I recently have received an email update that AdMob will stop serving ads on 17 Oct 2016 to the SDK versions listed in this link https://firebase.google.com/docs/admob/android-legacy-release-notes and has to be amended to one included in this link https://firebase.google.com/docs/admob/release-notes#android
I am currently using Android Eclipse and was generating ads by the library GooglePlayServices, with codes as follows:
How could I check the GooglePlayServices library version? I opened the Android SDK Manager and found no updates of GooglePlayServices library is available.
How could I ensure Admob implementation is ok for ads to continue? Is the prerequisite necessary for Admob ads? I am still using Eclipse.
Running Android Studio 1.0 or higher
Developing for Android level 9 or higher
An Android Studio project
search for version.xml inside your google-play-services_lib
<integer name="google_play_services_version">4323000</integer>
find detail explanation here Upgrade your Android Google Mobile Ads SDK to ensure ads keep serving
I publish my app in dec-2015 with eclipse, I receive mail for upgrade to Google Mobile Ads SDK 7.0.0 or higher. how can I know my version? and how can I update in eclipse?
If you were using the most recent version when you published, you should be fine:
Mobile Ads SDK Release Notes
I should mention, though, that Google has deprecated support for building Android apps in Eclipse. I'd recommend converting your project to Android Studio if you haven't already, since the google_play_services_lib used for Eclipse builds is no longer distributed.
I just got an e-mail from Google saying that they are deprecating the version 6.4.1 of AdMob and I need to upgrade the library in order to use the Ads in the application:
...we are deprecating versions 6.4.1 and lower of the Android Google Mobile Ads SDK on September 15th, 2016.
In order to ensure that your ads continue to serve after September 15th, 2016, please upgrade to Google Mobile Ads SDK 7.0.0 or higher...
The problem is that I have lost the entire project (source code) and certificates, and I want to know the version of my AdMob. This is what I got from reverse-engineering:
public static final int GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_VERSION_CODE = 6587000;
This is the constants value of: android:value="#integer/google_play_services_version"
Is this the version of the Google Play Services or the Admob? What version 6587000 represents (6.5.8)? I cannot find anything on the internet compared to the Google Play Services release notes.
Last version of Admob standalone SDK is 6.4.1. After that all new versions comes with Play Services. I could not find which version it was introduced but as far as I remember It was with Play Services 8.
But android:value="#integer/google_play_services_version" comes with the Play Services 13. So if your app has integer/google_play_services_version then it is using new versions of Admob, so you will not have any problem with the depreciation.
Also consider this old note from Google; "On August 1, 2014, the Play Store will stop accepting new or updated apps that use the standalone Google AdMob SDK. The SDK does not use the Advertising ID, and will therefore be non-compliant with the Google Play Ad Policy on this date."
Version 6.4.1 does not have Advertising ID. So if you updated your app after August 1, 2014, then your app will have newer versions of Admob.
yes , eg play service version 4.1.00 has code 4100000 and version 6.5.87 has code 6587000.but you can not decide the ad sdk version (especially for android). In the mail they mentioned the ad sdk version. you can view some confusing version history for android here and here
if your app is published after August 1, 2014. you are not worry much about this email.
google play service introduce sdk 4.0 onwards release_notes.
note if your app has integer/google_play_services_version then that is not mean you are using new versions of Admob (after 6.4.1 introduce gps module in the ad).
Email from Admob was very confusing to me.
Here is reply I found out on admob developer forum by Admob team. Hope this helps to clarify further
****"Hi Josue,
After talking with the rest of the team, the note you have gotten about the SDK needing to be higher than v6.4.1 refers to a legacy, standalone Mobile Ads SDK that was deprecated back in February 2014, and that had its own versioning system. That deprecation does NOT refer at all to the use of Google Play services. What that means is even if you are using Google Play services 4.0 which was released back in October 2013, you are still OK.
Vu Chau
Mobile Ads SDK Team"****
Last line makes it very clear, if your google_play_services_version > 4 , you don't need to make immediate update however it's good practice to upgrade to latest versions of play services library
Date 9/9/2016 Updated link from Admob for further clarification- https://firebase.google.com/docs/admob/android-legacy-release-notes
I have an app in the store which has Admob. But now I want to update the Admob sdk just to be up-to-date
I was reading that. Now we do not need to install the sdk from Admob site. As it is already included with Android sdk.
Is that correct. What shall I do now.... Is there any link or tutorial for that.
The Admob libraries are now part of Google Play Services.
You need to include Play Services.
You can find the latest version of the Admob libraries by looking in
As of 9-AUG-2015 it is 7.5.0
Hi i have used flurryAgent.jar for flurry admob , i just want to replace furry into google admob sdk but it says need to upgrade if still using GoogleAdmobAdSdk-6.4.1.jar as from https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/#android
so i need to upgrade google admob sdk to latest and want to replace flurry into google admob sdk i have updated my android sdk into latest version and imported google play service lib as reference for my native app to support google add mob sdk but still getting error as Jar mismatch for google-play-services_lib
Please tell me how to resolve this error and how to upgrade the GoogleAdmobAdSdk-6.4.1.jar into latest?
As they where update instead of GoogleAdmobAdSdk-6.4.1.jar now they were replaced withe Google play service.first of all try to update Google play service in the sdk manager under Extras folder and the difference from before to latest admob you can find here and the Google Mobile Ads SDK
In my admob account i was getting the following warning message:
Starting March 18, 2013, we will no longer support ad requests made through AdMob SDKs released before 2011. Please upgrade to the latest version of the AdMob SDK here.
i have updated my AdMob SDK in my app that had the old sdk, but in my sites/apps page, next to my app name i have a warning as (urgent SDK update required) .
Has anyone experienced with the same problem?how can i fix it?
i'm getting adds fine in my app,my only problem is that i have this warning in my account
You will still get this message if you still have lingering users on old versions of your app that are making ad requests using old SDKs. If you already launched with a newer version of the Google AdMob SDK, you just have to play the waiting game for those users to upgrade.