I have a Cordova app, using the push plugin.
On the server I am sending the GCM messages with node-gcm.
I receive notifications just fine, for iOS and Android, and they open the app when clicked, however on Android the 'notification' event does not fire.
push.on('notification', function(data) {
alert('got PUSH!');
If the app is running in the foreground then I get the 'got PUSH!' alert, but when the app is in the background and I click the push notification when it arrives, it opens the app but does not alert 'got PUSH!'.
How can I get the 'notification' event to fire after the app opens?
Here is the gcm Message I am sending to the device:
"params": {
"notification": {
"title": "SO post demo",
"body": "THIS IS A TEST!",
"icon": "ic_launcher",
"sound": true
I believe that I need to have something in the notification payload to solve this, but nothing I have tried gets that event to fire when the app opens from the background.
Here are a couple of things that I have tried:
Using "content-available" (as suggested here), using message.addData:
"params": {
"notification": {
"title": "SO post demo",
"body": "THIS IS A TEST!",
"icon": "ic_launcher",
"sound": true
"data": {
"info": "super secret info",
"content-available": "1"
Same again, but putting my params in the json I use to make the Message:
"params": {
"notification": {
"title": "SO post demo",
"body": "THIS IS A TEST!",
"icon": "ic_launcher",
"sound": true,
"info": "super secret info",
"content-available": "1"
In methodically creating this question I found the answer.
I needed my payload to look like this:
"params": {
"data": {
"title": "SO post demo",
"body": "THIS IS A TEST!",
"icon": "ic_launcher",
"sound": true
This messes up the notification icon that displays (it is a zoomed in version) but, at this stage, I can live with that.
This is how I am sending a FCM notification to my Android device through Postman.
"to": "<fcm_token>",
"notification": {
"title": "Title",
"body": "Body",
"tag": "bar"
"notification": {
"tag": "foo"
But the tag neither works in notification.tag nor in android.notification.tag part. I keep seeing old notifications, they are not dismissed (overwritten by new one).
What am I doing wrong?
I'm using Firebase to send message across iOS & Android devices. I follow the document of google but it's still not working.
In the document, they gave an example
"title":"Match update",
"body":"Arsenal goal in added time, score is now 3-0"
"apns": {
"headers": {
"apns-priority": "5",
"payload": {
"aps": {
and I replaced some placeholders of this example with my Firebase configurations then I ran Postman and it returned 400 bad Request
"title":"Match update",
"body":"Arsenal goal in added time, score is now 3-0"
"notification": {
"apns": {
"headers": {
"apns-priority": "5"
"payload": {
"aps": {
But when I changed it. Set to & notification to the first level of json. My iOS device displayed a notification.
"to": "dRnhMNngY02mofqQ-5no8K:APA91bEcaaZ3QBWTdZfN3hU1tJzy6_ChW4FMArXbbWvT-8wq11TDN2jLy7uaT-Wzjq_xAzPqZfVje5_n54pVLnCfUUPTp_EuS3CykGnysHO0BeJn0TEgP-czc_y2kdyVMW-39mlSh8-t",
"notification": {
"title": "Match update",
"body": "Arsenal goal in added time, score is now 3-0"
}"message": {
"token": "dRnhMNngY02mofqQ-5no8K:APA91bEcaaZ3QBWTdZfN3hU1tJzy6_ChW4FMArXbbWvT-8wq11TDN2jLy7uaT-Wzjq_xAzPqZfVje5_n54pVLnCfUUPTp_EuS3CykGnysHO0BeJn0TEgP-czc_y2kdyVMW-39mlSh8-t",
"notification": {
"title": "Match update",
"body": "Arsenal goal in added time, score is now 3-0"
"android": {
"ttl": "86400s",
"notification": {
"click_action": "OPEN_ACTIVITY_1"
"apns": {
"headers": {
"apns-priority": "5"
"payload": {
"aps": {
"webpush": {
"headers": {
"TTL": "86400"
I don't know why the example of Firebase from Google is not working? Moreover, I tried to send to my Android device, it said "InvalidRegistration" message but when I tested sending message in https://console.firebase.google.com -> Cloud Messaging -> Compose notification. I pasted the same token that I used to test Android and it worked...
