An elegant way to keep integrity of RelativeLayout when animating it? - android

Ok, so...
I know, there's been a real amount of questions about it, but it either didn't work, or was really fixed in a hard way. Oh, and that's my second day trying to do it, so please, accept my apologies about that and help me for Chet Haase's sake.
I have a button on top of a fragment, and a RecyclerView below it. When i press the button i want it to disappear and a new RelativeLayout with textfields to slide from the top.
I don't want to make it with animateLayoutChanges="true", cause it's not exactly what i was meant to do, and i want rather learn, than do it.
I tried to do it with widget.animate().translation... and the result was that one widget was just thrown in it's place when the rest of layout stood still. That's not what i meant to do.
I tried also to make an "new TranslateAnimation" since it has this "setFillAfter/Before" attribute... but that did not help me neither.
What i tried as well was to update the layout somehow adding to id margins and stuff (don't remember anymore, and i'm in work right now trying to figure it out, sorry) as it was described in some questions.
But none of that worked. I don't include code right now, cause i already tried to do it in some dozens of different ways.
Could you please tell me how to move a widget and make the rest of them to move with it? Is it possible?
I've already got it going once using setVisibility,animateLayoutChanges and animation combination, but that was massive and dirty as a baby duck.
Edit: oh, i almost forgot about it. Another problem is that when i animate/move a widget, only the rendering spod changes, but the real spot of it stays the same (ex. a onclicklistener)

Ok, me again.
I did it this way, that - let's say - i want to slide a button up and remove it.
So i animate it and all the other widgets (right, i can make a ViewGroup) up, put a listener on animation, and on "onAnimationEnd" i clear all the animations and set the visibility to GONE.
The animateLayoutChanges must be set to false
Still it's not what i wanted, so i'd be indebted to anyone who shows me another, better way.


Bottom Panel in Android

I'm trying to design an app with a layout that will roughly look like this (don't mind the color):
How can I achieve something like that? I'm thinking of using a CardView for that bottom panel (I don't know what it's really called).
Furthermore, I want to hide it (animating it) when the use scrolls on the content. I have tried many codes but they won't work so I won't put them here anyway (like what's suggested here). Thanks for the help.
Whenever I have a question along the lines of "How do I do this neat UI thing I saw once?", I always start by checking out wasabeef's amazing UI library collection. In your case I might start by looking at bottomsheet or AndroidSweetSheet.

Showing an interactive floating layout during calls

There are some nice apps out there that show some layout on top , while the user is making a call or answering one (like "current caller id").
I need to create an app with the ability to show something on top , during a call, and allow it to be interactive.
The problem
Using broadcastReceiver ,foreground service and SYSTEM_ALERT permission, I've succeeded showing something on the screen during calls.
As long as the content being shown is static, I have no problems.
However, I've noticed that when I try to make the content being shown to be interactive , I face some problems:
Everything is jumpy and this includes not only animations, but also setting visibility to visible/gone. I hate to think how it would work like when I need to make things draggable.
Not sure if this is the reason, but using the SlidingDrawer make the entire width belong to the SlidingDrawer and you cannot click through it. This means that if its location is at the bottom, you can't touch the "answer" button when someone calls you.
The question
What is the reason for those problems?
How can I fix them and be able to show things right?
How do other apps handle it right ?
EDIT: about the SlidingDrawer , it seems that it has terrible bugs about its location and size, and the content area, even when it's not shown to the user and the user can see through, it cannot be touched through. Still, I don't know why, and how to fix it, and I also don't know why things are so jumpy compared to normal apps (probably because of over-drawing, but it's really really slow).
Maybe this question should be more general: how to make a floating window like on AirCalc, that can be moved easily yet still be quite fast.
For the dragging functionality, I've tried to get the layoutParams of the root view (which is of type WindowManager.LayoutParams ) that I show, update it and set it again, but for some reason it didn't do anything. Wonder what I'm doing wrong.
EDIT: it seems that i should be using windowManager.updateViewLayout for updating the layoutParams. Using this post , I've made it perfectly draggable.
Ok, I've come up to some conclusions about this, first to answer my original questions:
it's probably because of overdraw and the views i've used. I wanted to try out libraries that could replace the slidingDrawer , but each had a different problem. using simple views proved that the idea in general works.
in the case of visibility changes, it was jumpy because the size of the view wasn't able to fit using the current WindowManager.LayoutParams size.
slidingDrawaer does have issues since it uses the whole size it get when closed or opened.
now to the rest of the issues :
unable to drag ? instead of the regular setLayoutParams , use windowManager.updateViewLayout .
unable to touch outside of the view ? set its minimal size according to your needs. you can also set the window flags so that touch event would go through .
want to listen to calls events ? you can use the broadcastReceiver for triggering the showing of the app, but I suspect that hanging the call might cause the intent be received later sometimes. I think you can use telephonyManager and listen to events there, using the service you run in the foreground (that i've created just to make sure the app won't close in the middle).
if anyone else has questions, i can help.

