Offset in Tilting Phone. Accelerometer Bug - android

I am making a somewhat-racing game. The car automatically moves forward, but to turn it sideways, I measure the rotation of the phone. Since I have to measure the acceleration on the x axis, I use:
Direction.x = Input.acceleration.x * Time.deltaTime;
Transform.translate (Direction.x * 5f);
When I play the game, the car rotates how I want it to when I tilt the phone on the x-axis. However, the problem is when I place the phone on the table, the car travels left super slowly, which doesn't make sense since it is at a 0 degree angle. To make sure this wasn't because of the table surface, I played it in Unity Simultator and same thing happened. The car travels left super slowly. When I debug.log, it says that Direction.x is about -0.000147..., a super small number. Is there any way to fix this problem, so that when the phone is still, the car's Direction.X will be 0, or is something wrong with my code.

Sometimes in Unity Translate function glitches, because better use of standard operations with vectors. Just try to cut the minimum values of the accelerometer:
float min_value = 0.01f
if(Mathf.Abs(Input.acceleration.x) < min_value)
Direction.x = Input.acceleration.x * Time.deltaTime;
Direction.x = 0;
transform.position = transform.position + Direction.x * 5f;


Android accelerometer calibration?

How come the accelerometer values I get from Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER are slightly offset? I don't mean by gravity, but by some small error that varies from axis to axis and phone to phone.
Can I calibrate the accelerometer? Or is there a standard way of compensating for these errors?
I'm developing an app that has a need for as precise acceleration measurements as possible (mainly vertical acceleration, i.e. same direction as gravity).
I've been doing A LOT of testing, and it turns out that the raw values I get from Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER are off. If I let the phone rest at a perfectly horizontal surface with the screen up, the accelerometer shows a Z-value of 9.0, where it should be about 9.81. Likewise, if I put the phone in portrait or landscape mode, the X- and Y- accelerometer values show about 9.6. instead of 9.81.
This of course affects my vertical acceleration, as I'm using SensorManager.getRotationMatrixFromVector(), to calculate the vertical acceleration, resulting in a vertical acceleration that is off by a different amount depending on the rotation of the device.
Now, before anyone jumps the gun and mentions that I should try using Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION instead, I must point out that I'm actually doing that as well, parallel to the TYPE_ACCELERATION. By using the gravity sensor I then calculate the vertical acceleration (as described in this answer). The funny thing is that I get EXACTLY the same result as the method that uses the raw accelerometer, SensorManager.getRotationMatrixFromVector() and matrix multiplication (and finally subtracting gravity).
The only way I'm able to get almost exactly zero vertical acceleration for a stationary phone in any rotation is to get the raw accelerometer values, add an offset (from earlier observations, i.e. X+0.21, Y+0.21 and Z+0.81) and then performing the rotation matrix stuff to get the world coordinate system accelerations. Note that since it's not just the calculated vertical acceleration that is wrong - it's actually the raw values from Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, which I would think excludes other error sources like gyroscope sensor, etc?
I have tested this on two different phones (Samsung Galaxy S5 and Sony Xperia Z3 compact), and both have these accelerometer value deviances - but of course not the same values on both phones.
How come the the values of Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER are off, and is there a better way of "calibrating" the accelerometer than simply observing how much they deviate from gravity and adding the difference to the values before using them?
You should calibrate gains, offsets, and angle of the 3 accelerometers.
Unfortunately it's not possible to deepen the whole topic here.
I'll write a small introduction, describing the basic concept, and then I'll post a link to the code of a simple Clinometer that implements the calibration.
The calibration routine could be done with 7 misurations (calculate the mean value of a good number of samples) in different ortogonal positions at your choice, in order to have all +-0 and +-g values of your accelerometers. For example:
STEP 1 = Lay flat
STEP 2 = Rotate 180°
STEP 3 = Lay on the left side
STEP 4 = Rotate 180°
STEP 5 = Lay vertical
STEP 6 = Rotate 180° upside-down
STEP 7 = Lay face down
Then you can use the 7 measurements mean[][] to calculate offsets and gains:
calibrationOffset[0] = (mean[0][2] + mean[0][3]) / 2;
calibrationOffset[1] = (mean[1][4] + mean[1][5]) / 2;
calibrationOffset[2] = (mean[2][0] + mean[2][6]) / 2;
calibrationGain[0] = (mean[0][2] - mean[0][3]) / (STANDARD_GRAVITY * 2);
calibrationGain[1] = (mean[1][4] - mean[1][5]) / (STANDARD_GRAVITY * 2);
calibrationGain[2] = (mean[2][0] - mean[2][6]) / (STANDARD_GRAVITY * 2);
using the values of mean[axis][step], where STANDARD_GRAVITY = 9.81.
Then apply the Gain and Offset Corrections to measurements:
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
mean[0][i] = (mean[0][i] - calibrationOffset[0]) / calibrationGain[0];
mean[1][i] = (mean[1][i] - calibrationOffset[1]) / calibrationGain[1];
mean[2][i] = (mean[2][i] - calibrationOffset[2]) / calibrationGain[2];
and finally calculates the correction angles:
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
angle[0][i] = (float) (Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(mean[0][i]
/ Math.sqrt(mean[0][i] * mean[0][i] + mean[1][i] * mean[1][i] + mean[2][i] * mean[2][i]))));
angle[1][i] = (float) (Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(mean[1][i]
/ Math.sqrt(mean[0][i] * mean[0][i] + mean[1][i] * mean[1][i] + mean[2][i] * mean[2][i]))));
angle[2][i] = (float) (Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(mean[2][i]
/ Math.sqrt(mean[0][i] * mean[0][i] + mean[1][i] * mean[1][i] + mean[2][i] * mean[2][i]))));
calibrationAngle[2] = (angle[0][0] + angle[0][1])/2; // angle 0 = X axis
calibrationAngle[1] = -(angle[1][0] + angle[1][1])/2; // angle 1 = Y axis
calibrationAngle[0] = -(angle[1][3] - angle[1][2])/2; // angle 2 = Z axis
You can find a simple but complete implementation of a 3-axis calibration in this opensource Clinometer app:
There is also the APK and the link of the Google Play Store if you want to try it.
You can find the calibration routine in;
The calibration parameters are applied in
Furthermore, you can find a very good technical article that deepens the 3-axis calibration here:

