I have a question that mostly relates to gradle.
I'm using Crashlytics to report NDK crashes in my Android app.
I have a task in build.gradle that calls ndk-build and compiles the cpp files into an .so file.
At the end of this task I want to call a task that uploads generated symbols mapping to Crashlytics.
After installing the Fabric plugin in Android Studio, I saw there are some new tasks that were added to the Gradle tab. One of them is
crashlyticsUploadSymbols[buildType][flavour] where buildType and flavour indicate which buildtype and flavour is currently selected.
This task does seem to upload a symbols file.
My question is,
Is it possible to call this task from within build.gradle?
Currently I use a manual call in Android Studio's terminal tab in the form of:
./gradlew crashlyticsUploadSymbols[buildType][flavour]
Is it possible to call this task somehow from within build.gradle?
To call this task I use finalizedBy at the end of the buildNdk task, so once buildNdk has finished, the upload task will execute.
Also very important, how can I get the current buildType and flavour so I am able to add it to the crashlyticsUploadSymbols call?
Thank you!
Mike from Crashlytics and Fabric here.
This was also answered on the Twitter Community forum's, but sharing the same answer here.
Option 1:
If you only want or need to upload symbols for your release builds, then you can set crashlticsUploadSymbolsRelease as the finalizedBy task for your ndk-build task.
Option 2:
If you have multiple variant-based tasks, you can do something like:
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def variantName = variant.name.capitalize()
def task = project.task ("ndkBuild${variantName}")
task.finalizedBy project.("crashlyticsUploadSymbols${variantName}")
The following did the job for me:
android {
afterEvaluate {
I want to skip one of the tasks of Android gradle build, so I tried something like
project.tasks.getByName("transformNativeLibsWithStripDebugSymbolForDebug").onlyIf {
return false
However, the task is not found, even though I can see it in the tasks that are executed...
Any idea how can I get this task? I guess it should be dependant of one of the tasks in the project.
Context - I have a shared library that I want to user the unstripped version of it, however gradle strips it anyway...
After some digging, it seems that those tasks are added as part of the binary plugin (the apply plugin: 'com.android.library' line at the top of the gradle file).
This transform task is added using the transform API, which doesn't seems to have a way to unregister/modify existing transform...
It's dynamically generated task. Try to add next:
android {...}
afterEvaluate { project ->
project.tasks.transformNativeLibsWithStripDebugSymbolForDebug {
onlyIf {
println 'Skipping...'
return false
dependencies {...}
In Gradle Console you should see:
:app:transformNativeLibsWithStripDebugSymbolForDebug SKIPPED
Do not forget that transformNativeLibsWithStripDebugSymbolForDebug task is only executed, when you use assembleDebug task (or Shift+F10 combination in Android Studio).
How can I configure a Gradle Android project so that a release APK built by the IDE is saved to a path of my choosing (eg the project root) rather than buried deep in the build folder?
I've added this to the defaultConfig section of the app build file to sensibly name the APK and it works well, but how can I specify where it goes, or move it post build completion?
archivesBaseName = "AppName-v$versionName" // AppName-v1.2.3-release.apk
I created a task in the app-level Gradle build file that successfully copies the release APK, if I run the Gradle task manually:
task copyReleaseApk(type: Copy) {
from 'build/outputs/apk'
into '..' // project root, one-level above "app"
include '**/*release.apk'
But I have not yet found a way to make the task run automatically after the last build task. I tried this:
But that results in "Could not get unknown property 'assembleRelease' for object of type com.android.build.gradle.AppExtension."
I also tried this:
It appears not to do anything.
This worked (in the android tag of the app build.gradle file). The afterEvaluate seems to be required in order to refer to tasks like packageRelease that don't initially exist.
task copyReleaseApk(type: Copy) {
from 'build/outputs/apk'
into '..' // folder above the app folder
include '**/*release.apk'
afterEvaluate {
It can be defined in the project's root build.gradle:
allprojects {
buildDir = "/path/to/build/${rootProject.name}/${project.name}"
I am including feature of gcm in my app, For that i need to maintain two google-services.json one for debug and one for release build. How to do that ?? can i configure gcm without using google-services.json ??
First, place the respective google_services.json for each buildType in the following locations:
Note: Root app/google_services.json This file should be there according to the build variants copy the json code in the root json file
Now, let’s whip up some gradle tasks in your: app’s build.gradle to automate moving the appropriate google_services.json to app/google_services.json
copy this in the app/Gradle file
task switchToDebug(type: Copy) {
description = 'Switches to DEBUG google-services.json'
from "src/debug"
include "google-services.json"
into "."
task switchToRelease(type: Copy) {
description = 'Switches to RELEASE google-services.json'
from "src/release"
include "google-services.json"
into "."
Great — but having to manually run these tasks before you build your app is cumbersome. We would want the appropriate copy task above run sometime before: assembleDebug or :assembleRelease is run. Let’s see what happens when :assembleRelease is run: copy this one in the /gradlew file
Zaks-MBP:my_awesome_application zak$ ./gradlew assembleRelease
Parallel execution is an incubating feature.
