I have went through this and this post. So I really agree with the second post that presenter should not be aware of android specific thing. So what I am thinking is putting internet check in service layer.
I am using Rx Java for making network calls, so I can either place the network check before making a service call, so this way I need to manually throw and IOException because I need to show an error page on view when network is not available, the other option is I create my own error class for no internet
Observable<PaginationResponse<Notification>> response = Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<PaginationResponse<Notification>>() {
public void call(Subscriber<? super PaginationResponse<Notification>> subscriber) {
if (isNetworkConnected()) {
Call<List<Notification>> call = mService.getNotifications();
try {
Response<List<Notification>> response = call.execute();
processPaginationResponse(subscriber, response);
} catch (IOException e) {
} else {
//This is I am adding manually
subscriber.onError(new IOException);
The other way I though of is adding interceptor to OkHttpClient and set it to retrofit
OkHttpClient.Builder builder = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder();
builder.addInterceptor(new Interceptor() {
public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
if (!isNetworkConnected()) {
throw new IOException();
final Request.Builder builder = chain.request().newBuilder();
Request request = builder.build();
return chain.proceed(request);
Now the 2nd approach is more scalable, but I am not sure it will be efficient as I would be unnecessarily calling service method and call.execute() method.
Any suggestion which way should be used?
Also my parameter for judging the way is
Generic : I want this same logic can be used across apps who are following the similar architecture where MVP and Repository/DataProvider (May give data from network/db)
Other suggestions are also welcome, if you people are already using any other way.
First we create a utility for checking internet connection, there are two ways we can create this utility, one where the utility emits the status only once, which looks like this,
public class InternetConnection {
public static Observable<Boolean> isInternetOn(Context context) {
ConnectivityManager connectivityManager
= (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
return Observable.just(activeNetworkInfo != null && activeNetworkInfo.isConnected());
Other way of creating this utility is, where the utility keeps emitting the connection status if it changes, which looks like this,
public class InternetConnection {
public Observable<Boolean> isInternetOn(Context context) {
final IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
return Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<Boolean>() {
public void call(final Subscriber<? super Boolean> subscriber) {
final BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
NetworkInfo netInfo = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
subscriber.onNext(netInfo != null && netInfo.isConnected());
context.registerReceiver(receiver, filter);
subscriber.add(unsubscribeInUiThread(() -> context.unregisterReceiver(receiver)));
private Subscription unsubscribeInUiThread(final Action0 unsubscribe) {
return Subscriptions.create(() -> {
if (Looper.getMainLooper() == Looper.myLooper()) {
} else {
final Scheduler.Worker inner = AndroidSchedulers.mainThread().createWorker();
inner.schedule(() -> {
Next, in your dataSource or Presenter use switchMap or flatMap to check for internet connection before doing any network operation which looks like this,
private Observable<List<GitHubUser>> getGitHubUsersFromRetrofit() {
return isInternetOn(context)
.filter(connectionStatus -> connectionStatus)
.switchMap(connectionStatus -> gitHubApiInterface.getGitHubUsersList()
.map(gitHubUserList -> {
return gitHubUserList;
Note that, we are using switchMap instead of flatMap. why switchMap? because, we have 2 data stream here, first is internet connection and second is Retrofit. first we will take connection status value (true/false), if we have active connection, we will create a new Retrofit stream and return start getting results, down the line if we the status of the connection changes, switchMap will first stop the existing Retrofit connection and then decide if we need to start a new one or ignore it.
This is one of the sample, which might give better clarity https://github.com/viraj49/Realm_android-injection-rx-test/blob/master/app-safeIntegration/src/main/java/tank/viraj/realm/dataSource/GitHubUserListDataSource.java
So you mean switch map will try it itself once internet is back?
Yes and No, let's first see the difference between flatMap & switchMap. Let's say we have an editText and we search some info from network based on what user types, every time user adds a new character we have to make a new query (which can be reduced with debounce), now with so many network calls only the latest results are useful, with flatMap we will receive all the results from all the calls we made to the network, with switchMap on the other hand, the moment we make a query, all previous calls are discarded.
Now the solution here is made of 2 parts,
We need an Observable that keeps emitting current state of Network, the first InternetConnection above sends the status once and calls onComplete(), but the second one has a Broadcast receiver and it will keep sending onNext() when network status changes. IF you need to make a reactive solution go for case-2
Let's say you choose InternetConnection case-2, in this case use switchMap(), cause when network status changes, we need to stop Retrofit from whatever it is doing and then based on the status of network either make a new call or don't make a call.