Moving object to touch position acting unexpectedly

Good evening, quick question.
Im developing a top-down 2D platformer game in Unity3D. Here is a picture of the game.
I have pretty much everything worked out on a desktop, but when attempting to set up the controls for mobile, I can't seem to get it to work the way it should. All I need is to get the player to move in the direction of wherever the user touches the screen. With the current code im using, the player just rotates in 4 directions, up, down, left and right. He also moves a little, but never goes far from his spawn point.
Please take a look at my revised code:
public Camera camera;
public float movespeed = 0;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
movespeed = 2.75F;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (Input.touchCount > 0) {
// The screen has been touched so store the touch
Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(0);
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved) {
// If the finger is on the screen, move the object smoothly to the touch position
Vector3 touchPosition = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(touch.position.x, touch.position.y, -13));
Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.position - touchPosition, Vector3.back);
transform.rotation = rot;
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (0, 0, transform.eulerAngles.z);
rigidbody2D.angularVelocity = 0;
//float input = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, touchPosition, Time.deltaTime);
Any ideas on how I can get my player to move to the touched are of the screen? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
If I have understood correctly, you want your player game object to move towards the point on the screen that is being touched. I think it's probably best to describe the behavior of your code so that you can hopefully better understand what might be happening.
From the code posted, I can see one possible issue. Look again at this line:
Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.position - touchPosition, Vector3.back);
Here, you are asking Unity to calculate the unit quaternion that represents a rotation from the direction of Vector3.forward to the direction from of the player game object from the touch position. This probably isn't what you want. From the description of the problem, you want the game object to rotate to face the point on the screen being touched (rather than the opposite direction). You can either change the order of the subtraction operands or, preferably, use instead the Transform.LookAt method.
After this, you update the transform's rotation:
transform.rotation = rot;
That's fine, but note that you wouldn't need to do this when using Transform.LookAt.
You then set the transform's rotation again using in this line:
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (0, 0, transform.eulerAngles.z);
I'm not entirely sure why you are doing this. If you only want one axis of rotation, you can use, for example:
transform.LookAt(new Vector3(touchPosition.x, touchPosition.y, transform.position.z))
This should rotate the player's transform around the z-axis to look in the direction of the point being touched.
Finally, you linearly interpolate the transform's position from its current position to the point being touched:
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, touchPosition, Time.deltaTime);
This isn't necessary. Instead, you should just move the player's transform forward. The player should be looking in the direction of the touched screen point. Hence, translating the player forward will move the player towards said screen point:
transform.position += transform.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime;
When the player is very close to the touched screen point it will overshoot and immediately rotate to look in the opposite direction. This will occur repeatedly. You should include some distance that specifies when the player is assumed to have reached the target point.

