How to make a dialog like this example? - android

How to make a dialog like this example? (On the RIGHT)
If you look close, the dialog overlap the status bar and it has a very tiny margin from smartphone border...
How can I do this?

It looks like a dialog. Try to create a custom Activity as Dialog with some views. I hope it helps you.
Android Activity as a dialog


Alert dialog with an arrow on button

can somebody explain me how to do this alert dialog with an arrow on button? Thank you.
There are various cases where you can use.
I suggest you to use this library (ShowCaseView).
It has something like an arrow for each item.

Issue with dialog box using AppCompatActivity

When I switch from Activity to AppCompatActivity in Android development, the dialog box seems to have a UI issue.
Here's how the dialog buttons look like using Activity:
Here's how the dialog buttons look like using AppCompatActivity:
Crop Photo is the Positive button, Full Photo is the neutral button, and the cancel buttons looks out of place. Can this be fixed or do I overlook anything?
I have also tried using import or the default android AlertDialog, both result is the same.
This is how material design works. The affirmative action (the positive button) is always placed on the right, then on the left of it is the dismissive action.
Technically the guideline says that "Dialogs should not include more than two actions.", but it is fine if it doesn't leave the dialog in an indeterminate state. However, you may want to create your own dialog layout with a list instead of relying simply on the action buttons if you think the look-and-feel is bad.

Is there a way to show an Android dialog without graying out the back drop?

I want to pop open a DatePickerDialog in a certain screen, but I am required to not grey out the rest of the screen (the view behind the dialog) when the DatePickerDialog window opens. Is there a way to achieve this?
You probably would want to create your own custom dialog. You can extend DialogFramgent and change it accordingly.
See the Android doc HERE for a great example.
Or, use PopupWindow if you want a popover dialog with control of the background, see this SO post.

alertdialogbox should popup from the bottom of the screen?

I have an alert dialog box in my application.i want the alert dialog box to pop up from the bottom of the screen.can anyone help me??
Animation Api may be what you are looking for.
check this answer slide animation. Its like a iphone actionsheet sliding from bottom to center of the screen
I had done this customizing a dialog and adding a animated theme to the dialog. Its was so simple just passing the animation to the constructor of the dialog and calling the super function with the theme(Animation) will make this happen. Thankzz for all your help....happy coding....

Android create two dialog in one activity

I'm really interested if I can create two dialogs in Android in same time in one activity. Here is what I want to achieve : I want to have a circle progress bar with a cancel button and at the bottom of my activity to have a horizontal progress dialog which indicates some calculations. Is there any option to create something like this or similar to this?
Thanks in Advance!
There is no reason why the synchronizing bar, progress bar, and cancel button could not be part of the same dialog that has a transparent background.
You can call
ProgressDialog#getWindow#setGravity(...) to change the gravity.
ProgressDialog dialog =, "Test", "On the bottom");
You cannot show multiple dialogs at the same time, however you can create an activity with a transparent background which looks like two different dialogs.

