Android stripe receive payment? - android

I have to integrate stripe to receive payment. So, my basic concept is that there will be some service providers and the consumers. so the consumers will be able to book a service then pay for the same.I have already implemented the consumer side payment now I have to receive the payment from consumers. so in service provider side i need to configure the bank account for receiving the payment.
Let me explain the steps I'm going to follow
Listing the supported banks by stripe
1.1) I couldn't find any doc for listing the stripe supported bank in theire doc
Select any bank then add the credentiols for the choosen
Save the token for the particular
Verify account
Getting paid from consumers
Pl. help me any experienced one if any flaw in my understandings & help me to overcome the blockers

Let me explain the steps for adding an account to receive payment using stripe.
there are two ways to verify your account
Using Plaid
Manually collecting and verifying bank accounts
Here I illustrating the second solution
Step 1
The first thing we have to do is that collecting user account details to create a stripe token which need to send to our server.
Setting up token metadata
Map<String, Object> tokenParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map<String, Object> bank_accountParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
bank_accountParams.put("country", "US");
bank_accountParams.put("currency", "usd");
bank_accountParams.put("account_holder_name", "name");
bank_accountParams.put("account_holder_type", "individual");
bank_accountParams.put("routing_number", "number");
bank_accountParams.put("account_number", "a/c no");
tokenParams.put("bank_account", bank_accountParams);
Create token
Token token = null;
try {
token = Token.create(params[0]);
} catch (AuthenticationException e) {
error = e.getMessage();
Send token id to server for later verification
Step 2
Receiving a representative token in return. Once you have that, attach it to a Stripe customer in your account
// Set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production
// See your keys here:
Stripe.apiKey = "sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2";
// Get the bank token submitted by the form
String tokenID = request.getParameter("stripeToken");
// Create a Customer
Map<String, Object> customerParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
customerParams.put("source", tokenID);
customerParams.put("description", "Example customer");
Customer customer = Customer.create(customerParams);
After adding the bank account to a customer, it needs to be verified. When using Stripe without Plaid, verification is done via two small deposits into the bank account that Stripe will automatically send. These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on the customer’s online statement. The statement description for these deposits will be VERIFICATION. Your customer will need to relay the value of the two deposits to you.
When accepting these values, be sure to note that there is a limit of 10 failed verification attempts. Once this limit has been crossed, the bank account will be unable to be verified. Careful messaging about what these microdeposits are and how they are used can help your end customers avoid this issue. Once you have these values, you can verify the bank account:
// Set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production
// See your keys here:
Stripe.apiKey = "sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2";
// get the existing bank account
Customer customer = Customer.retrieve("cus_7iLOlPKxhQJ75a");
ExternalAccount source = customer.getSources().retrieve("ba_17SHwa2eZvKYlo2CUx7nphbZ");
// verify the account
Map params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
ArrayList amounts = new ArrayList();
params.put("amounts", amounts);
Once the bank account is verified, you can make charges against it.
Stripe ACH
Creating Charges
Samples using stripe


Token is not from a supported provider of this identity pool Amazon Mobile Hub Android