Can I use .setVisibility(View.GONE) or should I just remove the View itself?

I have a layout and some dynamicly added buttons on it. Some times these buttons should just disapear, so i decided to use:
is it a good way if I could have many buttons, for example 20-30 pieces?
or is it a better way to completly .remove the buttons from its layout then add again if needed, or i should just use the Visibility modifiler ?
Which better, cons and pros..!?
If you really have 20-30 buttons for which visibility changes, I guess u should take the minimum number(I guess below 10) of buttons and change their properties instead of creating them or changing their visibility each time.
20-30 buttons sounds like quite a lot. There's nothing wrong in using the visibility parameter generally, but if you're thinking about having this many views, you should probably consider just having a couple and reusing them for different things.
I think that the best and common way is to use .setVisibility(View.GONE)
Maybe the best way for you is to set ALL as gone by default (define it in the XML layout) and enable on demand.
For example I think that ListView is very smart and prefer that you mark a view as GONE than removing it.
And I think that Android in general is also smart too so it will understand that you wont need a view setted as gone :)
maybe the best way for you is to add those buttons from code so you will create many buttons as you need :)
If you need to remove them and then show them again, it could be better to just set visibility to gone and then change back to visible again, to avoid recreating a lot of buttons over and over again.
If you on the other hand don't need them visible again, simply remove them.

Problems with android GridView

I am trying to display 2 columns of text in a GridView in android. I create a TextView for each cell of the grid. Everything seems to work well until the TextView tries to wrap the text to a second (or more) line. When this happens, sometimes the second line of text overwrites the next cell, rather than causing the cell to expand to fit the text. All I have to do to get the text to display properly is click one of the cells in the grid. This seems to cause the grid to repaint and then everything gets displayed properly. I have tried any number of things to fix this problem but nothing seems to help.
Is there some property that I have to set on the TextView or the GridView to allow the cells to expand to fit the text? Or is this just a glitch in GridView that I have to live with?
BTW, setting android:singleLine="true" prevents the word wrap and solves the problem but it isn't an ideal solution because I really don't want the text to be truncated.
At a quick glance, I'm afraid you might have to do a work-around. I know it seems like a glitch, but it may be more ideal to continue to have your views start a consistent location instead of constantly having them shift based on content. I know this is a pain for what you're trying to do, but keep in mind that this was designed for hopefully the best solution for any application. Anyway..
One workaround I would propose might be manually updating the beginning of the views that get written over. I know it's not exactly ideal, but you can figure out where to place it based on the properties of your view. This doesn't feel like a particularly elegant solution though, so I'll try to cook something better up and/or post sample code. Good Luck!

Android - Textview or Drawable generated and animated programmatically

First off, I'm a beginner. If this is way beyond the scope of a beginner's first application, just tell me.
The best way to explain what I want is as an example: In Robo Defense, when you kill something, a little $10 pops up, animate translates/fades up about 5% of the screen and disappears. (almost like a toast, appears on top of canvas)
I'm looking for something similar to that same effect. As a like, top-layer drawable that ignores the underlying defined XML layout. I can handle the animation part of the code, but I'm curious as to how to create and inflate that view without wreaking chaos on my current layout. If it would be easier as a drawable instead of text, thats really not a big problem for my project. It is simply imformative, no interactivity at all, it will just be a quick little 500ms artifact to show that an action has occurred.
I could use a pointer in the right direction, or some similar code examples please.
I think you would create the TextView within your Java code, and then use an animation to make it rise and fade, once the animation has finished, destroy the TextView.
I've never done this before, but I think that should work!
To anyone else who is wondering, I ended up accomplishing this via wrapping my entire layout in RelativeLayout, making the appropriate changes necessary, then creating a TextView programmatically with layout_above, and then calling an Animation on it.

