How to store and access Radio Buttons from Shared Preferences? - android

There are a lot of questions on SO about saving radio buttons state in Shared Preferences but none of them provide the solution that I'm looking for.
I'm creating 15 radio groups and 4 radio buttons inside each radio group in a for loop. The radio groups have unique id from 1 to 15 and the radio buttons have ids ranging from 100 to 159.
This is the code I use to save radio buttons id:
public void saveArray(int[] array, String arrayName) {
SharedPreferences prefs = getActivity().getSharedPreferences("preferencename", 0);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putInt(arrayName +"_size", array.length);
for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++) {
editor.putInt(arrayName + "_" + i, array[i]);
array contains the unique ID of all those radio buttons that are checked and I've tested the above code, it works perfectly but the problem is I can't access it.
This is the code I use to retrieve radio button id:
public void loadArray(String arrayName, Context mContext) {
SharedPreferences prefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences("preferencename", 0);
int size = prefs.getInt(arrayName + "_size", 0);
int array[] = new int[size];
for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
array[i] = prefs.getInt(arrayName + "_" + i, 0);
Like saveArray, loadArray also works. The array is populated by the correct radio button ids.
The problem starts now - I can't access those radio buttons, I can't do findViewById() because that is only available in onCreateView()
So this will not work inside loadArray
for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
RadioButton radio1 = (RadioButton) findViewById(array[i]);
The possible solution to findViewById is storing the views in onCreateView() and then accessing it later. So I created a Radio Button array
RadioButton[] allRadio = new RadioButton[15];
Now inside onCheckedChanged, I'm adding the selected radio buttons to the array:
public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup radioGroup, int i) {
RadioButton radio = (RadioButton) rootView.findViewById(i);
String selectedValue = radio.getText().toString();
allRadio[radioGroup.getId()-1] = radio;
The above code perfectly stores the radio buttons inside the array but now I can't save them! You can store int, string etc.. in Shared Preferences but not radio buttons! The solution to this could be to store radio button id but then the same problem will start all over again that findViewById() is not available.

public void loadArray(String arrayName, Context mContext) {
SharedPreferences prefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences("preferencename", 0);
int size = prefs.getInt(arrayName + "_size", 0);
int array[] = new int[size];
for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
array[i] = prefs.getInt(arrayName + "_" + i, 0);
//->put Toast here and check whether your are getting the id's or not. If you
//->are getting it, return arrays of id back to calling method


Sharedpreferences not saving data when app restart

I'm trying to make "add favorites" button in my app. I can send and get value with sharedpreferences properly, but when I restart the app, favorites are empty again. I guess I need override OnPause method, but I couldn't apply properly. I need help, thanks in advance.
public static int incrementedValue = 0;
add_favorites_button= (Button) view.findViewById(;
add_favorites_button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
SharedPreferences settings = getActivity().getSharedPreferences("PREFS", 0);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit();
editor.putString("radio_link"+ incrementedValue, radio_play_link);
editor.putString("radio_name" + incrementedValue, radio_name);
editor.putString("listener_number" + incrementedValue, listener_number);
final List<String> radio_name_list = new ArrayList<>();
final List<String> radio_link_list = new ArrayList<>();
final List<String> listener_numbers = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i=0; i<PlayRadioFragment.incrementedValue; i++) {
SharedPreferences settings = getActivity().getSharedPreferences("PREFS",0);
radio_name_list.add(settings.getString("radio_name" +i, ""));
radio_link_list.add(settings.getString("radio_link" +i, ""));
listener_numbers.add(settings.getString("listener_number" +i, ""));
then I show them in listview
for (int i=0; i<PlayRadioFragment.incrementedValue; i++)
After restarting the app (or Fragment), this incrementedValue will be back to what it was initialized with, probably 0, so you won't load anything from SharedPreferences (not entering the for-loop at all).
Try something like
for (int i=0; i<Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++) {
String s = settings.getString("radio_name" +i, "")
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(s))
} else {
You probably also want to avoid overwriting the old favorites after the app restart, so you have to set the incrementedValue after loading the favorites like
incrementedValue = radio_name_list.size();
This is happening because on restarting app the variable named incrementedValue gets value once again as 0 and in for loop conditional statement is not full filling and that's why loop is not executing as expected. To resolve this issue you can do one more thing you need to save the value of incrementedValue in shared preference as well and in for loop testing statement get the updated value from shared preference. Hope that helps you

