How to push down activity content while loading ad in android? - android

I want to push content while loading ad at the top of the activity, just below the action bar. For this, I used alignParentTop = "true" & layout_height = "wrap_content" for the adview. But in vain.
What is the actual way to push down content while loading ad? If there is no ad, then the content will cover the whole screen.

you can add adview in separate layout.
and set visiblility of this layout to GONE if there is no ad.
and when ad load change the layout visibility to VISIBLE.

This is a quick sample code:
Suppose your content that you want move down is in a RelativeLayoyet
You can then make somehting like this:
RelativeLayouet rel = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
if (adIsVisible) {
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams LL = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
You can change the placement of by changing the addRule() values like
You can also make your View (ie. buttons, imageviews, textviews) invisible like this: view.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);


Set Custom layout inside ListView as non-scrollable in android

I have a ListView which contains a custom layout.
Each row of the list View look like this:
The row contains 2 LinearLayouts, one for Date and one for Progress details. The progress Details Layout consits of 2 TextViews(Heading and data below it) and 1 Button (View More).
When the user clicks 'View More' button the data below the heading expands to 10-12 lines.
My problem is that when the TextView expands, a scrollbar comes at the edge and the user has to scroll to read. The width of the row does not change i.e the row does not expand.
I want the row width to expand so that the user does not have to scroll to read the text.
I did read a lot and have already tried the following options but they did not work
1. android:scrollbar="none"
2. View.setOverScrollMode(View.OVER_SCROLL_NEVER);
3. View.setScrollContainer(false);
Please help me with this.
You have to use exapanding listview animation for that you can use this lib for that
Use a expandable List View such that the normal view of your list will have the image that you provided and on clicking that view it will expand to reveal the details that you wanted to show by clicking the view more option(in your image)
Here is a tut link for more info.
Try to use LayoutParams and change the height programatically inside the listener for you Button.
LayoutParams should derive from the type of layout containing your LinearLayout. If for instance it is a RelativeLayout, it will look something like that:
int heightForRow = 100;
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
params.height = heightForRow;
Please note that your LinearLayout must then be inside another layout (RelativeLayout in the example)

Android Overlapping Image Views

I want to create this sort of a view where the cross should be separate image view as I want it to be clickable. How can I achieve this ?
It would be great If I can create this view programatically as I am a dynamic list of images and I am programatically creating the image Views. All I need now is to add the overlapping imageview as well.
Thanks in advance
Use FrameLayout and you can overlay views on top of each other
FrameLayout frame = (FrameLayout) findViewById(;
ImageView image = new ImageView(this);
ImageView cross = new ImageView(this);
FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
layoutParams.gravity = Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.TOP;
Create a RelativeLayout programmatically, which contains two ImageViews. Place your image in the first one, and your second image in the second one. Adjust the margins accordingly to place it in the top right corner.
First create a completely new layout to use as an placeholder for example "partial_layout.xml". Then in your code first make a LayoutInflater with something like this:
LayoutInflater mInflater = (LayoutInflater) this.getSystemService(this.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
then try to get a fresh copy of this layout with something like this:
View convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.partial_layout, null);
now put your current data to this view, and finally add this view to your content view.
If you create a list of views, you can still use XML by inflating it only when needed - just watch the lecture "the world of listView" in order to do it correctly. Using ListView is much more efficient than creating as many views as the number of items to show (for example, if there are 100 images to show, only those that are on screen need to be created).
Anyway, the xml can contain either FrameLayout or RelativeLayout as the root view, and you just put the 2 imageViews according to the right position you wish to have. You can use the UI designer for this, or edit the XML itself by adding margin-top for the larger image. also, make sure the larger image is written there before the small one.
as for the clicking, you can use setOnClickListener on the small imaveView.
BTW, if it's just images, you should probably use GridView instead of ListView.

Ad on the bottom of PreferenceActivity

I've implemented Admob in my PreferenceActivity as a custom preference. It works, even though the ad gets a little cut of, but when I scroll down and up the ad disappears for a second and shows again.
Is it possible to place the add to the bottom of the screen, overlaying the preference list? (Like in a regular activity).
You can create a layout for the Ad, Also set parameters for the Layout according to the coordinates of the screen, now add this layout to your main layout.
RelativeLayout myLayout = new RelativeLayout(getContext());
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(adWidth,adHeight);
params.topMargin = h-adHeight;
//adding Adview and other portion view to relative layout created

Android - Aligning a view (button) within another View in code?

I have a custom view which will be jar'ed up and added into another project. In the view I want to give an option of a button.
Here is what I have in the CustomView class.
final CustomView currentView = (CustomView) findViewById(this.getId());
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ));
This is all wrapped in a RelativeLayout Tag as well as the other objects of the application
Everything compiles however in the CustomView the Button is aligning left instead of right.Any Ideas???
I would guess the problem is your CustomView. It probably doesn't take the entire width of the window, and is just wide enough to fill its children (which, in your case, is the close button). Make sure your CustomView has a fill_parent horizontal layout.
Since your CustomView extends WebView, which, in turn, extends AbsoluteLayout, you can't expect it to handle RelativeLayout's parameters. Instead, it's best you put your customview and your close button inside a RelativeLayout and position them properly.
When adding your closeButton to your currentView you need to supply the LayoutParams as an argument as well in order for them to take effect.
Basically, switch
currentView.addView(closeButton, params);
Since the width of your button is set to wrap_content, you could also try setting its layout_gravity to right.
params.gravity = Gravity.RIGHT;

dynamically adding a view to activity layout

I have a custom view (an extension of a TextView) that I want to dynamically add to my Layout (don't want to include it in the main.xml file).
The book says to fetch the RelativeLayout using findViewById() in my java code then create a new instance of my custom view, then use addView on the RelativeLayout to add the new view.
I'm not getting any errors, but when I click my button to add the new view, nothing is happening (view isn't being added). Do I need to set additional properties on my custom view (layout width, layout height for example) in order for it to be shown?
EDIT: adding code
// changed to an imageview as I thought it might be easier to see an image
RelativeLayout rel = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
MyCustomImageView mciv = new MyCustomImageView(null);
LayoutParams p = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
Please post your code where you add the view.
But yes, you might be missing the params for width and height. Try something like
LayoutParams p = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);
or what you would like the width and height to be. Also in xml layout, layout_width and layout_height are required attributes.

