Android: setTranslationX glitches after view's anchor changed - android

Using setTranslationX, I'm trying to animate a view as I swipe it across the screen. Then after it passes a threshold-X, I assign the view a new RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF.
I want it to stop animating (whether or not I continue swiping) at that point and basically lock to that new anchor.
This is where the problem is: suddenly the view jumps X position to the right of its new anchor.
I've tried, when it's >= threshold, to set setTranslationX(0), but then I see the view twitch/flash twice, once to its original 0, then to the new 0.
I would love to get rid of that double twitch/flash, but don't know how at this point.
public void onChildDraw(Canvas c ... float dX) {
threshold = anchorView.getRight();
if (animate) {
if (dX >= 0) {
translationX = Math.min(dX, threshold);
if (dX >= threshold) {
translationX = 0; // (A) if I do this, then mainView flashs twice: original 0, then new 0
setToRightOf(mainView, anchorView);
mainView.invalidate(); // has no effect
} else {
translationX = 0;
// if I don't do (A), then mainView will suddenly jump to 2*threshold
super.onChildDraw(c ... dX);

Okay, instead of assigning RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF during onDraw to set the threshold boundary, I took it out and assigned it when my touch left the screen.
But to insure I wouldn't swipe back behind that threshold while swiping, I had to add another case to check translationX and instead of previously trying to rely on the RelativeLayout anchor.
Now, I'm using setTag() and getTag() to help confirm the threshold during the swipe:
if (dX >= 0) {
if ((Object) past != tag)
translationX = Math.min(dX, threshold);
translationX = threshold;
if (dX >= threshold) {
if ((Object) past != tag) {
} else {
Plus a couple other places to make sure I reset anchorView's tag and the translationX when needed, then it's all good.
It works for now!
(doesn't directly solve the double flash/twitch issue, but a different approach to the same goal)
(any other recommendations besides using setTag()?)
P.S. In my earlier attempts, instead of invalidate(), I later tried mainView.requestLayout() with no success either, thinking requestLayout() also factors in position.


scrollBy doesn't work properly in nested recyclerview

I have a vertically scrolling RecyclerView with horizontally scrolling inner RecyclerViews just like this.
With this implementation, users can scroll each horizontal recyclerview synchronously. However, when a user scroll vertically to the parent recyclerView, a new horizontal recyclerview which has just attached on window doesn't display on same scroll x position. This is normal. Because it has just created.
So, I had tried to scroll to the scrolled position before it was displayed. Just like this:
Note: this is in adapter of the parent recyclerview whose orientation is vertical.
public void onViewAttachedToWindow(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder) {
CellColumnViewHolder viewHolder = (CellColumnViewHolder) holder;
if (m_nXPosition != 0) {
// this doesn't work properly
viewHolder.m_jRecyclerView.scrollBy(m_nXPosition, 0);
As you can see, scrollBy doesn't effect for row 10, row 11, row 12 and row 13 After that, I debugged the code to be able find out find out what's happening. When I set scroll position using scrollBy, childCount() return zero for row 10, row 11, row 12 and row 13 So they don't scroll. But why ? and Why others work ?
How can I fix this ?
Is onViewAttachedToWindow right place to scroll new attached recyclervViews ?
Note: I have also test scrollToPosition(), it doesn't get any problem like this. But I can't use it at my case. Because users can scroll to the any x position which may not the exact position. So I need to set scroll position using x value instead of the position.
Edit: You can check The source code
I found a solution that is use scrollToPositionWithOffset method instead using scrollBy. Even if both of two scroll another position, they have really different work process in back side.
For example: if you try to use scrollBy to scroll any pixel position and your recyclerView had not been set any adapter which means there is no any data to display and so it has no any items yet, then scrollBy doesn't work. RecyclerView uses its layoutManager's scrollBy method. So in my case, I am using LinearLayoutManager to the horizontal recyclerViews.
Lets see what it's doing :
int scrollBy(int dy, RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) {
if (getChildCount() == 0 || dy == 0) {
return 0;
mLayoutState.mRecycle = true;
final int layoutDirection = dy > 0 ? LayoutState.LAYOUT_END : LayoutState.LAYOUT_START;
final int absDy = Math.abs(dy);
updateLayoutState(layoutDirection, absDy, true, state);
final int consumed = mLayoutState.mScrollingOffset
+ fill(recycler, mLayoutState, state, false);
if (consumed < 0) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Don't have any more elements to scroll");
return 0;
final int scrolled = absDy > consumed ? layoutDirection * consumed : dy;
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "scroll req: " + dy + " scrolled: " + scrolled);
mLayoutState.mLastScrollDelta = scrolled;
return scrolled;
As you can see scrollBy ignores the scroll intentions if there is no any child at that time.
if (getChildCount() == 0 || dy == 0) {
return 0;
On the other hand scrollToPosition can work perfectly even if there is no any set data yet.
According to the Pro RecyclerView slide, the below sample works perfectly. However you can not do that with scrollBy.
void onCreate(SavedInstanceState state) {
As a result, I have changed little thing to use scrollToPositionWithOffset().
Before this implementation I was calculating the exact scroll x position as a pixel.
After that, when the scroll came idle state, calculating the first complete visible position to the first parameter of the scrollToPositionWithOffset().
For second parameter which is the offset, I am getting the value using view.getLeft() function which helps to get left position of this view relative to its parent.
And it works perfectly!!

