFromLocal = Util.getKeyFromLocal();
if(keyFromLocal != null) {
onKeyResponse(keyFromLocal, true);
keyRequest = mediaDrm.getKeyRequest(sessionId,, schemeData.mimeType, MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_OFFLINE, optionalKeyRequestParameters);
postRequestHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_KEYS, keyRequest).sendToTarget();
} catch (NotProvisionedException e) {
private void onKeyResponse(Object response, boolean offline) {
if (state != STATE_OPENED && state != STATE_OPENED_WITH_KEYS) {
// This event is stale.
if (response instanceof Exception) {
onKeysError((Exception) response);
try {
// if we have a key and we want to play offline then call
// 'restoreKeys()' with the key which we have already stored.
// Here 'response' is the stored key.
if(offline) {
mediaDrm.restoreKeys(sessionId, (byte[]) response);
} else {
// Don't have any key in local, so calling 'provideKeyResponse()' to
// get the main License key and store the returned key in local.
byte[] bytes = mediaDrm.provideKeyResponse(sessionId, (byte[]) response);
if (eventHandler != null && eventListener != null) { Runnable() {
public void run() {
} catch (Exception e) {
private class PostResponseHandler extends Handler {
public PostResponseHandler(Looper looper) {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
case MSG_KEYS:
// We don't have key in local so calling 'onKeyResponse()' with offline to 'false'.
onKeyResponse(msg.obj, false);

Google cloud endpoint on Google app engine

I just complete a android app based on a website tutorial. This app is to send and receive data to google datastore. I have created a appengine backend. This works well locally on localhost:8888. I could see the data transformation. But after I deploy it to google app engine. It can not show the data. I could access the datastore by But I can not access it with phone while I can access local data with phone emulator. I just followed this gentleman's guide
Any one can help me? Thanks in advance.
The Below is the CloudEndpointUtils class
package com.iot1;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.Toast;
* Common utilities for working with Cloud Endpoints.
* If you'd like to test using a locally-running version of your App Engine
* backend (i.e. running on the Development App Server), you need to set
* LOCAL_ANDROID_RUN to 'true'.
* See the documentation at
* for more
* information.
public class CloudEndpointUtils {
* TODO: Need to change this to 'true' if you're running your backend locally using
* the DevAppServer. See
* for more
* information.
protected static final boolean LOCAL_ANDROID_RUN = true;
* The root URL of where your DevAppServer is running (if you're running the
* DevAppServer locally).
protected static final String LOCAL_APP_ENGINE_SERVER_URL = "http://localhost:8888/";
* The root URL of where your DevAppServer is running when it's being
* accessed via the Android emulator (if you're running the DevAppServer
* locally). In this case, you're running behind Android's virtual router.
* See
* for more information.
protected static final String LOCAL_APP_ENGINE_SERVER_URL_FOR_ANDROID = "";
* Updates the Google client builder to connect the appropriate server based
* on whether LOCAL_ANDROID_RUN is true or false.
* #param builder
* Google client builder
* #return same Google client builder
public static <B extends AbstractGoogleClient.Builder> B updateBuilder(
B builder) {
+ "/_ah/api/");
// only enable GZip when connecting to remote server
final boolean enableGZip = builder.getRootUrl().startsWith("https:");
builder.setGoogleClientRequestInitializer(new GoogleClientRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(AbstractGoogleClientRequest<?> request)
throws IOException {
if (!enableGZip) {
return builder;
* Logs the given message and shows an error alert dialog with it.
* #param activity
* activity
* #param tag
* log tag to use
* #param message
* message to log and show or {#code null} for none
public static void logAndShow(Activity activity, String tag, String message) {
Log.e(tag, message);
showError(activity, message);
* Logs the given throwable and shows an error alert dialog with its
* message.
* #param activity
* activity
* #param tag
* log tag to use
* #param t
* throwable to log and show
public static void logAndShow(Activity activity, String tag, Throwable t) {
Log.e(tag, "Error", t);
String message = t.getMessage();
// Exceptions that occur in your Cloud Endpoint implementation classes
// are wrapped as GoogleJsonResponseExceptions
if (t instanceof GoogleJsonResponseException) {
GoogleJsonError details = ((GoogleJsonResponseException) t)
if (details != null) {
message = details.getMessage();
showError(activity, message);
* Shows an error alert dialog with the given message.
* #param activity
* activity
* #param message
* message to show or {#code null} for none
public static void showError(final Activity activity, String message) {
final String errorMessage = message == null ? "Error" : "[Error ] "
+ message;
activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Toast.makeText(activity, errorMessage, Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
I guess you did not create your own account at Google Cloud and/or make the necessary changes in appengine-web.xml file. For a thorough example you may follow:
I found it that I should update the created google client library after I changed the appengine-web.xml. And it all works now.

