I want to send facebook message (private message) or share a new post from my application using the facebook account logged in from Facebook application or ask the user to log in if there is no Facebook application installed,
I have read that facebook's API (Graph API) that helps to do so is now deprecated,
is there a workaround? another solution? can i use (Graph API) even it is deprecated (will facebook disable it)?
thank you in advance
it seems that Facebook no longer supports this feature on the new Graph API version,
i implemented a solution using native Http requests.
I'm in the process of creating an app in Android Studio that is integrated with the Pinterest API. Like other services, Pinterest requires users to log into their accounts by redirecting them to their site with certain parameters (response type, scope, client_id, etc).
This is what they have as an example for the request to direct users to:
How do I use this to direct users to the Pinterest login page? Is this a GET or POST request I would need to use Retrofit for?
Link to Pinterest API documentation: https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/api
Thank you in advance,
Pinterest have an Android SDK here: https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/sdks/android/ under the Authentication, they have created a sample login using the SDK
I'm integrating Fabrick SDK in an Android app which has also a Backend to interact with a REST API. This Backend API should be secured, and in the past in other projects (not Android apps) I used both Twitter and Facebook OAuth logins with a calback URL that redirects to my Backend. From there I generate a custom auth token that must be used from the client (in this case, my Android app) to interact with my own API.
The thing is that I've been trying to call a callback URL somehow using Fabric but I could not. I've read the documentation and...
"(...) Callback URL
Although Fabric will ignore the value of the callback URL, it must be set to a valid URL for the app to work with the SDK. (...)"
Does anyone know why is that? There exists any other Twitter API request call accessible from Fabric's Twitter kit to specify a callback URL instead of using the Twitter sign one? There must be a solution for that because most of the developers that uses Twitter for medium to complex software projects including authentication must deal with this kind of problem for sure, but I found nothing.
Luis Cappa
Since very recently you have to add twittersdk:// to your app in apps.twitter.com if using Android - twitterkit.
See https://github.com/twitter/twitter-kit-android/issues/135#issuecomment-397395425
Background info https://twittercommunity.com/t/action-required-sign-in-with-twitter-users-must-whitelist-callback-urls/105342
Just list is as your site.
Twitter supports multiple types of authentication, if it is a regular O-Auth Request, you can just use your site as a placeholder.
See here: https://twittercommunity.com/t/callback-url/398/14
Want to post some photos or link on user Facebook wall without using FBSDKShareDialog. I am already post with using the FBSDKSharePhoto And FBSDKShareDialog defult dialog from facebook. For that I do the below code.
If you don't want to use the dialogs (regardless of whether you invoke them using the SDK or your own code), you will have to resort to using Graph API.
In order to create posts using Graph API, you will have to POST to the /me/feed endpoint (docs), but that requires an access token.
In order to obtain an access token from Facebook, you need to implement Facebook login, and their Platform Policy section 7.2 says:
Native iOS and Android apps that implement Facebook Login must use our official SDKs for login.
So in the end, you might as well use their SDK after all, or risk your app getting blocked.
However, assuming you have an access token and you are using the SDK (but not the dialog - since that is what you are actually asking), you can use this docs section to learn about how you can make Graph API calls using the SDK.
I'm developing an app which will allow me to post on Facebook.
But I want a native application to post without any external SDK's. How can I do it?
See the Facebook Authentication docs: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/
If you need to authenticate your mobile app against Facebook, then follow the Client-side Flow (further down the page). If you also have a server, then use Server-side flow.
For server-side implementation see LeanEngine classes FacebookAuth and FacebookLoginServlet: https://github.com/leanengine/LeanEngine-Server/tree/master/lean-server-lib/src/main/java/com/leanengine/server/auth
On the client side you can use it via a WebView: https://github.com/leanengine/LeanEngine-Android/blob/master/lean-android-lib/src/main/java/com/leanengine/LoginDialog.java
I am trying to create an Android app and I want to send a Facebook friend request through Android Facebook API. I have spent some time but couldn't find an interface for this. Is this possible to do this through Facebook API if I know the person's Facebook id?
It is recommended that you use the Friends dialog: see http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/friends/ for details.