When I click Google Login I'm getting Token in onActivityResult method using the below code:
GoogleSignInAccount account = result.getSignInAccount();
String token = account.getIdToken();
credentialsProvider = new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider(
Login.this, // Context
"My Pool ID", // Identity Pool ID
Regions.US_EAST_1 // Region
I have added the Google client ID in Cognito using manage Federated Identities.
I have cross checked all the keys in IAM, everything seems to be perfect.
final Map<String, String> logins = new HashMap<String, String>();
logins.put("", account.getIdToken());
When I try to get the identity ID using the below code I'm getting error - Token is not from a supported provider of this identity pool.
What could be the mistake?
In my case, I had a trailing slash in my IAM identity provider for, like this:
The one with the trailing slash is wrong; the one without the trailing slash works correctly. It's interesting that AWS will fetch the same thumbprint for both of those.
In the AWS IAM console under Accounts > Providers >, add the key for "Android client for com.example.yourstuff (auto created by Google Service)" as an audience. It looks something like "" (Then, when you're debugging, go ahead and all the rest of the keys as audience entries; you can go back later and figure out which ones you can remove.)
In the call to GoogleSignInOptions.Builder, you need a call to #requestIdToken using your web application key under OAuath 2.0 client IDs on the Goole APIs > API Manager > Credentials page:
(The token can get cached; if you run your app with the requestIdToken call, then remove the requestIdToken call, and run again, you can still get a result from a call to getIdToken() on the GoogleSignInAccount object.)
The google login code will eventually give you a GoogleSignInAccount object. Call #getIdToken on that object to get a string (in my case, it's 83 chars) that you're going to put in the login hash:
// pseudocode...
private fun fn(x: GoogleSignInAccount) {
val token = x.idToken // getIdToken if you're still using Java
val logins = HashMap<String, String>()
logins.put("", token);
credentialsProvider.logins = logins
If you don't have the right key listed in IAM > Providers >, you'll get a NotAuthorizedException(Invalid login token. Incorrect token audience.) exception.
If you added that extra slash to, you'll get a NotAuthorizedException(Token is not from a supported provider of this identity pool.)
If you try to add to the login hash like this (don't do this, fix the IAM identity provider name instead):
logins.put("", token);
You'll get a NotAuthorizedException(Invalid login token. Issuer doesn't match providerName) exception.
If you use the wrong token you'll get a NotAuthorizedException (Invalid login token. Token signature invalid.) exception.
(I suspect there are many other ways to fail; these are just the one's I've found.)
First check if you are using correct user pool id.
If yes then open aws cognito console , select Federated Identities then select identity pool you are passing in "Auth.configure". Then click "Edit identity pool" then goto tab "Authentication providers". Under it, first tab is of "Cognito", press unlock of User Pool ID and App client id and pass correct value there.
Then you will able to login successfully.
You need to add the Google Provider App ID in your backend configuration with Cognito to make it work correctly. You can do that from Cognito Console or Mobile Hub Console having your pool id.

Stripe.apiKey not resolving in Android

I'm using Stripe as a payment processor in my Android app and trying to charge a card as described by the documentation:
My issue specifically is that it can not resolve Stripe.apiKey, or can not resolve symbol apiKey
The code that I'm implementing from the documentation:
// Set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production
// See your keys here:
Stripe.apiKey = "sk_test_********************";//this is where i hit a wall
// Token is created using Stripe.js or Checkout!
// Get the payment token submitted by the form:
String token = request.getParameter("stripeToken");
// Charge the user's card:
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("amount", 1000);
params.put("currency", "usd");
params.put("description", "Example charge");
params.put("source", token);
Charge charge = Charge.create(params);
I have also imported import*; at the top of my file.
In my Gradle file I have imported the Stripe libraries:
compile 'com.stripe:stripe-android:2.0.2'
Why isn't Android able to resolve Stripe.apiKey?
The code you provided is server-side Java code for creating a charge using a token. It is not meant to be used from an Android application.
A payment flow with Stripe is divided in two steps:
client-side, in your frontend code, you collect and tokenize the user's payment information (using Checkout or Stripe.js for a web application, or the iOS / Android SDKs for a native mobile application)
server-side, in your backend code, you use the resulting token in an API request, e.g. to create a charge or a customer object.
The first step is done with your publishable API key (pk_...). The second step is done with your secret API key (sk_...).
You must never share the secret API key with your frontend code, otherwise an attacker could retrieve it and use it to issue API requests on your behalf.
To solve Stripe.apikey cannot resolve, change Stripe.apiKey to
com.stripe.Stripe.apiKey = "Your secret";
Try: Stripe stripe = new Stripe("pk_test_6pRNASCoBOKtIshFeQd4XMUh");
For more info check out:

The 'destination' param cannot be set to your own account. Stripe

I create a manage account . And I create another test account for send payment to it. I want to get payment with managed account get application fee for it. and I will send the remaining of the payment to test account .
Stripe.apiKey = "sk_test_...";
Map<String, Object> chargeParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
chargeParams.put("amount", 1000);
chargeParams.put("currency", "usd");
chargeParams.put("source", {TOKEN});
chargeParams.put("destination", {CONNECTED_STRIPE_ACCOUNT_ID});
But I get this exception "The 'destination' param cannot be set to your own account". I dont know where I make mistake.
You should not be creating charges directly from your Android app.
The only part of the payment flow that takes place directly in a mobile app is the collection and tokenization of the customer's payment information, through the use of Stripe's Android SDK. This is done with your publishable API key.
All other operations require the use of your secret API key, which should never be embedded or shared in any way with your mobile app, as it would then be easy for an attacker to retrieve it and use it to access your account.
Once you've collected the customer's payment information and created a token, you need to send this token to a backend server where you can use it to create a charge or a customer.
In regard to the specific error you're seeing, it's happening because you set the destination parameter to your own account's ID. When creating charges through the platform, the destination parameter must be set to the ID of an account that is connected to your platform, not your own platform's account ID.