Really confused?!
I found several articles and test but it did work for me. I just want to have a structure of json file to work for both iOS and Android (also need to send both type of message as: notification & data)
Can anyone help me to fix this issue?
Thank you a lot,
Just want to up this question and not to be missed
I am trying to send image in push notification from firebase console but it doesn't work, so i tried to send from the postman but it doesn't work either. I tried other parameters like icon, image, media_url, mediaImgUrl..etc from Internet in the body.
Help me out here so that i can send image in notification.
"to": "tokennnnnnnnnnnn............",
"content_available": true,
"mutable_content": true,
"message": "Hey!",
"icon": ".....farm.png"
"body": "Topic",
"sound": "default",
"icon": ".....farm.png"
Try sending image with this payload :
"token" : "bk3RNwTe3H0:CI2k_HHwgIpoDKCIZvvDMExUdFQ3P1...",
"android": {
"notification": {
"body" : "This is an FCM notification that displays an image.!",
"title" : "FCM Notification",
"image": "url-to-image"
I'm building an offline/installable Progressive Web App (PWA) with a Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) backend.
Is it possible to generate an Android push notification with 2 buttons for an installed PWA? Here is an example:
Yes, this is possible over the new FCM REST API:
Payload Example:
"message": {
"webpush": {
"notification": {
"title": "Fish Photos 🐟",
"Thanks for signing up for Fish Photos! You now will receive fun daily photos of fish!",
"icon": "firebase-logo.png",
"image": "guppies.jpg",
"data": {
"notificationType": "fishPhoto",
"photoId": "123456"
"click_action": "https://example.com/fish_photos",
"actions": [
"title": "Like",
"action": "like",
"icon": "icons/heart.png"
"title": "Unsubscribe",
"action": "unsubscribe",
"icon": "icons/cross.png"
Note that you will need to register callbacks for these custom actions in your service worker code, to handle whatever is supposed to happen when the user clicks on a custom button:
Service Worker:
// Retrieve an instance of Firebase Messaging so that it can handle background messages.
const messaging = firebase.messaging();
// Add an event listener to handle notification clicks
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(event) {
if (event.action === 'like') {
// Like button was clicked
const photoId = event.notification.data.photoId;
else if (event.action === 'unsubscribe') {
// Unsubscribe button was clicked
const notificationType = event.notification.data.notificationType;
I have a mobile app built on Ionic 3, using Firebase and FCM plugin to send notifications.
I have 2 problems :
The badge never appears (tested on iOs and Android) (but the notifications are working normally)
When I click on the notification, I am re-directed to my application's home page. But I would like to be re-directed on a specific page of my application. Apparently, that should be specified by changing the "activity" on the "click_action" parameter, however my app doesn't have any activity.
Thanks for your help.
Here is my code :
var headers = new Headers();
headers.append("Accept", 'application/json');
headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');
headers.append('Authorization', 'key=xxxxx:xxxx')
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
let postParams = {
"notification": {
"title": "Mon-appli",
"body": "Nouvelle réservation",
"sound": "default",
"click_action": "FCM_PLUGIN_ACTIVITY",
"icon": "fcm_push_icon"
"data": {
"param1": "value1",
"param2": "value2"
"to": "/topics/all",
"priority": "high",
"restricted_package_name": ""
this.http.post("https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send", postParams, options)
.subscribe(data => {
this.nb_notif = this.nb_notif +1;
}, error => {});
I ended up here because I have the same problem with badge as you. But I think that I can answer your number 2 problem:
The redirection has nothing to do with your notification set-up. You'll need to unsubscribe from the authentication observer.
So unsubscribe in app.component.ts from the listener as follow:
const authUnsubscribe = afAuth.authState.subscribe( user => {
if (user) {
this.rootPage = 'HomePage';
this.rootPage = 'LoginPage';
And for question number 1:
You'll have to add badge:1 in your notification:{..} description.
"notification": {
"title": "Mon-appli",
"body": "Nouvelle réservation",
"sound": "default",
"click_action": "FCM_PLUGIN_ACTIVITY",
"icon": "fcm_push_icon",