I am trying to migrate to Firebase cloud messaging from GCM and I noticed that when the application is not running the notifications are coming in the notifications tray. With GCM this was not the case, it was up to the developer to show a notification or not. I want to have similar behavior with FCM where when the app is running I want to silently handle the push message instead of having user to click on the notification and start the app. How can I achieve that.
Firebase Cloud Messages has two types of messages:
Notification Message: this type of message has the same behavior as the GCM messages
FCM automatically displays the message to end-user devices on behalf of the client app. Notification messages have a predefined set of user-visible keys
Data Message: this type has the behavior you described above.
Client app is responsible for processing data messages.
Data messages have only custom key-value pairs.
To send data messages you need to use the HTTP API [for Data Message]. (quoted from Arthur)
Full documentation: https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/concept-options
The goal I want to achieve for the app owner is to send FCM push notifications via web interface to the customers (already achieved) and to give the customers a view in my app, on which they can read all or at least the last 10 sent push messages. Is there any (REST) api in FCM which can be used to receive the sent push notifications and its content so I can display them in my Android fragment?
Unfortunately, there is no available API as of the moment to retrieve your GCM/FCM logs. However, there's been a recent improvement in the Firebase Notifications console where stats for messages sent using the FCM API is included in the Firebase Notification console stats.
The more details can be found from this answer and the blogpost.
I am trying to send a push notification when user is going to uninstall my Android app. My idea is to use Firebase Cloud Messaging and Google Analytics for Firebase Triggers. In order to be able to use triggers I have been marked "app_remove" event as conversion in Firebase Console of my app. It is possible send notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging triggered by a Firebase function as described in this question, but when my app is uninstalled It will not be able to show incoming message from FCM as a push notification. It is possible to setup the incoming message to be displayed as push notification even my app is uninstalled?
It is possible to setup the incoming message to be displayed as push notification even my app is uninstalled?
Not possible.
When your app is uninstalled, the corresponding registration token tied to that specific app instance is also invalidated.
The registration token is what FCM uses to send messages to the corresponding device, if invalidated, FCM will no longer have any way to send messages to that device.
When sending notification through Firebase API calls onMessageReceived() even when the app is not running or killed but when sending through Firebase Console does not invoke onMessageReceived() when app is killed ?
FCM provide two types of messages .
Notification messages -sometimes thought of as "display messages." These are handled by the FCM SDK automatically.
2.Data messages-which are handled by the client app.
Notification messages are delivered to the notification tray when the app is in the background. For apps in the foreground, messages are handled by onMessageReceived():
For more information read FCM messeges
You have to add some key-value pairs as a data payload from the Firebase Console. while composing message for notification you have to select Advanced options and then add some data as a key value.
Once the app will get data notification, then the notification will be displayed in both the modes(background/killed and foregroud).
Inside Firebase console(Compose message) :
Advances options --> Add custom data(with key and value) --> Send
As a part of announcement of Android Wear 2.0 there was declared:
Standalone applications: direct network access to cloud (apps run on
watch even when your phone isn't with you).
The question is does this means that android wear application can get its own GCM/FCM registration ID and receive push notifications directly to the watch without phone at all? Can someone here prove it with documentation or on its own experience?
What happen if I have same applications on the device and watch, that receives push notifications?
Thanks in advance.
It is stated in the documentation of Android wear 2.0 under the Cloud Messaging that for sending notifications, apps can directly use Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). Note that FCM is supported on Wear 2.0. and GCM is not supported.
Here are the other details that you can find in this documentation.
FCM is the recommended way to send notifications to a watch.
Provide for messages from FCM by collecting a registration token for a device when your Wear app runs. Then include the token as part of the destination when your server sends messages to the FCM REST endpoint. FCM sends messages to the device identified by the token.
An FCM message is in JSON format and can include one or both of the following payloads:
Notification payload. When a notification payload is received by a watch, the data is displayed to a user directly in the notification stream. When the user taps the notification, your app is launched.
Data payload. The payload has a set of custom key/value pairs. The payload and is delivered as data to your Wear app.
I've implemented Firebase Cloud Messaging in my android app.
Is it possible to turn notifications off from my application settings screen?
It was possible with old GCM as we have broadcast GcmReceiver and we could handle it ourselves.
Now we have only FirebaseInstanceIdService and could handle it only when app is in foreground.
How we can handle it when app is in background?
Is it possible only to disable Firebase Cloud Messaging only for some category of notification inside app or this should be done on the server side?
You can manage whether or not notifications are displayed by always sending data messages from your app server. The Firebase console always sends notification messages, which are the types of messages that generate notifications automatically when your app is in the background. So if you want full control of when notifications are displayed use data messages which are only available from your app server, not yet from the Firebase console. See more on message types here.
I came with the solution to send request to the server if I need to switch on/off some type of notifications. And if send request to switch off some notification server will no longer trigger FCM server to send notification to the device