What is a clever way to hide an access key? [closed] - android

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Closed 6 years ago.
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In my android app, I am using an external api with my own secret access key. To use functions from the api, I must call a function with a String representing my secret access key. Problem is, everybody can see this (by decompiling the apk).
I can't use proguard
What is a clever way to hide my secret access key?


Android Package Name Using Same Word? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Say I have a company named Moose with an app called Moose.
Is it okay to create a package name like "com.moose.moose"?
Is it okay to create a package name like "com.moose.moose"?
If you own the moose.com domain, yes. You can use com.moose or com.moose.moose or com.moose.moose.moooooooooooooooooooooooose if you want, along with anything else that has com.moose in the first two segments.
If you do not own the moose.com domain, then I recommend that you use an application ID that is based off of a domain name that you own. Otherwise, the owners of moose.com could take issue with your application ID and cause trouble (mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti).

Play games snapshots vs firebase database [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am creating simple android game and I want to save user progress on backend, nothing too complicated, only lets say json with map of completed/uncompleted levels.
I am looking into play games snapshots and firebase database and I am not sure what to use. Having to solve conflicts manually in play games snapshots seems like unnecessary work, on the other hand I am not sure how play games auth goes with firebase.
Give me some suggestions please

How to get fingerprint of a user from android fingerprint sensor and store it in database? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am developing an application in which I want to use fingerprint for authentication. I don't know how to read the fingerprint and store it in my own database. I used Fingerprintmanager class but don't have a clue how to read the fingerprint to get enrolled or register the user in my database.

how to encrypt database in android? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i developed an app in android wich use a database to save and load data at start. My question is: was it encrypt by default? if not, how can i encrypt my database file in order to make it more secure?
was it encrypt by default?
how can i encrypt my database file in order to make it more secure?
Use SQLCipher for Android and a user-supplied passphrase.

Signature Capture in Web Application [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We have a web application which will be browsed from Android Tablet/iPad. We are trying to get the signature from the user. What is the best way to capture the signature?
If it's a web application like you say, you can utilize Thomas J. Bradley's Signature Pad jQuery Plugin to do the trick, which will record the signature in a JSON structure for later retrieval.

