I have created a custom EditText class which draws line numbers next on the left of every line. This works fine however I also want to set background of the line numbers to grey and achieve something like this:
In onDraw method where I draw the numbers I tried to draw really thick line but it always gets drawn over the line numbers no matter where I put it, before the call the draws the line numbers or after. Here is my code
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
int baseline = getBaseline();
for (int i = 0; i < getLineCount(); i++) {
//line still gets drawn over the text
canvas.drawText("" + (i + 1), rect.left, baseline, paint);
canvas.drawText("" + (i + 1), rect.left, baseline, paint);
baseline += getLineHeight();
Any suggestions about how to make the line appear in the background?
Try to draw a line at which the width of the line number. before the loop:
Paint linePaint = new Paint(getPaint()); // copy original Paint
linePaint.setARGB(255, 200, 200, 200); // some grey color
String strCount = String.valueOf(getLineCount());
float[] symbolWidths = new float[strCount.length()];
linePaint.getTextWidths(strCount, symbolWidths);
float strokeWidth = 0;
for (float width : symbolWidths)
strokeWidth += width;
strokeWidth = strokeWidth *2/*I dnt knw y*/ + strokeWidth;
setPadding((int)strokeWidth / 2, 0, 0, 0); // text padding
canvas.drawLine(rect.left, getLineHeight() * getLineCount(), rect.right, rect.top, linePaint);
I have a button which is drawn using canvas onDraw method. The button itself may will change size depending on device, but I want the text I'm drawing inside to remain consistent, even with different screen size or font size user may have set in settings. That is why I'm doing it in pixels.
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// 1. draw background
canvas.drawRect(padding, padding, w-padding, h-padding, paint);
// 2. draw border
canvas.drawRect(padding, padding, w-padding, h-padding, paint);
// 3. draw text
int fontSizeTextNew = canvas.getHeight() / 100 * 19;
int fontSizePaddingNew = canvas.getHeight() / 100 * 19;
prefTitle, // text
0, // start
prefTitle.length(), // end
rectangle // bounds
Math.abs(rectangle.height()) + padding + fontSizePaddingNew,
// 4. draw icon
int fontSizeIconNew = canvas.getHeight() / 100 * 55;
String str = prefIcon;
// center for the text
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11120392/android-center-text-on-canvas
int yPos = (int) ((canvas.getHeight() / 2) - ((textPaint.descent() + textPaint.ascent()) / 2)) ;
Math.abs(yPos) + fontSizeIconPadding,
This 19% looks nice right now but it will look different on variouse screens. What is your approach to this problem? how you would solvethis problem?
Button1 This is how it may look
How to draw a filled rectangle with specified bounds and inside that rectangle text to be drawn using Canvas Android ?? I tried
canvas.drawText(mText, x, y, mPaint);
canvas.drawRect(x, y, x + w, y + h, mPaint);
but text is not inside of that rectangle. Can any buddy tell me how to draw a rectangle surrounding specified text with consideration of text size ??
Here i have hardcoded x and y values. You can change them
mpaint= new Paint();
paint2= new Paint();
paint2.setTextSize(50); //set text size
float w = paint2.measureText(s)/2;
float textSize = paint2.getTextSize();
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawRect(300-w, 300 - textsize, 300 + w, 300, mpaint);
canvas.drawText(s, 300, 300 ,paint2); //x=300,y=300
Edit :
Its bad a idea to call measureText in onDraw. You can do that outside of onDraw.
There is a video on also about performance and why you should avoid allocations in onDraw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAK5acHQ53E
Resulting snap shot
If you have to center the text inside de rect you have use this code
mpaint= new Paint();
paint2= new Paint();
paint2.setTextSize(50); //set text size
float w = paint2.measureText(s)/2;
float textSize = paint2.getTextSize();
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
Rect rect = new Rect(300-w, 300 - textsize, 300 + w, 300);
canvas.drawRect(rect, mpaint);
canvas.drawText(s, rect.centerX(), rect.centerY() ,paint2); // center text inside rect
This might be very late for this particular query but I think many will find this answer useful. So, the problem with the Canvas for any CustomView is that, you can get the width for a particular text, but it's not that easy to get the height of the text. Also if you are using canvas.drawText(....) with simple Paint object, you can not draw multi line text. So, use the below code within your onDraw() method.