Monitor the IP addresses from connections being made from all apps using the network without rooting the Android phone

I am attempting to build an Android app (without having to root the phone) which collects the IP addresses from all the apps' network connections to and from the phone.
I have been tasked with this project and the key point is that the phone must stay unrooted - this (to my knowledge) means I can't use tcpdump or libpcap, since both seem to need the phone to be rooted. One other point, I have found solutions where a VPN Service is used, but, if possible, I am not suppose to use this feature as well, since the app is suppose to work on it's own - without any 'outside' help.
I have been all over stack overflow and many many other sites, trying to find a method to monitor/collect IP addresses and all the solutions I've found required rooting the Android phone. This led me to believe that it wasn't possible, until I found the following app on Google Play.
This app does much more than I need, but it somehow shows the IP addresses of network connections each app is making.
To summarize:
Does anyone know a way to collect IP addresses from internal app's network connections
without rooting the phone
without using a VPN service
Thank you
For all those who are curious about this same issue, I was able to finally figure out how to accomplish this task, without rooting the phone or using a VPN service.
The key to solving this issue, is to look in the following directory on the phone:
/proc/net/(tcp, tcp6, udp, udp6, etc)
Also, here is some code from an open source project that does basically what I was looking for.
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class ListeningPortsTest extends TestCase {
/** Address patterns used to check whether we're checking the right column in /proc/net. */
private static final List<String> ADDRESS_PATTERNS = new ArrayList<String>(2);
static {
/** Ports that are allowed to be listening on the emulator. */
private static final List<String> EXCEPTION_PATTERNS = new ArrayList<String>(6);
static {
// IPv4 exceptions
EXCEPTION_PATTERNS.add("00000000:15B3"); // - emulator port
EXCEPTION_PATTERNS.add("0F02000A:15B3"); // - net forwarding for emulator
EXCEPTION_PATTERNS.add("[0-9A-F]{6}7F:[0-9A-F]{4}"); // IPv4 Loopback
// IPv6 exceptions
EXCEPTION_PATTERNS.add("[0]{31}1:[0-9A-F]{4}"); // IPv6 Loopback
EXCEPTION_PATTERNS.add("[0]{16}[0]{4}[0]{4}[0-9A-F]{6}7F:[0-9A-F]{4}"); // IPv4-6 Conversion
EXCEPTION_PATTERNS.add("[0]{16}[F]{4}[0]{4}[0-9A-F]{6}7F:[0-9A-F]{4}"); // IPv4-6 Conversion
public void testNoListeningTcpPorts() {
assertNoListeningPorts("/proc/net/tcp", true);
public void testNoListeningTcp6Ports() {
assertNoListeningPorts("/proc/net/tcp6", true);
public void testNoListeningUdpPorts() throws Exception {
public void testNoListeningUdp6Ports() throws Exception {
private static final int RETRIES_MAX = 6;
* UDP tests can be flaky due to DNS lookups. Compensate.
private static void assertNoListeningUdpPorts(String procFilePath) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < RETRIES_MAX; i++) {
try {
assertNoListeningPorts(procFilePath, false);
} catch (ListeningPortsAssertionError e) {
if (i == RETRIES_MAX - 1) {
throw e;
Thread.sleep(2 * 1000 * i);
throw new IllegalStateException("unreachable");
private static void assertNoListeningPorts(String procFilePath, boolean isTcp) {
* Sample output of "cat /proc/net/tcp" on emulator:
* sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid ...
* 0: 0100007F:13AD 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 0 ...
* 1: 00000000:15B3 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 0 ...
* 2: 0F02000A:15B3 0202000A:CE8A 01 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 0 ...
File procFile = new File(procFilePath);
Scanner scanner = null;
try {
scanner = new Scanner(procFile);
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
String line = scanner.nextLine().trim();
// Skip column headers
if (line.startsWith("sl")) {
String[] fields = line.split("\\s+");
final int expectedNumColumns = 12;
assertTrue(procFilePath + " should have at least " + expectedNumColumns
+ " columns of output " + fields, fields.length >= expectedNumColumns);
String localAddress = fields[1];
String state = fields[3];
assertTrue(procFilePath + " should have an IP address in the second column",
if (!isException(localAddress) && isPortListening(state, isTcp)) {
throw new ListeningPortsAssertionError(
"Found port listening on " + localAddress + " in " + procFilePath);
} catch (FileNotFoundException notFound) {
fail("Could not open file " + procFilePath + " to check for listening ports.");
} finally {
if (scanner != null) {
private static boolean isAddress(String localAddress) {
return isPatternMatch(ADDRESS_PATTERNS, localAddress);
private static boolean isException(String localAddress) {
return isPatternMatch(EXCEPTION_PATTERNS, localAddress);
private static boolean isPatternMatch(List<String> patterns, String input) {
for (String pattern : patterns) {
if (Pattern.matches(pattern, input)) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isPortListening(String state, boolean isTcp) {
// 0A = TCP_LISTEN from include/net/tcp_states.h
String listeningState = isTcp ? "0A" : "07";
return listeningState.equals(state);
private static class ListeningPortsAssertionError extends AssertionFailedError {
private ListeningPortsAssertionError(String msg) {

How do I check if an app is a non-system app in Android?