.... (other tasks)
Notice the :app:processReleaseGoogleServices task. This task is responsible for processing the root google_services.json file. We want the correct google_services.json to be processed, so we must run our copy task immediately beforehand.
Add this to your build.gradle. Note the afterEvaluate enclosing.
copy this in the app/Gradle file
afterEvaluate {
processDebugGoogleServices.dependsOn switchToDebug
processReleaseGoogleServices.dependsOn switchToRelease
Now, anytime :app:processReleaseGoogleServices is called, our newly defined :app:switchToRelease will be called beforehand. Same logic for the debug buildType. You can run :app:assembleRelease and the release version google_services.json will be automatically copied to your app module’s root folder.
Credit goes to the : Zak Taccardi
The current plugin (com.google.gms:google-services:2.1.X) supports flavors but not types.
So if you create a productflavor you can put the json file in src/$flavorname
Currently it doesn't work with types (debug, release...) but you can use somenthing like this:
In this case the plugin looks in the locations and stops when it finds a google-services.json file.
If you are using a flavor it becomes:
You can find updated info here.
I'm currently using the following versions: com.google.gms:google-services:4.3.3, com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:20.2.0
Place your google-services.json file in your $projectName/app/src/$buildType directory. For example, place one json file in src/release and another in src/debug. You will likely need to create the release & debug folders.
Note: It's a common mistake to add these files in the app folder, be sure you add this in the src folder as described above.
The google-services plugin always looks for the google-services.json
file in two directories: First, on the
$projectName/app/src/$buildType/google-services.json. If it does not
find it here, it goes one level above, to the
$projectName/app/google-services.json. So, when you are building the
debug version of your app, it will search for the google-services.json
on the $projectName/app/src/debug/ directory.
At the link below, see David Ojeda's response.
I need to run some tasks that occur after an Android project's assemble* task finishes. In particular, these tasks need to know what was the output directory for all the compiled classes for a particular build variant. How do I retrieve the output directory for an assembleFlavor1Debug task?
My current workaround is something like this (although this workaround presents problems of its own, like not being able to find the assemble tasks even though it's been placed after the android configuration block):
android.buildTypes.all { theBuildType ->
android.productFlavors.all { theFlavor ->
String capitalizedType = ... //Type name with first letter capitalized
String capitalizedFlavor = ... //Flavor name with first letter capitalized
project.tasks["assemble${capitalizedType}${capitalizedFlavor}"].configure {
doLast {
project.ext.variantOutput = "build/intermediates/classes/${theFlavor.name}/${theBuildType.name}"
EDIT #1: I was able to fix my workaround. The major issue was that the Android assemble* tasks (assembleProdDebug, assembleProdRelease, etc.) were not yet created on the project, even though configuration was occurring after the Android configuration block. I was able to get the additional configuration on the assemble* tasks done by enclosing the entire code snippet above into a gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {...} block, but this did mean I lose out on the ability to continue configuring the dependency graph. Fortunately, not being to configure dependencies in my particular case was not a major loss; all I needed was the ability to record the last assembled build type and product flavor.
I'd also like to note that this behavior is with version 1.0.0 of the Android Gradle plugin. Although I have not checked, the absence of these Android tasks might not occur on newer versions of this plugin.
EDIT #2: So I've also tried version 1.3.0 of the Android Gradle plugin. I'd also like to note that this is the LIBRARY Android plugin, and not the application plugin (I suspect these missing assemble* tasks are not generated during project configuration for the application plugin as well, however).
You might want to try instead of wrapping the entire thing with gradle.taskGraph.whenReady try using afterEvaluate closure. The tasks should exist after the project is evaluated.
This means your closure would run at the end of the configuration phase and before the execution phase. At this time all tasks would have to be registered.
afterEvaluate { project ->
// do work on `Project` object just like normal
project.android.buildTypes.all { theBuildType ->
ref: https://docs.gradle.org/current/javadoc/org/gradle/api/Project.html#afterEvaluate(groovy.lang.Closure)
Managing Android's dependencies with Gradle is done in a weird way. They have to be downloaded differently into a local repo. This is a pain when setting up CI build as there are multiple nodes this could run on. As such I'm using the sdk-manager-plugin to have the Android dependencies downloaded at build time. There seems to be an old bug that I'm experiencing with the sdk-manager-plugin though in that it will download the dependencies at build time, but they won't be available on that command.
The next time the command is run everything works fine (as everything is already downloaded), but I need to find a way to ignore the build failure of the first gradle command so that everything is downloaded and good to go for the second. I realize this is hacky, but I'm done messing with this.
Ideally something like this would work:
./gradlew clean --ignoreBuildFailures
./gradlew distributeCIBuild
The closest thing I could find in the Gradle documentation is --quite but that doesn't look like it'd work.
Any creative solutions welcome.
The flag to use is --continue.
From the documentation:
Continues task execution after a task failure.
add this in the build.gradle file :
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
You can use ignoreExitValue
task ktlint(type: JavaExec, group: "verification") {
description = "Check Kotlin code style."
ignoreExitValue = true