XML parsing in Retrofit Android - android

I am new to Retrofit and trying to parse xml in it. I am posting my code what I have try so far.
Call<String> login(
#Url String url,
#Header("Authorization") String token,
#Field("mobilenumber") String mobile);
<ResponseMessage>Something went wrong.Please try again</ResponseMessage>
I don't know how to specify Object and add annotations to it according to the structure of the xml file.


How to use two fields in body for methos put in retrofit

I have two strings that I should set them in body for my put request. How can do it with retrofit?
#Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json"})
Call<Verification> activation(#Part("code") String code , #Part("token") String token);
You may try similar code I posted below: For detailed code please post your context or a part of your code.
Call<User> updateUser(#Part("photo") RequestBody photo, #Part("description") RequestBody description);
You can pass multiple Strings in Body like this:
Create a Class
public class Verification
public String code;
public String token;
Set the data to object
Verification loginCredentials = new Verification();
loginCredentials.code= "12345;
loginCredentials.token= "54321";
Call your api
Call<Verification> activation(#Body Verificationcredentials);

How to send post request along with data in raw form in Retrofit?

I want to send a data in the above format in raw form of Body. The data type should be "JSON(application/json)" and the header should include "application/json" as Content-Type.
I tried using this way but is not working for me.
public interface AddData {
Call<String> postData(#Header("Content-Type") String content_type,#Body JSONObject body);
Use #Header as the annotations
#Headers("Content-Type: application/json")
Call<String> getUser(#Body JSONObject body);
Refer to https://github.com/square/retrofit/issues/1587

How to use #Body with #Field and #FormUrlEncoded?

Call<Response> createPost(
#Header("auth") String auth,
#Field("id") String id,
#Field("title") String title,
#Body ContentData content);
By using this code am getting error saying "#Body parameters cannot be used with form or multi-part encoding.". What should i do now ? I tried to send Object as String that also failed.
If you are sending form-data use Field for your parameters:
#Header("auth: YOUR_AUTH")
Call<Response> createPost(
#Field("id") String id,
#Field("title") String title
else if you are using other than form-data like application/json Send your body by #Body:
#Header("auth: YOUR_AUTH")
Call<Response> createPost(#Body ContentData content);
This all depends upon your requirements.

How to send #FormUrlEncoded and #Multipart request at the same time using Retrofit lib

I am writing a client-server Android application. I need to send a file created by user (photo) to server via POST request. The problem is, that when i try to send a file, i can't add a POST Field to my request. Maybe I'm wrong fundamentally, and this operation should be done another way?
Call<AbstractServerResponse> sendSingleFile(#Query("access-token") String accessToken,
#Query("w") String screenWidth,
#Field("answer_id") Integer answerId,
#Part("file") File fileToUpload);
When i try to send files in a multipart way only, i get an exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: JSON must start with an array or an object.
As I understand, this happends because the body (main part) of the request is empty.
Multipart requests are used when #Multipart is present on the method. Parts are declared using the #Part annotation.
------ from http://square.github.io/retrofit/
I'm using #Multipart in my project like this:
#POST("/{action}")//POST 多个文件
public void PostAPI(
#Path(value = "action", encode = false) String action,
#Part("path") TypedFile[] typedFiles,
#PartMap Map<String, String> params,
Callback<APIResponse> callback);
Maybe u can try this:
Call<AbstractServerResponse> sendSingleFile(
#Query("access-token") String accessToken,
#Query("w") String screenWidth,
#Part("answer_id") Integer answerId,
#Part("file") File fileToUpload);
You cannot use both #FormUrlEncoded and #Multipart on a single method. An HTTP request can only have one Content-Type and both of those are content types.

How #PUT some value in webservice via Retrofit

I wanna send a list of integer with userName and password to WebService some thing like bellow request
UpdateDocumentState(List<int> documentIds, string userName, string password)
But I don't know How to do that ? Use #Post Or #Put ? use #Query Or #Field ? I googled but didn't find any good example or tutorial which explained these well. ( All tutorial I found was about #GET )
could anyone give me some piece of code , how to do that ?
About the use of #PUT or #POST I think you had to get this information from the WebService developers.
Anyway, here sample code for both of Retrofit annotations with or without Callback response.
void postObject(#Body Object object, Callback<Response> callback);
String foo(#Path("path") String thePath);
Object is a custom class which represent the data you had to send to the WebService.
public class DataToSend {
public List<Int> myList;
public String username;
public String password;
For example when the #POST annotation declaration will be:
void postList(#Body DataToSend dataToSend, Callback<Response> callback);
and then you call the method using Retrofit service
yourService.postList(myDataToSend, postCallback);