I am getting a list of ApplicationInfo Objects with packageManager.getInstalledApplications(0) and attempting to categorize them by whether or not they are a system application.
For a while I have been using the technique described here, however after seeing that in my application, some of the apps were not in the non-system apps list (such as Facebook, which when available asks the system to install itself on the SD card). After next reading the actual documentation for ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, and understanding that it doesn't actually filter system apps, I am now looking for a new approach.
My guess is that there is a large gap between UIDs of System and non-system apps that I can gather to make this distinction, but as of yet I have not found an answer. I also looked into other flags, such as ApplicationInfo.FLAG_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, however I am supporting API 1.5.
Does anyone have a real solution to this (not involving FLAG_SYSTEM)?
PackageManager pm = mcontext.getPackageManager();
List<PackageInfo> list = pm.getInstalledPackages(0);
for(PackageInfo pi : list) {
ApplicationInfo ai = pm.getApplicationInfo(pi.packageName, 0);
System.out.println(">>>>>>packages is<<<<<<<<" + ai.publicSourceDir);
if ((ai.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0) {
System.out.println(">>>>>>packages is system package"+pi.packageName);
I was under the impression that all apps in the system image are system apps (and normally installed in /system/app).
If FLAG_SYSTEM is only set to system applications, this will work even for apps in external storage:
boolean isUserApp(ApplicationInfo ai) {
int mask = ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM | ApplicationInfo.FLAG_UPDATED_SYSTEM_APP;
return (ai.flags & mask) == 0;
An alternative is to use the pm command-line program in your phone.
pm list packages [-f] [-d] [-e] [-s] [-3] [-i] [-u] [--user USER_ID] [FILTER]
pm list packages: prints all packages, optionally only
those whose package name contains the text in FILTER. Options:
-f: see their associated file.
-d: filter to only show disbled packages.
-e: filter to only show enabled packages.
-s: filter to only show system packages.
-3: filter to only show third party packages.
-i: see the installer for the packages.
-u: also include uninstalled packages.
ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder("pm", "list", "packages", "-s");
Process process = builder.start();
InputStream in = process.getInputStream();
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(in);
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^package:.+");
int skip = "package:".length();
Set<String> systemApps = new HashSet<String>();
while (scanner.hasNext(pattern)) {
String pckg =;
boolean isUserApp(String pckg) {
return !mSystemApps.contains(pckg);
You can check the signature of application which it signed with system. Like below
* Match signature of application to identify that if it is signed by system
* or not.
* #param packageName
* package of application. Can not be blank.
* #return <code>true</code> if application is signed by system certificate,
* otherwise <code>false</code>
public boolean isSystemApp(String packageName) {
try {
// Get packageinfo for target application
PackageInfo targetPkgInfo = mPackageManager.getPackageInfo(
packageName, PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES);
// Get packageinfo for system package
PackageInfo sys = mPackageManager.getPackageInfo(
"android", PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES);
// Match both packageinfo for there signatures
return (targetPkgInfo != null && targetPkgInfo.signatures != null && sys.signatures[0]
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
return false;
You can get more code on my blog How to check if application is system app or not (By signed signature)
There are 2 type of Non - system applications :
Apps downloaded from Google Play Store
Preloaded apps by device manufacturer
This code will return a list of all above applications:
ArrayList<ApplicationInfo> mAllApp =
for(int i = 0; i < mAllApp.size(); i++) {
if((mAllApp.get(i).flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 0) {
// 1. Applications downloaded from Google Play Store
if((mAllApp.get(i).flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_UPDATED_SYSTEM_APP) != 0) {
// 2. Applications preloaded in device by manufecturer
Well, it's a sloppy solution in my opinion (what if /data/app isn't the apps directory on all devices?), but after a thorough search, this is what I have come up with:
for (ApplicationInfo ai : appInfo) {
if (ai.sourceDir.startsWith("/data/app/")) {
//Non-system app
else {
//System app
There is a little bit of misunderstanding here. For Android the notion of a "system app" is one that is install on the system image, it says nothing about what developer it came from. So, if an OEM decides to preload Facebook on to the system image, it is a system app and will continue to be so, regardless of where updates to the app get installed. They won't get installed on the system image, for sure, because it is read-only.
So ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM is correct, but that doesn't seem to be the question you are asking. I think you're asking if a package is signed with the system certificate. Which is not necessarily a good indicator of anything, this may vary from device to device and some surprising components on vanilla Android are not signed with the system certificate, even though you might expect them to be.
In newer versions of Android there is a new path, /system/priv-app/ that attempts to be the install location for "real" system apps. Apps that are just pre-loaded on the system image then end up in /system/app/. See AOSP Privileged vs System app
If an Application is a non-system application it must have a launch Intent by which it can be launched. If the launch intent is null then its a system App.
Example of System Apps: "", "".
For the above apps you will get NULL when you query for launch Intent.
PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
List<ApplicationInfo> packages = pm.getInstalledApplications(PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
for(ApplicationInfo packageInfo:packages){
if( pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(packageInfo.packageName) != null ){
String currAppName = pm.getApplicationLabel(packageInfo).toString();
//This app is a non-system app
This is a simplified and more efficient version of other responses listed here. It is more efficient if you just iterate directly over the ApplicationInfos.
List<ApplicationInfo> applications = context.getPackageManager()
for(ApplicationInfo appInfo : applications){
if((appInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 0){
// Not a system app
Here are different possible ways to see if the app is a system app by its package name (used some of the codes in this post)
package com.test.util;
import android.content.Context;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import timber.log.Timber;
public class SystemAppChecker {
private PackageManager packageManager = null;
public SystemAppChecker(Context context) {
packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
* Check if system app by 'pm' command-line program
* #param packageName
* package name of application. Cannot be null.
* #return <code>true</code> if package is a system app.
public boolean isSystemAppByPM(String packageName) {
if (packageName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Package name cannot be null");
ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder("pm", "list", "packages", "-s");
Process process = null;
try {
process = builder.start();
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
InputStream in = process.getInputStream();
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(in);
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^package:.+");
int skip = "package:".length();
Set<String> systemApps = new HashSet<String>();
while (scanner.hasNext(pattern)) {
String pckg =;
if (systemApps.contains(packageName)) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if application is preloaded.
* #param packageName
* package name of application. Cannot be null.
* #return <code>true</code> if package is preloaded.
public boolean isSystemPreloaded(String packageName) {
if (packageName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Package name cannot be null");
try {
ApplicationInfo ai = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(
packageName, 0);
if (ai.sourceDir.startsWith("/system/app/") || ai.sourceDir.startsWith("/system/priv-app/")) {
return true;
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
return false;
* Check if the app is system signed or not
* #param packageName
* package of application. Cannot be blank.
* #return <code>true</code> if application is signed by system certificate,
* otherwise <code>false</code>
public boolean isSystemSigned(String packageName) {
if (packageName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Package name cannot be null");
try {
// Get packageinfo for target application
PackageInfo targetPkgInfo = packageManager.getPackageInfo(
packageName, PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES);
// Get packageinfo for system package
PackageInfo sys = packageManager.getPackageInfo(
"android", PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES);
// Match both packageinfo for there signatures
return (targetPkgInfo != null && targetPkgInfo.signatures != null && sys.signatures[0]
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
return false;
* Check if application is installed in the device's system image
* #param packageName
* package name of application. Cannot be null.
* #return <code>true</code> if package is a system app.
public boolean isSystemAppByFLAG(String packageName) {
if (packageName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Package name cannot be null");
try {
ApplicationInfo ai = packageManager.getApplicationInfo(
packageName, 0);
if (ai != null
&& (ai.flags & (ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM | ApplicationInfo.FLAG_UPDATED_SYSTEM_APP)) != 0) {
return true;
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
return false;
if (!packageInfo.sourceDir.toLowerCase().startsWith("/system/"))
If having an APK file and want to check is it System app or User installed
a Simple logic:-
System app Files are not writable
private boolean isSystemApkFile(File file){
return !file.canWrite();
So I'd like to put here an utility class I made with the knowledge of this thread and a few others. But before I continue, an explanation of some terms, if I got them all right, copied from that class, which are used on it.
Below KitKat 4.4, all apps in /system/app were given privileged
permissions. Even the Calculator app had them. That could be a
security breach. So they were separated between ordinary and
privileged system apps and ordinary ones don't have privileged
permissions above KitKat 4.4. So these utilities have that in mind.
They also have in mind the following designations:
Platform-signed app: any app that is signed with the platform/system key (so they have system signature permissions), whether it is
installed on the system partitions or not.
System app: any app that is installed on the system partitions.
Updated system app: any system app that was updated (meaning now it is also installed on /data/app).