Android View.requestRectangleOnScreen: Scroll-error in API-23! How, do I work around it?

I am developing my first Android App and after a good start, I have spent days of deep debugging on a problem, which by now seems to be an error in the implementation of View.requestRectangleOnScreen in API-23 and probably many levels before that. Just now, I have discovered that the implementation of this routine is changed significantly in API-25.
The problem is that a request for focus on an EditText placed inside a HorizontalScrollView may cause the HorizontalScrollView to scroll away from the field requesting the focus.
In my case it is an EditText with centered text, which is then placed in the center of 1048576 pixels and scrolled roughly half a million pixels to the right making the text centered and visible (this part is perfectly ok!) But then this offset of half a million pixels is propagated up the parent chain and makes the HorizontalScrollView move to its far right and far away from the input field.
I have tracked it down to the View.requestRectangleOnScreen routine, which in the API-23 sources is as follows:
public boolean requestRectangleOnScreen(Rect rectangle, boolean immediate) {
if (mParent == null) {
return false;
View child = this;
RectF position = (mAttachInfo != null) ? mAttachInfo.mTmpTransformRect : new RectF();
ViewParent parent = mParent;
boolean scrolled = false;
while (parent != null) {
rectangle.set((int) position.left, (int),
(int) position.right, (int) position.bottom);
scrolled |= parent.requestChildRectangleOnScreen(child,
rectangle, immediate);
if (!child.hasIdentityMatrix()) {
position.offset(child.mLeft, child.mTop);
if (!(parent instanceof View)) {
View parentView = (View) parent;
position.offset(-parentView.getScrollX(), -parentView.getScrollY());
child = parentView;
parent = child.getParent();
return scrolled;
The idea is to make the rectangle visible by scrolling it onto the screen in every containing View, starting at the leaf level and passing the request up the chain of parents. The initial rectangle is given in child coordinates, which of course have to be adjusted as we work our way up the chain of parents. This is done with the statement
position.offset(-parentView.getScrollX(), -parentView.getScrollY());
close to the end of the code above.
What I have found, is that this is wrong because we are transforming the position given in child coordinates using the scroll X/Y values pertaining to the parent coordinates. Using the scroll X/Y of the child instead solved my problem but it was not possible to make a perfect override of this routine because it relies on private member variables. Specifically, I found no way of mimicing the mAttachInfo.
Now, digging a bit further, I found that the code for this routine in API-25 has changed significantly and (IMHO) correctly to the following:
public boolean requestRectangleOnScreen(Rect rectangle, boolean immediate) {
if (mParent == null) {
return false;
View child = this;
RectF position = (mAttachInfo != null) ? mAttachInfo.mTmpTransformRect : new RectF();
ViewParent parent = mParent;
boolean scrolled = false;
while (parent != null) {
rectangle.set((int) position.left, (int),
(int) position.right, (int) position.bottom);
scrolled |= parent.requestChildRectangleOnScreen(child, rectangle, immediate);
if (!(parent instanceof View)) {
// move it from child's content coordinate space to parent's content coordinate space
position.offset(child.mLeft - child.getScrollX(), child.mTop -child.getScrollY());
child = (View) parent;
parent = child.getParent();
return scrolled;
The most important change being the line
position.offset(child.mLeft - child.getScrollX(), child.mTop -child.getScrollY());
where the scroll X/Y adjustment is now made with child values.
Now, I have two questions.
First, do you agree with my observations above?
Second, how do I implement an App that can be used on both API-23 and API-25 under the given circumstances?
My current thoughts are to sub class the EditText and override the requestRectangleOnScreen method such that when the API is 25 and above, it just calls the super class method and when the API is below 25, I basically do a full override using code along the lines of the code from API-25 but then missing out on the mAttachInfo part.