Properly implementing/initializing lots of new variables, taken from RadioGroups and Spinners

I am developing a simple questionnaire-like app which includes lots of radio buttons joined into groups and spinners. I have multiple activities (6); some of them having RBs and some Spinners to let the user answer the questions.
The following step, which I have trouble with, is how to fetch lots of selections (of all the radio buttons/choices) and possibly do that in a for loop (so I don't have to initialize each new variable 30+ times in a row for just one activity). I've already assigned IDs to all of the views, but am having a hard time how to actually fetch the selection, initialize a new var corresponding to the selection (let's say radio button 1 in radio group 1 gives me a new variable with a value of 1) and then make the variables available to all of the activities (should I use global when initializing?).
My failed attempt on generating 10 variables for the first "page"
public void goTo2(View v) {
Intent intent1 = new Intent(Vprasalnik1.this, Vprasalnik2.class);
public void checkRB()
for (int i=0;i<9;i++)
RadioButton "vRB" + i; //I'd like to loop and initialize vars by adding a number to them (vRB1, vRB2, ...)
Put variables into array like a
int size = 9;
RadioButton[] views = new RadioButton[size];
public static checkRB()
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
views[i] = (RadioButton)findViewByID(...);//For example
Or make a structure :
public class Choise
int mRadioButtonChoise;
int mSpinnerChoise;
And use something like this:
Choise c = new Choise();
c.mRadioButtonChoise = yourRadioButtonID;
c.mSpinnerChoise = youtSpinnerChoiseID;
Using a variable to identify a resource:
RadioButton[] rb = new RadioButton[size];
public static checkRB()
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
int id = context.getResources().getIdentifier("vRB" + i, "id", context.getPackageName())
rb[i] = (RadioButton)findViewByID(id);
If you have an array of RadioButtons then you can get all the values at the same time, however initializing them will have to be manual.
RadioButton rb[];
boolean rbc[];
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
rbc=new boolean[200];
rb=new RadioButton[200]();
// many more.
public void checkRB()
for (int i=0;i<9;i++)
rbc[i]=rb.isChecked(); //I'd like to loop and initialize vars by adding a number to them (vRB1, vRB2, ...)
Then before starting your intent add all relevant data to it.
So I've managed to cramp up the radio buttons activity, so that it finally works. If anyone is interested - I've used tags in xml code to properly assign values (1, 2 and 3 for each group of buttons) and managed to get an output in my testToast. At least I didn't have to initialize all of the variables manually - I've been saving the values into an ArrayList and then appended to them via StringBuilder.
Thanks to everyone who tried to help - it turned out I've needed a bit more research, testing and teasing my half-awake brain.
btn = (Button) findViewById(;
btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
for(int i = 1; i <= 36; i++)
tmpRGid = "radioGroup_v3q" + i;
tmp2RGid = getResources().getIdentifier(tmpRGid, "id", getPackageName());
RGid = (RadioGroup) findViewById(tmp2RGid);
selectedOption = RGid.getCheckedRadioButtonId();
RBid = (RadioButton) findViewById(selectedOption);
String testToast = "";
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("Vaša izbira (");
for (int z=0; z < addToIDList.size(); z++) {
testToast = addToIDList.get(z);
builder.append(testToast + ", ");
builder.setLength(builder.length() - 2);
builder.append(") je bila shranjena.");
Toast.makeText(Vprasalnik3.this, builder, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Passing strings to list and deleting them using shared preferences

i wish to, in one activity, put strings in the sharedpreferences, so then, in another activity, i get those strings, put them in a array and display them sequentially. I managed to do this, but i don`t have any idea how can i delete one specified string when asked. These strings will just be scattered on the shared preferences,and i dont know how to keep track of them. I can pass this unique int id to each element. I tried to use LinkedList, but i cannot pass this kind of structure as a shared preferences. I did not managed to make Gson work also. Please help.
Method that gets the string and put on shared preferences:
public void makefavorites(String[] a, String[] b, int id)
int idfinal = id%10;
idfinal = idfinal+1;
a[idfinal] = b[idfinal] +"\n" + "\n"+ a[idfinal];
SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences("Favorites", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);
Editor edit = prefs.edit();
int temp = prefs.getInt("favorites_size", 0);
edit.putInt("favorites_size", temp+1);
edit.putString("array_" + prefs.getInt("favorites_size", 0), a[idfinal]);
Method that gets those strings, put on array and display it:
public void refreshfavorites()
SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences("Favorites", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);
int size = prefs.getInt("favorites_size", 0);
String[] array = new String[size];
for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
array[i] = prefs.getString("array_" + i, null);
you have to use editor.remove method to delete specific value from arraylist..
public void removeArray(String[] list)()
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mSharedPrefs.edit();
int size = list.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
i hope its useful to you..

