The REST API I connect to uses cookie-based authorization. Basically, issuing a call, I get a cookie, which then I use in all my requests. That cookie has an expiry time on the Server side. Once cookie expired, I get notified, I have to acquire a new cookie to proceed.
To achieve this, I am using OkHttp3 client, to which I attached a PersistentCookieJar. Somewhere in between, I also have an Interceptor that catches the session expired responses, and tries to renew the cookie. After my Interceptor does the call to renew the cookie, it re-tries the previously failed call. Which, fails again. I suppose it is because the retry of the call is done with old cookie.
Any suggestions?
Some code snippets below:
//OkHttp client with the interceptor and the cookiejar
OkHttpClient.Builder builder = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
if (cache != null) {
return builder
.connectTimeout(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
The PersistentCookieJar is used as described here:
And last, the Interceptor:
public class SessionExpiryInterceptor implements Interceptor {
#Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
final Request request = chain.request();
final Response response = chain.proceed(request);
//analyze to see if it is "session expired"
String bodyString = response.body().string();
Response copyResponse = copyResponse(response, bodyString);
//attempt to parse the original body
if (isRefreshRequired(bodyString)) {
//we send the response copy from here on out, as the original no longer as a "body" - extracted and parsed earlier
return refreshData(request, copyResponse, chain);
} else {
//return the copy since body was extracted earlier
return copyResponse;
private boolean isRefreshRequired(String responseBody) throws IOException {
//does some parsing of the responseBody to extract a "status" and "message"
return status == RESPONSE_CODE_NO_SESSION || message.contains("session");
private Response refreshData(Request request, Response responseCopy, Chain chain) throws IOException {
//does some checks before attempting to actually refresh the cookie,
mAuthService.login(user, pass)
if (mDataRefreshed) {
// rebuild the request with the new acquired cookie
Request retry = createRetryRequest(request);
return chain.proceed(retry);// !!! this call fails again - I get "session expired" response message.
} else {
//for whatever reason the refresh failed - send back the original response's copy
return responseCopy;
private Subscriber<LoginResponse> createLoginSubscriber() {
return new Subscriber<LoginResponse>() {
#Override public void onCompleted() {
#Override public void onError(Throwable e) {
LOG.e(e, "login failed" + e.getMessage());
#Override public void onNext(LoginResponse response) {
if(response.isSuccess()) {
mDataRefreshed = true;
} else {
mDataRefreshed = false;
//some cleanup code here
private Request createRetryRequest(Request source) {
//I suspect this copy might be the issue?
return source.newBuilder().build();
//copies the given response rewriting the body with the given one with character set UTF-8
private Response copyResponse(Response original, String body) {
return original.newBuilder()
.body(new RealResponseBody(original.headers(), new Buffer().writeUtf8(body)))
I am trying to retrieve some JSON data using OkHttp in Android Studio from the URL:
Before I can get the data using this URL, it requires me to Login into the Duolingo server first (which makes sense since I want it to return data from my profile) so I make a POST request with my credentials using OkHttp. This is my code to achieve that:
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
String postUrl = "";
String getUrl = "";
String credentials = "{\"identifier\": \"\", \"password\": \"Password\"}";
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(credentials, MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8"));
Request request = new Request.Builder()
client.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback()
public void onFailure(#NotNull Call call, #NotNull IOException e)
Log.i("TAG", "ERROR - " + e.getMessage());
public void onResponse(#NotNull Call call, #NotNull Response response) throws IOException
if (response.isSuccessful())
Log.i("LOG", "LOGGED IN");
Log.i("LOG", "FAILED - " + response.toString());
The Response is successful and I get a 200 Response Code.
Now since I have Logged In, I want to make a GET Request to the URL mentioned above to get the JSON Data. Problem is I do not know how to make a GET Request in succession to the POST Request I just made. OkHttp treats the 2 consecutive requests as separate while I want them to be treated as the same session.
Someone told me Cookies can help but I am totally oblivious to that and how they work. All help is appreciated!
I use RxJava and Retrofit to execute OkHttp requests. I can see in Android Studio's network profiler that my requests are leaked, because they are keeping the AsyncTask threads alive. No response for them and their size is null. I can see the original request, the token request, the updated request in the Thread View in network profiler. But the original request never finishes.
In extreme cases, like in QA environment where the tokens are refreshed every minute for some reason the threadpool becomes full and no more calls can be made. I think we can call chain.proceed as many times as we want, but I think the error is still somewhere there. Here is the interceptor code:
private static okhttp3.Interceptor oauthInterceptor = chain -> {
OAuthToken token = OAuthToken.getOAuthToken();
long initialTokenCreated = token.getCreatedUtc();
Request request = changeTokenInRequest(chain.request(), token);
Response response = chain.proceed(request);
boolean forceTokenRefresh = false;
if (initialTokenCreated != token.getCreatedUtc()) {
// Then the token has been updated since we started this request
request = changeTokenInRequest(chain.request(), token);
response = chain.proceed(request);
String jsonType = "application/json";
if (!response.body().contentType().toString().contains(jsonType)) {
forceTokenRefresh = true;
// 401: Forbidden, 403: Permission denied
if (forceTokenRefresh || ((response.code() == 401 || response.code() == 403)
&& OAuthToken.getOAuthToken().getRefreshToken() != null)) {
OAuthToken refreshedToken = refreshToken();
if (refreshedToken == null) {
// Then there was a problem refreshing the token
return response;
// Recreate the request with the new access token
request = changeTokenInRequest(chain.request(), refreshedToken);
return chain.proceed(request);
} else {
return response;
protected static okhttp3.Request changeTokenInRequest(Request request, OAuthTokenBase token) {
Headers.Builder builder = request.headers().newBuilder().removeAll("Authorization");
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(token.getTokenType()) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(token.getAccessToken())) {
builder = builder.add("Authorization", token.getTokenType() + " " + token.getAccessToken());
request = request.newBuilder().headers(;
return request;
That's how I make the calls:
public static Observable<ResultPaginatedReply<BasicUser>> getGroupsMembers(String type, String id, int page) {
return getMsApiService().getGroupsMembers(type, id, page)
Turns out that if you don't use the Authenticator class in OkHttp like me here, than you have to manually close the response body when the token is refreshed. #DallinDyer's comment helped me here.