Call setVisibility while the view is animated

When i call setVisibility on view's child while the (parent) view is animated with ViewCompat.postOnAnimation things get broken. (setVisibility doesn't work + some other things get broken).
Question - is there any method of animation or workaround which allows to call setVisibility on child while the parent is animated?
This is very important request and i think not so unusual, because for example http request is returned in random time, and the view can be animated anytime during that.
Code request edit:
Regarding code, it is bit complicated. I will first explain. It is animation in the custom CoordinatorLayout Behavior, clone of the standard BottomSheetBehavior (sliding of sheet from bottom to up).
Animation is launched by calling this:
ViewCompat.postOnAnimation(child, new SettleRunnable(child, targetState));
SettleRunnable is this:
private class SettleRunnable implements Runnable {
private final View mView;
private final int mTargetState;
SettleRunnable(View view, #State int targetState) {
mView = view;
mTargetState = targetState;
public void run() {
if (mViewDragHelper != null && mViewDragHelper.continueSettling(true)) {
ViewCompat.postOnAnimation(mView, this);
} else {
So as you can see, all the animation movement is done by mViewDragHelper.continueSettling. Drag helper is standard class ViewDragHelper.
ViewDragHelper.continueSettling looks like this
public boolean continueSettling(boolean deferCallbacks) {
if (mDragState == STATE_SETTLING) {
boolean keepGoing = mScroller.computeScrollOffset();
final int x = mScroller.getCurrX();
final int y = mScroller.getCurrY();
final int dx = x - mCapturedView.getLeft();
final int dy = y - mCapturedView.getTop();
if (dx != 0) {
ViewCompat.offsetLeftAndRight(mCapturedView, dx);
if (dy != 0) {
ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(mCapturedView, dy);
if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) {
mCallback.onViewPositionChanged(mCapturedView, x, y, dx, dy);
if (keepGoing && x == mScroller.getFinalX() && y == mScroller.getFinalY()) {
// Close enough. The interpolator/scroller might think we're still moving
// but the user sure doesn't.
keepGoing = false;
if (!keepGoing) {
if (deferCallbacks) {;
} else {
return mDragState == STATE_SETTLING;
It simply animates the sheet up or down to desired position according the chosen target state.
Pseudo code of problem is:
launchAnimation(); // it takes eg 300 ms
changeVisibilityOfAnimatedViewChildren(); // this is problem
I can wait until the animation finishes, but as i said, in case of http request it is bit problem, i would like to ideally refresh the data right away without waiting.
Animated element is CoordinatorLayout. Affected child by setVisibility is one or more its children.
Judging by this link, android seems to have generally problem with animations and setVisibility.
Possible solutions i am thinking of now:
Maybe if i would change the visibility with another parallel postOnAnimation() task (?)
Or because it are basically just step by step subsequent calls of moving function mViewDragHelper.continueSettling() why don't do it without postOnAnimation()? I could run the task also without it. But i guess that postOnAnimation chooses some correct delay of animation step for concrete device + probably some other things.
You can add AnimatorListenerAdapter to your parent animation, and override onAnimationEnd() method. In this method you can call the child animation. However, I would rather change alpha of view than visibility. You can achieve more smoothly effect in this case.
For example, consider this code:
parentAnimationInstance.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {

WebView does not load in proper position

I have an app that loads HTML content in three WebViews. For simplicity, let's call them top, middle, and bottom.
The user is always viewing the middle WebView. When the user reaches the top of the page and swipes down, the layout of the three WebViews change so that the top view is visible. Conversely, when the user reaches the bottom of the page and swipes up, the bottom page comes into view.
Imagine a 100x100 screen. Coordinate 0,0 is the top left of the screen and 100,100 is the bottom right of the screen. The top view will have a layout with the top at -105 so that it is not viewable, the middle view will occupy the screen, and the bottom view will have a layout with the top at 105 so that it is not viewable, as well.
topLayout.topMargin = -105;
middleLayout.topMargin = 0;
bottomLayout.topMargin = 105;
The content are books, so when the user changes pages, the content should flow logically. When scrolling backwards (up), the bottom of the previous page should be shown. When scrolling forwards (down), the top of the next page should be shown. This is accomplished through setting the WebView's scroll positions using scrollTo(x,y). The code looks like this, where a represents the bottom of the content and b represents the top of the content:
top.scrollTo(0, a);
middle.scrollTo(0, {a,b}); // a for previous page; b for next page
bottom.scrollTo(0, b);
When the user swipes to the previous page, the top WebView's layout changes to have a top of 0 to occupy the screen; the middle changes to 105, and the bottom changes to -105 and loads different content so the app will be prepared for a future previous swipe.
Now we actually come to my question. This works exactly as intended except in Android 4.4 (KitKat). In KitKat, it works for two swipes in either direction, but then on the third and subsequent swipe in the same direction, the content is loaded in the wrong position. When scrolling backwards, the content starts to load showing the top. When scrolling forwards, the content starts to load showing the bottom.
I have stepped through the debugger and noticed that the layouts are set properly, followed by the scroll positions being set correctly. Then, after those values are set, but before the content is actually drawn, something happens in the stack that changes the scroll position.
This is where I'm totally lost. Why are the scroll values getting set correctly, then magically changing before the screen is drawn?
I already tried using an onLayoutCompleteListener, it didn't work. I will update the list of things attempted as I receive answers and try the suggestions. Thank you in advance for any and all help.
Here's a summary of what I'm doing to change pages:
public class MyWebView extends WebView {
// Assume this is instantiated; it is by the time it is needed
private List<MyWebView> viewArray = new List<MyWebView>(3);
private class CustomGestureListener extends
GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener {
private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "Gestures";
private int scrollYOnTouch;
private int scrollYOnRelease;
public boolean onFling(MotionEvent event1, MotionEvent event2,
float velocityX, float velocityY) {
Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "onFling: " + event1.toString()
+ event2.toString());
Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "onFling: vX[" + velocityX
+ "], vY[" + velocityY + "]");
scrollYOnRelease = getScrollY();
int bottomOfPage = scrollYOnTouch + getMeasuredHeight();
int endOfContent = (int) Math.floor(getContentHeight() * getScale());
int proximity = endOfContent - bottomOfPage;
boolean atBottom = proximity <= 1;
Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "atBottom = (" + proximity + " <= 1)");
if ((velocityY > VELOCITY_THRESHOLD)
&& (scrollYOnRelease <= 0) && (scrollYOnTouch == 0)) {
// User flung down while at the top of the page.
// Go to the previous page.
} else if ((velocityY < -VELOCITY_THRESHOLD)
&& (scrollYOnRelease >= scrollYOnTouch) && atBottom) {
// User flung up while at the bottom of the page.
// Go to the next page.
return true;
} // end of CustomGestureListener
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
// Send the event to our gesture detector
// If it is implemented, there will be a return value
// If the detected gesture is unimplemented, send it to the superclass
return super.onTouchEvent(event);
public void changePages(int direction) {
int screenWidth = getScreenWidth();
int screenHeight = getScreenHeight();
VerticalPagingWebView previous;
VerticalPagingWebView current;
VerticalPagingWebView next;
if (direction == NEXT_PAGE) {
// Rearrange elements in webview array
// Next page becomes current page,
// current becomes previous,
// previous becomes next.
Collections.swap(viewArray, 0, 1);
Collections.swap(viewArray, 1, 2);
previous = viewArray.get(0);
current = viewArray.get(1);
next = viewArray.get(2);
// Prepare the next page
next.loadData(htmlContent, "text/html", null);
} else if (direction == PREVIOUS_PAGE) {
// Rearrange elements in webview array
// Previous page becomes current page,
// current becomes next,
// next becomes previous.
Collections.swap(viewArray, 1, 2);
Collections.swap(viewArray, 0, 1);
previous = viewArray.get(0);
current = viewArray.get(1);
next = viewArray.get(2);
// Prepare the previous page
previous.loadData(htmlContent, "text/html", null);
LayoutParams previousLayout = (LayoutParams) previous.getLayoutParams();
previousLayout.leftMargin = LEFT_MARGIN;
previousLayout.topMargin = -screenHeight - TOP_MARGIN;
LayoutParams currentLayout = (LayoutParams) current.getLayoutParams();
currentLayout.leftMargin = LEFT_MARGIN;
currentLayout.topMargin = 0;
LayoutParams nextLayout = (LayoutParams) next.getLayoutParams();
nextLayout.leftMargin = LEFT_MARGIN;
nextLayout.topMargin = screenHeight + TOP_MARGIN;
// I'm unsure if this is needed, but it works on everything but KitKat
if (direction == NEXT_PAGE) {
} else {
} // end of changePages
public void scrollToPageStart() {
public void scrollToPageBottom() {
// I know getScale() is deprecated; I take care of it.
// This method works fine.
int endOfContent = (int) Math.floor(getContentHeight() * getScale());
int webViewHeight = getMeasuredHeight();
scrollTo(0, endOfContent - webViewHeight);
You're probably scrolling the WebView before it had finished loading the contents. The problem is that at some point during the page load the WebView resets the scroll (this is intentional, when you navigate between pages you don't want the scroll offset to persist) and sometimes this reset happens after you call scrollTo.
To fix this you have two options:
scroll from JavaScript (in window.onload or something), this ensures the scroll happens after the WebView has finished loading the contents,
wait for the contents to load before scrolling. This is harder since the WebView doesn't have reliable callbacks (onPageFinished will not work reliably). One option would be to poll for when the webview.getContentHeight() method is returning the height of your content before doing the scroll.

