Use WebService and get RFT string format. I can't show editable textview or webview.
This is possible in java?
RTF String convert or parse is possible ?
String RTFString = "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf250
{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Monaco;}
\f0\fs26 \cf0 You will need to relaunch Xcode after this install to make it load the plugin.\
This package installs both version 2.x and 1.x of DMD, but you can customize the install to get only one or the other.\
With the two versions installed, D for Xcode uses DMD\'a02.x by default. You can override this setting in your Xcode project on a per-target basis by creating a custom build rule in each target\'92s settings. Alternatively, you can change the system default by typing this command from the terminal:\
\f1\fs22 \cf0 sudo setdmd 1
\f0\fs26 \
\cf0 This will change the symlinks to make the
\f1\fs22 dmd
\f0\fs26 command point to
\f1\fs22 dmd1
\f0\fs26 .}";
Best Regards.
We're upgrading to Delphi 11.1 from 10.4.
We have a few scripts which build and deploy Android projects. They assemble an msbuild command that looked like this:
msbuild someproject.dproj /v:q /p:Platform=Android /t:Build;Deploy /p:Config=Release /p:BT_BuildType=AppStore
With 11.1, this throws an error message:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\bin\CodeGear.Common.Targets(940,7): error MSB4036: The "XmlPeek" task was not found. Check the following: 1.) The name of the task in the project file is the same as the name of the task class. 2.) The task class is "public" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask interface. 3.) The task is correctly declared with <UsingTask> in the project file, or in the *.tasks files located in the "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727" directory. [someproject.dproj]
Now, C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\bin\rsvars.bat, which is used by all of our build scripts, explicitly sets the .NET framework as below:
#SET FrameworkDir=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
#SET FrameworkVersion=v4.5
After some research, I hit on the idea of adding a toolsversion parameter to the msbuild command as below, and this worked:
msbuild someproject.dproj /v:q /p:Platform=Android /t:Build;Deploy /p:Config=Release /p:BT_BuildType=AppStore /toolsversion:4.0
This is all well and good, but I would prefer not to hard-code the toolsversion number in the script(s).
Is there a way I can programmatically obtain the correct value of the toolsversion that Delphi itself is using when it generates builds, etc.?
I assume that just finding the highest .NET version installed will not suffice (and even then, one has to "translate" that to a toolsversion). It has to marry up with whatever Delphi is doing (e.g., in the CodeGear.Common.Targets file referenced in the original error message).
This is a bug in Delphi 11.1 that has at least 3 bug reports: RSP-37855, RSP-38466, and RSP-38467.
You can add /tv:4.0 to your MSBuild command line, or modify the first line in the .dproj file to:
<Project xmlns="" ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build">
Assuming that rsvars.bat has been run,
FOR %%v IN ("%frameworkdir%") DO SET "toolsversion=%%~nv"
ECHO msbuild ...blah... /toolsversion:%toolsversion:~1%
The variable frameworkdir will be set by rsvars.bat. The for command parses its value (eg. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 as though it is a filename, and picks v4.0 as the "filename" (~n modifier [filename] of the metavariable %%v)
Then use the value assigned to toolsversion, starting at character 1 (where the first character is "character 0")
--- Given more info in comment
FOR %%v IN ("%frameworkdir%") DO ECHO %%~nxv|FINDSTR /R ".*\..*\.">nul&IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (SET "toolsversion=%%~nxv") ELSE SET "toolsversion=%%~nv"
Oh ye of little faith :)
I want write simple application in Python for Android using kivy. Sadly when I start example code I see only splash screen and few second later application finish work. There is a huge problem with debugging because adb on Linux Mint does not detect my device.
Can someone look at my code and tell my why?
To build application I use buildozer. You can also see create_env script to check all dependencies are there.
Best regards.