Privileged system app: below KitKat 4.4, any app installed on /system/app; from KitKat 4.4 onwards, only the apps installed on
/system/priv-app (I really mean only /system). These apps have
privileged permissions.
Ordinary system app: only as of KitKat 4.4, those without privileged permissions, even though they're still system apps. Below KitKat 4.4,
they're non-existent.
System partition notes: until Oreo 8.1, there
was only one: /system. As of Pie (9), there is also /vendor and
So with that in mind, here are 2 functions:
* <p>Checks if an app is installed on the system partitions and was updated.</p>
* #param applicationInfo an instance of {#link ApplicationInfo} for the package to be checked
* #return true if it is, false otherwise
private static boolean isUpdatedSystemApp(#NonNull final ApplicationInfo applicationInfo) {
return (applicationInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_UPDATED_SYSTEM_APP) != 0;
* <p>Checks if an app is installed in the system partitions (ordinary app or privileged app, doesn't matter).</p>
* #param applicationInfo an instance of {#link ApplicationInfo} for the package to be checked
* #return true if it is, false otherwise
private static boolean isSystemApp(#NonNull final ApplicationInfo applicationInfo) {
// Below Android Pie (9), all system apps were in /system. As of Pie, they can ALSO be in /vendor and /product.
boolean ret_value = (applicationInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0;
// FLAG_SYSTEM checks if it's on the system image, which means /system. So to check for /vendor and
// /product, here are 2 special flags.
ret_value = ret_value || (applicationInfo.privateFlags & ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_VENDOR) != 0;
ret_value = ret_value || (applicationInfo.privateFlags & ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRODUCT) != 0;
return ret_value;
To check if an app is a privileged system app or is ordinary system app, and/or is signed with the platform/system key, I'll leave 3 functions below. I believe it's off-topic to the question, but I'll put it in case anyone like me needed it.
* <p>Checks if an app is an ordinary system app (installed on the system partitions, but no privileged or signature
* permissions granted to it).</p>
* <p>Note: will return false for any app on KitKat 4.4 and below.</p>
* #param applicationInfo an instance of {#link ApplicationInfo} for the package to be checked
* #return true if it is, false otherwise
private static boolean isOrdinarySystemApp(#NonNull final ApplicationInfo applicationInfo) {
// It's an ordinary system app if it doesn't have any special permission privileges (it's not a Privileged app
// nor is it signed with the system key).
boolean ret_value = isSystemApp(applicationInfo) && !hasPrivilegedPermissions(applicationInfo);
final boolean signed_system_key = hasSystemSignaturePermissions(applicationInfo);
ret_value = ret_value && signed_system_key;
return ret_value;
* <p>Checks if an app has signature permissions - checks if it's signed with the platform/system certificate by
* comparing it to the "android" package.</p>
* <br>
* <p>ATTENTION: if the chosen app was signed multiple times and the system is running below Android Pie, this check
* may return false wrongly, since it checks if ALL the signatures from the "android" package and the chosen
* application match. If at least one doesn't match in both, this will return false. So use with caution in case of
* multiple signers. With only one signer, it's all right.</p>
* #param applicationInfo an instance of {#link ApplicationInfo} for the package to be checked
* #return true if it is, false otherwise
private static boolean hasSystemSignaturePermissions(#NonNull final ApplicationInfo applicationInfo) {
// If on Pie or above, check with a private flag (appeared on Pie only).
return (applicationInfo.privateFlags & ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_SIGNED_WITH_PLATFORM_KEY) != 0;
// Else, check by comparing signatures of a platform-signed app and the chosen app.
return UtilsGeneral.getContext().getPackageManager().checkSignatures(applicationInfo.packageName, "android")
== PackageManager.SIGNATURE_MATCH;
* <p>"Value for {#link ApplicationInfo#flags}: set to {#code true} if the application
* is permitted to hold privileged permissions.</p>
* {#hide}"
* <p>NOTE: Only on API 19 through API 22.</p>
private static final int FLAG_PRIVILEGED = 1 << 30;
* <p>Checks if an app is a Privileged App.</p>
* <p>Note: will return true for any system app below KitKat 4.4.</p>
* #param applicationInfo an instance of {#link ApplicationInfo} for the package to be checked
* #return true if it is, false otherwise
private static boolean hasPrivilegedPermissions(#NonNull final ApplicationInfo applicationInfo) {
// Check if it's an app installed in the system partitions. If it is, check with methods that apply only to
// apps installed on the system partitions.
if (isSystemApp(applicationInfo)) {
// If it's below KitKat 4.4 and it's a system app, it's a privileged one automatically.
return true;
// If on Marshmallow or above, check with a private flag.
if ((applicationInfo.privateFlags & ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED) != 0) {
return true;
// If between KitKat 4.4 and Lollipop 5.1, use a deleted flag.
if ((applicationInfo.flags & FLAG_PRIVILEGED) != 0) {
return true;
// In case none returned true above, the app may still be signed with the platform/system's key, which will
// grant it exactly all permissions there are (which includes privileged permissions - ALL permissions).
return hasSystemSignaturePermissions(applicationInfo);
If you want, you can join this last one to the ones above, but I don't really recommend it. It will only work work as long as the system app hasn't been updated.