How do I let my view know that the error is internet one also will this be scalable because I need to do with every network call, any suggestions regarding writing a wrapper?
Writing a wrapper would be excellent choice, you can create your own custom response which can take multiple entries from a set of possible responses e.g. SUCCESS_INTERNET, SUCCESS_LOGIN, ERROR_INVALID_ID
EDIT3: Please find an updated InternetConnectionUtil here https://github.com/viraj49/Realm_android-injection-rx-test/blob/master/app-safeIntegration/src/main/java/tank/viraj/realm/util/InternetConnection.java
More detail on the same topic is here: https://medium.com/#Viraj.Tank/android-mvp-that-survives-view-life-cycle-configuration-internet-changes-part-2-6b1e2b5c5294
EDIT4: I have recently created an Internet utility using Android Architecture Components - LiveData, you can find full source code here,
A detailed description of the code is here,
I am working on an Android project which uses retrofit to handle network calls. I have a hard time figuring out a use case.
I have an API (api1) which has already been implemented and is being called from multiple places.
Now, I need to call a new API (api2) before calling api1.
What would be the best way of doing this ?
Can I use interceptors for this purpose ? Are interceptors the best way to handle this use case ?
public class MyApi2Interceptor implements Interceptor {
public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
// original request
Request request = chain.request();
val api2Response = api2.execute()
if (api2Response.code() == 200) {
return chain.proceed(request);
} else {
return null;
fun suspend callApi1() {
return api2.execute()
.map { api2Response ->
if (api2Response.code() == 200) api1.execute()
else return null
I personally like the interceptor approach I feel its clean, but not sure if interceptors are used for this purpose. Also which interceptors should I use addInterceptor or addNetwrokInterceptor (I guess in my case I can add them in any one of them ?)
I haven't actually tried out yet on my project and I am not sure if executing a different api in interceptor would actually work.
Please let me know your thoughts on this. Thanks in advance.
The second approach is more favorable as using interceptor would shadow the logic inside the interceptor and no one else would know about it. Also retrofit instances are usually created for single single service, this logic should be also handled in a business component as APIs are a data layer.
We are using OneTimeWorkRequest to start background task in our project.
At application start, we are starting the OneTimeWorkRequest (say req A)
Depends on user's action we start the same work request A.
At some cases, if the app gets killed when the work request A is in progress, Android automatically restarts the request A when the app restarts. Once again we are also starting the request A again. So two instances of the request A runs in parallel and leads to a deadlock.
To avoid this, I did below code in app start to check if the worker is running but this always returns false.
public static boolean isMyWorkerRunning(String tag) {
List<WorkStatus> status = WorkManager.getInstance().getStatusesByTag(tag).getValue();
return status != null;
Is there a better way to handle this?
I checked the beginUniqueWork(). Is it costlier if I have only one request?
Edit 2:
This question is about unique One time task. For starting unique Periodic task we had a separate API enqueueUniquePeriodicWork(). But we did not have an API for starting unique onetime work. I was confused to use between continuation object or manually check and start approach.
In recent build they Android added new api for this enqueueUniqueWork(). This is the exact reason they mentioned in their release notes.
Add WorkManager.enqueueUniqueWork() API to enqueue unique
OneTimeWorkRequests without having to create a WorkContinuation.
Edit 2:
Nov 8th release notes:
Add WorkManager.enqueueUniqueWork() API to enqueue unique
OneTimeWorkRequests without having to create a WorkContinuation.
This says, alpha11 has this new API to uniquely enqueue a onetimework.
I tried changing the code as follows:
OneTimeWorkRequest impWork = new OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(WorkerNotesAttachment.class)
WorkManager.getInstance().enqueueUniqueWork(RWORK_TAG_NOTES, ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE, impWork);
I tried using the beginUniqueWork API. But it fails to run sometimes. So I ended up writing the following function.
public static boolean isMyWorkerRunning(String tag) {
List<WorkStatus> status = null;
try {
status = WorkManager.getInstance().getStatusesByTag(tag).get();
boolean running = false;
for (WorkStatus workStatus : status) {
if (workStatus.getState() == State.RUNNING
|| workStatus.getState() == State.ENQUEUED) {
return true;
return false;
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
return false;
We need to get all the WorkStatus objects and check if atleast one of them is in running or Enqueued state. As the system keeps all the completed works in the DB for few days (Refer pruneWork()), we need to check all the work instances.