I started debugging my application. Conclusion:
buildozer + python3 + kivy is a bad idea
if I use kivy.uix.button.Button when text attribute is str than I got exception "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'"
if I use kivy.uix.button.Button when text attribute is bytes than I got exception "ValueError: Button.text accept only str"
It looks like loop with no solution. Some idea when I should report it?
Exception is in .buildozer/android/platform/build/build/python-installs/pad/android/" file so it does not look like kivy and/or buildozer exception.
I've used python-for android tool and faced with the same errors. But in my case, app didn't run at all - crashed from splash screen. Finally, I've found a solution. You can try the same way.
So my pipeline was python3 + python-for-android (p4a tool, python-for-android, from master branch) + kivy (1.10.1)
There is a file "_android.pyx" for android building recipe (full list of avaliable p4a recipes you can see by command p4a recipes). This file is, possibly, used by Buildozer, and exactly used by P4A during APK building procedure. You need to fix it.
You may find it's location in Ubuntu (for example) via:
sudo updatedb
locate _android.pyx
It's path should be something like:
There should be a string:
python_act = autoclass(JAVA_NAMESPACE.decode('utf-8') + u'.PythonActivity')
so you should change it - something like this:
python_act = autoclass(str(JAVA_NAMESPACE) + u'.PythonActivity'),
or just use some hardcode:
python_act = autoclass("org/kivy/android/PythonActivity")
Or there might be the other decode() usage in sources.
The reason: differences between Python2 and Python3 - the decode() method is usable on the equivalent binary data type in either Python 2 or 3, but it can’t be used by the textual data type consistently between Python 2 and 3 because str in Python 3 doesn’t have the method decode function has different realisation in Python3. More details are here:
pyporting features
issues p4a's github
Hope, it will help you somehow.
Jenkins successfully create build for Android and then uploads to an S3 server. The build contains environment name, version number that is different for each build. These version number, environments are read from POM profiles. An example URL of s3
I get the file name by this
cd $WORKSPACE/target/
FILE_NAME=$(echo *aligned.apk)
So my link will be
But this is only visible in shell script. I want to use this in an email template so that the Software test engineers can access it. I was looking for a way in which I can temporarily assign this value to a variable and then put that in the email template.
Email template is:
<h4>Git Branch: ${GIT_BRANCH}</h4>
Changes since the last build:
Assuming that the email step is a later part of the Jenkins build process, you'll need to use the EnvInject plugin. From its own example use cases you can: inject variables as a build step obtained from a file filled in by a previous build step.
You could set these when parsing your POM (either in Maven directly, or you could parse it manually with something like a build step using the Groovy plugin and XmlSlurper (we do this actually)), and then they'd be available as environment variables (e.g. $CHANGES, $CAUSE etc) for your email templater script later on.
OK, I'm about to offer two things that are kind of ugly but working perfect:
In both you can put the output (the link you want) in a /tmp/job.output.tmp file and then:
use the post build task plugin - when the work ERROR or EXCEPTION or whatever you want is there, run sendEmail from bash to the people you want with the context of the file.
a little bash and everything is great.
this is probably more nice: use the editable mail notification to send your users the console output / the file in zip / not zipped as you like when the build fails / stable again and such. They have so much options..
My android app does some http requests to my server. However sometimes I am debugging the new api code that runs on my development machine. I would like to be able to pass something (like an environment variable) so in my code, if it's present I would be able to use that as the hostname for the api requests from the android emulator.
So I'm looking for a way to pass something like:
and in my code I would use it somehow, for example:
final static String API_SERVER_REAL = "";
final String apiServerOverride = System.getenv("API_SERVER");
final String API_SERVER = (null != apiServerOverride && !apiServerOverride.isEmpty() ? apiServerOverride : API_SERVER_REAL);
I know this thread is quite old, but in my opinion none of provided answers actually solves the problem. Flavors are ill-suited for parametrizing your build with things like API URLs, and even worse for things like API keys etc.
Firstly, build.gradle which defines flavors is part of project source, therefore it must not contain such information in order to be safely committed into source control systems.