* <p>Gets a list of folders a system app might be installed in, depending on the device's Android version.</p>
* <p>Note that an updated system app will report as being installed in /data/app. For these locations to be
* checked, the app must not have been updated. If it has, it's not possible to tell using the directory, I think.</p>
* #param privileged_app true if it's to return a list for privileged apps, false if it's for ordinary system apps,
* null if it's to return a list for both types
* #return a list of folders its APK might be in
private static String[] getAppPossibleFolders(#Nullable final Boolean privileged_app) {
final Collection<String> ret_folders = new ArrayList<>(5);
final String PRIV_APP_FOLDER = "/system/priv-app";
final String ORD_APP_SYSTEM_FOLDER = "/system/app";
final String ORD_APP_VENDOR_FOLDER = "/vendor/app";
final String ORD_APP_PRODUCT_FOLDER = "/product/app";
if (privileged_app == null) {
} else if (privileged_app) {
} else {
// Leave it in 0 size allocation. Or null values will appear, and I don't want to need to be careful about it.
return ret_folders.toArray(new String[0]);
Use with:
// If it's an updated system app, its APK will be said to be in /data/app, and the one on the system partitions
// will become unused. But if it's not updated, it's all fine and the APK path can be used to check if it's
// a privileged app or not.
if (!isUpdatedSystemApp(applicationInfo)) {
for (final String folder : getAppPossibleFolders(false)) {
if (applicationInfo.sourceDir.startsWith(folder)) {
return true;
Here is an AppUtil I wrote for that purpose.
Usage example:
new AppsUtil(this).printInstalledAppPackages(AppsUtil.AppType.USER);
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
public class AppsUtil
public static final String TAG = "PackagesInfo";
private Context _context;
private ArrayList<PckgInfo> _PckgInfoList;
public enum AppType
public String toString() {
return "ALL";
public String toString() {
return "USER";
public String toString() {
return "SYSTEM";
class PckgInfo
private AppType appType;
private String appName = "";
private String packageName = "";
private String versionName = "";
private int versionCode = 0;
private void prettyPrint()
Log.i(TAG, appName + "\n AppType: " + appType.toString() + "\n Package: " + packageName + "\n VersionName: " + versionName + "\n VersionCode: " + versionCode);
public AppsUtil(Context context)
this._context = context;
this._PckgInfoList = new ArrayList<PckgInfo>();
public void printInstalledAppPackages(AppType appType)
Log.i(TAG, "");
for (int i = 0; i < _PckgInfoList.size(); i++)
if (AppType.ALL == appType)
if (_PckgInfoList.get(i).appType == appType)
public ArrayList<PckgInfo> getInstalledAppPackages(AppType appType)
ArrayList<PckgInfo> resultPInfoList = new ArrayList<PckgInfo>();
if (AppType.ALL == appType)
return _PckgInfoList;
for (int i = 0; i < _PckgInfoList.size(); i++)
if (_PckgInfoList.get(i).appType == appType)
return resultPInfoList;
private void retrieveInstalledAppsPackages()
PackageManager pm = _context.getPackageManager();
List<PackageInfo> packs = pm.getInstalledPackages(0);
for (PackageInfo pi : packs)
PckgInfo newInfo = new PckgInfo();
ApplicationInfo ai = pm.getApplicationInfo(pi.packageName, 0);
newInfo.appType = getAppType(ai);
newInfo.appName = pi.applicationInfo.loadLabel(pm).toString();
newInfo.packageName = pi.packageName;
newInfo.versionName = pi.versionName;
newInfo.versionCode = pi.versionCode;
catch (NameNotFoundException e)
AppType getAppType(ApplicationInfo ai)
AppType resultType ;
if (isUserApp(ai))
resultType = AppType.USER;
resultType = AppType.SYSTEM;
return resultType;
boolean isUserApp(ApplicationInfo ai)
int mask = ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM | ApplicationInfo.FLAG_UPDATED_SYSTEM_APP;
return (ai.flags & mask) == 0;
You can use checkSignatures to determine if an app is a system app or not.