Android, using gps and compass to point towards coordinate

I'm trying to make an app that points you toward a position. You press a button and it stores the gps coordinates, then calculates things like distance and the angle you need to face. Then it leads you back to that remembered position by "pointing" toward it using an onscreen compass graphic.
At least, it's supposed to. After messing with the code for hours, I've come to the conclusion that there's just a logic error somewhere due to my lack of trig practice over the past few years.
The compass and GPS position are updated fairly frequently. This is the code in my main update call for the user interface that rotates the compass and displays the distance.
public void updateUI(){
double deltaX = targetLongitude - currentLongitude;
double deltaY = targetLatitude - currentLatitude;
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2));
double rotation = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(deltaX,deltaY));
rotateCompass(rotation - degreesClockwiseFromNorth);
and the code for rotateCompass:
public void rotateCompass(double degrees){
degrees -= currentRotation; //calculates necessary rotation across updates
currentRotation += degrees;
(float) degrees,
compass.getDrawable().getBounds().width() / 2,
compass.getDrawable().getBounds().height() / 2);
I'm almost certain my rotation code works because when I replace
rotateCompass(rotation - degreesClockwiseFromNorth);
rotateCompass(0 - degreesClockwiseFromNorth);
it points north right alongside a real compass regardless of the direction I'm facing. But when I use the former, it points towards a consistent point, but that point seems to be nowhere near the target point.
So I've come to the conclusion my error is either in calculating the correct angle, or expecting the gps to be too precise. I haven't tested it for distances further than what I can in my backyard, but I assume that if it was a gps accuracy issue I'd see my compass jumping all over the place rather than adamantly pointing in a wrong direction.
Thanks for reading, any suggestions or corrections are appreciated.
Your math is all screwed up because the distance between 2 degrees of longitude is not the same as 2 degrees of latitude. In fact, it isn't even a constant length for longitude- its shorted by the poles and longest at the equator. Use the Location.distanceTo functions instead.