Invoke this function before starting the OneTimeWorkRequest.
public static void startCacheWorker() {
String tag = RWORK_TAG_CACHE;
if (isMyWorkerRunning(tag)) {
log("worker", "RWORK: tag already scheduled, skipping " + tag);
// Import contact for given network
OneTimeWorkRequest impWork = new OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(WorkerCache.class)
You can use beginUniqueWork() with a unique name.
If you use ExistingWorkPolicy:
APPEND: the 2 requests will run serial.
KEEP: will not run the second request if the first is running.
REPLACE: the 2 requests will run parallel.
Using getStatusesByTag returns LiveData of List<WorkStatus>
it was made as LiveData because WorkStatus is kept in Room DB and WorkManger has to query it first on background thread then deliver the result.
so you must observe to get the real value when it's available .
calling getValue() will return last value of the LiveData which isn't available on the time you call it.
What you can do
public static LiveData<Boolean> isMyWorkerRunning(String tag) {
MediatorLiveData<Boolean> result = new MediatorLiveData<>();
LiveData<List<WorkStatus>> statusesByTag = WorkManager.getInstance().getStatusesByTag(tag);
result.addSource(statusesByTag, (workStatuses) -> {
boolean isWorking;
if (workStatuses == null || workStatuses.isEmpty())
isWorking = false;
else {
State workState = workStatuses.get(0).getState();
isWorking = !workState.isFinished();
//remove source so you don't get further updates of the status
return result;
Now you don't start the task until you observe on the returning value of isMyWorkerRunning if it's true then it's safe to start it if not this mean that another task with the same tag is running
Since all of the answers are mostly outdated, you can listen for changes on a tagged worker like this:
LiveData<List<WorkInfo>> workInfosByTag = WorkManager.getInstance().getWorkInfosByTagLiveData(tag);
workInfosByTag.observeForever(workInfos -> {
for (WorkInfo workInfo : workInfos) {
Let me describe my situation:
I want to register new records via an API.
I want to update some records via an API.
I need to be notified when all of these requests have finished, to start another task.
Specifically I have two ArrayList:
ArrayList<Report> createdReports = myHelper.getOfflineCreatedReports();
ArrayList<Report> editedReports = myHelper.getOfflineEditedReports();
Each report can use methods to get Observable instances from my ApiService (Retrofit implementation).
Observable<NewReportResponse> createdReportsObs = Observable.from(createdReports) // .just() != .from()
.flatMap(new Func1<Report, Observable<NewReportResponse>>() {
public Observable<NewReportResponse> call(Report report) {
return report.postToServer();
Observable<NewReportResponse> editedReportsObs = Observable.from(editedReports)
.flatMap(new Func1<Report, Observable<NewReportResponse>>() {
public Observable<NewReportResponse> call(Report report) {
return report.updateInServer();
I am using the flatMap operator to get one Observable for each report.
But I am not sure how to wait until all of the requests have finished.
I was thinking in using the zip operator.
Observable.zip(createdReportsObs, editedReportsObs, new Func2<NewReportResponse, NewReportResponse, Boolean>() {
public Boolean call(NewReportResponse justOneResponse, NewReportResponse justOneResponse2) {
return false;
Unfortunately I saw some examples where zip is used to create pairs of Observables.
Please suggest me what operator I can use to achieve it. Or how to do it using rxJava with a different approach.
Thank you in advance.
Are you using RxJava 2? If so you can use the new completable api. This is assuming you don't need to know any of the server results, just need to wait for them to complete.
This is my way. May not best practice.
Observable.merge(createdReportsObs, editedReportsObs)
.xxx //Now they are completed, do what you want
I am using Retrofit 2.0.1. I want to handle all types of network errors and exceptions (like no network connection ,timeout error,server not found etc.) I have found this link. But some of the methods were deprecated in v1.8.0. How can I do that in 2.0.1?
If you need centeralize error handler take a look at this thread But if you just need a simple error handler you can do:
public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
if (throwable instanceof HttpException) {
// We had non-2XX http error
if (throwable instanceof IOException) {
// A network or conversion error happened
// We don't know what happened. We need to simply convert to an unknown error
// ...
Connection status should be checked anyway and has nothing to do with RetroFit, look up ConnectivityManager.