All system apps are signed with the same key.,%20java.lang.String)
And signed with the system key is the "android" package.
val checkPackage: String = ""
val systemPackageName = "android"
if (packageManager.checkSignatures(systemPackageName, checkPackage) == PackageManager.SIGNATURE_MATCH) {
Log.d("TUT", "System app")
} else {
Log.d("TUT", "Non-System app")

install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents)

My application installs other applications, and it needs to keep track of what applications it has installed. Of course, this could be achieved by simply keeping a list of installed applications. But this should not be necessary! It should be the responsibility of the PackageManager to maintain the installedBy(a, b) relationship. In fact, according to the API it is:
public abstract String getInstallerPackageName(String packageName) -
Retrieve the package name of the application that installed a package. This identifies which market the package came from.
The current approach
Install APK using Intent
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(apkUri, "application/");
Uninstall APK using Intent:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DELETE, Uri.fromParts("package",
getPackageManager().getPackageArchiveInfo(apkUri.getPath(), 0).packageName,null));
This is obviously not the way e.g. Android Market installs / uninstalls packages. They use a richer version of the PackageManager. This can bee seen by downloading the Android source code from the Android Git repository. Below are the two hidden methods that corresponds to the Intent approach. Unfortunately they are not available to external developers. But perhaps they will be in the future?
The better approach
Installing APK using the PackageManager
* #hide
* Install a package. Since this may take a little while, the result will
* be posted back to the given observer. An installation will fail if the calling context
* lacks the {#link android.Manifest.permission#INSTALL_PACKAGES} permission, if the
* package named in the package file's manifest is already installed, or if there's no space
* available on the device.
* #param packageURI The location of the package file to install. This can be a 'file:' or a
* 'content:' URI.
* #param observer An observer callback to get notified when the package installation is
* complete. {#link IPackageInstallObserver#packageInstalled(String, int)} will be
* called when that happens. observer may be null to indicate that no callback is desired.
* #param flags - possible values: {#link #INSTALL_FORWARD_LOCK},
* #param installerPackageName Optional package name of the application that is performing the
* installation. This identifies which market the package came from.
public abstract void installPackage(
Uri packageURI, IPackageInstallObserver observer, int flags,
String installerPackageName);
Uninstalling APK using the PackageManager
* Attempts to delete a package. Since this may take a little while, the result will
* be posted back to the given observer. A deletion will fail if the calling context
* lacks the {#link android.Manifest.permission#DELETE_PACKAGES} permission, if the
* named package cannot be found, or if the named package is a "system package".
* (TODO: include pointer to documentation on "system packages")
* #param packageName The name of the package to delete
* #param observer An observer callback to get notified when the package deletion is
* complete. {#link} will be
* called when that happens. observer may be null to indicate that no callback is desired.
* #param flags - possible values: {#link #DONT_DELETE_DATA}
* #hide
public abstract void deletePackage(
String packageName, IPackageDeleteObserver observer, int flags);
When using intents the local package manager is not made aware of which application the installation originated from. Specifically, getInstallerPackageName(...) returns null.
The hidden method installPackage(...) takes the installer package name as a parameter, and is most likely capable of setting this value.
Is it possible to specify package installer name using intents?
(Maybe the name of the installer package can be added as an extra to the installation intent?)
Tip: If you want to download the Android source code you can follow the steps described here: Downloading the Source Tree. To extract the *.java files and put them in folders according to the package hierarchy you can check out this neat script: View Android Source Code in Eclipse.
Android P+ requires this permission in AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES" />
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DELETE);
to uninstall. Seems easier...
This is not currently available to third party applications. Note that even using reflection or other tricks to access installPackage() will not help, because only system applications can use it. (This is because it is the low-level install mechanism, after the permissions have been approved by the user, so it is not safe for regular applications to have access to.)
Also the installPackage() function arguments have often changed between platform releases, so anything you do trying access it will fail on various other versions of the platform.
Also it is worth pointing out that this installerPackage was only added fairly recently to the platform (2.2?) and was originally not actually used for tracking who installed the app -- it is used by the platform to determine who to launch when reporting bugs with the app, for implementing Android Feedback. (This was also one of the times the API method arguments changed.) For at least a long while after it was introduced, Market still didn't use it to track the apps it has installed (and it may very well still not use it), but instead just used this to set the Android Feedback app (which was separate from Market) as the "owner" to take care of feedback.
API level 14 introduced two new actions: ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE and ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE. Those actions allow you to pass EXTRA_RETURN_RESULT boolean extra to get an (un)installation result notification.