Invalid OAUTH access token, when using an application access token, Android

As the title says, when I try to request to get the friends list with the field installed:
I get the following error in my logcat:
"Invalid OAuth access token"
When looking on the facebook api I see that installed needs to take an application access token. So I generated the application access token using the appId and app Secret using:
Below is the code:
try {
JSONObject obj = Util.parseJson(mFacebook.request("me/friends?fields=installed&access_token=..."));
Log.d("json Response", obj.toString());
JSONArray array = obj.optJSONArray("data");
if (array != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
// String name = array.getJSONObject(i).getString("name");
String id = array.getJSONObject(i).getString("id");
Log.d("Friends: ",id);
}catch (Exception e){
Log.d("Friends:", e.getMessage());
Any one any ideas why its doing this I have been searching for ages.
What you are getting after authentication is App Access Token.
Quoting : Authenticating as an App allows you to obtain an access token which allows you to make request to the Facebook API on behalf of an App rather than a User. This is useful, for example to modify the parameters of your App, create and manage test users, or read your application's insights for example. App access tokens can also be used to publish content to Facebook on behalf of a user who has granted a publishing permission to your application
from facebook docs.
What you need for your case is an user access token. Refer this.
A user needs to authenticate and grant access to your app for you have access to his friends list.
For checking for a single user the url is{uid}?fields=installed&access_token=< ACCESS_TOKEN >
You are trying to get user friend list and then check if the app is installed. I don't think getting user friend list is possible without user access token.
Assuming from your comment that you have the list of frind's. Then you need not call for each user instead you can use FQL. uid,is_app_user from user where uid IN (uid1,uid2)
And if you have the user access token then you can directly do. uid,is_app_user from user where uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())
Hope this solves your problem.
Don’t request /me/friends – because with an app access token the API won’t know who „me” is supposed to be – request /userid/friends instead.
Sorry, I was wrong before – the way to go is with an user access token, and just setting the request up against /me/friends…

Using authToken for Google Health Data

We have developed and published an app for Google Health. Now we want to avoid every time logging into the gmail account by asking username and password.
So as to do this i have heard that I can have following options.
1. OAuth
2. Account Manager
The problem with OAuth is that it will go via Android -> Web App -> Health path so i will need to develop an web app as well which we dont wish to do it right now.
So I am trying to use Account Manager, here is my code with which I could get list of accounts and an valid authToken for the selected account.
AccountManager mgr = AccountManager.get(getApplicationContext());
System.out.println("Got account manager");
Account[] accts = mgr.getAccounts();
Account acct = accts[0];
AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> accountManagerFuture = mgr.getAuthToken(acct, "android", null, this, null, null);
Bundle authTokenBundle = accountManagerFuture.getResult();
System.out.println("Account name "+accts[0].name);
String authToken = authTokenBundle.get(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN).toString();
System.out.println("Got token:"+authToken);
But now I am confused about how to use this token to access the health data.
For getting the demographic feed we used the following code,where we explicitly made user to login into our application.
String queryURL = "" + profileId +"/-/DEMOGRAPHICS";
getDemoGrInfoQuery = new Query(new URL(queryURL));
Feed dempGrResultFeed;
globals = new Globals();
dempGrResultFeed = healthService.query(getDemoGrInfoQuery, Feed.class);
And thus we used to get the Feed using the URL.
And now I want to skip the login process and use the above authToken for retrieving the feed. How can this be done?
Any help would be really appreciated!!!
Thanks in advance,
As the standard OAuth procedure is supposed to work, you open the OAuth URL in a WebView (or anything similar) with all the required parameters, users provide Google (not your app) with their user name and password, then google gives you a token which you can use for your future communications.
This way the user doesn't have to give you their login credentials. They give it only to google, and google gives you a token which will authenticate your app every time you use it.
I think you should be good to go with this, since it requires you to open a WebView only once, unless the user logs out of google using your application or denies access to your application.
After getting the token, you just start polling google with that token and never ask user for their login credentials. quite seamless.
After our conversation in chat, let me tell you that you'll have to register an application with google, which will give you an appID, this appID will be used by your Android app to tell google that it is requesting permission on behalf of the Application which this appID refers to.
open the Google OAUth with all the parameters, google will give you a code
use that code and create a POST request again to google, and google will now return a long lasting AccessToken
You can then use this AccessToken in all your future communications