What's the best way to check if the view is visible on the window?

What's the best way to check if the view is visible on the window?
I have a CustomView which is part of my SDK and anybody can add CustomView to their layouts. My CustomView is taking some actions when it is visible to the user periodically. So if view becomes invisible to the user then it needs to stop the timer and when it becomes visible again it should restart its course.
But unfortunately there is no certain way of checking if my CustomView becomes visible or invisible to the user. There are few things that I can check and listen to: onVisibilityChange //it is for view's visibility change, and is introduced in new API 8 version so has backward compatibility issue
onWindowVisibilityChange //but my CustomView can be part of a ViewFlipper's Views so it can pose issues
onDetachedFromWindows //this not as useful
onWindowFocusChanged //Again my CustomView can be part of ViewFlipper's views. So if anybody has faced this kind of issues please throw some light.
In my case the following code works the best to listen if the View is visible or not:
protected void onWindowVisibilityChanged(int visibility) {
Log.e(TAG, "is view visible?: " + (visibility == View.VISIBLE));
onDraw() is called each time the view needs to be drawn. When the view is off screen then onDraw() is never called. When a tiny bit of the view is becomes visible to the user then onDraw() is called. This is not ideal but I cannot see another call to use as I want to do the same thing. Remember to call the super.onDraw or the view won't get drawn. Be careful of changing anything in onDraw that causes the view to be invalidate as that will cause another call to onDraw.
If you are using a listview then getView can be used whenever your listview becomes shown to the user.
obviously the activity onPause() is called all your views are all covered up and are not visible to the user. perhaps calling invalidate() on the parent and if ondraw() is not called then it is not visible.
This is a method that I have used quite a bit in my apps and have had work out quite well for me:
static private int screenW = 0, screenH = 0;
#SuppressWarnings("deprecation") static public boolean onScreen(View view) {
int coordinates[] = { -1, -1 };
// Check if view is outside left or top
if (coordinates[0] + view.getWidth() < 0) return false;
if (coordinates[1] + view.getHeight() < 0) return false;
// Lazy get screen size. Only the first time.
if (screenW == 0 || screenH == 0) {
if (MyApplication.getSharedContext() == null) return false;
Display display = ((WindowManager)MyApplication.getSharedContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay();
try {
Point screenSize = new Point();
display.getSize(screenSize); // Only available on API 13+
screenW = screenSize.x;
screenH = screenSize.y;
} catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { // The backup methods will only be used if the device is running pre-13, so it's fine that they were deprecated in API 13, thus the suppress warnings annotation at the start of the method.
screenW = display.getWidth();
screenH = display.getHeight();
// Check if view is outside right and bottom
if (coordinates[0] > screenW) return false;
if (coordinates[1] > screenH) return false;
// Else, view is (at least partially) in the screen bounds
return true;
To use it, just pass in any view or subclass of view (IE, just about anything that draws on screen in Android.) It'll return true if it's on screen or false if it's not... pretty intuitive, I think.
If you're not using the above method as a static, then you can probably get a context some other way, but in order to get the Application context from a static method, you need to do these two things:
1 - Add the following attribute to your application tag in your manifest:
2 - Add in a class that extends Application, like so:
public class MyApplication extends Application {
// MyApplication exists solely to provide a context accessible from static methods.
private static Context context;
#Override public void onCreate() {
MyApplication.context = getApplicationContext();