Example code for invoking the uninstall dialog:
String app_pkg_name = "";
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE);
intent.setData(Uri.parse("package:" + app_pkg_name));
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_RETURN_RESULT, true);
startActivityForResult(intent, UNINSTALL_REQUEST_CODE);
And receive the notification in your Activity#onActivityResult method:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode == UNINSTALL_REQUEST_CODE) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
Log.d("TAG", "onActivityResult: user accepted the (un)install");
} else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {
Log.d("TAG", "onActivityResult: user canceled the (un)install");
} else if (resultCode == RESULT_FIRST_USER) {
Log.d("TAG", "onActivityResult: failed to (un)install");
If you have Device Owner (or profile owner, I haven't tried) permission you can silently install/uninstall packages using device owner API.
for uninstalling:
public boolean uninstallPackage(Context context, String packageName) {
ComponentName name = new ComponentName(MyAppName, MyDeviceAdminReceiver.class.getCanonicalName());
PackageManager packageManger = context.getPackageManager();
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
PackageInstaller packageInstaller = packageManger.getPackageInstaller();
PackageInstaller.SessionParams params = new PackageInstaller.SessionParams(
int sessionId = 0;
try {
sessionId = packageInstaller.createSession(params);
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
packageInstaller.uninstall(packageName, PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, sessionId,
new Intent("android.intent.action.MAIN"), 0).getIntentSender());
return true;
System.err.println("old sdk");
return false;
and to install package:
public boolean installPackage(Context context,
String packageName, String packagePath) {
ComponentName name = new ComponentName(MyAppName, MyDeviceAdminReceiver.class.getCanonicalName());
PackageManager packageManger = context.getPackageManager();
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
PackageInstaller packageInstaller = packageManger.getPackageInstaller();
PackageInstaller.SessionParams params = new PackageInstaller.SessionParams(
try {
int sessionId = packageInstaller.createSession(params);
PackageInstaller.Session session = packageInstaller.openSession(sessionId);
OutputStream out = session.openWrite(packageName + ".apk", 0, -1);
readTo(packagePath, out); //read the apk content and write it to out
session.commit(PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, sessionId,
new Intent("android.intent.action.MAIN"), 0).getIntentSender());
System.out.println("install request sent");
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
System.err.println("old sdk");
return false;
The only way to access those methods is through reflection. You can get a handle on a PackageManager object by calling getApplicationContext().getPackageManager() and using reflection access these methods. Checkout this tutorial.
According to Froyo source code, the Intent.EXTRA_INSTALLER_PACKAGE_NAME extra key is queried for the installer package name in the PackageInstallerActivity.
On a rooted device, you might use:
String pkg = context.getPackageName();
String shellCmd = "rm -r /data/app/" + pkg + "*.apk\n"
+ "rm -r /data/data/" + pkg + "\n"
// TODO remove data on the sd card
+ "sync\n"
+ "reboot\n";
Util.sudo() is defined here.
If you are passing package name as parameter to any of your user defined function then use the below code :
Intent intent=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DELETE);
If you're using Kotlin, API 14+, and just wish to show uninstall dialog for your app:
startActivity(Intent(Intent.ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE).apply {
data = Uri.parse("package:$packageName")
You can change packageName to any other package name if you want to prompt the user to uninstall another app on the device
Your APK needs to be signed by system as correctly pointed out earlier. One way to achieve that is building the AOSP image yourself and adding the source code into the build.
Once installed as a system app, you can use the package manager methods to install and uninstall an APK as following:
public boolean install(final String apkPath, final Context context) {
Log.d(TAG, "Installing apk at " + apkPath);
try {
final Uri apkUri = Uri.fromFile(new File(apkPath));
final String installerPackageName = "MyInstaller";
context.getPackageManager().installPackage(apkUri, installObserver, PackageManager.INSTALL_REPLACE_EXISTING, installerPackageName);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
public boolean uninstall(final String packageName, final Context context) {
Log.d(TAG, "Uninstalling package " + packageName);
try {
context.getPackageManager().deletePackage(packageName, deleteObserver, PackageManager.DELETE_ALL_USERS);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
To have a callback once your APK is installed/uninstalled you can use this:
* Callback after a package was installed be it success or failure.
private class InstallObserver implements IPackageInstallObserver {
public void packageInstalled(String packageName, int returnCode) throws RemoteException {
if (packageName != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Successfully installed package " + packageName);
callback.onAppInstalled(true, packageName);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to install package.");
callback.onAppInstalled(false, null);
public IBinder asBinder() {
return null;
* Callback after a package was deleted be it success or failure.
private class DeleteObserver implements IPackageDeleteObserver {
public void packageDeleted(String packageName, int returnCode) throws RemoteException {
if (packageName != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Successfully uninstalled package " + packageName);
callback.onAppUninstalled(true, packageName);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to uninstall package.");
callback.onAppUninstalled(false, null);
public IBinder asBinder() {
return null;
* Callback to give the flow back to the calling class.
public interface InstallerCallback {
void onAppInstalled(final boolean success, final String packageName);
void onAppUninstalled(final boolean success, final String packageName);