(a quicky solution is something like this, modify to your needs):
public boolean isConnected()
ConnectivityManager manager = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
NetworkInfo info = manager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
return (info != null && info.isConnected());
Consider this - ConnectivityManager let's you know you have an interface for outgoing data, if you want to know if you actually have an outside link, I would suggest to ping you server (or any other known domian that would respond), if the ping is good, you have a line, for Timeouts and serverNotFound - use the http codes you get back in onFailure() for an api request (e.g. 404, 400, 200, etc.).
The Why
A ping is just a single udp packet that let's you know the server is there and alive, so a scenario where a ping works, but an http request will return Bad Request is very possible, and can be handled easily, the logic is up to you.
For the other stuff - all the info you need to implement the handling you want can be found in the callbacks.
this example uses ResponseBody, you can get the delivery info from the header:
public void onResponse(Call<ResponseBody> call, retrofit2.Response<ResponseBody> rawResponse)
String response = rawResponse.headers().toString();
//now print this...
catch(Exception e)
Timeouts and serverNotFound can be handeled through the onFailure callback (this is the skeleton, implement what you need inside it, read up about it):
public void onFailure(Call<ResponseBody> call, Throwable throwable)
//use throwable.get.... to know what happened
Hope this helps in any way
I'm trying to use retrofit with rxjava. I have a problem chaining retrofit observables with one another or with observables created by me. Some example:
Observable<List<Friend>> friendsListObservable = friendsService.getFriends();
Observable<Void> updateReqestObservable = friendsListObservable.switchMap(friends -> {
Log.d(TAG, "Hello");
return userAPI.updateFriends(session.getUserId(), friends);
Everything gets called until it gets to switchMap. So hello is never displayed, but if I return for instance Observable.just(null) instead of the retrofit observable it works fine. Also if I user the retrofit observable without chaining, it works.
It's an android app. Seems like the map operator is not called at all. Sometimes it happens that with retrofit observables also. I still think that it has something to do with threading. From what I understand an operator is called when an item is emitted, but calling onNext doesn't trigger the map operator. Below is my whole code:
public Observable<List<FacebookFriend>> getFriends() {
PublishSubject<List<FacebookFriend>> friendsPublishSubject = PublishSubject.create();
Observable<List<FacebookFriend>> returnObservable = friendsPublishSubject.doOnSubscribe(() -> {
Log.d(TAG, "OnSubscribe called");
Session session = Session.getActiveSession();
if (session != null && session.isOpened()) {
new Request(session, "/me/friends", null, HttpMethod.GET,
new Request.Callback() {
public void onCompleted(Response response) {
JSONObject graphResponse = response.getGraphObject()
try {
JSONArray friends = graphResponse.getJSONArray("data");
Gson gson = new Gson();
Type listType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<FacebookFriend>>() {
List<FacebookFriend> friendsList = gson.fromJson(friends.toString(), listType);
} catch (JSONException e) {
} else {
InvalidSessionException exception = new InvalidSessionException("Your facebook session expired");
return returnObservable.subscribeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()).observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread());
public Observable<Void> updateFriendsList() {
Observable<List<FacebookFriend>> facebookFriendsListObservable = facebookService.getFriends();
Observable<Void> updateReqestObservable = facebookFriendsListObservable.map(friends -> {
Log.d(TAG, "This is never called");
One way you could get around blocking at the actual calling point would be to subscribe it to a subject and then block on the subject at the end of whatever part of your code requires the requests to have been executed.
For example:
final ReplaySubject<Void> subject = ReplaySubject.create();
.switchMap(friends -> userApi.updateFriends(session.getUserId(), friends))
// Do other things that don't require this to be done yet...
// Wherever you need to wait for the request to happen:
Since a subject is also an Observable, you could even return the subject from a method, and block on it later.
All that being said, it does seem a bit odd to be using the update call as a side effect there. Is updateFriends also a Retrofit service? If so, you may want to consider making the update call a synchronous service that returns void instead of an Observable<Void> that you will call from within an onNext call. If it still needs to block, you can use forEach like this:
.forEach(friends -> { userApi.updateFriends(session.getUserId(), friends) });
forEach is very similar to subscribe, except that it explicitly blocks. You could even use it with your original code, but added an empty onNext action wouldn't be terribly clean.
If you can also provide more details about your app structure (is this all in a main method? is it an Android app? etc.) I could give some more pointers on avoiding blocking as much as possible.