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Closed 6 years ago.
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i want to make a Class Diagram from my Android app but I've never worked with UML in android so i have some stupid question.
Should I include all activities and classes or only class like DB_manage, preferences, etc. ?
Thanks in advance.
Activity,Fragnment, etc, it is just a system ui containers not related to your logic. You should include entities such as MVP (MVVM) interfaces, implemented by activity, fragment because it show your logic and when UI is supposed to do. Placing everything in activity is a bad practice)
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Closed 8 hours ago.
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I want to become an Mobile Application developer and i had just finished a beginner course on Android dev using Kotlin.Can any one suggest me what should be my next step towards my goal.What topic should i learn next?
Should it be Flutter,Jetpack,Firebase,Retrofit,React Nativ etc.
I need mentorship!
Roadmap to Mobile Application Developer
You should learn these:
LiveData and Flow
or these:
I think it's important to you .
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I create a simple app with a start menu and an other page.
I have connected them with a button and i have write the function in the same file java. I would know if It is the right solution or not.
You can find the answer in the oficial documentation :
According the best practices, you have to declare one xml layout for each activity or fragment.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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Why we call android activity visual representation of android app when it also does background tasks which have nothing to do with visual representation.
A lot of programmers consider it a bad programming style to write code for background tasks into an Activity class. When aiming towards a clean architecture one would ideally only find representational code in activities. Thus, updating the views that make up the activity. As your question implies, background tasks are better found in separate classes that make up the business logic layer of an Android app.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm making huge android client application (a lot of modules and views) you can compare it to facebook app.
In small projects I was using 1-2 activities and many fullscreen fragments.
But in this project it's fundametal to decide when use activity and when fragments.
Atm i have 2 activities
-MainActivity- it contains toolbar and one main layout where I replace all fragments.
Am I doing right ?
It's really depends on your logic. However, you can devide your view into categories (each category is an activity) while fragment can be as sub category... :)
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to do a documentation for an Android application. There's no problem with the java files but what about the xml-s? I think they are needed to understand some of the functionalities the application provides.
What is the proper way to visualize the xml files in the documentation or is it necessary to do it?
Only the layout files need some explanation . The rest are pretty much self explanatory. You can probably use XML comments to explain a few things. You don't really need to document an XML file as its not exactly an API.