So I added
after the error checks and voilĂ .
I tried to make oauth2 for android application. it has little bug.
My bug is It doesn't have header like Authorization when I redirect
MyCookieCode. It send Authorization when I was login. but It doesn't work when I redirect
public static Retrofit getLoginRetrofitOnAuthz() {
Retrofit.Builder builder = new Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(ServerValue.AuthServerUrl).addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create());
if (LoginRetrofitAuthz == null) {
httpClientAuthz.addInterceptor(new Interceptor() {
public okhttp3.Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
String str = etUsername.getText().toString() + ":" + etPassword.getText().toString();
String Base64Str = "Basic " + Base64.encodeToString(str.getBytes(), Base64.NO_WRAP);
Request request = chain.request().newBuilder().addHeader("Authorization", Base64Str).build();
return chain.proceed(request);
CookieManager cookieManager = new CookieManager();
httpClientAuthz.cookieJar(new JavaNetCookieJar(cookieManager));
LoginRetrofitAuthz = builder.client(;
return LoginRetrofitAuthz;
Server Result (Top-Login, Bottom, Redirect)
Do you know how to staying header on redirect ?
in fact the sinner is OkHttp, but not Retrofit.
OkHttp removes all authentication headers on purpose:
// When redirecting across hosts, drop all authentication headers. This
// is potentially annoying to the application layer since they have no
// way to retain them.
if (!sameConnection(url)) {
Here is the discussion of this issue:
You could use the OkHttp authenticator. It will get called if there is a 401 error returned. So you could use it to re-authenticate the request.
httpClient.authenticator(new Authenticator() {
public Request authenticate(Route route, Response response) throws IOException {
return response.request().newBuilder()
.header("Authorization", "Token " + DataManager.getInstance().getPreferencesManager().getAuthToken())
However in my case server returned 403 Forbidden instead of 401. And I had to get
in-place and create and fire another network request:
public Call<Response> getMoreBills(#Header("Authorization") String authorization, #Url String nextPage)
Thanks for your time. Im programming an Android App for School and need a Authentification Form for the Moodle Login (Server ends with /index.php).
My Goal: Get the "Set-Cookie" Header in the Response with the active Cookie in it. This is given, if the Server Status returnes "303(See Other)".
My Question: What should I post to the Login Server, to get the Status "303" (and therefore also the right Cookie) ?
I dont know, if the ".add" Method is the right or wrong or if I should send more or less to the Server.
class MoodleLogin{
public static void FirstRequest(String url) throws Exception {
final OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
RequestBody formBody = new FormBody.Builder()
.add("username", USERNAME) // Username
.addEncoded("password", PASSWORT) //Passwort
.add("token", "6f65e84f626ec97d9eeee7ec45c88303") //Security Key for Moodle mobile web service (I dont know if I need that)
// A normal Request
Request request = new Request.Builder()
// Asynchronous Call via Callback with onFailure and onResponse
client.newCall(request).enqueue(new okhttp3.Callback() {
public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
Log.i("Internet", "request failed: " + e.toString());
public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {
if (!response.isSuccessful()) { // Server Status is not 200 - THAT IS WHAT I WANT
Log.d("Server Status", response.message().toString());
throw new IOException("Unexpected code ");
} else { // Server Status is 200(OK)
Log.d("Server Status", response.message().toString());
}); // End of "onResponse"
This peace of Code only returns the Server Status "200" (what is wrong in my case).
Do anyone know, what I must change to get the Status "303" ? I tested it with (A Website for HTTP Requests) and it works only if I post the "username" and "password" like normal Parameters.
Im grateful for every answer and tip !
I answered it myself. So here is the right code:
Connection.Response res = Jsoup
.connect("your Moodle-Login Page")
.data("username", username, "password", password)
String Login_cookies = res.cookies().toString();
String cookie = Login_cookies.substring(1, 50);
System.out.println("COOKIES: "+cookie);
I'm trying to use this interceptor for authentication:
public class CustomInterceptor implements Interceptor {
public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
Request request = chain.request();
// try the request
Response response = chain.proceed(request);
if (response shows expired token) {
// get a new token (I use a synchronous Retrofit call)
// create a new request and modify it accordingly using the new token
Request newRequest = request.newBuilder();
// retry the request
return chain.proceed(newRequest);
// otherwise just pass the original response on
return response;
The problem is that my check (response shows expired token) is not status-related, I need to check the actual response (body content).
So after the check, the response is "consumed" and any attempt to ready the body will fail.
I've tried to "clone" the response buffer before read, like:
public static String responseAsString(Response response ){
Buffer clonedBuffer = response.body().source().buffer().clone();
return ByteString.of(clonedBuffer.readByteArray()).toString();
but it doesn't work, the clonedBuffer is empty.
Any help will be appreciated.
I just had the same problem myself, and the solution I found was to consume the response's body and build a new response with a new body. I did it like so:
Response response = chain.proceed(request);
MediaType contentType = response.body().contentType();
String bodyString = response.body().string();
if (tokenExpired(bodyString)) {
// your logic here...
ResponseBody body = ResponseBody.create(contentType, bodyString);
return response.newBuilder().body(body).build();