At the moment I'm playing a bit with the new ConstraintLayout and try to create the following layout:
(1) Headline: Type 24sp, Leading 32sp
(2) Subhead 1: Type 15sp, Leading 24sp
(3) 32sp line height
(4) 56dp padding between the top of button and the center of copy
(5) 24dp vertical padding
My problem now is that I do not know how I should handle the sizes which refer to the center of the second TextView. We do not have a constraint for the center (or baseline) to bottom or something like this. Also I'm not able to set a space between two views which are connected between the baseline points. So how should I create this layout with the ConstraintLayout?
Can someone please give me a sample layout from the picture above?
We only allow baseline to baseline, without margin for now. We might revisit this in the future, but as of ConstraintLayout alpha 7 you cannot do this. The only option is to align with top / bottom.
You could also add a view with a layout height as a divider, then reference the bottom of the divider
I wanted to make a layout which has three children layout.
the bottom layout must visible to bottom
screen size is enough:
the center layout need Dynamically change to wrap_content and we need the bottom layout is under the center layout (not top of the parent).
screen size is not enough:
fix size of center layout will fixed and it is a scrollview, it's height is dependency on the reminding width(if screen size is not enough)
I think a lot of ideas but i don't know how can do using xml. It can be only calculate in runtime?
this is the intend image:
you can use wrap_content in xml
To change programatically you can use following code
Your_Layout.getLayoutParams().height = 100;
I have a horizontal layout to display 5 icons.
I would like to know if there is a way to display the first one always X dp from margin left and the last one X dp from the margin right and the others with the same space between then.
With LinearLayout the space is always the same even when I change the device , so sometimes my horizontal row became much more bigger than the space that the icons use and with RelativeLayout i just can align 3 items in this way ( alignParentLeft, centerInParent, alignParentRight)
With RelativeLayout I think you can easily put three of your icons at the proper place. For the last two icons, I don't think there's something you can do in your xml. Actually I have met the same problem before.
An approach is (maybe not the best one) to calculate the margins of the two icons in your java code. It's really easy to get the parent view width (in pixels) and you know how much space(a percentage) there should be before/after your views. Just a multiplication and addView with LayoutParam is sufficient.
A LinearLayout with android:width="match_parent", android:layout_marginRight and android:layout_marginLeft within a RelativeLayout should work.
The Linear Layout will be xdp from the left and xdp from the right, with the icons spaced evenly inside.
If you use the Linear Layout, you can use the weight attribute to calculate the correct spacing between the images.
Set each of their weights to 1 so that they take an equal space in the row :
I hope that can assist you.
I have a relative layout with background image (9patch). I have set this image as background to the layout using xml. When I add another relative layout which has buttons and textviews, there is little space left before the new layout. I didnt set any padding. I also tried by setting padding top to 0. If i remove the background image the alignment will be proper with no space left on top of new layout. I have also tried by setting match parent and fill parent in new layout but still the space remains on top of it. The space left is very little like 3dp-5dp.
can someone suggest about this issue pls.
EDIT : space is on top of the new layout horizontally and i have tried setting gravity to top and also top left.
The black pixels on the top and left define the stretch area of the 9-patch, while the pixels on the bottom and right define the fill area. My guess is that you have a fill area defined that does not cover the entire right and bottom edges.
Here's a good guide.
I have 2 textviews per horizontal linearlayout row on two rows. All the views are set as 0dp width and weight 1. They all have the same font and text size etc.
The views on the left side are gravity aligned left and the two on the right are gravity aligned right.
When both textviews text length overflow android always gives precedence to the textview on the right and ellipse the views on the left.
Is there a method that can be used to control which view ellipses when both views on the same row would not fit.
Ideally I want the views on the right to ellipse in favor of those on the left. Or failing that make them ellipse evenly per row.
i don't think there is a feature of order of the views to manage how they are measured.
you can customize the linearLayout by extending it in order to support this feature , but this is too hardcore for this task .
i would suggest putting the problematic views (those that take too much space and you don't with them to take too much space) into a new layout , and set its width to match_parent .
this way , it should take the rest of the space at the end of the measurements of the other views ,
How could I proceed to place an item on a LinearLayout, with a given space from the top? For instance, I would like to place the logo on the half of the top middle of the layout.
There is no way to add percentages.
You can add two layouts with the same weight to split the screen in two and then add the logo with a centered gravity to the upper layout,
Or you can measure the screen and add the right amount of margins.
Use the paddingTop attribute of the view class.