public static Context getSharedContext() {
return MyApplication.context;
In addition to the view.getVisibility() there is view.isShown().
isShown checks the view tree to determine if all ancestors are also visible.
Although, this doesn't handle obstructed views, only views that are hidden or gone in either themselves or one of its parents.
In dealing with a similar issue, where I needed to know if the view has some other window on top of it, I used this in my custom View:
public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) {
if (!hasWindowFocus) {
} else {
This can be checked using getGlobalVisibleRect method. If rectangle returned by this method has exactly the same size as View has, then current View is completely visible on the Screen.
* Returns whether this View is completely visible on the screen
* #param view view to check
* #return True if this view is completely visible on the screen, or false otherwise.
public static boolean onScreen(#NonNull View view) {
Rect visibleRect = new Rect();
return visibleRect.height() == view.getHeight() && visibleRect.width() == view.getWidth();
If you need to calculate visibility percentage you can do it using square calculation:
float visiblePercentage = (visibleRect.height() * visibleRect.width()) / (float)(view.getHeight() * view.getWidth())
This solution takes into account view obstructed by statusbar and toolbar, also as view outside the window (e.g. scrolled out of screen)
* Test, if given {#code view} is FULLY visible in window. Takes into accout window decorations
* (statusbar and toolbar)
* #param view
* #return true, only if the WHOLE view is visible in window
public static boolean isViewFullyVisible(View view) {
if (view == null || !view.isShown())
return false;
//windowRect - will hold available area where content remain visible to users
//Takes into account screen decorations (e.g. statusbar)
Rect windowRect = new Rect();
//if there is toolBar, get his height
int actionBarHeight = 0;
Context context = view.getContext();
if (context instanceof AppCompatActivity && ((AppCompatActivity) context).getSupportActionBar() != null)
actionBarHeight = ((AppCompatActivity) context).getSupportActionBar().getHeight();
else if (context instanceof Activity && ((Activity) context).getActionBar() != null)
actionBarHeight = ((Activity) context).getActionBar().getHeight();
//windowAvailableRect - takes into account toolbar height and statusbar height
Rect windowAvailableRect = new Rect(windowRect.left, + actionBarHeight, windowRect.right, windowRect.bottom);
//viewRect - holds position of the view in window
//(methods as getGlobalVisibleRect, getHitRect, getDrawingRect can return different result,
// when partialy visible)
Rect viewRect;
final int[] viewsLocationInWindow = new int[2];
int viewLeft = viewsLocationInWindow[0];
int viewTop = viewsLocationInWindow[1];
int viewRight = viewLeft + view.getWidth();
int viewBottom = viewTop + view.getHeight();
viewRect = new Rect(viewLeft, viewTop, viewRight, viewBottom);
//return true, only if the WHOLE view is visible in window
return windowAvailableRect.contains(viewRect);
you can add to your CustomView's constractor a an onScrollChangedListener from ViewTreeObserver
so if your View is scrolled of screen you can call view.getLocalVisibleRect() and determine if your view is partly offscreen ...
you can take a look to the code of my library : PercentVisibleLayout
Hope it helps!
in your custom view, set the listeners:
I am using this code to animate a view once when it is visible to user.
2 cases should be considered.
Your view is not in the screen. But it will be visible if user scrolled it
public void onScrollChanged() {
final int i[] = new int[2];
if (i[1] <= mScreenHeight - 50) { Runnable() {
public void run() {
Log.d("ITEM", "animate");
//animate once
Your view is initially in screen.(Not in somewhere else invisible to user in scrollview, it is in initially on screen and visible to user)
public void onGlobalLayout() {
final int i[] = new int[2];
if (i[1] <= mScreenHeight) { Runnable() {
public void run() {
Log.d("ITEM", "animate");
//animate once

