How to clean db with ProviderTestCase2 or RenamingDelegatingContext - android

I do not understand what exactly should I do in order to get a clean and a different db from the one that the app uses.
This is my test class:
public class SQLTest extends ProviderTestCase2{
private static String testDbPrefix = "unitTest_";
public SQLTest (){
super(MyContentProvider.class, MyContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY);
public void setUp() throws Exception {
RenamingDelegatingContext context = new RenamingDelegatingContext(InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext(), testDbPrefix);
public void test1(){
//test logic
I noticed that it always runs on the db that the app uses, even though I'm using a both ProviderTestCase2 and RenamingDelegatingContext, which are supposed to ensure I'm running with a clean db.
Can anyone explain please what am I missing???
Thanks in advance!


How to test element of custom sdk android unit test

I've started learning android unit tests, but it looks very hard to find some good guides or information. Every example have a stupid example about 2+2 = 4
Say I write a little SDK which has few functions
MySdk.Init(Context context)
I create an androidTest file
How should I call my SDK functions to check how they work? Somewhere required parameters like int/string/context. I just really don't understand, please help me.
This is what I've tried
public class AndroidTest {
private Activity context;
//default test
public void addition_correct() throws Exception {
assertEquals(4, 2 + 2);
public void checkContext() {
context = getActivity();
public void testInitPhase() {
MySdk.Init(context, new SdkInitializationListener() {
public void onInitializationSuccessful(String adv_id) {
assert (adv_id != null);
public void onInitializationError() {
For context i was tried context = new mockContext();. It's passed as context = null and my SDK failed with initialization.
Unit tests are mainly about testing an individual class in isolation, so that you can check if individual public methods of a class behave as you intend them to, and continue to do so if you change that class' code in the future. Let's say you have a class like this:
public class UtilityFunctions {
public int double(int value) {
return value * 2;
public String mirror(String value) {
if (value == null) return "";
return value + new StringBuilder(value).reverse().toString();
You want to test these two methods with:
valid input values, and check the output is as expected
invalid values, and check that errors are handled accordingly (and the correct exceptions thrown if necessary)
So a test class for the above class may look like this
public class UtilityFunctionsTest {
private UtilityFunctions utility;
public void setUp() {
// Initialises any conditions before each test
utility = new UtilityFunctions();
public void testDoubleFunction() {
assertEquals(2, utility.double(1));
assertEquals(8, utility.double(4));
assertEquals(-12, utility.double(-6));
assertEquals(0, utility.double(0));
public void testMirror() {
assertEquals("", utility.mirror(null));
assertEquals("", utility.mirror(""));
assertEquals("aa", utility.mirror("a"));
assertEquals("MirrorrorriM", utility.mirror("Mirror"));
These standard Java unit tests are run from the test directory. However, you'll need to run tests in the androidTest directory whenever you're using Android-specific classes such as Context. If you're creating a MockContext, you're simply creating an empty Context whose methods don't do anything.
Without me knowing anything about what your MySDK does, I think you may need to pass a fully-functioning Context into your class for your tests. The Android JUnit runner does provide this with InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext(), so for your example, you may need to add this #Before method:
public void setUp() {
context = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext();
You'll also need to remove the context = getActivity(); line from your first test.

startActivity are not working in Android Unit Tests

I've tried everything already. The startActivity are not receiving the intent. Here's the code:
public class ColaboradorTeste extends ActivityUnitTestCase<ColaboradorMainActivity> {
private UserDAO userDAO;
private ColaboradorMainActivity activity;
public ColaboradorTeste() {
protected void setUp() throws Exception{
startActivity(new Intent(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext(), ColaboradorMainActivity.class), null, null);
activity = (ColaboradorMainActivity)getActivity().getApplicationContext();
userDAO = new UserDAO(activity);
public void testBase() throws Exception{
Here's the error:
at br.fsw.seatafmobile.ColaboradorTeste.setUp(
I know the problem is in the startActivity, but I really don't know how to solve it.
If anyone could help I'll really appreciate.
I finally found the solution!
My test is using a database created on the app. So I had to change the Build Variants from Unit Test to Android Instrumentation Tests.