Calibrating 3d Accelerometer for 2d Game

I am making a 2d game. The phone is held horizontally and a character moves up/down & left/right to avoid obstacles. The character is controlled by the accelerometer on the phone. Everything works fine if the player doesn't mind (0,0) (the point where the character stands still) being when the phone is held perfectly flat. In this scenario it's possible to just read the Y and X values directly and use them to control the character. The accelerometer values are between -10 and 10 (they get multiplied by an acceleration constant to decide the movement speed of the character), libgdx is the framework used.
The problem is that having (0,0) isn't very comfortable, so the idea is to calibrate it so that 0,0 will be set to the phones position at a specific point in time.
Which brings me to my question, how would I do this? I tried just reading the current X and Y values then subtracting it. The problem with that is that when the phone is held at a 90 degree angle then the X offset value is 10 (which is the max value) so it ends up becoming impossible to move because the value will never go over 10 (10-10 = 0). The Z axis has to come into play here somehow, I'm just not sure how.
Thanks for the help, I tried explaining as best as I can, I did try searching for the solution, but I don't even know what the proper term is for what I'm looking for.
An old question, but I am providing the answer here as I couldn't find a good answer for Android or LibGDX anywhere. The code below is based on a solution someone posted for iOS (sorry, I have lost the reference).
You can do this in three parts:
Capture a vector representing the neutral direction:
Vector3 tiltCalibration = new Vector3(
Gdx.input.getAccelerometerZ() );
Transform this vector into a rotation matrix:
public void initTiltControls( Vector3 tiltCalibration ) {
Vector3.tmp.set( 0, 0, 1 );
Vector3.tmp2.set( tiltCalibration ).nor();
Quaternion rotateQuaternion = new Quaternion().setFromCross( Vector3.tmp, Vector3.tmp2 );
Matrix4 m = new Matrix4( Vector3.Zero, rotateQuaternion, new Vector3( 1f, 1f, 1f ) );
this.calibrationMatrix = m.inv();
Whenever you need inputs from the accelerometer, first run them through the rotation matrix:
public void handleAccelerometerInputs( float x, float y, float z ) {
Vector3.tmp.set( x, y, z );
Vector3.tmp.mul( this.calibrationMatrix );
x = Vector3.tmp.x;
y = Vector3.tmp.y;
z = Vector3.tmp.z;
[use x, y and z here]
For a simple solution you can look at the methods:
Gdx.input.getAzimuth(), Gdx.input.getPitch(), Gdx.input.getRoll()
The downside is that those somehow use the internal compass to give your devices rotation compared to North/South/East/West. I did only test that very shortly so I'm not 100% sure about it though. Might be worth a look.
The more complex method involves some trigonometry, basically you have to calculate the angle the phone is held at from Gdx.input.getAccelerometerX/Y/Z(). Must be something like (for rotation along the longer side of the phone):
Math.atan(Gdx.input.getAccelerometerX() / Gdx.input.getAccelerometerZ());
For both approaches you then store the initial angle and subtract it later on again. You have to watch out for the ranges though, I think Math.atan(...) is within -Pi and Pi.
Hopefully that'll get you started somehow. You might search for "Accelerometer to pitch/roll/rotation" and similar, too.

Android orientation as steering - roll corrupting pitch?

I am working on a project which includes an Android application which is used for
Speed: When you tilt the phone forward/backwards (pitch) it simulates giving gas and breaking.
Direction: When you tilt the phone left/right (roll) it simulates steering to the left and right.
I have already written some code which seemed to work fine. But when I took a closer look, I found that some values are acting weird.
When I tilt the phone forward/backward to handle the speed it works perfect I get the expected speed and direction values. But when I tilt the phone to the left/right to handle the direction it seems to corrupt some values. When it is tilting to the left/right that doesn't only change the direction value (roll) but it also affects the speed value (pitch).
For extra information:
Programming for Android 2.2
Device is an Google Nexus One
Holding the device in portrait
The most relevant code I use to read the sensor values is as follows:
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent sensorEvent)
synchronized (this)
if (sensorEvent.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION)
float azimuth = sensorEvent.values[0]; // azimuth rotation around the z-axis
float pitch = sensorEvent.values[1]; // pitch rotation around the x-axis
float roll = sensorEvent.values[2]; // roll rotation around the y-axis
System.out.println("pitch: " + pitch);
System.out.println("roll: " + roll);
// Convert the sensor values to the actual speed and direction values
float speed = (pitch * 2.222f) + 200;
float direction = roll * -2.222f;
So when I run the code, and I look at the printed values. When tilting the device left/right, it seems to affect the pitch value as well. How come? And how can I get the pure pitch value, when 'roll'-ing? So that tilting the phone to the left/right doesn't affect/corrupt the pitch value.
You could read up on Gimbal lock. That's bitten me before.

