I'm using MpLine chart in my project. My problem is some times top part of y axis is not showing. In my xml I gave fixed height of 75dp to the graph. How can I make the graph to be shown within this height.Any help will appreciated and thanks in advance.
YAxis leftAxis = chart.getAxisLeft();
leftAxis.setAxisMaxValue(1000f); //to set max height place your value in place of 100f
leftAxis.setAxisMinValue(0f); // to set minimum yAxis place
Hope this helps! :)
It wiil be great also to put margin there.
I am attaching also 2 sc .
Find the minValue and maxValue then the set the axisMin and axisMax values.
//use getAxisRight for right Y axis
YAxis leftAxis = lineChart.getAxisLeft();
//above line would be the same except
//"1" should be calculated and not hard coded
leftAxis.setAxisMaximum(maxValue - 1);
I want the xaxis labels to come down. Those large labels pushes the graph on top where i am not able to view the graph itself as shown in the figure given below. There is lot of space between the xaxis labels and legends(Legends not shown in figure below). I want to overcome this and view the chart. Find my code below
barChart.getXAxis().setValueFormatter(new IndexAxisValueFormatter(xAxisLabelList));
barChart.groupBars(1f, 0.5f, 0f);
You can use barChart.setExtraBottomOffset(-10f); to reduce extra white-space below labels.
And increase your chart height in xml file.
I'm trying to hide the bottom labels from the HorizontalBarChart graph (in black border) using MPAndroidChart.
I tried setDrawLabels(false) for XAxis, YAxis left, YAxis right with no success.
What parameter should i change and set to false to hide this line?
It work when i disable the axis right from my horizontal bar chart.
// Right Y Axis
YAxis yr = chart.getAxisRight();
// yr.setDrawGridLines(false);
// yr.setDrawAxisLine(false);
// yr.disableGridDashedLine();
XAxis xl = chart.getXAxis();
//This will stop the grid lines from being drawn
//This Will stop the labels from being drawn
Is there a way to programmatically change the YAxis Range of a chart in MPAndroidChart?
For instance, given the YAxis displays 0,10, I want to programmatically set the YAxis to -5,+5, but I want to do this several times during the course of an application.
From the documentation, I think you should give a try with a combination of :
setVisibleYRangeMaximum(float maxYRange, AxisDependency axis): Sets the size of the area (range on the y-axis) that should be maximum visible at once. You also need to provide the axis this constraint should apply to.
moveViewToY(float yValue, AxisDependency axis): Centers the viewport to the specified y-value on the provided y-axis (left or right).
Code for your example:
yourChart.setVisibleYRangeMaximum(10, YAxis.AxisDependency.LEFT);
yourChart.moveViewToY(0, YAxis.AxisDependency.LEFT);
I´m using MPAndroidChart 2.0.9 version. I would like to set labels on y-axis from 0 to 100 and display always this range, but i can´t find the chart.setYRange() method.
The range can be customized via the YAxis class.
Here is the documentation: https://github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart/wiki/YAxis-%28YLabels%29
YAxis y = chart.getAxisLeft();
You can try to write this:
This code should give you labels in steps of x, assuming you set a min and max value.
Example of my code:
YAxis y = mChart.getAxisLeft();
This will give me labels from 0 to 100 in 6 steps, so: 0-20-40-60-80-100.