Using ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 cannot seem to test ListView contents

I have the following test code. I am trying to test whether a list is being populated from SQLite database.
public class ViewIssuesActivityTest extends BaseActivityTest<ViewIssuesActivity>{
private List<Issue> issues;
public ViewIssuesActivityTest() {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
issues = new ArrayList<Issue>();
issues.add(new Issue("Trial","Desc","Location","ImagePath"));
IssueRepository issueRepository = mock(IssueRepository.class);
doAnswer(new Answer<Object>() {
public List<Issue> answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
return issues;
public void testNumberOfIssuesRecorded() {
ListView listView = (ListView) activity.findViewById(;
assertEquals(1, listView.getCount());
My BaseActivityTest code is:
public class BaseActivityTest<T extends Activity> extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<T> {
protected T activity;
public BaseActivityTest(Class<T> activityClass) {
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
activity = getActivity();
My ViewIssuesActivity is as follows:
public class ViewIssuesActivity extends ListActivity{
private IssueRepository issueRepository;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
issueRepository = new IssueRepository(getApplicationContext());
List<Issue> issues = new ArrayList<Issue>();
issues = issueRepository.getIssues();
ArrayAdapter<Issue> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<Issue>(this,
android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, issues);
The issue is I get error: expected<1> got <0>
I think the issue is the onCreate method is getting called before the issueRepository is created.
I want to mock the IssueRepository and test my list getting populated.
What is the issue with my code or is there a better way to test this functionality.
Any help will be appreciated.
You are right. The issue is that the onCreate method gets called before the mock issueRepository gets injected. When you call getActivity in the context of an ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2, all the usual life cycle methods get called (i.e., onCreate, onStart, and onResume). When your test code calls setIssueRepository, it's already too late, the issues have been fetched from the repository.
The best solution I know in this kind of case is to use dependency injection, whether by hand or using a DI framework.
It's not clear what you're trying to do.
You can't run two tests simultaneously against the same class. The ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 class is essentially a controller and wrapper for the Activity under test, but it can only control a single Activity, and you can't control the same Activity with multiple instances of ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2.
To set up an app for test-driven development, try to use as many POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) as you can. Limit the Activity testing to stuff such as sending Intents or integration between POJOs that you can mock.
ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 is a JUnit TestCase subclass, but it has limitations.

Android ProviderTestCase2: Fails in Run mode, Passes in Debug mode

I'm testing database using ProviderTestCase2 super class. Here is my code snippet:
public class MyProviderTest extends ProviderTestCase2<MyProvider>{
private static MockContentResolver resolver;
private static IsolatedContext context;
public MetaDataProviderTest() {
super(MyProvider.class, Provider.AUTHORITY);
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
resolver = getMockContentResolver();
} catch(Exception e){
public void testfirst(){
Cursor cursor = resolver.query(ProviderContract.Channels.CHANNEL_URI,null,null,null,null);
When I debug the above code Im getting the passed result. When I run it, I get Null cursor implying there is no such table as channel. Please help in solving this. Where did I go wrong?
There was race condition. Introduced delay in Setup(). It's working fine. But I don't know whether this is the exact solution.
you should write the code :
MockContentResolver.addProvider(authority, yourprovider);
then have a try

how to test android with ormlite project

anyone could help me with the problem: how to test android apps which uses ormlite?
I'd like to know how to create mocks form dao. This code gets me a dao
public Dao<Account, Integer> getAccountDao() throws SQLException {
if (accountDao == null) {
accountDao = getDao(Account.class);
return accountDao;
My testing activity looks this:
public class OrmActivity extends OrmLiteBaseActivity<DatabaseHelper> {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
RuntimeExceptionDao<Account, Integer> accountDao = getHelper().getAccountDataDao();
Account account = new Account();
I dont want to create separate database for tests. Instend of it I want to use mocks.
Best regards
Just in case anyone else stumbles across this post. The issue I had was that you need an instance of an Activity so you can pass the context to the OpenHelperManager.getHelper(android.content.Context context, Class openHelperClass) method.
To get around this I create a ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 test class to provide the context. You could use MockContext but I understand it to be problematic. This way is simple stupid, sort of :)
At that point I don't bother testing any of the Activity functionality, just database functionality.
public class TestActivity extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<MainFragment> {
public TestActivity() {
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
//DatabaseHelper.class is the extended OrmLiteSqliteOpenHelper class
OpenHelperManager.getHelper(getActivity(), DatabaseHelper.class);
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testDetailDiscount() {
//Example code using an entity class that encapsulates ormlite functionality
double total = 95 * 5;
DocumentDetail detail = DocumentDetail.create(getActivity());
assertEquals(total, detail.getTotal());
Hope it helps
I use Robolectric for unit testing Android apps. Works fine with RoboGuice and Ormlite. Robolectric creates its own database, so a unit test doesn't modify the database on the device you are testing with.
If this doesn't answer your question, please clarify your question. Like, how is not using a separate database related to using mock dao's?