Secondly, a need may arise to test different flavors against different API endpoints/keys. What if you just want to hit some debug http server you just created to solve a bug? Would you create a flavor for that? Probably not... Flavors are good for things like "free flavor" and "premium flavor".
This problem is easily solved using gradles -P flag. You can access gradle properties that are passed this way as regular variables inside your, and you can vary it's behavior accordingly.
If you want to push this flags further into your application you can use Scott's solution that was posted here, combined with the provided flag.
The build command would then probably look like:
$ gradle build -Papiroot=
And in your build.gradle you would define the writeValue task like this:
task writeValue(type:Exec) {
commandLine '/usr/local/bin/adb', 'shell', "echo 'API_SERVER=${apiroot}' > /data/data/"
FYI the -P flag can be easily configured in Android Studio by navigating from the menu:
Run -> Run/Debug Configurations -> Defaults -> Gradle -> Script Parameters
Probably the simplest thing is to write the data you want to pass to a file on the device in /data/data; your Android app can read the device trivially (perhaps make it a .properties file and use java.util.Properties to read it in). To write it out, use this kind of task in your build.gradle file (and use the correct path to the adb command for your setup):
task writeValue(type:Exec) {
commandLine '/usr/local/bin/adb', 'shell', 'echo \'API_SERVER=\' > /data/data/'
There's documentation on Gradle exec tasks at
You can execute this task manually from Android Studio by using the Gradle tasks view:
Due to a bug in Android Studio, you cannot pass vm or script parameters from a gradle configuration. The issue is here.
As a workaround in Linux envs (probably Mac too), you can create a bash configuration where you will be able to add all desired parameters.
I suggest using productFlavors. Each flavor can contain environment specific settings. I simply have a class called 'Environment' which contains all the public static final Strings that I need and each product flavor includes an different version of this class with the values set for the environment.
I want to get list of installed software on remote computer.For that I want to use python script in my android application.Now,I have a python script which is getting the list of installed software on remote computer.But,I don't know how to make it supported in android.
For this, I found SL4A android Scripting here . So, I tried to run my python script in android device using SL4A.But,It's not working and giving me error because some packages like win32.client is missing.I don't know more about SL4A so I don't know how to convert my python script in Android supported form.So,anyone have any idea or code please suggest me.....
Also If anyone have another way to get installed software list from remote Pc then please suggest...
Below is my python script
import wmi
from winreg import (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, OpenKey, EnumValue, QueryValueEx)
c = wmi.WMI(computer="PC02",user="admin",password="a#1",namespace="root/default").StdRegProv
result, names = c.EnumKey (hDefKey=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sSubKeyName=r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall")
print('These subkeys are found under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall"\n\n')
separator = "*" * 80
keyPath = r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
count = 0
while count < len(names):
path = keyPath + "\\" + names[count]
temp = QueryValueEx(key, 'DisplayName')
display = str(temp[0])
print (" Name: "+display+'\n',"key:",names[count])
count += 1
print ("Key:",names[count])
count += 1
Run the script on your remote computer, and expose the list of installed software on HTTP, a good way to write this simple web app is to use flask and its development server to serve the list of installed software, then write a python script which uses the native android web interface to fetch the list and display it.
You are having problems with missing libraries because you are importing windows specific ones. At any rate, this isn't the correct script to be running. This script seems to be for a computer, not an android phone.
You're trying to use a Python script that uses Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), on a device that doesn't have that library.
Sadly, WMI on Python requires the win32 library, which is only available on Windows. I don't think you're going to have much success on checking the installed programs on remote Windows computer from an Android device in this way.
Since WMI is based on WBEM, you may be able to use wbem to access it; you might want to try using pywbem, a pure python wbem library.
Running python scripts is now achievable in gradle system using Tasks
task pythonFile(type:Exec) {
workingDir 'src_path'
commandLine 'python', ''