Set a StringArray with sharedpreferences

I'm trying to make a "memory" to save three Dates + Hours in a StringArray.
I 'll explain better with code. In my main activity I call this line:
conf.setDateArray(completeDate, conf.getPosition());
The two parameters are (a String, an int with the position of the array [0 or 1 or 2]).
My problem comes in the Configuration class:
private String[] strDateArray = new String[3];
private int position = 0;
public void setDateArray(String str, int position) {
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSettings().edit();
// The problem is this code, I dont know how to write in the array in
// the position
this.strDateArray(position) = str(position);
editor.putString(KEY_DATEARRAY, str);
if (position == 2) {
this.position = 0;
} else {
Thank you for your help!
EDIT: an example of what I want to do
I want to introduce a date like "20-02-2014 14:14" to the StringArray[0] to let the user get this value when he starts again APP. My intention is to have the last three possible values, when all the array is filled, the position=0 will be overwritten.
private static final String[] KEYS = { "0", "1", "2" };
private static final String POSITION = "LAST_POSITION";
public void setDateArray(String str) { // no need to pass the position in
SharedPreferences prefs = getSettings(); // what's getSettings ?
int pos = prefs.getInt(POSITION, 0); // get the last position - if you kept
// it in a field on app restart you will loose it
final Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putString(KEYS[pos], str);
pos = (pos + 1) % 3; // if pos + 1 == 3 with the %3 you get 0
editor.putInt(POSITION, pos);
Although I am sure there is a simpler way to do this

Saving an arbritrary length array in SharedPreferences - Android

My objective is to save a field entered in an EditText when the user clicks on a button; in this case it's an IP address. The idea would be to show a list of all valid entered IPs when the user focuses on the EditText, similar to saved searches.
I found this useful piece of code. I need a bit of help explaining it. The code runs putString of all the elements in the String[] array which I think is a collection of all the submitted fields in EditText. How do I create this array if only one field is getting added at a time? I need an explanation of what is happening below.
public boolean saveArray(String[] array, String arrayName, Context mContext) {
SharedPreferences prefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences("preferencename", 0);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putInt(arrayName +"_size", array.length);
for(int i = 0;i < array.length; i++){
editor.putString(arrayName + "_" + i, array[i]);
return editor.commit();
public String[] loadArray(String arrayName, Context mContext) {
SharedPreferences prefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences("preferencename", 0);
int size = prefs.getInt(arrayName + "_size", 0);
array = new String[size];
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
array[i] = prefs.getString(arrayName + "_" + i, null);
return array;
As per your requirement and the code you referenced, I get the following idea:
Untested for erratas:
public boolean saveoneData(String oneTimeData, String key, Context mContext) {
SharedPreferences prefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences("preferencename", 0);
int size = prefs.getInt(key+"_size", 0); // For the first time it gives the default value(0)
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putString(key+ "_" + size, oneTimeData);
editor.putInt(key+"_size", ++size); // Here everytime you add the data, the size increments.
return editor.commit();
public String[] loadArray(String key, Context mContext) {
SharedPreferences prefs = mContext.getSharedPreferences("preferencename", 0);
int size = prefs.getInt(key+ "_size", 0);
array = new String[size];
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
array[i] = prefs.getString(key+ "_" + i, null);
return array;
But I usually don't use the sharedpreferences for large storage of data because it could make data creation, retrieval and data modifications difficult as the data increases. Hope this is what you want.
Once you collect all EditText values in one String[] array or List<String> or Set<String>;
You don't need to save each array value as separate key-value pair in the SharedPreferences. There is much simpler way to save, which is create Set<String> and save them all values under one key:
editor.putStringSet(arrayName, new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(array));
For retrieving you can retrieve them as Set<String> in same manner:
Set<String> ipsSet = sharedPrefs.getStringSet(arrayName, null);
What is happening in the code you posted:
Each value of String array is saved individually under unique key and the size of the array, likewise.
Similarly later each item is retrieved moving in the range 0 to the saved size of the array, which is retrieved at first place from the SharedPreferences