String displayText = "Hello World";
int mainTextPositionX = getWidth() / 2 ;
int mainTextPositionY = getHeight() / 2;
StaticLayout textStaticLayout;
TextPaint textPaint;
textPaint = new TextPaint();
textPaint.setTextSize(convertDpToPixel(30, context));
highlightedRectPaint = new Paint();
if(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
textStaticLayout = StaticLayout
.obtain(displayText, 0, displayText.length(), textPaint, (int) textPaint.measureText(displayText))
textStaticLayout = new StaticLayout(
displayText, textPaint, (int)textPaint.measureText(displayText), Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
Rect highlightedTextBorderRect = new Rect();
highlightedTextBorderRect.top = mainTextPositionY-20;
highlightedTextBorderRect.left = mainTextPositionX-
highlightedTextBorderRect.right = mainTextPositionX+
((int)textPaint.measureText(displayText)/2) + 20;
highlightedTextBorderRect.bottom = mainTextPositionY+
canvas.translate(mainTextPositionX, mainTextPositionY);
just make sure that, you declare all the objects and variable outside of the draw() method. And this will draw a rectangle outline around the text with multi line support. If you want the rectangle to have a fill, then just use the highlightedRectPaint and change the setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL). Hope that helps.
how to make that text was written vertically? how to rotate text 90 degrees?
Write each letter individually is stupid, but now ,i don't know another way.
Paint paint = new Paint();
public DrawView(Context context, double arr[])
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
canvas.drawText("Test",50, 50, paint);
Simply rotating text (or anything else) is easy: Use the rotate() method to rotate the canvas (afterwards it is rotated back, otherwise everything you draw becomes rotated):
canvas.rotate(90f, 50, 50);
canvas.drawText("Text",50, 50, paint);
The save() and restore()methods respectively save the state of the canvas and restores it. So the rest of your drawn elements are not rotated. If you only want to paint the text these two methods are not necessary.
If you want to put the characters of the string under each other, you need to process each character separately. First you'd need to obtain the font height and when drawing each character you need to increase the y-coordinate with this height over and over again.
int y = 50;
int fontHeight = 12; // I am (currently) too lazy to properly request the fontHeight and it does not matter for this example :P
for(char c: "Text".toCharArray()) {
canvas.drawText(c, 50, y, paint);
y += fontHeight;
Correct version is :
Canvas canvas_front = new Canvas(bitmap_front);
Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.setColor(Color.rgb(140, 0, 0));
canvas_front.drawLine(0, (float) (frontIV.getHeight() * 0.9),frontIV.getWidth(), (float) (frontIV.getHeight() * 0.9), paint);
canvas_front.rotate((float) 90 , 50, 50);
canvas_front.drawText("Text",50, 50, paint);
I have a View which draws a rectangle with a line of text inside of it. The view uses break text to ensure that no text extends outside of the rectangle; it ignores any text that does. This works fine for some characters, but often Strings made up of 'l's and 'f's extend outside of the rectangle. So, I'm in need of a sanity check here: Is there some obvious flaw in my below code, or is it possible that Paint.breakText(...) is inaccurate?
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
int MARGIN = 1;
Paint p = new Paint();
p.setTypeface(Typeface.create(Typeface.SERIF, Typeface.NORMAL));
RectF rect = getRect();
float maxWidth = rect.width() - MARGIN - BORDER_WIDTH * 2;
String str = getText();
char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
int nextPos = p.breakText(chars, 0, chars.length, maxWidth, null);
str = str.substring(0, nextPos);
float textX = MARGIN + BORDER_WIDTH;
float textY = (float) (Math.abs(p.getFontMetrics().ascent) + BORDER_WIDTH + MARGIN);
canvas.drawText(str, textX, textY, p);
canvas.drawRect(rect, p);
This was fixed by: Paint.setSubpixelText(true);
The problem might be how you draw your rectangle. Strokes are not outside of the rectangle, half of the stroke is inside, half is outside.
I encounter this problem when displaying text on SurfaceView, some chars can climb up on others, code is here:
private static void fakeDraw(Canvas c)
Paint mPaint = new Paint();
int color = 0xff000000;
FontMetricsInt fm = mPaint.getFontMetricsInt();
int fh = Math.abs(fm.top);
int left = 0;
int top = 100;
Rect smallClip = new Rect(left, top-fh, left + 200, top + 30);
Rect bigClip = new Rect(0, 0, getW(), getH());
c.drawRect(bigClip, mPaint);
String text1 = "Evi";
String text2 = ">>";
String text3 = "Tom";
color = 0xff303030;
c.drawRect(smallClip, mPaint);
color = 0xffffffff;
c.drawText(text1, left, top, mPaint);
Rect bounds = new Rect();
mPaint.getTextBounds(text1, 0, text1.length(), bounds);
left += bounds.width();
c.drawText(text2, left, top, mPaint);
left -= bounds.width();
top += 12;
c.drawText(text3, left, top, mPaint);
mPaint.getTextBounds(text3, 0, text3.length(), bounds);
left += bounds.width();
c.drawText(text2, left, top, mPaint);
In the case of a second text Tom>> all displayed correctly, but the first text Evi>> not. The problem is that the chars >> draws in Evi draw space(last char "i")!! It is possible to see if you zoom the picture, what am I doing wrong and how to fix this?
screen shot can be found here: http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/2782/imagexs.png
Hm, Try specifying particular x / y co-ords? with numbers rather than pre defined strings? give the ">>" different coordinates for it's draw space.
just add some space manually
c.drawText(text2, left + 2, top, mPaint);
or add a space char (" ") at start of text2