I would like to integrate FCM push messaging service using eclipse. Somehow I'm not able to use Android studio. I found plenty of answers but all these are not solid answer. Mostly answered with "Use Android Studio" that's not appropriate answer for question.
see related:
Not getting notification using Firebase in Eclipse
Unable to find obfuscated Firebase class in Eclipse
How can I use Firebase cloud message in an eclipse project?
Currently I managed those two jar from firebase (iid & messaging) inside libs but no idea how to config "google-services.json" inside eclipse.
I raise this question cause there is not solid and complete answer for this. So please don't mark this duplicate humble request. I know this is big challenge for who stopped using eclipse since Android Studio arrived.
I want to display an Android notification with a large image whenever I send a notification from FCM (I have included the data payload with a URL for the image). The Android app can be in background or foreground.
I did not know earlier that this is not directly possible with the Unity SDK for FCM. So now I have a Unity project which I'll need to export the project to Android Studio and do something, according to this thread: https://github.com/firebase/quickstart-unity/issues/146#issuecomment-389579086
What I've figured is (maybe I'm wrong) I'll need to remove the FCM SDK from Unity and add the Android SDK in Android Studio and follow the steps for Android. So I deleted all the FCM specific files from my project, reimported other SDKs (Firebase Database, Firebase Auth, Firebase Analytics, Firebase Remote Config, Facebook SDK and GoogleMobileAds SDK) to ensure I didnt break any of these SDKs in the process.
Before exporting to Android Studio, I tried building directly from Unity to make sure I'm making stable builds, but the app crashes as soon as I open it. This is probably happening because the Messaging SDK has irreversibly changed the entry point to a MessagingUnityPlayerActivity, and I have already deleted it.
How do I safely remove the Messaging SDK? Or is there any other solution to my problem?
I've got some issues regarding the integration of Firebase in my Android Unity app.
I created a project on firebase with my Unity Bundle Identifier.
In authentification I enabled email and anonymous (I just exactly follow all the steps provided by Firebase in their tuto).
On Unity side I got the last firebase plugin.
First of all I started to have some manifest issues:
CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to merge android manifests. Error:
Trying to merge incompatible
To solve this issues I just updated my manifest on Unity side to be able to compile the app and launch it on my android phone.
I succeeded to do that but when looking at the Firebase/Authentification/ Users, my Android app didn't appear.
Furthermore, when Using firebase cloud messaging interface, I can't succeed to send message (I can select the app, then click on Send but when I check my message no message was sent (the Sent column stays on 0) and obviously I don't receive the message on my android phone.
Thx in advance for your precious help.
I'm using Unity Version: 5.4.1p2 (really need this version for specific plugins) all all other plugin are uptodate (JDK and Android sdk)
I recently discovered a bug in the newer Firebase version with Unity which relates to the ComponentDiscovery Service. Since I don't know how to mark as possible duplicate, I repost my solution here, which may help you:
The solution behind this seems to be the package name variable, which
unity won't replace by the actual package name in the latest builds.
proposes a temporary fix, by renaming the package="${applicationId}"
variable inside the "\Assets\Plugins\Android\AndroidManifest.xml" on
line 4 with the actual package name e.g :
I wanted to use GCM Push Notifications in my Android App which I am developing in Eclipse.
I have updated my SDK Tools as you can see in the uploaded picture.
I still cant find any jars in extras/google/
How can I download the required jars and add them to my project?
My Android SDK Manager:
if you want to use the gcm library try import the existing project from the directory directly from
Use it as a library project.
Just remind you that now google provided the Firebase for the push notification which needs to use firebase sdk.
FYR: https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/
and i think the question may be duplicated?
Currently the instruction given in firebase documentation is for android studio and not eclipse. Are there any instructions available on how to add the firebase to eclipse?
As you already know the answer then why your are asking the question?.
Google has already told that they will not provide support for Eclipse.
Please see this link.You have to use Android Studio for the implementation of Fire base
I am trying to add Google Cloud Messaging in my android app using PhoneGap. I was following this plugin https://github.com/marknutter/GCM-Cordova
Unfortunately, the steps are not very clear. When i try to follow step: "Add the GCMIntentService.java file to your application's main package." i ended up with many errors, there are other file references in this file too.
Is there any tutorial or other plugin available?
Thank you
If you want push notifications I recommend you to use PushWoosh because I've been using it and goes really well.
As you don't show the exact errors of inserting GCMIntentService.java I only can guess that maybe you're not putting the source in the correct package or your Cordova version is not the needed for that plugin. Check your version and if it isn't this try to click in Eclipse the Fix Tool or Clean the project.
Hope this helps!