I have an application that implements two activities. Activity A is for selecting some files on device and activity B is to show additional info while these files are processing. Both of them have singleInstance as launch mode.
On application's start activity A runs. Then this activity starts second activity B, that creates a notification. If I tap this notification or open running app from recents, it works fine and shows running activity B. But if I'd started application before and activity B is already running, launching it again from app menu causes showing activity A when old activity B is already running and accesible from notification bar.
So, what should I do to make application run only single activity at the same time and show second activity when called from launcher (if second activity once started and isn't finished)?
Your launcher intent should be mapped to a dummy activity, with no view (or may be a splash who knows !). In onCreate of that dummy activity you check if a state was saved previously and based on the state switch to the desired activity.
And how to set the state ? well lets try something simple. lets say when Activity A resumes we put "A" to some key in SharedPreference. if Activity B resumes we put "B" to the same key in preferences. Now your application goes out when Activity B was visible, the state saved would be "B", you launch from home screen, the dummy activity finds "B" in the state and launch intent to go to B else go to A.
Actually the scenario is a bit more complex than described it the title.
The situation is the following:
Activity A starts Activity B.
Activity A must not be destroyed when I start Activity B because I
need the user to be able to navigate back to A.
When the user presses the HOME button the user opens the Recent Apps
window and switches from my app to another app. At this stage both A
and B are STOPPED.
When the user user opens the Recent Apps window and switches back for
the other app to my app: Activity B is RESTARTED (activity A is not
restarted yet)
Now on Activity B there is a button to close the entire app, closing
both B and A, and it does close both activities using this approach:
How do I cope with such a scenario?
1 solution is - before finishing the activity B, store some variable with value 1 using sharedpreferences, finish activity B but not A. system will resume activity A. override onResume() function in activity A and get the variable from shared preferences, if it states 1 then store 0 there, and finish() activity A.
2 solution is overriding onresultactivity - see here
How to kill an application with all its activities?
I have utility application with two activities inside - one is main as explanation and some settings changing and second one is utility activity that is responsible for utility action itself. The utility activity has NoWindow theme.
I want that launching utility action from another application is not bringing my application into foreground if user still have it running.
Steps to reproduce:
I have activity A (launcher) and activity B (utility activity with intent filter, has NoWindow theme)
User lunches application from home screen (A is visible)
User navigates to another application without closing mine
User initiate some action that starts activity B (my app is foregrounded and presented to user but because B is NoWindow users sees A)
I want that when user initiate activity B he won't see activity B.
Could yo give me any advise how to achieve this? I think if I set noHistory flag to activity A it won't be shown but I afraid in this case if I move to activity C (About) then activity A disappears forms stack and won't be available if user presses back.
Activity A (MAIN and LAUNCHER in manifest) starts up when clicking on launcher icon.
In turn it launches Activity B.
Activity B then launches our main app Activity C (MAIN and singleTask in manifest).
Behaviour I require:
Once Activity C has been shown and the home key is then pressed, the next time the launcher icon is pressed I would like to skip straight to Activity C (and not show Activity A (and consequently B) again).
I have tried using FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP from A, but I still get Activity A whenever I hit icon on launch screen.
Is appearance of my singletask Activity C from launcher achievable?
Update: Use of FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP from A and not calling finish() creates the situation whereby Activity B appears on press of launcher icon. However, also applying use of FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP from B and not calling finish() does not resolve situation. now I don't get A on launcher icon press, but get B. What gives!
See similar scenario here.
In your case, I would recommend using a similar approach, where you would have a SharedPreference that would persist a value representing whether your app had previously been launched.
Create a simple Activity that will contain the logic for what you are trying to do here. In that activity's ("pre-A" Activity) onResume() method, check the value of the preference representing whether the app has ran previously.
If it has not previously been ran, launch an intent to Activity A, which calls the subsequent B and C activities; otherwise, launch an intent to Activity C.
Seems pretty straightforward, just remember to define the new "Pre-A" activity in your manifest!
I have an activity A. now i start a service using
startService(new Intent(A.this,Service.class));
now after some times (since it is performing some task in background , you can move anywhere in phone , so lets stay at phone home screen) service stops and start an another activity B (now B is on Top) which show result. Current i am on screen B. my problem is when i am on B and press back , it does not show activity A. even if i exist from app(through back button) and again I launch the app it show activity B. since my starting activity is A so i want to show A not B. please guide me how can i do this.
I have a splash activity (A) that calls a listview activity (B) which calls another activity (C).
When I'm on activity C and I press Home, than kill the app (or wait of Android to do it), than longpress Home and come back to activity C there's a strange problem:
When I click back I go back to B. Than I have a backbutton handler that asks the user if they want to exit and calls finish() on the activity. When I try to exit in this scenario, activity A starts again.
On regular operation it finishes B and doesn't go back to A.
Why is that??
When the app is killed (either by you or by Android) the process hosting your applications is killed. However, Android remembers the state of the activity stack (in your case A->B->C).
When the user returns to the app, Android creates a new process for the app and recreates only the activity that was at the top of the activity stack (in this case: C). Now the user presses BACK, which causes activity C to finish and Android recreates the instance of activity B which is then shown (You will see calls to B.onCreate(), B.onStart() and B.onResume()).
Now the user presses BACK again. Your back button handler tries to call finish() on activity A, but there is no instance of activity A. Android hasn't created it yet! When activity B finishes Android remembers that there was an instance of activity A in the activity stack underneath B so it recreates the instance of activity A which is then shown (You will see calls to A.onCreate(), A.onStart() and A.onResume()).
I hope this explains what you are seeing.
Make sure you are calling finish() on A when you load B