I have trouble in changing the background color and text color of my buttons in my app.
I made a new theme to play around and try it out.
My manifest looks like this:
<activity android:name=".MainActivity">
My theme.xml looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style name="OrangeWhite" parent="android:Theme.Light">
<item name="android:windowBackground">#color/OrangeWhite_bg_color</item>
<item name="android:textColor">#color/OrangeWhite_wh_text</item>
<item name="android:colorButtonNormal">#color/OrangeWhite_bg_btn</item>
Changing text or background color of an activity works just fine. The problem is the button. Do I need to specify on every button to use the theme OrangeWhite?...
If you are using AppCompat theme as parent than try below code
If you need to change the style of a specific button, you can define a new style, inheriting one of the parent styles described above. In the example below I just changed the background and font colors:
<style name="AppTheme.Button" parent="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Colored">
<item name="colorButtonNormal">#color/Red</item>
<item name="android:colorButtonNormal">#color/Red</item>
<item name="android:textColor">#color/White</item>
Then you just need to apply this new style on the button with:
I need to apply a background color to all the buttons in my application, so I added this to styles.xml
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
<!-- button styles -->
<item name="colorButtonNormal">#color/button_color</item> <!-- below api 21 -->
<item name="android:colorButtonNormal">#color/button_color</item> <!-- above api 21 -->
<item name="android:buttonStyle">#style/ButtonColor</item>
<style name="ButtonColor" parent="#style/Widget.AppCompat.Button">
<item name="android:textColor">#color/font</item>
It worked perfectly, when I add a button in XML, the button has automatically the colors I set in styles.xml
The problem is that when I add a ImageButton, the ImageButton is getting also those colors, and I don't want that. The problem is specifically with colorButtonNormal, which applyes the background color to the ImageButton also and I don't want that. How can I solve this problem?
The default style used by the ImageButton (in your case AppCompatImageButton) is defined in the app theme by the attr:
<item name="imageButtonStyle">#style/Widget.AppCompat.ImageButton</item>
In this style the background attribute <item name="background">#drawable/btn_default_material</item> is tinted with the android:tint="?attr/colorButtonNormal".
You can use a custom style starting from btn_default_material for the ImageButton or you can override the color in the layout.
Something like:
with something like:
<style name="MyImageButtonTheme" parent="ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Light">
<item name="colorButtonNormal">#color/my_color</item>
Also evaluate to migrate to Material Components and the MaterialButton.
In this case it is very simple to override the color just using the styles:
<style name="MyButtonTheme" parent="Widget.MaterialComponents.Button">
<item name="materialThemeOverlay">#style/ButtonStylePrimaryColor</item>
<style name="ButtonStylePrimaryColor">
<item name="colorPrimary">#color/....</item>
You can do it by applying different style for defferent views
Let's say i have three style with defferent color combination and i wish to apply bigButtonTheme style for all big button
i add this line on all big button android:theme="#style/bigButtonTheme">
Rest button or other vewis will remain unchanged.
You can also copy other properties of a style like global themes font background color by deffineing as parents theme
<style name="ButtonColor" parent="#style/GlobelStyleOfApp"/>
I have created a simple image using Inkscape with a transparent background, alpha(0) and at the center, I have a small logo. I then applied it to my styles like below:
<style name="SplashScreenTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
<!-- Customize your theme here. -->
<item name="android:windowFullscreen">true</item>
<item name="android:windowBackground">#drawable/splashscreen</item>
<item name="colorPrimary">#android:color/transparent</item>
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">#color/colorPrimary</item>
<item name="colorAccent">#color/loginHeaderBackground</item>
It works fine, however, I'm missing my main objective, its displaying a black screen with the middle icon instead of a transparent one.
What I want (User should be able to still see their phone background when the app starts to launch)
What I'm getting
Why is this?
There is an example for you. I wrote custom theme and i added this theme to my activty. You should add this your splash activity in manifest file.
<activity ...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style name="TranslucentTheme" parent="android:Theme.Translucent">
<item name="android:windowBackground">#color/transparent_black</item>
<color name="transparent_black">#DA000000</color>
My app has a Light Material Theme, but one section of my activity is dark, and I've placed a SearhView in it. The problem is then that the search icon hint is black-on-blue. Not pretty. So can I override the theme for this single View only?
The intuitive thing to do would be to change the style proerty. So I tried this, to no avail:
(the normal style would be Widget.Material.Light.SearchView, I suppose)
PS: I am not going down this rabbit hole
You can set it in your manifest. You can globally define a theme for the whole application but you can apply other themes for activities too.
For Application:
For Activity:
UPDATE on comment:
Then set this in your styles.xml where you define your theme attributes like this:
<item name="android:searchViewStyle">#stye/MySearchViewStyle</item>
This is the default for base Searchview:
<style name="Base.Widget.AppCompat.SearchView" parent="android:Widget">
<item name="layout">#layout/abc_search_view</item>
<item name="queryBackground">#drawable/abc_textfield_search_material</item>
<item name="submitBackground">#drawable/abc_textfield_search_material</item>
<item name="closeIcon">#drawable/abc_ic_clear_mtrl_alpha</item>
<item name="searchIcon">#drawable/abc_ic_search_api_mtrl_alpha</item>
<item name="searchHintIcon">#drawable/abc_ic_search_api_mtrl_alpha</item>
<item name="goIcon">#drawable/abc_ic_go_search_api_mtrl_alpha</item>
<item name="voiceIcon">#drawable/abc_ic_voice_search_api_mtrl_alpha</item>
<item name="commitIcon">#drawable/abc_ic_commit_search_api_mtrl_alpha</item>
<item name="suggestionRowLayout">#layout/abc_search_dropdown_item_icons_2line</item>
You can define your style like this:
<style name="MySearchViewStyle" parent="Base.Widget.AppCompat.SearchView">
<item name="searchIcon">#drawable/my_incredable_search_icon</item>
For some reason this setup just gives me the default action bar background colour.
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
<!-- Customize your theme here. -->
<item name="android:actionBarStyle">#style/MyActionBar</item>
<style name="MyActionBar"
<item name="android:background">#d73830</item>
android:theme="#style/AppTheme" >
In activity_main.xml my theme is set to 'AppTheme'.
You have wrong parent of MyActionBar.
It must be from AppCompat, like next:
<style name="MyActionBar" parent="#style/Widget.AppCompat.Light.ActionBar.Solid.Inverse">
<item name="android:background" tools:ignore="NewApi">#color/red</item>
<item name="background">#color/red</item>
What you can do is to use hash code of colour.Here is how.Go to this web page
Choose a colour you wish and after copy the code of that colour and later paste into your background section.In general lets say you want your background colour of your screen to be red so you must declare it in xml layout file like this
android:background = "#FF0508"/>
You can declare this code almost everywhere where you want to change exact things colour and for my opinion its the easiest way.Why not?you got a webpage where you can get colour code and you can use it with a single line everywhere.Delicios isn't it?
I would like to set a specific style for the whole application.
I added the style in the androidmanifest.xml, and I defined the style as follow:
<style name="myStyle">
<item name="android:background">#000000</item>
<item name="android:textColor">#FFFFFF</item>
This style changes the background and the textcolor for the whole application, though I would like to change also the text color of the buttons: this sentence works when defining a button but I would like to add it to the style of the application
Thanks a lot
<style name="myStyle" parent="android:Theme">
<item name="android:buttonStyle">#style/Your button style</item>
source:How do I apply a style to all buttons of an Android application